title>Directives for standardization—Part 2:Drafting rules of standardizing documents based on ISO/IEC standardizing documents - GB/T 1.2-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Directives for standardization—Part 2:Drafting rules of standardizing documents based on ISO/IEC standardizing documents

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 1.2-2020

Standard Name:Directives for standardization—Part 2:Drafting rules of standardizing documents based on ISO/IEC standardizing documents

Chinese Name: 标准化工作导则第2部分:以ISO/IEC标准化文件为基础的标准化文件起草规则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-11-19

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation >> 01.120 General Principles of Standardization

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

alternative situation:Replace GB/T 20000.2-2009; GB/T 20000.9-2014

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information

drafter:Li Jia, Pang Zhenghu, Bai Dianyi, Liu Shenzhai, Du Xiaoyan, Wang Yiyi, Bai Demei, Li Gang, Ma Dejun, Wang Chunxi, Lu Xilin, Wang Wenli, Liu Yixin

Drafting unit:China Institute of Standardization, China Standards Press, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, Machinery Industry Instrumentation Comprehensive Technical and Economic Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Standardization Principles and Methods (SAC/TC 286)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee on Standardization Principles and Methods (SAC/TC 286)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation and National Standardization Administration Committee

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 1.2-2020.Directives for standardization-Part 2:Drafting rules of standardizing documents based on ISO/IEC standardizing documents.
GB/T 1.2 defines national standardization documents and correspondence The degree of consistency of ISO/IEC standardization documents establishes the overall principles and requirements for drafting national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents, and stipulates the drafting steps, relevant elements and rules for writing appendices.
GB/T 1.2 is suitable for drafting national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents. When drafting based on standardization documents issued by other organizations, they should be used as a reference according to the copyright and adoption policies of the corresponding organizations.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 1.1 Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents
GB/T 2000.1 Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: Common Terms for Standardization and Related Activities
||tt ||3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 1.1 and GB/T 2000.1 and the following apply to this document.
standardizing document
A document developed through standardization activities.
Note: my country's standardization documents include standards, standardization guidance technical documents and other document types. ISO/IEC standardization documents include standards, technical specifications
(3.1.1), publicly available specifications (3.1.2), technical reports (3.1.), guidelines (3.1.4), and international seminar protocols ( 3.1.5) and other file types.
[Source: GB/T 2000.1-2014,5.2]
Technical Specification
<issued by ISO and/or IEC>current stage Because the technical content involved in the standardization object is still in the development stage or the consensus required to form a standard has not been reached, the standardization documents passed at the committee stage may form a standard in the future.
This standard defines the degree of consistency between national standardization documents and corresponding ISO/IEC standardization documents, establishes the overall principles and requirements for drafting national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents, and stipulates the drafting steps, relevant Rules for writing elements and appendices.

Some standard content:

ICS01.120 | | tt | 9-2014 Standardization Work Guidelines
Part 2: Drafting rules for standardizing documents based on ISO/IEC standardizing documents
Directives for standardization-Part 2Drafting rules of standardizing documents based on ISO/IEC standardizing documents( ISO/IEC Guide 21:2005, Regional or national adoption of International Standards and other International Deliverables, NEQ) released on 2020-11-19
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration Committee
released| |tt||2021-06-01Implementation
Prenatal care
1 Scope
Normative quotation Documents
3 Terms and Definitions
Consistency Degree and Dual Numbering
Consistency Degree Classification
4.2 Consistency Degree Identification
4.3 Dual Numbering|| tt||5 General principles and requirements
5.1 Comply with ISO/IEC relevant rules and policy documents5.2 Comply with the drafting rules of my country's standardization documents5.3 Equivalent or modified based on national conditions
5.4 Drafted for the corresponding type of country Standardization document 5.5 is drafted as a one-to-one corresponding national standardization document 5.6 and incorporates amendments and/or technical corrections
Comply with the translation provisions of auxiliary verbs in the clauses
Drafting steps
Preparation of elements| |tt||Cover
7.3 Introduction
Normative reference documents
Contents in normative elements
7.6 References||tt| |8 Preparation of appendices
Appendix A (Normative) Translation of auxiliary verbs in ISO/IEC standardization document clauses...Appendix B (Informative) Explanation of the relationship between national standardization documents and ISO/IEC standardization documents in the preface Example Appendix C (Informative) Examples of expressing technical differences and their causes under different circumstances, Appendix D (Informative) Examples of a structure number comparison list and a list of technical differences and their causes -rrKaeerKca-
Foreword||tt ||GB/T1.2-2020
This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.1-2020 "Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents".
