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JB/T 7346-1994 Test methods for mechanical continuously variable transmission

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7346-1994

Standard Name: Test methods for mechanical continuously variable transmission

Chinese Name: 机械无级变速器试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-07-18

Date of Implementation:1995-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J19 Couplings, Brakes and Transmissions

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Xi'an Heavy Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Xi'an Heavy Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the general requirements, test bench and test equipment, test items and methods, data acquisition and processing, etc. for mechanical continuously variable transmission (including mechanical continuously variable transmission integrated with various transmission devices, hereinafter referred to as transmission) testing. This standard is applicable to product finalization and identification, sampling inspection and testing of newly developed prototypes of various transmissions. JB/T 7346-1994 Mechanical Continuously Variable Transmission Test Method JB/T7346-1994 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Test Methods for Mechanical Continuously Variable Transmissions
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the following general requirements for the testing of mechanical continuously variable transmissions (including mechanical continuously variable transmissions integrated with various transmission devices, collectively referred to as inverters): test bench and test equipment, test items and methods, data acquisition and processing, etc. This standard is applicable to product finalization and identification, sampling inspection and testing of newly developed prototypes of various transmissions. 2 Referenced Standards
GB3211 171 and 1/3 octave band filters for output and vibration analysis G3785 Electrical and acoustic performance and test methods of belt stage meters 2BY110 Speed ​​and torque measuring instrument
ZY111 Speed ​​and torque sensor
3 General requirements for test pieces
3.1 Test pieces are randomly selected from products or prototypes to be shipped. The number of test benches or sampling shall be determined according to the requirements of the test. 3.2 The materials, heat treatment and machining of the main parts shall meet the specified technical requirements, and shall be qualified and have inspection records. If necessary, the inspection records or sampling of the main items shall be checked before the test. 4 Test benches and test equipment
4.1 Test benches
The driving and loading methods of the test benches shall be compatible with the test requirements. The main requirements for the test benches are: loading speed and speed stability. Its fluctuation value shall be less than 3% of the instantaneous value. During operation, it can be loaded, unloaded and run smoothly according to the requirements. 4.2 Test instruments for load, speed and temperature The type, specification, range and accuracy of the instruments for testing load and speed shall be compatible with the test requirements. The test points are torque (power) and speed. The test error shall not exceed 1% of the reading. The torque speed sensor specified in 7BY111 is preferred. The torque speed measuring instrument specified in Z3Y110 is preferred. ··Generally, a sensor should be installed at the input and output shaft ends of the tested transmission to directly measure the input and output speed (power) of the tested device (with auxiliary equipment). For motor direct-connected transmissions, it is allowed to install sensors only at the output end if the motor characteristic curve is known.
The oil pool or housing temperature of the transmission should be measured with a semiconductor point thermometer or digital thermometer with a range of 15°C. 4.3 Installation and commissioning
The test device should be installed on a room (or combined) platform. The spare parts should be level and centered, and the system should operate flexibly. Static zero adjustment should be performed first. Then dynamic zero adjustment should be performed. After zero adjustment, the first few digits of the multi-digit reading of the torque display value are allowed to be zero. The last digit should not be greater than 1. 4.4 Noise test instruments and methods
4.4.1 The noise test instrument should adopt a sound level meter of "type" or "type" as specified in GB3785. Other instruments with the same accuracy and appropriate standards can also be used.
4.4.2 Test instrument Before measuring, it is necessary to use a secondary calibrator with an accuracy of not less than 0.5d for calibration. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on July 18, 1994, and implemented on July 1, 1995.
