Some standard content:
TCS 17.100
Chinese Machinery Industry Standard
JB/T 9273-1999
Electric Contact Pressure Gauge
Pressure gauge with ekectric contact1999-08-06Published
National Machinery Industry Bureau
JB/T 9273—1999
This standard is not equivalent to the Soviet Union standard TXT13717-74 "Electric Contact Pressure Gauge". Due to the development of technology and the difference in requirements, this standard mainly has the following differences from TXT13717: 1) The tire-avoiding contact type is added; 2) The performance requirements for the instrument are improved. This standard is a revision of N1101388 electric contact pressure gauge. During the revision, the original standard was revised. The seven key contents have not changed. This standard will replace ZBN1E013-88 from the date of implementation. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are the appendixes of the standard. Appendix C of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard is proposed by Xi'an Industrial Automation General Gauge Research Institute. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Xi'an Industrial Automation Gauge Research Institute. The drafters of this standard: Ju Shanyou, Zhao Fuan. Scope
Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Electric Contact Pressure Gauge
Pressure gauge wfth ectric contactJB/T 9273—1999
Replacement ZEN13013—88
This standard is intended to complete the production and classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of electric contact pressure gauges. This standard is applicable to electric contact pressure gauges with spring tubes as measuring elements and with the functions of indicating and controlling the on and off of electrical components, including electric contact pressure gauges, electric contact vacuum pressure gauges and pressure gauges (hereinafter referred to as the general provisions): This standard is not applicable to instruments with requirements such as tooth explosion and attached corrosion. This standard is not applicable to electric pressure gauges without starting points. 2 References
The urgent texts contained in the listed standards are analyzed and become the standard provisions of this standard through the introduction in the technical standard. At the time of publication of this catalog, the versions shown are valid. All market standards will be retained, and the newest version of the market standard may be used according to the year. GB/T 1226-1986-General pressure gauge || tt || GB/T 4430-1984 Industrial automation section step-by-step instructions B1445-1984 Industrial automation (normal) test method Gn 15464-1995 General purpose instrument B29-1999 Instrument variable pressure gauge, standard input and output, some storage tea 4 ring evening clauses and test methods 3 Product classification || tt || 3.1 The display type can be divided into direct output type and direct output type. 3.2 The outer diameter of the instrument is generally 100am and 15mm. Model: This device is used for electrical installation. 3.3 Basic blood parameters || tt || 3.3.1 Only the degree of sensitivity in the table meets the requirements of the table!
3.3.2 The electrical system of the instrument shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Type of point-to-point action
Auxiliary direct-hold action
Table 2 of the same table as the magnesium industry 1999-06-06 issued
1.0, 1.5, 2.5
High working voltage
Maximum allowable current
2000 ~ 01 - 01 Construction
3.3.3 The small grid of the installation shall comply with the provisions of Table 3 Table 3
Measurement range
F- , 1
0 ~ 60
0 - 100
0 -- 160
. 1 - 0. 15
- G. 1 - G. 15
-0.1 - 0.3
- 0. : - 0.5
- 0.1- 1.5
1. U, 1. 5
For: nominal diameter of outer shell 150mm. For the scale change of Z5, please refer to Appendix A (non-standard appendix). The scale height of other specifications of fine products shall be determined according to the CR/T12 standard.
4 Technical requirements
4. Normal working conditions
4.1.1 The atmospheric conditions for normal working are: temperature: - 40℃ - + 709
Phase brightness: not more than 85%.
4.1.2 The pressure part of the table is generally used as 3/4 of the upper limit of the pressure part. 4.1.3 The normal working conditions of the table are 2
a) Direct action type: should not exceed the VH2 level specified in CB/T4439, 5] Micro-assisted direct action type: should not exceed the V,H,3 level specified in G/T4439. 4.2 Reference working record
Under the following conditions, the basic setting error, back and forth error, light position, zero point error, pointer deflection stability and set point adjustment error, switching error of the meter should meet the requirements of relevant provisions. ) The indicator is in the positive working position (when not pointing, the positive working position refers to the vertical installation) h) free load and change;
α) The ring temperature is 20%±5℃,
4.3 Basic requirements
Only the basic setback difference, back and forth difference, slight displacement, quarter point reading, pointer deflection stability, indicating device and appearance shall comply with the provisions of 2.3~2.6,2.10 and 2.11 in B/T1226.