GB/T1 Standardization Work Guidelines" and GB/T20000 "Standardization Work Guidelines", GB/T20001 "Standard Writing Rules", GB/T20002 "Drafting of Specific Content in Standards" GB/T20003 "Special Standards for the Development of Standards" Procedures" and GB/T20004 Group Standardization" together constitute the basic national standards system that supports the standard formulation work. This document is Part 2 of the GB/T1 "Standardization Work Guidelines". GB/T1 has released the following parts: Part 1: Structure and drafting regulations of standardization documents; Part 2: Standardization document drafting rules based on ISO/IEC standardization documents. This document represents GB/T20000.22009 "Standardization Work Guide Part 2: Adoption of International Standards" and GB/T20000.9-2014 "Standardization Work Guide Part 9: Adoption of Other International Standardization Documents". This document is mainly based on GB/T20000.2-2009 and integrates the contents of GB/T20000.9-2014. Compared with GB/T20000.2-2009, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows:
The applicable countries of the document have been changed, and the applicable national standardization documents have been strictly limited to countries Standardization document, the international a
standardization document based on is determined as the ISO/IEC standardization document (see Chapter 1, Chapter 1 of GB/T20000.22009); when the degree of consistency is "equivalent", " The special case of "allowed structural adjustments" (see; b)
Added several cases including minimal editorial changes [see 1)j) and k in , and deleted the situation of "adding unit conversion content when using different measurement unit systems" (see 4.2 of GB/T20000.2-2009); changed "General Provisions" to "General Principles and Requirements", and changed the corresponding The technical content (see Chapter 5, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3 and Appendix E of GB/T20000.2d
2009) 3 has deleted the concepts and related concepts of translation law and redrafting law. expression, and relevant provisions on method selection (see e)
5.2.1, 5.3.1 and 5.4 of GB/T20000.22009); a chapter "Drafting Steps" (see Chapter 6) has been added. The ten rules for writing the "preface" of elements have been formulated, and the relevant content of GB/T20000.2-2009 has been changed and incorporated (see g
7.2, 5.1.4, 6.1 of GB/T20000.2-2009. 1 and 6.1.3) Added several regulations for the abbreviation element "normative reference documents", and changed the relevant content of GB/T20000.2-2009 h)
for later inclusion (see 7.4, GB/ 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 8.3.2 and 8.3.3) of T20000.22009; added the relevant content in "Replacement of Referenced Documents" and changed the relevant content of GB/T20000.2-2009 Post-acceptor i
See 7.5.1, of GB/T20000.2-2009); Added several writing rules for the element "references" (see 7.6); k) Added " Appendix" expression rules (see 8.3). This document refers to ISO/IEC Guide 21-1: 2005 "Regional or national standards adopt ISO/IEC standards and other standardization documents Part 1: Adoption of ISO/IEC standards" and ISO/ IEC Guide 21-2: 2005 Regional Standards or National Standards Adopt ISO/TEC Standards and Other Standardization Documents Part 2: Adopt Other Standardization Documents Other than ISO/IEC Standards" Drafted, the degree of consistency is non-equivalent, and the type of writing is by The ISO/IEC guidelines are adjusted to my country's national standards. This document was proposed and published by the National Standardization Technical Committee on Principles and Methods (SAC/TC286). This document was drafted by: China Institute of Standardization, China Standards Press, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, and the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Mechanical Industry Instruments. The main drafters of this document: Li Jia, Feng Zhenghu, Bai Dianyi, Liu Shenzhai, Du Xiaoyan, Wang Yiyi, Bai Demei, Li Gang, Ma Dejun, Wang Chunxi, I
GB/T1. 2—2020
Lu Xilin, Wang Wenli, Liu Yixin.
