This technical condition is applicable to the pulp used in making various speaker cones. SJ 2316-1983 Technical Conditions for Speaker Pulp SJ2316-1983 Standard download decompression password:
This technical condition is applicable to the pulp used in making various speaker cones.
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Standard SJ2316-83 of the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China Technical conditions for paper pulp used in loudspeakers Published on March 1, 1983 Implemented on October 1, 1983 Approved by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China Standard Technical conditions for paper pulp used in loudspeakers of the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China This technical condition is applicable to the pulp used to manufacture various paper cones of loudspeakers 1 Classification 1.1 Paper pulp used in loudspeakers is divided into three categories: A, B and C. Category A: unbleached sulfite pulp. Category B: bleached sulfite pulp. Category C: unbleached sulfate pulp. 1.2 Paper pulp used in loudspeakers is divided into the following categories according to the wood species: fish scale pine, stinking pine, sand pine unbleached sulfite pulp 1.2.1 fish scale pine, stinking pine, sand pine bleached sulfite pulp. Masson pine unbleached sulfite pulp Red pine and white pine unbleached kraft pulp. Fish scale pine and stinking pine unbleached kraft pulp 2 Technical requirements 2.1 The performance indicators of paper pulp for speakers shall meet the requirements of Table 1. Issued by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on March 1, 1983 1 SJ2316-83 Implemented on October 1, 1983 Indicator name Hardness (Kappa number) Not less than 20°SR 20°SR 20°SR 45°SR 60°SR Resin, fat and tree waxNot more than Original pulp beating degree Not more than Moisture content (calculated moisture)Not more than Dust degree, 500g absolute dry No more than 5m in the pulp*Pulp board towel No more than 5m Dust larger than 5mm2 in the pulp board Dust, spotted rust, resin block Kg/ems Kg/emt mm*/500g piece/5m piece/5mt 0.1~2.5mm2 Dust 2000 3.0~5.0mm2 Dust 10 Not allowed SJ2316-83 Dust 70 00 3.0~5.0mm2 Dust 25 0.08~2.50mm2 Dust 150 3.0~5.0mm2 Dust 6 Not allowed 0.25~1.0mm2 Dust 1000 1.0~3.0mml Dust 25 Not allowed 0.25~2.0mml Dust 700 1,0~2.0mm2 Dust 10 Not allowed Test method GB1546-—79 GB1542-79 GB453-79 GB457-79 GB454—79 QB112—61 GB741-79 QB137—81 GB1541-76 GB1541—79 Use Schober type beating degree The copper mesh is 80 mesh SJ2316--83 The elastic modulus and loss factor of loudspeaker pulp shall comply with the requirements of Table 2. 2 Indicator name Elastic modulus (E) ×1010 dyne/cm2 Loss factor (6) 3.0~4.8/3.0~4.5 Test method SJ2317—83 SJ2317—83 Note: ①The test paper is made according to the light standard QB140-61<Determination of mechanical strength of chemical pulp and mechanical wood pulp, with a beating degree of 20SR and a basis weight of 200 g/m* ②The indicators in this table are not subject to supervision and assessment. 3 Acceptance rules 3.1 The products shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer and shall be accompanied by a quality certificate. 3.2 The user has the right to check whether the various indicators of the batch of products meet the requirements of this technical condition in accordance with the provisions of this technical condition. 3.3 If one of the test results does not meet the requirements of this technical condition, the sample should be doubled and re-tested for the unqualified item; if the re-test result is still unqualified, the whole batch of pulp pieces will be unqualified. If the re-test result meets the requirements of this technical condition, it will still be qualified. 3.4 The sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB740-79 "Method for taking average samples of chemical pulp". 4 Packaging and marking 4.1 The weight of each piece of pulp shall not exceed 170Kg. 4.2 Different categories and types of pulp shall be packaged separately. 4.3 The following marks shall be marked on the packaging of each piece of pulp: 4.3.1 Product name and brand: 4.3.2 Batch number and number of pulp pieces; 4.3.3 Net weight and gross weight; 4.3.4 Manufacturing date: 4.3.5 Production unit. 5 Storage and Transportation 5.1 The pulp should be properly stored to prevent it from being affected by rain, snow and ground moisture. 5.2 The pulp should be transported in a clean and covered vehicle. It can also be transported in a uncovered carriage, but it must be covered with a rag to prevent rain, snow and water from wetting the finished product. 5.3 During transportation and stacking, pulp must not be dropped from a high place. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.