4.4 Set point deviation
The difference between the indicated value of the instrument set point (i.e. set value) and the actual load value when the signal is switched shall be within the range specified in Table 4.4
4.5 Allowable value of set point deviation for switching (in percentage of the range)
For direct action type
the difference between the actual load values when the instrument signal is connected and switched (at the time of switching) shall be in accordance with the following provisions: a) for direct action type, it shall not be greater than the indicated value within the error limit; b) for magnetic direct action type, it shall not be greater than 3.5% of the range. 4.6 Temperature influence
When the operating temperature deviates from 20±5℃, the set point deviation of the instrument shall be within the range specified by the following formula: = ±(+ KAr)
The set point value difference when the operating temperature of the instrument varies from 20 to 5℃, and the expression method is the same as the set point deviation under reference conditions. Where: 4
, %
34.4 Set point deviation, %:
——Any value of ambient humidity specified in 4.1.1, T:——25℃ when it is higher than 25℃ and [5℃ when it is lower than 15℃; 0.02%/%
4.7 Fully charged
The instrument is subjected to a static pressure test for 4h at a pressure reaching the upper limit of the measurement (or a negative pressure reaching the lower limit). The results shall comply with the provisions of 2.3 to 2.6 of GB/T1226 and 4.4 and 4.5 of this standard. 4.8 Alternating load
This table shall comply with the provisions of 2.9 of GB/T1226, and the alternating load test shall be carried out under the condition that the maximum electric roller is passed with the inductive load corresponding to the power specified in Table 2. The results shall comply with the provisions of 2.3-2.6 of GR/T1226 and 4.4 and 4.5 of this standard. 4.9 Contact on-off function of electrical signal device The requirements for the contact on-off function of the electrical signal device of the instrument are shown in Appendix C (indicative appendix). 4.10 Setting range
JB/T S9273—1999
The setting range of the instrument shall be within the range of 5% to 95% of the value displayed on its measurement. 4.11 Insulation
Only under the condition that the ambient temperature is 15%~35℃ and the relative humidity is 45%~75%, the insulation resistance between the contacts and between the contacts and the external charger shall not be less than 2010:
Lj The test strength shall be able to withstand the 45Hz-65Hz sine wave voltage 2kV. The withstand voltage test lasts for 1min. 4.12 Vibration test for working environment
Only the surface can withstand the vibration test specified in GD/T4439, the standard vibration levels are: a) direct action type: VI2 level; h) magnetic assisted direct action type: VH3 level
, and the results shall comply with the provisions of 2.3~2.6 of GB/1226 and of this standard. 4.13 Performance against transport environment
The instrument shall be able to withstand the continuous impact and drop test of 1 μm specified in the environmental test of JB/T9329 when transported and packaged. The results shall comply with 2.3-2.6 of GB/T1226 and 4.4, 4.5. Test methods
The test conditions and test time are shown in Appendix B (standard notes). 5.1 Test equipment
The test conditions are as specified in 2.2 of GB/T1226. Note: The factory test may not be carried out under the meter model, but the meter shall comply with 2,3~2.6 of GB/T1226 and 4.4,4.5 of this standard under the multi-working conditions.
5.2 Test equipment
The equipment used is a meter that can meet the highest working voltage and the maximum allowable charge of the product, can produce a 0V DC full potential, and a load width of 5Ω; can apply a test voltage of more than √ and an inductive load that meets the power requirements of the meter. 5.3 Test procedures
The meter shall be tested according to the provisions of this standard, and then the indication reading difference test shall be carried out, and then the set point deviation and switching difference test shall be carried out. When conducting the deviation error test, the setting needle should be pressed open so that the movement of the indicating pointer is not affected. 5.4 Test point
8) Use the numerically marked calibration line as the test point for the indication error; b) Use the numerically marked scale line near 25%, 50% and 75% of the range as the test point for the set point deviation 5.5 Basic requirements Test
The basic error, back and forth error, tap displacement, zero error, pointer dump stability, indicating device and appearance test of the instrument shall be carried out in accordance with the methods of 3.1-3.5, 3.9 and 3.IU of CB/T1226. 5.6 Set point deviation test
5.6.1 For each test point, the set point deviation test shall be carried out under the two conditions of load increase and load reduction. 5..2 Upper limit setting test Two points near 50% and 75% of the range. The lower limit is set to 25% of the range and the lower limit is set to 50% of the range. 5.6.3 First, align the setting pointer with the specified test point (i.e., the setting value). After heating, slowly increase (decrease) the load (when the indicating pointer approaches the setting value, the load change rate should not exceed 1% of the range per second) until the signal is connected [disconnected]. Make the setting value and the actual load signal when the signal is switched.
5.7 Switching difference test
During the test in 5.6, insert the actual load value when the signal is switched at the same setting point. 5.8 Temperature influence The test
The temperature is only placed in a constant overflow box, and the temperature is gradually increased (decreased) to the temperature value specified in 4.4.1. After heating, it is tested according to 3.6 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6.9 Full load test
JB/T 8273—1988
Under the test conditions of 5.1, subject the rod to a load of the upper limit value of the full coverage for 4 hours. After the load is removed, within 30 minutes, follow 3.1 to 3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 3.7 of this standard. Inspection, 5.10 Alternating negative test
Under the test conditions of 5.1, the instrument shall be subjected to alternating negative test in accordance with the provisions of 3.8 of CB/T1226. During the test, the set pointer shall be set to the upper and lower limits of the specified alternating amplitude, and the maximum current allowed by the instrument and the inductive load with the power specified in Table 2 shall be passed. The signal shall be alternatingly disconnected. Within 30 days after the test, the test of 3.1~3.5 of GB/T1226 shall be completed and the test of 5.6 and 5.7 shall be carried out. 5.11 The contact on-off function of the electrical signal device is shown in Appendix C (Appendix for reference).
5.12 Setting test
Start the setting pointer and visually observe the setting range of the two setting pointers. 5.13 Continuity test
Under the environmental conditions specified in 4.11, connect the megohmmeter between the connection and the rated wiring terminals of the instrument and the shell, and measure their insulation resistance respectively. Then connect the test bench in the same way, and gradually increase the test voltage from zero to 2V, keep it for 1 minute, there should be no arcing and breakdown, and then gradually reduce the test voltage to zero. Finally, cut off the power supply, 5.14 The instrument should be tested in accordance with the requirements of GB/T4451. For direct-acting instruments, the frequency range is 10Lz~5Lz, the reference amplitude is D.I5mm, and the fixed frequency detection time is 1h. For fuel-assisted direct-acting instruments, the vibration test is carried out according to the requirements of Class 1A in GB/T4451. 5.14.1 When the initial driving response is checked, the setting pointer should be turned on and 50% of the range should be added. 5.14.2 The durability test adopts a constant test. First, set the setting pointer at 50% of the value, then increase the load to the value, turn on the signal, and start the dynamic device.
