GB/T 2900.66-2004 Electrical terminology: semiconductor devices and integrated circuits
other information
Release date:2004-05-10
Review date:2004-10-14
drafter:Zhao Ying, Gu Zhenqiu, Yang Fu, Luo Faming, Liu Chunxun, Chen Yukun
Drafting unit:China Electronics Standardization Institute
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Terminology
Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Terminology
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
competent authority:National Standardization Administration
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GB/T 2900.66—2004/1EC 60050-521:2002Electrical Vocabulary
Semiconductor devices and integrated circuits
Fle:irotechnical lerminolngy-Semicmductor devices and integrated circuits(1Et: 60050-521;2002,lnteralinmal elerirechmal vocabularyPart 52l:Seniconducior devices and integrated circuits circuit, IDT)2004-05-10 issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2004-12-01 implementation
GB/T2900.66—2004/IFC:60050-521.20C2 Foreword
Normative references
3 Terms and meanings
Atomic matter! Technology
Semiconductor fine characteristics
"Card material process
Semiconductor device type
Semiconductor general terminology
Diodeswitches rarely used terms...
Product-specific terms
3.R-terminal terminology for product transistors (product transistors)
Effect devices and energy-saving devices..3.9
Huacheng Road-specific terms
Digital integrated circuits-specific terms
Chinese index
English version
GBT 230.66-2004/1EC 60C50-5212002 (3: This part of T2900 shall apply to 1E C63050.521: 2022 International Electrical Specifications Part 521: Semi-automatic Devices for Use
This part is translated from IEC65-521 by our company.
For the convenience of use, this part has been shortened to the following: \"Original national standard\" is changed to "Part 1", the first note of the national standard is removed
This standard is numbered with 10050-2303-1, and this standard is issued by the National Electrotechnical Commission for Standardization. This standard is in full compliance with the standards. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the China Electrotechnical Commission for Standardization (CESI) Mechanical Science Research Institute: Drafting personnel: English, Chinese, English, Chinese 、Multiple inventions、Wen Youli、Chen Yuni、1Fan pressure
CB/T2900.66-2004/TEC:60050-521:2002 Electrical terminology, semiconductor devices and integrated circuits GH/T2933 defines the general technical terms of semiconductor technology, citing the general technical terms of semiconductor design and semiconductor class components, 2 Normative references to this document
T:6-1:1 International Electrical Vocabulary Part 11: Electrical and digital devices 3 Terms and definitions
3.1 Atomic physics terms
Non-quantized systems (opericles) new Energy is the energy that can be absorbed and discharged through the traces of the day... the same particle's position and speed are produced with the fixed microscopic state of the system.
Quantized system (quantizedsystem (fa-ticles) particle energy can only take discrete values of the particle system. 521-01-03
Hawkes-Boltz statistics Maxwell-Hnltzmannstatistics car non-disk system out of the small volume of the stomach, speed or average of the general state of the year and. 521-91-0
Boltz more Beltzmaan relatiun said the following relationship: in addition to one that can be attached and the effect, the material system's drip dry macro-mixed state analysis of the self-heating sensitivity of the public some commonly taught types of reports
walk Maxwell Boll velocity distribution extension: MaxweBollzmnvelo-lty-tlisiriluliunlaw give non-F flexible system avoidance degree points left guard separately in two (d) d), ten of the number of particles algebraically reached:
-tested total number;
particles, pressure music:
T——heat Mechanical temperature;
X: N represents the temperature of a small new test room, 521-01-06
Bohr atom Fohatmm
Ding Ding Bohr and the concept of sommeneld's electron model are the original Newton's electron model with discrete surface reduction auxiliary network color analysis reverse use ticket GB/T2900.66—2304/1EC:EC053-521:2002 original recovery motion.
juice: and the original + #·free to also·the initial check·giant potential determined atomic intention created light system 52--{11-07
love number (Jing is the original one in the city)
quantun Jumhert af an elsctror. in a gisen sto!year a table given the original Chinese electricity mouth back to my effect, the main number
Dun creation quantum number;
wide travel quantity Ding effect:
total angle movement effect.
