Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Transport>>03.220.40 Water transport
Standard Classification Number:Road and Water Transport>>Water Transport>>R20 Water Transport
GB 4099-1983 Commonly used terms, terms and their codes (symbols) for navigation GB4099-1983 Standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Navgatlon terms and symbols in common useUDC 054.01.082 : 001.4 + 008 GE4089 This standard is applicable to navigation, ship operation, navigation documents, navigation regulations, navigation books, navigation teaching materials and navigation supervision, etc. This standard adopts international navigation terms, terms and their codes (symbols), and partially retains the codes (symbols) commonly used in my country. This standard does not prevent other codes formulated due to special needs, but these codes shall not be confused with this standard. 1 Geographical coordinates 1.1 Latitude1.atitude Code: Lat or Lat Definition, the angle between the normal of a point on the meridian of the earth's ellipsoid and the meridian. Note: For example, latitude seven degrees and three minutes north, the correct way to write it is "single 0703"N" 1.2 Longitude Code: Long Definition: The difference between the Greenwich meridian plane of the earth's ellipsoid and the meridian plane of a certain point at the equator. Note: For example, longitude one hundred thousand degrees and six minutes east, the correct way to write it is "015~06', 5E\. 2 Direction 2.1 North Code: N Definition: The intersection of the meridian plane and the true horizon of the earth points to the direction of the geographic north. 2.2 South Code: S Definition: The intersection of the meridian plane and the true horizon of the earth points to the direction of the South Pole of the earth. 2.3 East Code: E Definition: The intersection of the east-west plane and the true plane of the earth points to the direction of the earth's rotation. 2.4 West Code: W Definition: The intersection of the east-west plane and the true plane of the earth points to the opposite direction of the earth's rotation. 2.5 Northeast East Code: NE 2.6 Southeast East Code: SE 2.7 North West Code: Nw z.8 Sauth West Code: sw Promulgated by National Bureau of Standards 199-1227 Implementation on December 1, 1984 GB 4099—83 Instructions: The codes for the three Ning points and the biased points in the first quadrant are: N/E, NNE, NE/N, NF/F, ENE, E/N. The same applies to other quadrants. 3 Direction 3.1 Caurse Code: c Definition: The direction of a ship’s voyage, measured clockwise from the reference north to the angle of the bow line. Note: All headings are expressed in degrees. Such as "TC45\. 3.2 Heading Code: Hdg Definition: The direction of the bow at a certain moment. 8.3 True Course Batch number: TC Definition: The course measured with true north as the reference. Campass Course 9.4 Compass Error Code: cc Definition: The course recorded with compass north as the reference. 3.5 Compass Code: AC Definition: The angle between the true north line and the magnetic north line. 3.6 Magnetic Varialinn. Code: Var Definition: The angle between the true north line and the magnetic north line. 8.7 Deviation Code: Dev or Gyro Definition: The angle between the magnetic north line and the Gyro-Compass Course 3. B Gyro-Compass Course Code: GC Definition: The course measured with the Gyro-Compass as the reference. Note: Gyro is the abbreviation of gyro longitude. 3.9 Gyro Cunmpass Error Code: 4G Gyro Cunmpass Error Definition: The angle between the true north line and the Gyro-Compass. Course of Advance 3. 10 Planned Course Code: CA Definition: The angle measured clockwise from the true north line to the planned course. s.t1 Course made Gond Code: CG Definition: The angle measured from the true north line to the track line in the clockwise direction. 3.12 Leeway angle Code: α Definition: The difference between the true heading and the track angle in the wind. 9.13 Drifl angle Code: 8 GB4099—83 Definition: The difference between the true heading (the track angle in the wind when there is wind) and the drift angle. 