6.14.3 After the test, restore 11 and inspect according to 3.1-3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of technical standards. 5.15 Anti-transportation environmental performance test
Only the instrument shall be tested according to the requirements of 4.13 and the corresponding test methods in JB/T529. After the test, inspect according to 3.1~3.5 of CB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Strict test
The instrument shall be inspected according to the requirements of 4.1 of GB/T1226 and the requirements of 4.4, 4.5 and 4.11 of this standard and the corresponding test methods. Only after passing the inspection can it leave the factory. 6.2 Type inspection
In the following cases, the instrument shall be type inspected according to 2.3-2.6 and 2.10, 2.21 of GB/11225 and all technical requirements and corresponding test methods of this standard.
a! New product type design:
) Regular inspection of batch production instruments;
c) When there are major changes in design, process, material, etc. d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again.
standard: In the two cases of, 3.13, 5.14 are not required. Marking, packaging and storage
.1 Marking
Only the dial of the meter should be marked with: 5
Manufacturer name or trademark:
Production name:
Unit of measurement;
Accuracy level;
Rated power;
Maximum working voltage:
Maximum allowable current:
Manufacture year and month and serial number or batch number.
7.2 Packaging
JB/T 92731999
The meter packaging should be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer.3 Storage
The meter should be stored in a ventilated and dry place, and the air inside should be clean and not corrode the meter. 6
JB/T 9273—1999
Attached A
Standard limit
Scale indication
The scale indicator of 150mm, 2.5-level instrument in A1 shall comply with the provisions of Table A1. Table AF
Quantity gain
0 100
- 1. 1 ~ 0. 06
Quantity fraction
Total fraction
. 06
Quantity wreath
-0.1~ 1.5
11.1-6. 15
Quantity small grid position
Grid total fee
Table A1 (end)
Appendix B
(Standard appendix)
Test sequence and interval time between items
Setting model medical fast construction
: basic,
special point depth difference, batch busy end transfer level test; signal inspection and correction including. The alternating current is set to be effective and the switching function shall be realized quickly. The indication and signal properties shall be tested within 30 minutes after the attenuation reaches the value. The indication and signal properties shall be tested within 2 minutes after each test. The electrical value signal device shall be tested within JB/T9273—1999 (based on the indication data). The electrical signal device shall be able to withstand 100,000 on-off tests under the conditions that the on-off frequency is not more than 60 times per minute and the maximum allowable current and the inductive load with the rated power corresponding to Table 2. C2 Install the electrical signal device of the instrument separately on a special point-to-point function test bench, and perform the point-to-point on-off test for 10 times as specified in the test. After the test, the contact should be able to cut off the signal normally.2 Test equipment
The equipment used is a power distribution that can meet the highest working voltage and the product's maximum charge certificate, a 0V DC full potential, and a 5-ohm meter; a strength test that can apply a test voltage of more than 10000V and an inductive load that meets the power requirements of the instrument. 5.3 Test procedure
The instrument must be tested in accordance with the provisions of this standard, and then the setting point deviation and switching difference test must be carried out. When conducting the indication deviation error test, the setting needle should be pressed open so that the movement of the indicating pointer is not affected. 5.4 Test point
8) Take the calibration line marked with numbers as the test point for indication error; b) Take the scale line marked with numbers near 25%, 50% and 75% of the range as the test point for setting point deviation 5.5 Basic requirements Test acid
The basic error, back and forth error, tap displacement, zero error, pointer dump stability, indicating device and appearance test of the instrument shall be carried out according to the methods of 3.1-3.5, 3.9 and 3.IU of CB/T1226. 5.6 Set point deviation test
5.6.1 For each test point, the set point deviation test shall be carried out under the two conditions of load increase and load reduction. 5..2 Upper limit setting test Two points near 50% and 75% of the range. The lower limit is set to 25% of the range and the lower limit is set to 50% of the range. 5.6.3 First, align the setting pointer with the specified test point (i.e., the setting value). After heating, slowly increase (decrease) the load (when the indicating pointer approaches the setting value, the load change rate should not exceed 1% of the range per second) until the signal is connected [disconnected]. Make the setting value and the actual load signal when the signal is switched.
5.7 Switching difference test
During the test in 5.6, insert the actual load value when the signal is switched at the same setting point. 5.8 Temperature influence The test
The temperature is only placed in a constant overflow box, and the temperature is gradually increased (decreased) to the temperature value specified in 4.4.1. After heating, it is tested according to 3.6 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6.9 Full load test
JB/T 8273—1988
Under the test conditions of 5.1, subject the rod to a load of the upper limit value of the full coverage for 4 hours. After the load is removed, within 30 minutes, follow 3.1 to 3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 3.7 of this standard. Inspection, 5.10 Alternating negative test
Under the test conditions of 5.1, the instrument shall be subjected to alternating negative test in accordance with the provisions of 3.8 of CB/T1226. During the test, the set pointer shall be set to the upper and lower limits of the specified alternating amplitude, and the maximum current allowed by the instrument and the inductive load with the power specified in Table 2 shall be passed. The signal shall be alternatingly disconnected. Within 30 days after the test, the test of 3.1~3.5 of GB/T1226 shall be completed and the test of 5.6 and 5.7 shall be carried out. 5.11 The contact on-off function of the electrical signal device is shown in Appendix C (Appendix for reference).
5.12 Setting test
Start the setting pointer and visually observe the setting range of the two setting pointers. 5.13 Continuity test
Under the environmental conditions specified in 4.11, connect the megohmmeter between the connection and the rated wiring terminals of the instrument and the shell, and measure their insulation resistance respectively. Then connect the test bench in the same way, and gradually increase the test voltage from zero to 2V, keep it for 1 minute, there should be no arcing and breakdown, and then gradually reduce the test voltage to zero. Finally, cut off the power supply, 5.14 The instrument should be tested in accordance with the requirements of GB/T4451. For direct-acting instruments, the frequency range is 10Lz~5Lz, the reference amplitude is D.I5mm, and the fixed frequency detection time is 1h. For fuel-assisted direct-acting instruments, the vibration test is carried out according to the requirements of Class 1A in GB/T4451. 5.14.1 When the initial driving response is checked, the setting pointer should be turned on and 50% of the range should be added. 5.14.2 The durability test adopts a constant test. First, set the setting pointer at 50% of the value, then increase the load to the value, turn on the signal, and start the dynamic device.