priacipalquantum aumberfirt quntut unbermain quantum clamp
represents a rotten child electronic solution level main English committee north positive integer:, according to the service, for the child to teach my small, 521-C1-09
can prove that the quantum number of the part is quantum teaching
: according to, can recognize the child effect representation of the child used for the movement of the real, 521-01-10
select "quantum in number: spin:quantum number ) When the electron is a charged ball rotating around itself, the total angular momentum of the electron is calculated as: -1:3 or -1/2,
The total angular momentum quantum number 1otelaungulaurmnnentamgnaantuinminher cloud was generated by its own motion and the quantum number of magnetism generated by its own real shoe transmission. ,
The energy level of the particle is the same as the state of the physical system. 52~01 13
energy-will diagram
a kind of diagram which uses horizontal load to represent the energy pole in chemical observation system, and its ordinate is the energy quality of the material. 52-112
Paull-Ferniexclusionprinciple Paull-Ferniexclusionprinciple Panltprlnple
quantity in chemical system new middle-aged me! Energy penetration or "a principle" Note: Fighting one in the case of two, one is a stock penalty early, 521-01-15
Fermi-Irac statistics Fermi-Dirrcslis1ie Fermi system FFrrmi statistics
Only discrete energy numbers and avoid Pauli step by step to understand the boundary of the system can be relaxed and so on "chemical system can say the rate of change of state. 521-n1-16
FermiIractunclianGR,T 2900.66—2004/1C: 60050-621:2002 According to the integral of the system, the energy efficiency of the system () is the effect of the energy efficiency) P(F)
is the Boltzmann constant!
\Thermodynamic temperature:
FE—-double energy level.
1 cxp
energy level is fully ionized. It is called ionization, 1 into 2 core 62101
Lao Mi energy level TermHerel
whole mass is pool to zero degree, the lipids in the mass body that have changed to the final state of the distribution of the water, note, when it stops! When the heart of the meter is fixed,
electron luuerlecron
single electron stored in an energy sensitive, 521-01-19
Fermi-Sarah-Sommerfeld distribution with FeimiiDiracSnmmcrfeldvelocilydisiributlonlaw gives the quantized system components of the balance to be in the interval with (wet micro N generation:
the total effect;
the mass of the inspection:
thermal flux;
glass official business to bring!
weighted kinetic energy, E=
internal work function:
(uI ?:
a particle is strictly considered to be divided into three new considerations within the internal absorption rate. photoelectrle etrect
Photoelectric effect
Phenomenon caused by the absence of light:
Photovoltaic effect
Photoelectric effect
photovolfaie ffeet
Producing a potential due to the absorption of electrons, GR/T 2900.66—20Q4/1F.T:60050-521:2002521-01-22
Photoconductivity effect plulocundutirefeet to change the rate of electricity as its characteristic photoelectric effect 521-01-23
Photomagnetoelectric effect phutueleclrunagmlit ffet安要到做和自作写形身广生场虚场虚场,核电领域等发由光电效和转流严流:3.2Semiconductor Material Characteristics
two kinds of materials are made up of a material with a total charge and current density between the conductor and the carrier density in this material changes with external conditions,
unit semiconductor xinglremen1semiconduclarIn pure state, it is composed of a semiconductor. 521-02-03
compound semiconductors
campoaudsem icmdactor
In a pure state, a semiconductor composed of several elements has a ratio of 521-02-04
the other elements in the unit cell of the semiconductor are determined by the ratio of the other elements in the compound: 521-02-C5
impuritiesmpurityacilvatiouergythey are caused by the impurities between the intermediate energy level and the adjacent energy band521-C2-5
the conductivity of the ions is greater than the conductivity of the electrons due to the movement of holes. 521-02-07
intrinsic semiconductorintrinsicsemiconkluctor a short circuit conductor, under thermal equilibrium conditions, its specific conductivity is equal to the concentration of the selected electrode. 52152-08
non-intrinsic semiconductorextrinsirkemicinduclar a unique semiconductor that is caused by the concentration of impurities or other defects. 521-02-09
N-type semiconductorN-typesemicondueton
conducting electrons in an environment with a rate exceeding six degrees, 521-02-10
P-type conductorp-typesemieunduclor a non-intrinsic semiconductor with a rate exceeding six degrees of concentration521-02-11
compensated semiconductorcampensatedsemiconductor a conductive type Impurities I current descent degree of the pool or completely offset the 5 kinds of impurities in the conductor before the photoconductor.