The previous versions of the document replaced by this document are: GB/T20000.2, first released in 2001, first revised in 2009, GB/T20000.9, first released in 2014. -riKaeerkca-
Standardization is an activity to develop and apply standards in order to establish the best order and promote common benefits. In order to ensure the orderly development of standardization activities and promote the realization of standardization goals and benefits, establishing rules for the standardization activities themselves has become the primary task of various domestic and foreign standardization agencies to carry out standardization activities. In this regard, our country has established a basic national standards system to support standard formulation work. In this standard system, GB/T1 Standardization Work Guidelines are the basic and universal standards that guide my country's standardization activities. GB/T1 aims to establish T. applicable to the drafting, formulation and organization of standardized documents.The working guidelines are planned to be composed of four parts - Part 1: Structure and drafting rules of standardized documents. The purpose is to establish the general principles and relevant rules that need to be followed when drafting various standardization documents.
Part 2: Standardization document drafting rules based on ISO/IEC standardization documents. The purpose is to establish the general principles and relevant rules that need to be followed when drafting national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents. Part 3: Procedure for developing standardized documents. The purpose is to establish operable, traceable and verifiable procedures for the formulation of standardized documents.
Part 4: Standardization Technical Organization. The purpose is to establish the hierarchical structure of the organization and stipulate the management and operation requirements of the organization so that the standardization technical organization can be widely participated by all relevant parties. There are two main methods used to draft standardization documents: one is independent development and drafting, and the other is drafting based on ISO/IEC standardization documents. The drafting rules related to these two methods are closely related, so it is very necessary to compile the drafting rules applicable to the second method into "Part 2" of GB/T1.
ISO/TEC Guideline 211:2005 and ISO/IEC Guideline 21-2:2005 are guidelines for countries to draft national standardization documents based on ISO/1EC standardization documents. my country has revised and adopted these two international standardization documents as GB/T20000.2-2009 and GB/T20000.2-2009. GB/T20000.9-2014, they have played an important role in guiding the drafting of my country's standardization documents based on international standardization documents. However, with the development of standardization practice, the deepening of standardization theoretical research and the improvement of intellectual property awareness, there is an urgent need to review the original standards. The content specified in the document is adjusted to adapt to new developments and changes. First of all, in order to strictly abide by the rules stipulated by ISO/IEC and avoid copyright disputes, it is necessary to apply the Chinese standardization documents applicable to the document and the scope of the international standardization documents based on which the drafting is based. Make adjustments: Strictly limit the applicable Chinese standardization documents to national standardization documents: identify the international standardization documents as ISO/IEC standardization documents. H Secondly, based on the actual situation of guiding the drafting of my country's national standardization documents, GB/T20000. 2 and GB/T20000.9 are integrated and revised into one standardized document, and the structure of the document is further adjusted to improve the content of the document. This revision focuses on taking ISO/IEC standardized documents as the basis. It basically clarifies the overall principles and requirements for drafting national standardization documents, clarifies the drafting steps, and clarifies the relevant elements and rules for writing appendices. By establishing clear drafting rules, the guidelines for drafters of standardization documents are made clearer and easier to operate, thereby drafting high quality. National standardization documents to better promote trade, exchanges and technical cooperation -riKacerKAca-
1 Scope
Standardization Work Guidelines
No. Part: Standardization document drafting rules based on ISO/IEC standardization documents
This document defines the consistency of national standardization documents and the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization documents P degree, establishes the overall principles and requirements for drafting national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents, and stipulates drafting steps, relevant elements and rules for writing appendices
This document is applicable to ISO/IEC standardization documents. When drafting national standardization documents based on standardization documents issued by other organizations, refer to the copyright and adoption policies of the corresponding organizations. 2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents are normative in the text. References constitute essential provisions of this document. For dated referenced documents, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document. For undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies. this document.
GB/T1.1 Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents GB/T20000.1 Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: General Terms for Standardization and Related Activities 3 Terms and Definitions|| tt||The terms and definitions defined in GB/T1.1 and GB/T20000.1 and the following apply to this document. 3.1
Standardizing document
standardizing document
Documents developed through standardization activities.