6.14.3 After the test, restore 11 and inspect according to 3.1-3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of technical standards. 5.15 Anti-transportation environmental performance test
Only the instrument shall be tested according to the requirements of 4.13 and the corresponding test methods in JB/T529. After the test, inspect according to 3.1~3.5 of CB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Strict test
The instrument shall be inspected according to the requirements of 4.1 of GB/T1226 and the requirements of 4.4, 4.5 and 4.11 of this standard and the corresponding test methods. Only after passing the inspection can it leave the factory. 6.2 Type inspection
In the following cases, the instrument shall be type inspected according to 2.3-2.6 and 2.10, 2.21 of GB/11225 and all technical requirements and corresponding test methods of this standard.
a! New product type design:
) Regular inspection of batch production instruments;
c) When there are major changes in design, process, material, etc. d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again.
standard: In the two cases of, 3.13, 5.14 are not required. Marking, packaging and storage
.1 Marking
Only the dial of the meter should be marked with: 5
Manufacturer name or trademark:
Production name:
Unit of measurement;
Accuracy level;
Rated power;
Maximum working voltage:
Maximum allowable current:
Manufacture year and month and serial number or batch number.
7.2 Packaging
JB/T 92731999
The meter packaging should be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer.3 Storage
The meter should be stored in a ventilated and dry place, and the air inside should be clean and not corrode the meter. 6
JB/T 9273—1999
Attached A
Standard limit
Scale indication
The scale indicator of 150mm, 2.5-level instrument in A1 shall comply with the provisions of Table A1. Table AF
Quantity gain
0 100
- 1. 1 ~ 0. 06
Quantity fraction
Total fraction
. 06
Quantity wreath
-0.1~ 1.5
11.1-6. 15
Quantity small grid position
Grid total fee
Table A1 (end)
Appendix B
(Standard appendix)
Test sequence and interval time between items
Setting model
: basic,
special point depth difference, batch busy end transfer level test; signal inspection and correction including. The alternating hot and cold installation is effective, and the switching function is fast. The test must be carried out within 30 minutes after the value of the indication and signal is reached. Each time the value is placed under the test point, the indication and signal test is carried out within 2 minutes. The electrical value signal device is tested by JB/T9273—1999 (based on the indication record). The electrical signal device and the switching function of the switching point C1 electrical signal device should be able to withstand 100,000 times of on-off test under the condition that the on-off frequency is not more than 60 times per minute and the maximum allowable current and the inductive load with the rated power corresponding to Table 2 are recorded. C2 Install the electrical signal device of the instrument separately on a special point-to-point function test bench, and perform the point-to-point on-off test for 10 times as specified in the test. After the test, the contact should be able to cut off the signal normally.2 Test equipment
The equipment used is a power distribution that can meet the highest working voltage and the product's maximum charge certificate, a 0V DC full potential, and a 5-ohm meter; a strength test that can apply a test voltage of more than 10000V and an inductive load that meets the power requirements of the instrument. 5.3 Test procedure
The instrument must be tested in accordance with the provisions of this standard, and then the setting point deviation and switching difference test must be carried out. When conducting the indication deviation error test, the setting needle should be pressed open so that the movement of the indicating pointer is not affected. 5.4 Test point
8) Take the calibration line marked with numbers as the test point for indication error; b) Take the scale line marked with numbers near 25%, 50% and 75% of the range as the test point for setting point deviation 5.5 Basic requirements Test acid
The basic error, back and forth error, tap displacement, zero error, pointer dump stability, indicating device and appearance test of the instrument shall be carried out according to the methods of 3.1-3.5, 3.9 and 3.IU of CB/T1226. 5.6 Set point deviation test
5.6.1 For each test point, the set point deviation test shall be carried out under the two conditions of load increase and load reduction. 5..2 Upper limit setting test Two points near 50% and 75% of the range. The lower limit is set to 25% of the range and the lower limit is set to 50% of the range. 5.6.3 First, align the setting pointer with the specified test point (i.e., the setting value). After heating, slowly increase (decrease) the load (when the indicating pointer approaches the setting value, the load change rate should not exceed 1% of the range per second) until the signal is connected [disconnected]. Make the setting value and the actual load signal when the signal is switched.
5.7 Switching difference test
During the test in 5.6, insert the actual load value when the signal is switched at the same setting point. 5.8 Temperature influence The test
The temperature is only placed in a constant overflow box, and the temperature is gradually increased (decreased) to the temperature value specified in 4.4.1. After heating, it is tested according to 3.6 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6.9 Full load test
JB/T 8273—1988
Under the test conditions of 5.1, subject the rod to a load of the upper limit value of the full coverage for 4 hours. After the load is removed, within 30 minutes, follow 3.1 to 3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 3.7 of this standard. Inspection, 5.10 Alternating negative test
Under the test conditions of 5.1, the instrument shall be subjected to alternating negative test in accordance with the provisions of 3.8 of CB/T1226. During the test, the set pointer shall be set to the upper and lower limits of the specified alternating amplitude, and the maximum current allowed by the instrument and the inductive load with the power specified in Table 2 shall be passed. The signal shall be alternatingly disconnected. Within 30 days after the test, the test of 3.1~3.5 of GB/T1226 shall be completed and the test of 5.6 and 5.7 shall be carried out. 5.11 The contact on-off function of the electrical signal device is shown in Appendix C (Appendix for reference).