4.4.3 The distance between the tested transmission body and the wall and other tall objects shall be at least 2 meters. 4.4.4 Before measuring, a hemispherical measuring surface or a gravitational measuring surface with each surface parallel to the corresponding plane of the reference body shall be used. In the case that the linearity of the reference body does not exceed (4.4.5 The measuring point of the hemispherical measuring surface is generally for the point. Among them, the first The height to the first measuring point is 250mm. The configuration of measuring points is in accordance with the provisions of Figure 1. The measuring radius is determined according to the following conditions: a. For transmissions with a center height of the output shaft or half of the height of the whole machine of ) mm or less, the measuring radius is 0. : n. For the product in Figure 1: k is 9.31m. In this case, the fifth measuring point can be cancelled: b. For transmissions with a center height of the output shaft or half of the height of the whole machine of 9) mm or less and a measuring radius of 1m, the corresponding R in Figure 1 is 0.97m
4.4.6 The measuring points of the hexahedron measurement table 1 are 5 points, and should be configured according to the provisions of Figure 2. The height of the measuring points on the horizontal plane is still the height of the hexahedron. The measuring point guide base 4.4.8 When the difference between the measured A-weighted pressure level and the background noise pressure level is less than or equal to 10B, the correction value shall be obtained from Table 1. Open the formula ("The difference between the measured pressure level and the background noise pressure level" and the correction value shall be invalid). 1e g
A-weighted sound level of flat ditch BA):
A-weighted sound level of the first measuring point.B(A):
Correction value of background noise of the first measuring point:
Number of measuring points
JB/T 7346. 94
When the difference of A-weighted sound pressure level of each measuring point does not exceed 5B, it can be calculated by formula (2)AA
+(rA. -\- K.)
4.4.9 The evaluation quantity of transmission noise is A-weighted sound power level. After the average A-weighted level is obtained by formula (1) or formula (2), the A-weighted sound power level can be calculated according to formula (3):
Lwa—lu- lo Igl
武: lw,
A-weighted sound power level, dB(A):
Measurement surface area.m;
Reference surface area.m.
4.4.10 The observation period of the meter reading is not less than 10) The reading is the average value of the meter needle swing during the observation period (the maximum and minimum values ​​that occasionally appear are not considered)
4.4.11 The noise of the transmission should be measured under no-load condition when the input and output speeds are at the highest, and it can also be measured under other conditions according to the requirements.
4.5 Vibration test instrument and method
4.5.1 Piezoelectric velocity sensor or accelerometer should be used for vibration test. Its type and use shall comply with relevant regulations: 4.5.2 Measuring instrument system. Including sensor and display instrument, its measured value deviation shall not exceed -5%. 4.5.3 The vibration measurement value can be the displacement amplitude value (double amplitude), vibration velocity or effective value of acceleration. 4.5.4 The measurement should be carried out in three orthogonal directions at the housing bearing seat. Two of the three directions must be located in the plane that is perpendicular to the rotatable axis, which can be a horizontal plane or a vertical plane. The number of measuring points can be determined by the user and the manufacturer. 4.5.5 The observation period of the measurement shall not be less than 105. The reading shall be the average value of the instrument display value. 4.5.6 The vibration of the transmission shall be measured under no-load condition when the input and output speeds are both at the highest, and it can also be measured under other conditions according to the requirements of the manufacturer.
5 Test method and data processing
5.1 Test items, steps, methods
Generally, it should be carried out according to the items in Table 2. For prototypes or small batch trials produced according to the requirements of the manufacturer, the manufacturer and the manufacturer are allowed to select several items in Table 2 according to the specific test purpose, or negotiate special test items and methods. For motor direct-connected type or other transmissions that cannot be bench tested. It is allowed to use a horizontal transmission without a motor or a torque converter to replace the bench test, but it must be a product produced in the same period and batch. 5.2 Test data collection
The data to be collected during the test include: loading torque (power), speed, noise, vibration, temperature, time, etc. The data collected every half hour include input and output speed, input and output torque (power), lubricating oil or body temperature, ambient temperature, etc. The data can be collected from the digital instrument or printed out. The speed and torque (or power) values ​​are collected for at least 5 minutes each time. The time of data collection is recorded.bzxz.net