Note: my country's standardization documents include standards, standardization guidance technical documents and other document types. ISO/IEC standardization documents include standards, technical specifications (3.1.1), publicly available specifications (31.2), technical reports (3.1.3), guidelines (3.1.4), international seminar protocols (3.1.5), etc. Document type, [Source: GB/T20000.1-2014, 5.2]3.1.1
Technical SpecificationTS
"Published by ISO and/or IEC" At this stage, due to the technology involved in the standardization object Standardization documents that are passed at the committee stage and may form standards in the future due to reasons such as the content is still in the development stage or the consensus required to form a standard has not been reached. Note: Reasons for formulating TS also include support that cannot be immediately approved as required by ISO/IEC standards or other reasons. Usually, the Standardization Technical Committee proposes proposals for new TS work items during the proposal stage. In practice, there are also situations where a proposal for a new work item to develop a standard is proposed during the proposal stage, but due to the above reasons, it is decided to release it as a TS at the committee stage. 1) ISO/IEC standardization documents include standardization documents issued by ISO, IEC and ISO and LEC. 1
GB/T 1.2—2020
Pablicly Available SpecificationbzxZ.net
9 Integrate the revision into a standardized document, further adjust the structure of the document, and improve the content of the document. Based on the reference to ISO/EC Guide 21, this revision focuses on the overall principles and requirements for drafting national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents, clarifies the drafting steps, and clarifies the relevant elements and rules for writing appendices. By establishing clear drafting rules, the guidelines for standardization document drafters will be clearer and easier to operate, thereby drafting high-quality national standardization documents and better promoting trade, exchanges and technical cooperation. -riKacerKAca-
1 Scope
Standardization Work Guidelines
Part 2: Standardization Document Drafting Rules Based on ISO/IEC Standardization Documents| |tt||GB/T1.2—2020
This document defines the degree of consistency between national standardization documents and the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization documents P, and establishes the drafting of national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents. The overall principles and requirements stipulate the drafting steps, relevant elements and rules for writing appendices.
This document is suitable for drafting national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents. When drafting based on standardization documents issued by other organizations, it shall be used as a reference according to the copyright and adoption policies of the corresponding organizations. 2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative citations in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document. For undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T1.1 Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents GB/T20000.1 Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: General Terms for Standardization and Related Activities 3 Terms and Definitions|| tt||The terms and definitions defined in GB/T1.1 and GB/T20000.1 and the following apply to this document. 3.1
Standardizing document
standardizing document
Documents developed through standardization activities.
Note: my country's standardization documents include standards, standardization guidance technical documents and other document types. ISO/IEC standardization documents include standards, technical specifications (3.1.1), publicly available specifications (31.2), technical reports (3.1.3), guidelines (3.1.4), international seminar protocols (3.1.5), etc. Document type, [Source: GB/T20000.1-2014, 5.2]3.1.1
Technical SpecificationTS
"Published by ISO and/or IEC" At this stage, due to the technology involved in the standardization object Standardization documents that are passed at the committee stage and may form standards in the future due to reasons such as the content is still in the development stage or the consensus required to form a standard has not been reached. Note: Reasons for formulating TS also include support that cannot be immediately approved as required by ISO/IEC standards or other reasons. Usually, the Standardization Technical Committee proposes proposals for new TS work items during the proposal stage. In practice, there are also situations where a proposal for a new work item to develop a standard is proposed during the proposal stage, but due to the above reasons, it is decided to release it as a TS at the committee stage. 1) ISO/IEC standardization documents include standardization documents issued by ISO, IEC and ISO and LEC. 1
GB/T 1.2—2020
Pablicly Available Specification
9 Integrate the revision into a standardized document, further adjust the structure of the document, and improve the content of the document. Based on the reference to ISO/EC Guide 21, this revision focuses on the overall principles and requirements for drafting national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents, clarifies the drafting steps, and clarifies the relevant elements and rules for writing appendices. By establishing clear drafting rules, the guidelines for standardization document drafters will be clearer and easier to operate, thereby drafting high-quality national standardization documents and better promoting trade, exchanges and technical cooperation. -riKacerKAca-
1 Scope
Standardization Work Guidelines
Part 2: Standardization Document Drafting Rules Based on ISO/IEC Standardization Documents| |tt||GB/T1.2—2020
This document defines the degree of consistency between national standardization documents and the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization documents P, and establishes the drafting of national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents. The overall principles and requirements stipulate the drafting steps, relevant elements and rules for writing appendices.