3.14 Leeway and Drift Angle Code: ! Definition: The difference between the true heading and the track angle. Its value is the algebraic sum of the wind pressure angle and the drift angle. 3.15 Alter course Code: a/c Definition: Changing from the original course to the altered course. 3.16 Bearing Code: B Definition: The direction of the object in water. The angle measured clockwise from the reference north to the bearing line of the object. Note: All bearings are taken to the decimal place of degrees. True Hearing 3.17 True Hearing Code: TR Definition: The bearing measured with true north as the reference. 3.18 Compass Bearing Code: CH Definition: The bearing measured with compass north as the reference. Gyro compass Bearing 3.19 Gyro compass Bearing Code: GB Definition: The angle measured with compass as the reference. 3.20 Relative Bearing Code: Q Definition: The angle between the bow line and the bearing line of the object. Measure left or right up to 180° with the bow line as the reference. Note: Relative bearing can also be measured in clockwise direction ~ 360. 4 Distance, voyage 4.1 Distance Distallce ft Code: D Note: It is the length of the line between two points. In navigation, it is the length of the gale arc between two points on the sphere. For short distances, it is replaced by the length of the constant direction line. 4.2 Distance Dislanceabeam Code: D1 Note: The distance from the object when the bow line of the object is straight. 4.3 Distance run 4 Code: s Definition: The distance of the ship from the starting point to the arrival point. 4.4 Jistance by Io% Code: 5l. Description: The distance of the ship sailing through the water as indicated by the log. 4.5 Distance made Gond Code: s. Definition: The distance of the ship sailing along the track line. 4.6 Speed of ship Code: 1 Definition: The speed of the ship moving through the water. 567 4.7 Engine speed Code: Vi Speed hy RPM GB 409983 Description: The corresponding speed measured according to the conditions such as draft and the number of revolutions per stroke. 4. Spced by Log Code: I Description: The speed of the ship moving as indicated by the log. 1.9 Speed made Good Code: Vc Definition: The speed of the ship moving over the ground. 4.10 Log reading Code: L Description: The number of one-way trips at that time read from the log indicator. 4.11 Log error Code: AL% Definition: The ratio of the log error expressed as a percentage of the page. 5 Time 5.1 Time Tme Code: T Time: Generally refers to normal time. 5.2 Local time 1,Universal Mean Time Code: LMr or TL Definition: Mean time calculated from the time of the observer. 5.9 Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) Universal Time [Greenwich Mean Time Code LIT, GMT or TG Definition: Mean time calculated from the 7th circle of Greenwich. 5.4 Zone Designation Code: 2) Definition: Time zone number indicated by 0 to 12, the Eastern Hemisphere is the Eastern Time Zone, the symbol is "-" and the Western Hemisphere is the Four Time Zone, the symbol is "+" 5.5 Zone Time Code: ZT to T2 Definition: The local time of the central meridian of a time zone is the zone time of that zone. 5.6 Ship Time Code: ST or Ts Description: The time indicated by the ship's clock. Usually the time indicated is in the local time. 6 Altitude and Units Code: H Definition: The vertical height of the object above the corresponding height. 6.2 Altitude Code: h Definition: The great circle jump from the horizon to the celestial body. Description: The height of the celestial body is represented by 1, 6.a Nautical Mile Code: M GB4099-83 Definition: The length of one minute of latitude on the earth's elliptical line. Our network adopts the standard length of one nautical mile as 182 meters. 6.4 Cabfe Code: Cab Definition: -a nautical mile divided by -a nautical mile. 6.5 Knot Code: Kn Definition: A unit of navigation speed. One nautical mile per hour is -knot. 7.1 Lujia ship position Code: TF Symbol: o 7.2 Tianzuo you Code: AF Symbol: @ Terrestrial Fix Astronomical Fix Dead reckoning position 1.3 Secret fix Code: DR Symbol: Definition: The position intercepted on the planned route from the known position according to the distance (excluding wind pressure difference). 