JB/T 4284.1-1999 This standard is a revision of JB 4243-86 "Bevel Gear Rolling Inspection Machine Accuracy". During the revision, only editorial modifications were made in accordance with relevant regulations, and the technical content has not changed. This standard is part of the JB/T 4284 "Bevel Gear Rolling Inspection Machine" series of standards. This series of standards includes the following two parts: JB/T 4284.1-1999 Bevel Gear Rolling Inspection Machine Accuracy Inspection JB/T 4284.2-1996 Bevel Gear Rolling Technical Conditions of Inspection Machines This standard specifies the geometric accuracy requirements and inspection methods of bevel gear rolling inspection machines. This standard applies to bevel gear rolling inspection machines with a maximum workpiece diameter of 125~1600mm. This standard was first published in July 1986. JB/T 4284.1-1999 Accuracy inspection of bevel gear rolling inspection machine JB/T4284.1-1999 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
ICS25.080.99 J56 JB Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T4284.1-1999 Bevel gear rolling inspection machine|| tt | .11999 | This standard is part of the JB/T4284 "Bevel Gear Rolling Inspection Machine" series of standards. This series of standards includes the following two parts: JB/T4284.1-1999 JB/T4284-1996 Bevel gear rolling inspection machine accuracy inspection Bevel gear rolling inspection machine technical conditions This standard replaces JB4243-86 from the date of implementation. This standard was proposed by the National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Bevel Gear Machine Tool Branch of the National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Technical Committee. The unit responsible for drafting this standard: Tianjin First Machine Tool Factory. This standard was first published in July 1986. 1 Scope Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Bevel gear rolling inspection machine Accuracy inspection This standard specifies the bevel gear rolling inspection machine Requirements and inspection methods for geometric accuracy. This standard applies to bevel gear rolling inspection machines with a maximum T. piece diameter of 125~1600mm. 2 Reference standards JB/T4284.1-1999 replaces JB4243-86 The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through citations in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards, GB/T17421.1-1998 General Inspection of Machine Tools Part 1: Geometry of machine tools under no load or finishing T. conditions Accuracy 3 General requirements 3.1 Refer to GB/T17421.1-1998 3.1 to adjust the machine tool installation level. When adjusting the installation level, the rotary plate is placed at 90° according to the scale cursor, and other moving parts are placed at the middle position of the stroke. Place a flat ruler on the circular guide rail of the machine tool, and place a level on the flat ruler. The horizontal and vertical readings of the level shall not exceed 0.02/1000. 3.2 During inspection, the actual sequence can generally be arranged according to the requirements of assembly and disassembly of inspection tools and convenience for inspection. 3.3 When the actual measured length is different from the length specified in this standard, the tolerance shall be converted according to the measurable length according to the provisions of in GB/T17421.1-1998. If the conversion result is less than 0.001mm, it shall still be calculated as 0.001mm. State Machinery Industry Bureau approved the implementation on 2000-01-01 on 1999-05-20 JB/T4284.11999 ZE'9's 810 Shuttle||tt| |0000 80000 900°0 s00'0 t000 E00'0 008~00S<||tt ||0 0 wtu poor allow diameter big most Medical 简 0 No. Order 2 JB/T4284.11999 "||tt ||Things 06 z19 86 Law Inspection Inspection 007 09 0100 0 9100q 8000 057 800'0e OS1=7||tt ||010'09 9000e OS1=7 800°09 soo'oe OS1=7 90009| |tt||to0'o a 08 00800S< 0 0 uw path Straight pieces H big most point place 6|| tt||a Picture Simplified 8 Serial number JB/T4284.1-1999 "One must return the quantity . 081 Turn back "Jingmei Na q ( tzits 86 法 Jars as utensils 00=7 00-7 007 810'0 0 0 8000|| tt||00[=7 900°0 090 008 00800S ww Difference Allow Diameter Straight Large Most ( 80 Link transfer (||tt| |) ( Picture 简 EO No. Order 4 JB /T4284.1-1999 "2-quantity081 " 06 i's's 866 00%7|| tt||0 20 00=7 0 001 008~00S 8100 00 S10'0 007 0 0S1=7 oto'o u Gong|| tt||allowed diameter straight piece large most ( 90)||tt ||Leather etc since circle simplified serial number JB/T4284.J-1999 "One time 08 0 floor "Qi Ma 06 Shifu Jie Youhui 61 法||tt ||09 stoo 008 210'0 0100 800°0 900'0 008~005 05 uu diameter straight pieces large most ( 90) 简 8 Serial number 6 JB/T4284.1-1999 “善回量081 “ “ 其 () 08 s 86 器光器 00=7 009 080'09 OS1-7 ssooq s100e oS[-7 sto09 2100e OSTT SEOO 0100 OSI-T 0 800'0# SL7 s1009 900'0 0508 008 ~005 0 aw 差 允 很 直 件 下 大 最 ( 81 ) 夏 点www.bzxz.net e|| tt||6 度 简 序 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.