Non-degenerate semiconductor nnn-degeneralesemicrnduetarGB/T2900.66—20U2/1EC:60050-521:2002 Located in the Fermi level of the energy source of the earth energy band up to the typical such as a single small for the belt teaching and thermodynamic wet product twice a semiconductor,
: in grams.
And the conductor deacncrate stmicurduclur Fe Wen difference is not located in the conductor or in the value or in one of the energy bands of the medical I" change to add a plate to the source and the temperature of the heat knife research machine times and less conductor.
Abstract: The construction and operation of semiconductors are based on the statistics of Ferrari 521-02-14
Electrons can move in a conductor under the action of an electric field, 521-02-15
Electron current
Under the action of an external electric field, free or real current is formed by the movement of charge carriers in a medium: 521-02-16
A material containing charge carriers that can move under the action of a field. 521-02-17
The vacancies in the band are filled with electric fields, and the electric field sheet is a function of the movement of large charge bars. 521-02-18
Hole conduction
In semiconductors, the holes are transported by electric fields. 521-02-19
Electron conduction
In semiconductors, the conduction is the conduction formed by the electric field. 521-02-20
Intrinsic conduction
In semiconductors, the heat source generates the real holes and the small electric currents are also generated by the movement of the conductor. 521-02-21
external energy continues to pressurize the center to make the ions fall, so that the electrons can also quasi-directional motion and form a conductive scarf 521-02-22
band occupied by electrons, among which can move freely under the application of external field, 521-02-23
valence bandvalenceband
the valence band of the net 1 elastic product is a single zero degree full ancient full 2: the valence band is the main production of the valence band, production promotion flyer, CB/T 2900.66—2004/TEC: 63050-521.20C2521-02-24
energy gapenergygh
energy between the edge of the conduction band and the upper edge of the valence band521-02-25
energy bandena
Bloch bandBluclbunn
almost continuous energy level group in matter,
energy band (semi-thin)enersbaidir:oenitori l.nicn In semiconductors, the range of energy levels is limited by the maximum and minimum values of the energy band. The energy levels in the energy band are not all occupied by any electron in the excited state of the electron. Therefore, when the energy level is 521-02-28
, it corresponds to the energy level of the excited state of the electron in the material. 521-72 29
rsermittel hand
an energy band can be occupied by any electron. 521-02-30
Band Forbidden Inmd
Cannot be electronically matched with the belt,
In this material, the first excitation band (band>Band Forbidden Phase) is full of books.The energy required to excite an electron from the valence band to the signal band is sufficient to make the electron more energetic. 62--02-32
In absolute zero consideration, the energy level of the band occupied by the micro-electromagnetic part, 52102-33
completely zero interest, so that the effect is not occupied by the property, 52:-02-34
by the surface of the finger technique, a kind of filled band, 52*-02-3 5
local energy level
under the condition of low exchange rate, the impurity energy level impuritylerel
caused by the defect in the product will cause a local energy level in the forbidden area,
impurity band
GA/T2903.GG—20C4/1EC: 60060-571:20C2A band in the product where part or part of the energy level group is located 521-02-38
in the product and forms an electric defect by donating electrons. 521-02-39
receiver arceplor
in the calculation grid, the number of whole chemical potential medicine is used to receive the light-saving mode of Guangdong Province, and the six-school 4 replacement trap is replaced by:
521-02 40
apply soil energy level dunur level
In the non-original extension, the extension of the learning band, the middle impurity level, the birth, the absolute open time energy extreme disease heart: the common energy certificate, the same month level, the main energy level of the teacher and the relatives are all with,
Affected by the soil energy is relatively
In the non-wood certificate half rest. Seek the impurity level in the middle of the river. : In the degree of influence of the upper level is also the lower energy section, influenced by the energy level or the energy band, 521-52-42
surface energy level
ten products. The surface action of the quality or other fast sinking caused by the publication of local energy levels. 52172-1.3
donor e-commerce energy lonlzlngeergyordanon micro-ten release three energy level on the day let the book the minimum energy, 521-#2-44
love the main good away from the sale
price with the above items, the heart to the bottom of the river cut the required amount of energy, 521-02-45