The vibration and noise of the transmission should be measured under the specified conditions, and the corresponding measured values ​​and the corresponding speed and time should be recorded. When spectrum analysis is required, the octave filter specified in GB3241 should be used. During the test, the transmission parts should be regularly observed for burns, pitting, glue inclusions, evaporation and other damage or damage. Other abnormal phenomena during the test and the type and brand of the test door lubricant should be recorded. 5 Load test JB/T 7346 3~5 points within the rated input speed and output speed range. Forward and reverse operation are not less than "h. Requirements: Operation is stable. No impact, no abnormal vibration and noise: 2: All connectors and fasteners are not loose: 3: The sealing and connection parts are lubricated: Adequate lubrication, oil pool and bearing temperature are normal: 6 Speed ​​regulation operation is flexible.After the speed range meets the design requirements and the no-load test is passed, a running-in test shall be conducted at 4-6 points (including the lowest and highest speed points) within the rated input speed and output speed range. The corresponding rated load shall be loaded in stages of 25%, 50%, and 75%. The cumulative test time shall not be less than 1 hour. Requirements: The working surfaces of all transmission parts shall be in normal contact and there shall be no obvious signs of wear. After the running-in test is completed, dynamic performance test, load performance test, overload test, vibration and noise test shall be conducted in accordance with Article of this standard. After that, a high-speed dynamic test shall be conducted at least times based on the score. Requirements:
: Flexible start-up, no damage or destruction. After the running-in test is completed, the engine can be operated at 5~10 points (including the minimum and maximum speed points) within the specified output speed range at the specified input speed. Load 50%, 20%, and 100% of the corresponding rated load step by step. The test time for each load level is not less than 1 hour to achieve system temperature equilibrium. Requirements for measurement:
8, power (combat power):
Speed ​​and operating time:
Oil pool or box temperature:
2Slip rate and speed regulation range;
Contact conditions of each surface of the transmission parts
For the selection For transmissions used for speed regulation by electric or gate drive, the components are repeatedly operated multiple times in the speed regulation manual of the corresponding product during the test. For transmissions lubricated by oil pools, the lubricating oil in the box is tested. For transmissions working in both directions or without specified rotational force, the components are verified and tested. Transmissions working in one direction are allowed to be tested in one direction. The rotation direction during the old test is consistent with the actual rotation direction. Under a given input speed, run at 3 to 5 points within the output speed range (including the lowest and highest speed points) at 120° of the corresponding rated load for no less than 1 minute. Requirements: 11: Slip rate There should not be a significant increase, and generally shall not exceed two percentage points of the specified value:
: The system does not work properly and damage occurs under the specified speed and load conditions. The transmission operating life should reach the life test and meet the design requirements.
: Check the items and consult the items.
(1) The overload test should be loaded and unloaded after starting. (2) For the oil changer with an overload ratio greater than 12:, the test shall be carried out immediately with its specified ratio and in accordance with the relevant requirements. It is allowed to use industrial application test instead of life test standard 1. The actual load of industry use must reach the rated load of one year. The product sales order is correct.
5.3 Data processing
JB/T 7346 --- 94
5.3.1 Before processing the test data, the reasons for the abnormal values ​​should be analyzed and handled carefully. 5.3.2 Calculation of the average value of torque and speed
a: The torque and speed average values ​​of the collected data should be calculated according to formula (4) and formula (5) respectively: T.
Wi: T
The average torque value of each collected data. N·m: The speed value in each group of data V·m:
… Number of groups of data collected each time:
The average speed value of the data collected again, r/in; The speed value of the group of data++, r/min.
, the average torque and speed under any load level should be calculated according to formula (6) and formula (7) respectively: T
the average speed of each load level. N·m:
Wu++. T..·.
\, the average speed of each load level. rmin: the number of times data is collected for each load level
When T in formula (4) and formula (6) is replaced by 1. The corresponding power average value can also be obtained. 5.3.3 The total efficiency of the transmission should be calculated according to formula (8): T
In the formula: \
the total transmission efficiency of the transmission;
the average value of the output speed collected.·m: 1000
and T: the average value of the input speed collected. N·m: the transmission ratio of the transmission:
the efficiency of the coupling at the input and output shaft ends of the transmission, and 7.:. -.a
"Efficiency of the coupling at the input shaft end:
-Efficiency of the coupling at the output shaft end.
The slip rate of the speed change group should be calculated according to formula (9): (
Where. ·.
Slip rate;
The average value of the input and output speeds after loading.r/min;:
The average value of the input and output speed ratio when unloaded.r/min()
The temperature rise of the transmission should be calculated according to formula (10): Wu Where: · Oil pool or box temperature rise, (,! Oil pool or box temperature.
Ambient temperature, C.
The speed ratio of the transmission should be calculated according to formula (11): 5.3. 6
±:, 3+mi:.
Speed ​​ratio;
JB/T 7346
The average value of the maximum and minimum output speed at full load, r/min. 6 Test report
The test report generally includes the following contents: a. Test purpose and content: h. Test item number, main technical parameters and performance indicators: ". Basic structure, principle and test device of the test bench; d. Test procedure and measurement point configuration: c. Test collection data, tables or curves: f. Test results and analysis: g. Conclusions and suggestions, etc.