This document is suitable for drafting national standardization documents based on ISO/IEC standardization documents. When drafting based on standardization documents issued by other organizations, it shall be used as a reference according to the copyright and adoption policies of the corresponding organizations. 2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative citations in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document. For undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T1.1 Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents GB/T20000.1 Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: General Terms for Standardization and Related Activities 3 Terms and Definitions|| tt||The terms and definitions defined in GB/T1.1 and GB/T20000.1 and the following apply to this document. 3.1
Standardizing document
standardizing document
Documents developed through standardization activities.
Note: my country's standardization documents include standards, standardization guidance technical documents and other document types. ISO/IEC standardization documents include standards, technical specifications (3.1.1), publicly available specifications (31.2), technical reports (3.1.3), guidelines (3.1.4), international seminar protocols (3.1.5), etc. Document type, [Source: GB/T20000.1-2014, 5.2]3.1.1
Technical SpecificationTS
"Published by ISO and/or IEC" At this stage, due to the technology involved in the standardization object Standardization documents that are passed at the committee stage and may form standards in the future due to reasons such as the content is still in the development stage or the consensus required to form a standard has not been reached. Note: Reasons for formulating TS also include support that cannot be immediately approved as required by ISO/IEC standards or other reasons. Usually, the Standardization Technical Committee proposes proposals for new TS work items during the proposal stage. In practice, there are also situations where a proposal for a new work item to develop a standard is proposed during the proposal stage, but due to the above reasons, it is decided to release it as a TS at the committee stage. 1) ISO/IEC standardization documents include standardization documents issued by ISO, IEC and ISO and LEC. 1
GB/T 1.2—2020
Pablicly Available Specification
In order to meet the urgent needs of the market
through the research meeting mechanism or standardization document Note: ISO Technical Personnel Management Bureau approved the proposal to hold the seminar and referred to an ISO member to assist the proposer. IWA was approved by the seminar members through consultation
. | |tt |
Structural adjustment
hunge in structure
Structural changes in national standardization documents and corresponding ISO/IEC standardization documents Note: Structure through bone is understood as layer drink in structure and Appendices, figures and tables should be positioned and arranged in the most orderly manner. 3.4
Technical differences
technical deviation
Changes in technical content between national standardization documents and corresponding ISO/IEC standardization documents. 3.5
editorial change
Editorial changes
Changes in national standardization documents and corresponding ISO/IEC standardization documents without changing the technical content. 3.6
vice versa principle
vice versa principle
is acceptable in ISO/IEC standardization documents and is also acceptable in national standardization documents. On the contrary, it is acceptable in national standardization documents. Accept principles that are also acceptable in ISO/IEC standardization documents. Note: The principle of vice versa means that combining national standardization documents will comply with ISO/IEC standardization documents. 2
4 Degree of consistency and double number
4.1 Classification of consistency
4.1.1 Classification
GB/T1.2 —2020
The degree of consistency between national standardization documents and corresponding ISO/IEC standardization documents is divided into: equivalent, modified and non-equivalent. Among them, equivalence and modification belong to the adoption of ISO/EC standardized documents. Note: The degree of consistency is not affected by changes in the writing format (for example, changes in page numbers, fonts, student numbers, etc.). The consistency degree categories and codes are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Conformity Categories and Codes
4.1.2 Equivalent|| tt||Code name
Is it limited to the adoption of When the degree of consistency between the national standardization document and the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document is "equivalent", both of the following situations exist: the text structure is the same ;
Same technical content:
Minimal editorial changes.