5.12 Setting test
Start the setting pointer and visually observe the setting range of the two setting pointers. 5.13 Continuity test
Under the environmental conditions specified in 4.11, connect the megohmmeter between the connection and the rated wiring terminals of the instrument and the shell, and measure their insulation resistance respectively. Then connect the test bench in the same way, and gradually increase the test voltage from zero to 2V, keep it for 1 minute, there should be no arcing and breakdown, and then gradually reduce the test voltage to zero. Finally, cut off the power supply, 5.14 The instrument should be tested in accordance with the requirements of GB/T4451. For direct-acting instruments, the frequency range is 10Lz~5Lz, the reference amplitude is D.I5mm, and the fixed frequency detection time is 1h. For fuel-assisted direct-acting instruments, the vibration test is carried out according to the requirements of Class 1A in GB/T4451. 5.14.1 When the initial driving response is checked, the setting pointer should be turned on and 50% of the range should be added. 5.14.2 The durability test adopts a constant test. First, set the setting pointer at 50% of the value, then increase the load to the value, turn on the signal, and start the dynamic device.
6.14.3 After the test, restore 11 and inspect according to 3.1-3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of technical standards. 5.15 Anti-transportation environmental performance test
Only the instrument shall be tested according to the requirements of 4.13 and the corresponding test methods in JB/T529. After the test, inspect according to 3.1~3.5 of CB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Strict test
The instrument shall be inspected according to the requirements of 4.1 of GB/T1226 and the requirements of 4.4, 4.5 and 4.11 of this standard and the corresponding test methods. Only after passing the inspection can it leave the factory. 6.2 Type inspection
In the following cases, the instrument shall be type inspected according to 2.3-2.6 and 2.10, 2.21 of GB/11225 and all technical requirements and corresponding test methods of this standard.
a! New product type design:
) Regular inspection of batch production instruments;
c) When there are major changes in design, process, material, etc. d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again.
standard: In the two cases of, 3.13, 5.14 are not required. Marking, packaging and storage
.1 Marking
Only the dial of the meter should be marked with: 5
Manufacturer name or trademark:
Production name:
Unit of measurement;
Accuracy level;
Rated power;
Maximum working voltage:
Maximum allowable current:
Manufacture year and month and serial number or batch number.
7.2 Packaging
JB/T 92731999
The meter packaging should be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer.3 Storage
The meter should be stored in a ventilated and dry place, and the air inside should be clean and not corrode the meter. 6
JB/T 9273—1999
Attached A
Standard limit
Scale indication
The scale indicator of 150mm, 2.5-level instrument in A1 shall comply with the provisions of Table A1. Table AF
Quantity gain
0 100
- 1. 1 ~ 0. 06
Quantity fraction
Total fraction
. 06
Quantity wreath
-0.1~ 1.5
11.1-6. 15
Quantity small grid position
Grid total fee
Table A1 (end)
Appendix B
(Standard appendix)
Test sequence and interval time between items
Setting model
: basic,
special point depth difference, batch busy end transfer level test; signal inspection and correction including. The alternating hot and cold installation is effective, and the switching function is fast. The test must be carried out within 30 minutes after the value of the indication and signal is reached. Each time the value is placed under the test point, the indication and signal test is carried out within 2 minutes. The electrical value signal device is tested by JB/T9273—1999 (based on the indication record). The electrical signal device and the switching function of the switching point C1 electrical signal device should be able to withstand 100,000 times of on-off test under the condition that the on-off frequency is not more than 60 times per minute and the maximum allowable current and the inductive load with the rated power corresponding to Table 2 are recorded. C2 Install the electrical signal device of the instrument separately on a special point-to-point function test bench, and perform the point-to-point on-off test for 10 times as specified in the test. After the test, the contact should be able to cut off the signal normally.5 Basic requirements for acid test
The basic error, back and forth error, tap displacement, zero error, pointer transfer stability, indicating device and appearance test of the instrument shall be carried out according to the methods of 3.1-3.5, 3.9, 3.IU in CB/T1226. 5.6 Set point deviation test
5.6.1 For each test point, the set point deviation test shall be carried out under the two conditions of load increase and load reduction. 5..2 The upper limit setting shall be tested at two points near 50% to 75% of the range. The lower limit setting shall be tested at two points near 25% to 50% of the range. 5.6.3 First, align the set pointer with the specified test point (i.e. the set value). Then slowly increase (decrease) the load (when the indicating pointer approaches the set value, the load change rate shall not exceed 1% of the range per second) until the signal is connected [disconnected]. Take the set value and the actual load signal when the signal is switched.
5.7 Switching difference test
During the test of 5.6, the actual load value is set at the same set point when switching. 5.8 Temperature influence test
Only put the meter in a constant overflow box, gradually increase (decrease) the temperature to the temperature value specified in 4.4.1, and then test according to 3.6 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard after heating.
6.9 Full load test
JB/T 8273—1988
Under the test conditions of 5.1, make the meter bear the load of the upper limit value of the full load for 4 hours, remove the load, and test according to 3.1 ~ 3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 3.7 of this standard within 30km. Inspection, 5.10 Alternating negative test
Under the test conditions of 5.1, the instrument shall be subjected to alternating negative test in accordance with the provisions of 3.8 of CB/T1226. During the test, the set pointer shall be set to the upper and lower limits of the specified alternating amplitude, and the maximum current allowed by the instrument and the inductive load with the power specified in Table 2 shall be passed. The signal shall be alternatingly disconnected. Within 30 days after the test, the test of 3.1~3.5 of GB/T1226 shall be completed and the test of 5.6 and 5.7 shall be carried out. 5.11 The contact on-off function of the electrical signal device is shown in Appendix C (Appendix for reference).
5.12 Setting test
Start the setting pointer and visually observe the setting range of the two setting pointers. 5.13 Continuity test
Under the environmental conditions specified in 4.11, connect the megohmmeter between the connection and the rated wiring terminals of the instrument and the shell, and measure their insulation resistance respectively. Then connect the test bench in the same way, and gradually increase the test voltage from zero to 2V, keep it for 1 minute, there should be no arcing and breakdown, and then gradually reduce the test voltage to zero. Finally, cut off the power supply, 5.14 The instrument should be tested in accordance with the requirements of GB/T4451. For direct-acting instruments, the frequency range is 10Lz~5Lz, the reference amplitude is D.I5mm, and the fixed frequency detection time is 1h. For fuel-assisted direct-acting instruments, the vibration test is carried out according to the requirements of Class 1A in GB/T4451. 5.14.1 When the initial driving response is checked, the setting pointer should be turned on and 50% of the range should be added. 5.14.2 The durability test adopts a constant test. First, set the setting pointer at 50% of the value, then increase the load to the value, turn on the signal, and start the dynamic device.