ideal product
the first code is the complete need for the period of color does not contain deterioration or other defects, 521-C2-46
ideal ratio of ingredients skhimelriccompositlom chemical composition of the middle-aged element confusion will conform to the molecular formula represented by the proportion. 521-C2-47
Absent quality: aperertanylanire and ideal quality forest in the structure of the horse,
intrinsic conductivity
intrinsic conductivity of semiconductor,
521 02-49
N-type conductivity
abstract conductivity caused by the main, 521-02-50
accepted by the hole drug movement caused by the chamber
teaching flow in (this) charge Carrlertneeaadulor number of conduction electrons, holes or ions in the body, 521-C2-52
more [number] in the semiconducting position: mnjnritycarrier (ineiricor.c.uctarTegioa) liquid concentration exceeds the total carrier liquid concentration of one of the cutting flow 521-0253
less [number] T (semi-isomeric) mlnorityearrierirBseriordleljr-im) liquid concentration is lower than the total carrier concentration of one of the war benefit 521-02-54
excess carrier in excsscanrien
cause the conduction electron number of the carrier to be in the thermodynamic equilibrium state 521-02-55
conductivity regulation The ennconductivitymednlation (ofscmicondustur) of a semiconductor is caused by excess flow or the change in the search rate, 521-32-56
the surface rapid connection velocity of a small number of effective carriers moving to the surface of the semiconductor will be reduced, and the recovery limit of the effective carrier is shown in the table below. 521-02-57
the bulk life (minarrcarrieta) is the time required for the semiconductor to reach its initial effective value within the average semiconductor life. The concentration of a small number of sensitive drugs may be reduced to a certain extent. 521-02-56
Drift mobility (carrier driftmnhilinachgeczr-itr) is the quotient of the average carrier mobility in an electric field and the electric field density. 521-02-53
Diffusion length (diffusion length) is the range of motion caused only by concentration density. 521-02-60
Diffusion length (number of carriers) is the diffusion length (length of carriers) when a minority carrier is formed in a conductor, its velocity is reduced by about one-tenth of its initial velocity. 521-02-61
Expand the number of respect (I flow) diffunicnentantitcharucarie) expand the outflow quality divided by the original ladder of Renda to obtain the quotient 521-02-62
flow substorage (semiconductor towel) clnrge rarrie storage:itaeminnductat?Compared with the value under zero bias conditions, I tried the local increase of waste: 521-02-63
In semiconductor forbidden, the level of material embedded or formed, these levels are used as the core or the sequence of holes, : 5202-64
In the semiconductor forbidden band, the product is still or the dimension level of impurity negative shadow, which can promote the conduction of electrons and holes, 8
PN interface PMbirundary
GB/T2900.65—2004/1EC60050·521:2002 this study
The first area between two average regions, in this area the gate performance changes. : * The center of the average region is the same as the sample, 521-02-67
impurity concentration transition region impurityconeenlralianLransilionzune the area where the quality concentration changes from one value to another. 521-12-68
Neutral reglon
The negative pole of the neutron-islanded acceptor atom is actually a small region although it is parallel to the fixed and islanded protective atoms:
potential barrier
In the material connected with each other, between two regions of different properties, a space charge region is formed due to the expansion of current on both sides, thus generating a potential. 521-02-70
N junction: potential barrlertotaPNjuneliun potential barrier between two points in the potential zone type 521-02-71
Schottky barrier Schnkharrier
When the metal conductor is connected to the semiconductor, it forms a transition zone on the surface of the flat conductor and its characteristics are only the idle block or the current is transferred to a zone to create a potential reduction rate
junction imrtlon
not the electrical characteristics of other types of components between the core areas. 521-02-73
abrupt junctionahruptjunelion
a junction whose width in the direction of impurity concentration gradient is much smaller than the width of the space charge zone, 521-02-74
a junction whose width in the direction of impurity concentration gradient is much smaller than the width of the space charge zone. 521-02-75
alloy junctionallnyed jenctinn
a junction of one or more materials and a semiconductor body containing a metal. 521-02-76
a junction formed in a semiconductor crystal by the use of a total protection mechanism 521-02-77
growth junclian
a junction formed when a semiconductor body grows from a small wave.
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