When the two chapters "Normative Reference Documents" and "Terms and Definitions" are set up in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.1, it will cause the chapter number to be postponed (called "permissible structural adjustment"). The allowed structural adjustments do not affect the determination of the degree of consistency as "equivalent". When the degree of consistency is "equivalent", the "vice versa principle" applies. Minimum abbreviation changes include: changing the name of the standardization document to coordinate with the existing standardization document; a)
Incorporating the contents of ISO/IEC standardization document amendments and/or technical errata, b)
Add additional information and informative appendices;
Use decimal symbol "" instead of ",",
Correct printing errors:
Delete multi-language published ISO /Certain language versions of IEC standardization documents; use "this document" to replace the expressions when referring to ISO/IEC standardization documents; remove the cover, table of contents, preface and introduction of ISO/IEC standardization documents; element "normative reference documents" "Changes in the list of documents in the element "Terms and Definitions"; changes in the list of documents in the element "References". 4.1.3 Modification When the degree of consistency between the national standardization document and the corresponding ISO/TEC standardization document is "modification", at least one of the following situations exists!
structural adjustments, and clearly stating these adjustments; 3
a technical difference, and clearly These differences and their reasons are explained. Editorial changes can be included when the consistency level is "Modify". When the degree of consistency is "modification", technical differences may include the following situations: a) The terms of the national standardization document are less than the terms of the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document. It should be noted that this situation also includes the national standardization document containing only one optional clause in the ISO/IEC standardization document. b) The national standardization documents have more terms than the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization documents. For example, certain aspects or categories are added, more stringent requirements are stipulated, and additional tests are added. The national standardization document changes some provisions of the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document. c
d) The national standardization document adds a clause with the same status as the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document clause as an alternative to this clause.
4.1.4 Non-equivalent
When the degree of consistency between the national standardization document and the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document is "non-equivalence", at least the following
structure exists Adjustments, and these adjustments are not clearly stated; technical differences, and these differences and their causes are not clearly stated; - only the provisions of a smaller number or less important ISO/IEC standardization documents are retained. 4.2 Conformity level identification
The consistency level identification consists of "corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document abbreviation" and "conformity level code", for example: ISO9000:2015, IDT
Note 1: In addition to being used in standardized documents, the consistency degree identifier is also marked on standardized document logs, annual reports, databases and other related media. Note 2: The format of the consistency degree identifier used in databases is specified in the ISONET manual. Relevant content settings 4.3 Double numbering
4.3.1 When the degree of consistency is "equal\", the numbering of national standardization documents should use double numbers, that is, "national standardization document number/corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document number" , so that readers can clearly understand the information of "equivalence" before checking the content. Double numbers are only used on the cover, header, back cover and copyright page in national standardization documents. Example 1: GB/T1040.1—2C18/1S0527-1.2012 Example 2: GB/Z27907—2011/ISO/TS10004:2010 Case 3: GB/Z36471--2018/ISO/IECTR1976620074.3.2
2 When the degree of consistency is "modified" or "non-equivalent", the numbering of national standardization documents should not use double numbers. 5 General Principles and Requirements
5.1 Comply with relevant ISO/IEC rules and policy documents On the premise of complying with the provisions of ISO and IEC rules and policy documents regarding the copyright, copyright use rights, sales and patents of its publications, etc. , drafting national standardization documents that have consistent correspondence with ISO/IEC standardization documents. 5.2 Comply with the drafting rules of my country's standardization documents. When drafting national standardization documents that have a consistent relationship with ISO/IEC standardization documents, if this document does not make specific provisions, the relevant provisions of GB/T1.1 should be followed. | |tt | When standardizing documents, the degree of consistency should be as "equivalent" as possible based on national conditions.
If the ISO/TEC standardization documents are changed due to health, safety, environmental protection, basic climate, geographical or technical reasons, the changes to the ISO/IEC standardization documents should be minimized and as much as possible "Making the degree of consistency "modification". 5.4 When drafting national standardization documents that have a consistent correspondence relationship with ISO/IEC standardization documents for corresponding types of national standardization documents, it is advisable to draft ISO/IEC standards as national standards and other ISO/IEC standards. 1. EC standardization documents are drafted as national standardization guiding technical documents: if necessary, technical specifications, publicly available specifications and guidelines can be drafted as national standards: technical reports and international seminar agreements should not be drafted as national standards 5.5 Drafting as a one-to-one correspondence between national standardization documents Each ISO/IEC standardization document should correspond to one national standardization document, not to multiple national standardization documents, and multiple ISO/IEC standardization documents should not correspond to one national standardization document. Each part of the ISO/IEC standardization document should correspond to each part of the national standardization document, not to one national standardization document.