6.14.3 After the test, restore 11 and inspect according to 3.1-3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of technical standards. 5.15 Anti-transportation environmental performance test
Only the instrument shall be tested according to the requirements of 4.13 and the corresponding test methods in JB/T529. After the test, inspect according to 3.1~3.5 of CB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Strict
The instrument shall be inspected according to the requirements of 4.1 of GB/T1226 and the requirements of 4.4, 4.5 and 4.11 of this standard and the corresponding test methods. Only after passing the inspection can it leave the factory. 6.2 Type inspection
In the following cases, the instrument shall be type inspected according to 2.3-2.6 and 2.10, 2.21 of GB/11225 and all technical requirements and corresponding test methods of this standard.
a! New product type design:
) Regular inspection of batch production instruments;
c) When there are major changes in design, process, material, etc. d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again.
standard: In the two cases of, 3.13, 5.14 are not required. Marking, packaging and storage
.1 Marking
Only the dial of the meter should be marked with: 5
Manufacturer name or trademark:
Production name:
Unit of measurement;
Accuracy level;
Rated power;
Maximum working voltage:
Maximum allowable current:
Manufacture year and month and serial number or batch number.
7.2 Packaging
JB/T 92731999
The meter packaging should be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer.3 Storage
The meter should be stored in a ventilated and dry place, and the air inside should be clean and not corrode the meter. 6
JB/T 9273—1999
Attached A
Standard limit
Scale indication
The scale indicator of 150mm, 2.5-level instrument in A1 shall comply with the provisions of Table A1. Table AF
Quantity gain
0 100
- 1. 1 ~ 0. 06
Quantity fraction
Total fraction
. 06
Quantity wreath
-0.1~ 1.5
11.1-6. 15
Quantity small grid position
Grid total fee
Table A1 (end)
Appendix B
(Standard appendix)
Test sequence and interval time between items
Setting model
: basic,
special point depth difference, batch busy end transfer level test; signal inspection and correction including. The alternating hot and cold installation is effective, and the switching function is fast. The test must be carried out within 30 minutes after the value of the indication and signal is reached. Each time the value is placed under the test point, the indication and signal test is carried out within 2 minutes. The electrical value signal device is tested by JB/T9273—1999 (based on the indication record). The electrical signal device and the switching function of the switching point C1 electrical signal device should be able to withstand 100,000 times of on-off test under the condition that the on-off frequency is not more than 60 times per minute and the maximum allowable current and the inductive load with the rated power corresponding to Table 2 are recorded. C2 Install the electrical signal device of the instrument separately on a special point-to-point function test bench, and perform the point-to-point on-off test for 10 times as specified in the test. After the test, the contact should be able to cut off the signal normally.5 Basic requirements for acid test
The basic error, back and forth error, tap displacement, zero error, pointer transfer stability, indicating device and appearance test of the instrument shall be carried out according to the methods of 3.1-3.5, 3.9, 3.IU in CB/T1226. 5.6 Set point deviation test
5.6.1 For each test point, the set point deviation test shall be carried out under the two conditions of load increase and load reduction. 5..2 The upper limit setting shall be tested at two points near 50% to 75% of the range. The lower limit setting shall be tested at two points near 25% to 50% of the range. 5.6.3 First, align the set pointer with the specified test point (i.e. the set value). Then slowly increase (decrease) the load (when the indicating pointer approaches the set value, the load change rate shall not exceed 1% of the range per second) until the signal is connected [disconnected]. Take the set value and the actual load signal when the signal is switched.
5.7 Switching difference test
During the test of 5.6, the actual load value is set at the same set point when switching. 5.8 Temperature influence test
Only put the meter in a constant overflow box, gradually increase (decrease) the temperature to the temperature value specified in 4.4.1, and then test according to 3.6 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard after heating.
6.9 Full load test
JB/T 8273—1988
Under the test conditions of 5.1, make the meter bear the load of the upper limit value of the full load for 4 hours, remove the load, and test according to 3.1 ~ 3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 3.7 of this standard within 30km. Inspection, 5.10 Alternating negative test
Under the test conditions of 5.1, the instrument shall be subjected to alternating negative test in accordance with the provisions of 3.8 of CB/T1226. During the test, the set pointer shall be set to the upper and lower limits of the specified alternating amplitude, and the maximum current allowed by the instrument and the inductive load with the power specified in Table 2 shall be passed. The signal shall be alternatingly disconnected. Within 30 days after the test, the test of 3.1~3.5 of GB/T1226 shall be completed and the test of 5.6 and 5.7 shall be carried out. 5.11 The contact on-off function of the electrical signal device is shown in Appendix C (Appendix for reference).
5.12 Setting test
Start the setting pointer and visually observe the setting range of the two setting pointers. 5.13 Continuity test
Under the environmental conditions specified in 4.11, connect the megohmmeter between the connection and the rated wiring terminals of the instrument and the shell, and measure their insulation resistance respectively. Then connect the test bench in the same way, and gradually increase the test voltage from zero to 2V, keep it for 1 minute, there should be no arcing and breakdown, and then gradually reduce the test voltage to zero. Finally, cut off the power supply, 5.14 The instrument should be tested in accordance with the requirements of GB/T4451. For direct-acting instruments, the frequency range is 10Lz~5Lz, the reference amplitude is D.I5mm, and the fixed frequency detection time is 1h. For fuel-assisted direct-acting instruments, the vibration test is carried out according to the requirements of Class 1A in GB/T4451. 5.14.1 When the initial driving response is checked, the setting pointer should be turned on and 50% of the range should be added. 5.14.2 The durability test adopts a constant test. First, set the setting pointer at 50% of the value, then increase the load to the value, turn on the signal, and start the dynamic device.