7.4 Estimated position Code: EP Symbol: + Estimated Pasition Definition: The position of the ship calculated from the rowed boat according to the course and distance (after taking into account the wind pressure difference). 7.5 Radar Fix Code: RF Symbol: A 7.6 Elertronic Fix Code: EF Elertronic Fix Derivative symbol: Explanation: This symbol is used when there is only one radio positioning system in a certain sea area. When several radio positioning systems are used interchangeably, the code of the system is marked at the bottom of the symbol name: L for Loran, D for Tekla, 2 for Omega, DF for Direction Finder to distinguish them. Salellite Fix 7.7 Satellite Navigation Station Code: SF Symbol: Satellite Navigation Update Target Position: Return to Satellite Navigation Not Updated Ship Position, 7.8 Combined Fix Code: cF Symbol: Description: Combined measurement of ship position using multiple methods. 7.9 Sounding Position, SP Symbol: Same as T.10 Running Fix Code: RuF GB 4099-88 Description: Add arrows to the running position F. If the land survey line is double, the sky survey line is hidden. 7.11 Anchor position Code: AP Symbol: Migration Definition: The position when anchored. Explanation: The center of the rod head of the anchor symbol is the anchor position. 7.12 Ship position difference Code: ap Definition: Direction and distance from double DR or EP to the measured ship 8 Commonly used vehicle orders and symbols (see Table 1) Stand by engine Finish with engine Ring uff engine Slow advance Dead slow uhead Slow aheat Backward- Haif ahpad First lecture Full ahead Almost ahead Duuble ring full ahead Starid by ergixe Finished with euxine Seventh engine fixed speed Ring off eingine Slow ahead Jrad slow ahead Slow ahead Flalt ahead Full ahead Further ahead Doubfe ring full ahead Report Hirwine stand by Engine ruugoff Left slow Engine dead slow ahead I'inginc slow ahead Fnginc halr alead Also advance three times Fngine full ahead Car recount Engine dnulbe rung full Orde:r Stop egim: Microspeed radsow851rr Skow astern Hatr axlern Full asler Duublr ring full aylern East (right) Skow ahead port (or starboard) Halfaheal ir! (en slarhrd) ()进 Full aheat port (or slarbcard East (right) parking Siay engin: porl (ur starhoard) Two【double)parking Ston twn (hoth) engines. GB 4099 Continued Table 1 Stup engine Slow speed retreat Dead slow astern Retreat— Slerwsaslern Retreat one Half astern Full astern Deuhle ring full astern Choose one Sluw aheat pnrt ter starboard) Half uliead port (or starbeard) Left (i) advance: Ful ahead purt (or turhrard) Left () year Stop eugine port(ur sthrboard) Two (set) cars: Stop twe (botl) engines 『车语 Repurt Erigine stopped Car slightly returns Engine dead slow astern Fngiur low astern 1本浪二 F ngin half aslern F.nigine full astern Car speeds up again F ngine double rung full astern Left (left) eastward Perl (or slarbaard) engine slow ahead Left (there is) car entering_ Pnrt (ar slarbaard) engin: hul[ uhea?] In (right) car into two Pert (er starhourd) engiue Full ahead ()car stop Port (or slarbaard) eniar: stuppet Two (double) cars stopped Twa(nr hoth') engines stopned :Two (double) in [ X aliead Iwo (oe botlh) engies Two (double) retreatX X astern two(or both) Pngines X astrrn porl tor slar Common rudder orders (see Table 2) GB 4099—83 Continued table! two (double) Zhan Yi ahead 1we (or botih) ergines two (double) retreat x X astern twn(ur bcth) erin's () retreat X X astern jnri (ut star hnard) in ()can Port ( starbnard) left ()rudder Fort(or starboard) (in)snake ten and I'ort (or slatbaard) faileen (can+ Por1 (ur starbuard) Tweoty In () Full Range Hard a port (or strhoart) (Right)Snake Five Purt (cr starboard) In (Camel + Port (or starbnard) (In service! Port (cr sta'board) fiftern Left()花1 Port (ur starhnard) twenty (》Full Rudder Hard a port (nr On starboard) Repairt (Double) Two (or buthj enigire X ahead Two《double)rates stillX Tuo (or hoh) cgemes X aslern Left (right) car retreatx Fcrl(nr xlar boardy itigine Yastern Repurt Five degrees east() Wheet (is on) (starhoard) five 1 East() Wheel (is an) port (starheart)ten +degrees (have) Wheel (is nn) purl (starhoard) fificen +degrees (have Wheel (is on) parl (starhnard)Iwenly Langdong (have) Wheul hard a