5.6 Incorporation of amendments and/or technical corrigenda
When adopting ISO/IEC standardization documents, all amendments and/or technical corrigenda to the published ISO/IEC standardization documents should be incorporated into the national standardization documents.
After adopting ISO/TFC standardization documents, amendments and/or technical corrigenda to the newly published ISO/IEC standardization documents should also be incorporated into the national standardization documents as soon as possible.
5.7 Comply with the translation regulations for auxiliary verbs in clauses When the auxiliary verbs in the clauses of ISO/IEC standardization documents are translated into the modal verbs of national standardization documents, the regulations in Appendix A shall be followed.
6 Drafting steps
Take the following steps to draft national standardization documents that are consistent with ISO/IEC standardization documents. a) Translate ISO/IEC standardization documents. Be faithful to the content of ISO/IEC standardization documents and form accurate translations. Study and evaluate technical content. Study the translation of a), including the main text, appendices, and all normative references involved. If b)
my country's current laws, regulations or mandatory standards have specific provisions, make a judgment to delete the corresponding technical content; evaluate the applicability of technical content (including normative references) to my country, and judge whether it needs to be changed and the extent of the change. Change the corresponding content. According to the judgment made in b), make necessary changes in structure, technical content or editing. d) Determine the degree of consistency. Compare the translation of a), list the structural adjustments and technical differences as much as possible, and explain the reasons for the technical differences. According to the definition of the degree of consistency in 4.1.2, 4.1.3 or 4.1.4, determine the degree of consistency between the national standardization document and the corresponding ISOIEC standardization document.
Write elements and appendices. According to the determined consistency level, the specific elements and e) appendix shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7 and Chapter 8.
7 Elements Preparation
7.1 Cover
For national standardization documents that have a consistent correspondence with ISO/IEC standardization documents, the consistency level mark shall be given in parentheses below the English translation of the national standardization document name on the cover (see Example 1). If the English translation of the national standardization document is inconsistent with the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document name, the English name of the ISO/IEC standardization document shall be given after the ISO/IEC standardization document number and between the consistency level code in the consistency level mark, that is, the form of "(ISO/IEC standardization document number, ISO/IEC standardization document English name, consistency level code)" shall be used (see Examples 2 and 3).
Example 1:
Quality management system Fundamentels and vocabulary(ISO90002015,IDT)
Example 2:
Fragrances and flavors vocebulary(ISO 9235,2013,Aromatie natural raw materials-Vocabulery,MOD)
Example 3:
Directives for siendardizetion Part I,Rules lor the structure and drafting of standardizing documents(ISO/IECDirectives,Part 2,2018,Principles and rules for the 7.2 Foreword
7.2.1 General National standardization documents that have a consistent correspondence with ISO/IEC standardization documents should not retain the foreword of ISO/IEC standardization documents. According to the determined degree of consistency, the following contents should be stated in sequence according to the position specified in GB/T 1.1 (i.e. the description of the relationship between the document and the international document) (see the example given in Appendix B): the category of the degree of consistency with the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document, the number of the ISO/IEC standardization document and its Chinese translation;
b) changes in the document type (see Example 1 in Appendix B):
d) structural adjustments;
e) technical differences and their reasons;
e) editorial changes.
Whether the degree of consistency is "equivalent", "modified" or "non-equivalent", the contents listed in a) should be stated. If the document type is changed, the contents listed in b) should be stated. According to the specific situation of the degree of consistency, the contents listed in c) to e) above should be stated in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.2 to 7.2.4.