6.14.3 After the test, restore 11 and inspect according to 3.1-3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of technical standards. 5.15 Anti-transportation environmental performance test
Only the instrument shall be tested according to the requirements of 4.13 and the corresponding test methods in JB/T529. After the test, inspect according to 3.1~3.5 of CB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Strict test
The instrument shall be inspected according to the requirements of 4.1 of GB/T1226 and the requirements of 4.4, 4.5 and 4.11 of this standard and the corresponding test methods. Only after passing the inspection can it leave the factory. 6.2 Type inspection
In the following cases, the instrument shall be type inspected according to 2.3-2.6 and 2.10, 2.21 of GB/11225 and all technical requirements and corresponding test methods of this standard.
a! New product type design:
) Regular inspection of batch production instruments;
c) When there are major changes in design, process, material, etc. d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again.
standard: In the two cases of, 3.13, 5.14 are not required. Marking, packaging and storage
.1 Marking
Only the dial of the meter should be marked with: 5
Manufacturer name or trademark:
Production name:
Unit of measurement;
Accuracy level;
Rated power;
Maximum working voltage:
Maximum allowable current:
Manufacture year and month and serial number or batch number.
7.2 Packaging
JB/T 92731999
The meter packaging should be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer.3 Storage
The meter should be stored in a ventilated and dry place, and the air inside should be clean and not corrode the meter. 6
JB/T 9273—1999
Attached A
Standard limit
Scale indication
The scale indicator of 150mm, 2.5-level instrument in A1 shall comply with the provisions of Table A1. Table AF
Quantity gain
0 100
- 1. 1 ~ 0. 06
Quantity fraction
Total fraction
. 06
Quantity wreath
-0.1~ 1.5
11.1-6. 15
Quantity small grid position
Grid total fee
Table A1 (end)
Appendix B
(Standard appendix)
Test sequence and interval time between items
Setting model
: basic,
special point depth difference, batch busy end transfer level test; signal inspection and correction including. The alternating hot and cold installation is effective, and the switching function is fast. The test must be carried out within 30 minutes after the value of the indication and signal is reached. Each time the value is placed under the test point, the indication and signal test is carried out within 2 minutes. The electrical value signal device is tested by JB/T9273—1999 (based on the indication record). The electrical signal device and the switching function of the switching point C1 electrical signal device should be able to withstand 100,000 times of on-off test under the condition that the on-off frequency is not more than 60 times per minute and the maximum allowable current and the inductive load with the rated power corresponding to Table 2 are recorded. C2 Install the electrical signal device of the instrument separately on a special point-to-point function test bench, and perform the point-to-point on-off test for 10 times as specified in the test. After the test, the contact should be able to cut off the signal normally.8. During the test, the set pointer should be set to the upper and lower limits of the specified alternating amplitude, and the maximum current allowed by the instrument and the inductive load with the power specified in Table 2 should be passed. The signal should be switched back and forth. Within 30 days after the test, the test of 3.1~3.5 of GB/T1226 should be completed, and the test of 5.6 and 5.7 should be carried out. The contact on-off function of 5.11 electrical signal devices is shown in Appendix C (the appendix of the video).
5.12 Setting test
Start the setting pointer and visually observe the setting range of the two setting pointers. 5.13 Insulation test
Under the environmental conditions specified in 4.11, connect the megohmmeter between the connection terminals and the shell of the instrument, and measure their insulation resistance respectively. Then connect the test bench in the same way, and gradually increase the test voltage from zero to 2V, keep it for 1 minute, there should be no arcing and breakdown, and then gradually reduce the test voltage to zero. Finally, cut off the power supply, 5.14 The instrument should be tested in accordance with the requirements of GB/T4451. For direct-acting instruments, the frequency range is 10Lz~5Lz, the reference amplitude is D.I5mm, and the fixed frequency detection time is 1h. For fuel-assisted direct-acting instruments, the vibration test is carried out according to the requirements of Class 1A in GB/T4451. 5.14.1 When the initial driving response is checked, the setting pointer should be turned on and 50% of the range should be added. 5.14.2 The durability test adopts a constant test. First, set the setting pointer at 50% of the value, then increase the load to the value, turn on the signal, and start the dynamic device.
6.14.3 After the test, restore 11 and inspect according to 3.1-3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of technical standards. 5.15 Anti-transportation environmental performance test
Only the instrument shall be tested according to the requirements of 4.13 and the corresponding test methods in JB/T529. After the test, inspect according to 3.1~3.5 of CB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Strict test
The instrument shall be inspected according to the requirements of 4.1 of GB/T1226 and the requirements of 4.4, 4.5 and 4.11 of this standard and the corresponding test methods. Only after passing the inspection can it leave the factory. 6.2 Type inspection
In the following cases, the instrument shall be type inspected according to 2.3-2.6 and 2.10, 2.21 of GB/11225 and all technical requirements and corresponding test methods of this standard.
a! New product type design:
) Regular inspection of batch production instruments;
c) When there are major changes in design, process, material, etc. d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again.
standard: In the two cases of, 3.13, 5.14 are not required. Marking, packaging and storage
.1 Marking
Only the dial of the meter should be marked with: 5
Manufacturer name or trademark:
Production name:
Unit of measurement;
Accuracy level;
Rated power;
Maximum working voltage:
Maximum allowable current:
Manufacture year and month and serial number or batch number.