port(or u st arlcird) The number refers to the energy level. Target After hearing L command, you can learn to mountain now need energy Li Hannan can also be used Five of porl (cr starho ardywheelon Midships F, ase heln (ur uase the wheel) Back to x Fase L,× (degrees) Steady Hang××× Cuurst × × × Left (at)×court × degrees to purl (or slarboard) Privately edit in () Nolhing Ln port(ar starbnard) Hang still recovers Cnurse again Firish with whue? Mind your rudder What rudder? Whut is your rudder? GB4099--B3 Continued Table 2 Midshigs F ase helm (or euse the wherl) Repurt Whcel's a midships Whenl's a mids hips Eane lo × (degrees) Steady Kaixiang×× Cuurse × arhard) Hangzhou Friends Course again Finish with wheel ★ degree east (right) Operation can quickly reach It can gradually reach the cavity angle of 1 Operation can gradually ask the angle to donate × of porl (s1arbckard)m; fixed degree navigation ××× Cours+×*× ! Navigation is still ××× to Course on X × × Navigation can be ×× to Course: × × Direction ××× to Cuurse on × degree left() (or starboard) After the order is issued, the snake will be tested on the energy time (warfare) at the time of the order When the small angle is within the scope, refers to the longitude degree, not the snake Command to return to the original course The feather finger is completed, the snake is not used Can the baby not deviate from the course When asking Hua, is the rudder angle The rudder is sensitive? Flowtoes sheasswer? How much is the flight run? 【What course? 10 Common anchoring orders (see Table 3) Anrhasr nrder Ya Tuo relatively (starting) pot GB ±099—83 Continued Table 2 Slarr by (to) hcve auayanchur() Ileave away anrhur Report Very goor Very siow Nu answer ××× Cuurse × × Prepare left (in, double) station Stand by port (starbourd or hnth) anchnr (s) ground (left, right) l.rt go(part ut starhoard) auchor brake companion allowed number Slop hearing ar avast heating standard inquire about the effectiveness of the situation at that time submit a complaint Rejiort or reply good luck All ready (tu) beare away relax () pot Heave away in (stone: double) preparation Part (slarboarf or hutin)atuehcr (s)jis (are) rcady throw (卢, in) anchor ILul go (part ar starboard) anchor live Tod un distribute on production Stop heaving or vast heaving10.7 wrong chain direction? Anchor order How is chain leading? Slack away chain X shuckles inwater (on deck or hawse pipc) GB4099—83 Continued Table 3 X shuckles inwater (on deck or hawse pipc) Up and down Chain forward Leading ahcad Chain aft Leading afi Chain stop Leading abean Chain over bow Aeross bow Anchor slack Slackaway Report or answer reply X shacklcs in watert (on deck r hawse gipc)Anchor aweigh Anchor clear Chain tight Anchor brought up Anchor fouling Walk hack anchor 11 Common mooring orders (see Table 4) All mooring orders are released ★ Number of lines dropped All clear at the stern Bring × line Cable on board × Perform sample × Cable is loose Prepare to wind up the cable Cable inspection Relax the × cable A little Forward (backward) "m Brake (or pull) Just right × Cable tracing and clear GB 4099-83 Standard phraseology Single up All lel go aft Lel gu × line Afl clear afu Send nut * line Fut × line ol winclh (or capstan windlass? Pul × line on bits When leaving the dock, keep one cable each for the head cable, front low line, rear heel, and rear inverted line, and untie the other cables. When leaving the buoy, the front and rear return cables are fixed, and the other systems and chains are untied When leaving, the tail cable is fully retracted and there is no obstacle. The cable can be brought to the drum of the winch or laying machine, and the winch is ready.Stop liravitng (r avest heaving)Slark away x line Stand hy heaving × litue Takr in the slack o × linc Heave iwey × liu. Make [ast Slack a Eittle Shitt (armore) aheadton adern) 7 meter Hold an Inpusitioa chceky line Note, "refers to the exciting line, head line, feeding line, etc. 576 Philippines before and after the battle, whether the mobile signal is sent when the command is delayed gradually × cable Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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