7.2.2 Equivalence
When the degree of consistency is "equivalence", according to the specific situation of the national standardization document formed, it should be stated in the foreword (see Example 1 in Appendix B):
-rrKaeerkAca-1 Cover
For national standardization documents that have a consistent correspondence with ISO/IEC standardization documents, the consistency level mark should be given in parentheses below the English translation of the national standardization document name on the cover (see Example 1). If the English translation of the national standardization document is inconsistent with the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document name, the English name of the ISO/IEC standardization document should be given after the ISO/IEC standardization document number and between the consistency level code in the consistency level mark, that is, in the form of "(ISO/IEC standardization document number, ISO/IEC standardization document English name, consistency level code)" (see Examples 2 and 3).
Example 1:
Quality management system Fundamentels and vocabulary(ISO90002015,IDT)
Example 2:
Fragrances and flavors vocebulary(ISO 9235,2013,Aromatie natural raw materials-Vocabulery,MOD)
Example 3:
Directives for siendardizetion Part I,Rules lor the structure and drafting of standardizing documents(ISO/IECDirectives,Part 2,2018,Principles and rules for the 7.2 Foreword
7.2.1 General National standardization documents that have a consistent correspondence with ISO/IEC standardization documents should not retain the foreword of ISO/IEC standardization documents. According to the determined degree of consistency, the following contents should be stated in sequence according to the position specified in GB/T 1.1 (i.e. the description of the relationship between the document and the international document) (see the example given in Appendix B): the category of the degree of consistency with the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document, the number of the ISO/IEC standardization document and its Chinese translation;
b) changes in the document type (see Example 1 in Appendix B):
d) structural adjustments;
e) technical differences and their reasons;
e) editorial changes.
Whether the degree of consistency is "equivalent", "modified" or "non-equivalent", the contents listed in a) should be stated. If the document type is changed, the contents listed in b) should be stated. According to the specific situation of the degree of consistency, the contents listed in c) to e) above should be stated in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.2 to 7.2.4.
7.2.2 Equivalence
When the degree of consistency is "equivalence", according to the specific situation of the national standardization document formed, it should be stated in the foreword (see Example 1 in Appendix B):
National standardization documents that have a consistent correspondence relationship with ISO/IEC standardization documents should have a consistency degree indicator and parentheses below the English translation of the name of the national standardization document on the cover (see example 1). If the English translation of a national standardization document is inconsistent with the name of the corresponding ISO/IEC standardization document, the English translation of the ISO/IEC standardization document should be given between the ISO/IEC standardization document number and the consistency degree code in the consistency degree mark. The name is in the form of "(ISO/IEC standardized document number, ISO/IEC standardized document English name, degree of consistency code)" (see Example 2 and Example 3).
Example 1:
Quality management system basics and terminology
Fragrances and flavors vocebulary (ISO 9235, 2013, Aromatie natural raw materials-Vocabulery, MOD) Example 3
Standardization work guidelines Part 1: Structure and drafting rules of standardized documents Direclives for siendardizetionPart I,Rules lor the structure and drafting of standardizing documents(ISO/IEC Directives,Part 2,2018,Principles and rules for the structureanddraftingofISOandIECdocumenta,NEQ)7.2 Preface
7.2.1 General provisions and National standardization documents that have a consistent correspondence between ISO/IEC standardization documents should not retain the preface of the ISO/IEC standardization document. Based on the determined degree of consistency, according to the position specified in GB/T1.1 (that is, the description of the relationship between the document and the international document), the following content should be stated in order (see the example given in Appendix B) : The category of the degree of consistency with the corresponding ISO/1EC standardization document, the number of the ISO/IEC standardization document and its Chinese a)
b) change in file type (see Appendix B Example 1):) Structural adjustments;
d) Technical differences and their causes:
e) Editorial changes.
Regardless of whether the degree of consistency is "equivalent", "modified" or "non-equivalent", the content listed in a) should be stated. If the file type is changed, the content listed in b) should be stated. Depending on the specific circumstances of the degree of consistency, the contents listed in c) to e) above should be stated in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.2 to 7.2.4.
7.2.2 Identity
When the degree of consistency is "equivalent", it should be stated in the preface according to the specific circumstances of the national standardization document formed (see Example 1 in Appendix B): || tt||-rrKaeerkAca-
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