Additional notes:
This standard was proposed and submitted by Xi'an Heavy Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by Xi'an Heavy Machinery Research Institute and Shaanxi Mechanical College. The main drafters of this standard are Zhao Yuliang, Ruan Huitang, Zhang Kai, Liang Jixiang and Yang Junmei.tTN·m: speed value in each group of data V·m:
…Number of groups of data collected each time:
The average speed value of the data collected again, r/in; the speed value of the annual group data++, r/min.
, the average torque and speed under any load level should be calculated according to formula (6) and formula (7) respectively: T
the average speed of each load level. N·m:
Wu++. T..·.
\, the average speed of each load level. rmin: the number of times data is collected for each load level
When T in formula (4) and formula (6) is replaced by 1. The corresponding power average value can also be obtained. 5.3.3 The total efficiency of the transmission should be calculated according to formula (8): T
In the formula: \
the total transmission efficiency of the transmission;
the average value of the output speed collected.·m: 1000
and T: the average value of the input speed collected. N·m: the transmission ratio of the transmission:
the efficiency of the coupling at the input and output shaft ends of the transmission, and 7.:. -.a
"Efficiency of the coupling at the input shaft end:
-Efficiency of the coupling at the output shaft end.
The slip rate of the speed change group should be calculated according to formula (9): (
Where. ·.
Slip rate;
The average value of the input and output speeds after loading.r/min;:
The average value of the input and output speed ratio when unloaded.r/min()
The temperature rise of the transmission should be calculated according to formula (10): Wu Where: · Oil pool or box temperature rise, (,! Oil pool or box temperature.
Ambient temperature, C.
The speed ratio of the transmission should be calculated according to formula (11): 5.3. 6
±:, 3+mi:.
Speed ​​ratio;
JB/T 7346
The average value of the maximum and minimum output speed at full load, r/min. 6 Test report
The test report generally includes the following contents: a. Test purpose and content: h. Test item number, main technical parameters and performance indicators: ". Basic structure, principle and test device of the test bench; d. Test procedure and measurement point configuration: c. Test collection data, tables or curves: f. Test results and analysis: g. Conclusions and suggestions, etc.
Additional notes:
This standard was proposed and submitted by Xi'an Heavy Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by Xi'an Heavy Machinery Research Institute and Shaanxi Mechanical College. The main drafters of this standard are Zhao Yuliang, Ruan Huitang, Zhang Kai, Liang Jixiang and Yang Junmei.tTN·m: speed value in each group of data V·m:
…Number of groups of data collected each time:
The average speed value of the data collected again, r/in; the speed value of the annual group data++, r/min.
, the average torque and speed under any load level should be calculated according to formula (6) and formula (7) respectively: T
the average speed of each load level. N·m:
Wu++. T..·.
\, the average speed of each load level. rmin: the number of times data is collected for each load level
When T in formula (4) and formula (6) is replaced by 1. The corresponding power average value can also be obtained. 5.3.3 The total efficiency of the transmission should be calculated according to formula (8): T
In the formula: \
the total transmission efficiency of the transmission;
the average value of the output speed collected.·m: 1000
and T: the average value of the input speed collected. N·m: the transmission ratio of the transmission:
the efficiency of the coupling at the input and output shaft ends of the transmission, and 7.:. -.a
"Efficiency of the coupling at the input shaft end:
-Efficiency of the coupling at the output shaft end.
The slip rate of the speed change group should be calculated according to formula (9): (
Where. ·.
Slip rate;
The average value of the input and output speeds after loading.r/min;:
The average value of the input and output speed ratio when unloaded.r/min()
The temperature rise of the transmission should be calculated according to formula (10): Wu Where: · Oil pool or box temperature rise, (,! Oil pool or box temperature.
Ambient temperature, C.
The speed ratio of the transmission should be calculated according to formula (11): 5.3. 6
±:, 3+mi:.
Speed ​​ratio;
JB/T 7346
The average value of the maximum and minimum output speed at full load, r/min. 6 Test report
The test report generally includes the following contents: a. Test purpose and content: h. Test item number, main technical parameters and performance indicators: ". Basic structure, principle and test device of the test bench; d. Test procedure and measurement point configuration: c. Test collection data, tables or curves: f. Test results and analysis: g. Conclusions and suggestions, etc.
Additional notes:
This standard was proposed and submitted by Xi'an Heavy Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by Xi'an Heavy Machinery Research Institute and Shaanxi Mechanical College. The main drafters of this standard are Zhao Yuliang, Ruan Huitang, Zhang Kai, Liang Jixiang and Yang Junmei.tT
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