title>GB/T 3997.2-1998 Test method for compressive strength of shaped insulating refractory products at room temperature - GB/T 3997.2-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Home > GB > GB/T 3997.2-1998 Test method for compressive strength of shaped insulating refractory products at room temperature
GB/T 3997.2-1998 Test method for compressive strength of shaped insulating refractory products at room temperature
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 3997.2-1998
Standard Name: Test method for compressive strength of shaped insulating refractory products at room temperature
This standard specifies the test method for the compressive strength of shaped thermal insulating refractory products at room temperature. GB/T 3997.2-1998 Test method for the compressive strength of shaped thermal insulating refractory products at room temperature GB/T3997.2-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
GB/1 3997.2-1996 This standard adds 295185 heat resistance of forming products and GM/T:7.2-198. The main differences are as follows: S Zong Wen added new specifications 2.1 System of forming technology , etc., and stipulates: 506805, etc. The test of the light risk of women on the selection of the whole degree of -7.4 plus the rate control test requirements of the new 16X, more than GB/T3997.2198 requirements, the test unique new content (/-13-shaped high strength test of fire-resistant products required by the test method) by the State Administration of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, the drafting unit: Youyang resistant material research and improvement, the main person in charge of the standard: pregnant water to, the standard was first implemented in 13H (Lan 3 years. 1 GB/T3997.2-:998 I 130 International Organization for Standardization is the world-wide international standards association (ISO). International Standards are usually prepared by technical committees. Member countries are authorized to approve technical committees on a given subject. Governmental or non-governmental organizations in liaison with ISO may also participate in this work. 15) In all technical standardization matters, ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Before ISO is recognized as an international standard, a draft international standard shall be adopted by the technical committee in accordance with the national product environment list. It can only be approved by at least one member country. International Standards (ISO) 8851/FCS3 are prepared by the Technical Committee on Fire Materials. 121 1Fang Gu National Standard of the People's Republic of China Test method for compressive strength of shaped insulating refractory products at room temperature Shaped iasulaling refractory products.lieermination of cokd crushing strength car standard specifies the test method for the aging and crushing strength of solid insulating refractory products. 2Reference standard CE/3997.2--195B idt 1s0 8895:1986bzxz.net Niu#GB/T329/.3-1883 The following standards contain excerpts, which are also cited in this standard and constitute the provisions of this standard. When this standard is published, the latest version is the number, and all standards will be revised. The parties using this standard should consider the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards (iB.110325--1S88 Rules for the payment, acceptance and transportation of pyrotechnic products 3 Definitions This standard adopts The following definitions are given: Rold crushing ircngth is the maximum load that a refractory material can withstand per unit area without breaking at room temperature. For refractory products with a diameter of less than 45 mm, place the sample in a test chamber under normal conditions, and start loading at a specified speed until the sample breaks or reaches its original height, and record the maximum load. The maximum load constant and the ratio of the center of the specimen to the normal temperature compressive strength. Equipment 5.1 The machine is a pressure reducing test machine. The loading speed is uniform and the error of the indicated value is within 2%. The test should be able to be applied with care. If the maximum force on the specimen is greater than 1 of the testing machine capacity: The two pressure plates of the testing machine should be researched. The upper pressure core should be installed on a shaped seat to compensate for the small difference between the parallelism of the specimen and the pressure plate. The lower pressure core should be marked to facilitate the test of the center of the drinking car card. 5 .2 Micrometer or other suitable platform: measure the deformation of the specimen; 5.3 Measure the deformation of the specimen by calibrating it to its geometric shape; 5.4 Two sample boxes: can control the temperature at 1:52.6 Specimens E.1. The number of the product to be tested (carbon or prefabricated) shall be determined in accordance with GB3/T10323 or other standards agreed upon by both parties, and shall be implemented in accordance with GB/T 3997.2 approved by the National Quality Supervision Bureau on December 15, 1998 [22 1994-108·07 GB/T 3997.2 --1998 5.2 Only one test sample shall be taken from each manufacturer's standard size or registered size. The number of test samples shall be agreed upon by the relevant market for the purpose of statistical analysis. The sample measurement time for finished products shall be: 111m7)r4114ms4(65)ml 6.4 For special shapes of products, any of the measurements specified in 6.3 may be taken. 6.5 The flatness of the test plate. Flatness error. 3mm. Use a ruler or 0.35mm feeler gauge to check the two lines on the bearing surface of each specimen to control whether the flatness of the test plate meets the requirements. 6.6 The parallelism error between the bearing surfaces of each specimen is within 1mm. The height of the test plate specimen is measured through the midpoint of the four sides. The deviation between the measured values shall not exceed 1. 6.7 The auxiliary line of each test plate shall be perpendicular to its bottom and within 1mm: The gap between the vertical step of the triangle plate and the specimen shall not exceed mm. Test steps 7.1 Measure the length and width of the bearing surface of the specimen, and measure the height of the test plate at the center of the four sides. Accurate to. 7.2 Dry the test piece in the box (5.4) at 15% ± 5% to constant weight, and avoid moisture when cooling each time. 7.3 Align the larger surface of the test piece (14mm×1-4mm>) with the center of the lower pressure plate of the testing machine (5.1), and install the measuring instrument (5.2) on the lower pressure plate 1 to measure the positive deformation of the test piece. 7.4 Increase the load continuously at the following speeds. For products with a predicted temperature compressive strength of less than 3MPa, the loading rate is (5.05=10 added)MPa/s: b) For products with a predicted temperature positive strength of equal to or greater than 10MPa, the loading rate is (l2=1U5%)MP/s: 7.5 The total number of times or the confirmed height of the test piece specified in 7.41 is %. Record the maximum load during the test. 8 Calculation of results 8.1 Press or calculate the room temperature withstand voltage: N . The maximum load indicated during the test, N - sample length, grams, the average value of the measured length, the average value of the single test sample, m. 8.2 The room temperature withstand voltage is expressed in M, accurate to .1MPe Note: The SI unit is 2s MPa 9 Test report The test console should include the following: ) Test unit: 6 Test date: :) Execution standard: According to B/3HV7.2 Normal temperature strength test method for heat insulation products d) Description of the test material (producer, model, etc.:, e) Test brick defect (5. Chapter 6): 123 C/1 3997. 2 —1998 The test details of each test brick are as follows: Sample size h) If possible, the relationship between the test force and the brick pressure is called;) Ball rate (see 7.4): 1) The test is terminated when the sample is damaged or the deformation reaches 10% (5.7.5): k) Each sample pressure test sheet is for you (see s.). If possible, report the average value and average value of each test.124 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.