7.2 Packaging
JB/T 92731999
The meter packaging should be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer.3 Storage
The meter should be stored in a ventilated and dry place, and the air inside should be clean and not corrode the meter. 6
JB/T 9273—1999
Attached A
Standard limit
Scale indication
The scale indicator of 150mm, 2.5-level instrument in A1 shall comply with the provisions of Table A1. Table AF
Quantity gain
0 100
- 1. 1 ~ 0. 06
Quantity fraction
Total fraction
. 06
Quantity wreath
-0.1~ 1.5
11.1-6. 15
Quantity small grid position
Grid total fee
Table A1 (end)
Appendix B
(Standard appendix)
Test sequence and interval time between items
Setting model
: basic,
special point depth difference, batch busy end transfer level test; signal inspection and correction including. The alternating hot and cold installation is effective, and the switching function is fast. The test must be carried out within 30 minutes after the value of the indication and signal is reached. Each time the value is placed under the test point, the indication and signal test is carried out within 2 minutes. The electrical value signal device is tested by JB/T9273—1999 (based on the indication record). The electrical signal device and the switching function of the switching point C1 electrical signal device should be able to withstand 100,000 times of on-off test under the condition that the on-off frequency is not more than 60 times per minute and the maximum allowable current and the inductive load with the rated power corresponding to Table 2 are recorded. C2 Install the electrical signal device of the instrument separately on a special point-to-point function test bench, and perform the point-to-point on-off test for 10 times as specified in the test. After the test, the contact should be able to cut off the signal normally.8. During the test, the set pointer should be set to the upper and lower limits of the specified alternating amplitude, and the maximum current allowed by the instrument and the inductive load with the power specified in Table 2 should be passed. The signal should be switched back and forth. Within 30 days after the test, the test of 3.1~3.5 of GB/T1226 should be completed, and the test of 5.6 and 5.7 should be carried out. The contact on-off function of 5.11 electrical signal devices is shown in Appendix C (the appendix of the video).
5.12 Setting test
Start the setting pointer and visually observe the setting range of the two setting pointers. 5.13 Insulation test
Under the environmental conditions specified in 4.11, connect the megohmmeter between the connection terminals and the shell of the instrument, and measure their insulation resistance respectively. Then connect the test bench in the same way, and gradually increase the test voltage from zero to 2V, keep it for 1 minute, there should be no arcing and breakdown, and then gradually reduce the test voltage to zero. Finally, cut off the power supply, 5.14 The instrument should be tested in accordance with the requirements of GB/T4451. For direct-acting instruments, the frequency range is 10Lz~5Lz, the reference amplitude is D.I5mm, and the fixed frequency detection time is 1h. For fuel-assisted direct-acting instruments, the vibration test is carried out according to the requirements of Class 1A in GB/T4451. 5.14.1 When the initial driving response is checked, the setting pointer should be turned on and 50% of the range should be added. 5.14.2 The durability test adopts a constant test. First, set the setting pointer at 50% of the value, then increase the load to the value, turn on the signal, and start the dynamic device.
6.14.3 After the test, restore 11 and inspect according to 3.1-3.5 of GB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of technical standards. 5.15 Anti-transportation environmental performance test
Only the instrument shall be tested according to the requirements of 4.13 and the corresponding test methods in JB/T529. After the test, inspect according to 3.1~3.5 of CB/T1226 and 5.6 and 5.7 of this standard.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Strict test
The instrument shall be inspected according to the requirements of 4.1 of GB/T1226 and the requirements of 4.4, 4.5 and 4.11 of this standard and the corresponding test methods. Only after passing the inspection can it leave the factory. 6.2 Type inspection
In the following cases, the instrument shall be type inspected according to 2.3-2.6 and 2.10, 2.21 of GB/11225 and all technical requirements and corresponding test methods of this standard.
a! New product type design:
) Regular inspection of batch production instruments;
c) When there are major changes in design, process, material, etc. d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again.
standard: In the two cases of, 3.13, 5.14 are not required. Marking, packaging and storage
.1 Marking
Only the dial of the meter should be marked with: 5
Manufacturer name or trademark:
Production name:
Unit of measurement;
Accuracy level;
Rated power;
Maximum working voltage:
Maximum allowable current:
Manufacture year and month and serial number or batch number.
7.2 Packaging
JB/T 92731999
The meter packaging should be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer.3 Storage
The meter should be stored in a ventilated and dry place, and the air inside should be clean and not corrode the meter. 6
JB/T 9273—1999
Attached A
Standard limit
Scale indication
The scale indicator of 150mm, 2.5-level instrument in A1 shall comply with the provisions of Table A1. Table AF
Quantity gain
0 100
- 1. 1 ~ 0. 06
Quantity fraction
Total fraction
. 06
Quantity wreath
-0.1~ 1.5
11.1-6. 15
Quantity small grid position
Grid total fee
Table A1 (end)
Appendix B
(Standard appendix)
Test sequence and interval time between items
Setting model
: basic,
special point depth difference, batch busy end transfer level test; signal inspection and correction including. The alternating hot and cold installation is effective, and the switching function is fast. The test must be carried out within 30 minutes after the value of the indication and signal is reached. Each time the value is placed under the test point, the indication and signal test is carried out within 2 minutes. The electrical value signal device is tested by JB/T9273—1999 (based on the indication record). The electrical signal device and the switching function of the switching point C1 electrical signal device should be able to withstand 100,000 times of on-off test under the condition that the on-off frequency is not more than 60 times per minute and the maximum allowable current and the inductive load with the rated power corresponding to Table 2 are recorded. C2 Install the electrical signal device of the instrument separately on a special point-to-point function test bench, and perform the point-to-point on-off test for 10 times as specified in the test. After the test, the contact should be able to cut off the signal normally.2 Packaging
JB/T 92731999
The packaging of the meter shall comply with the provisions of GB/T15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer. 3 Storage
The meter shall be stored in a ventilated and dry place. The air inside shall be clean and not corrode the meter. 6
JB/T 9273—1999
Attached A
Standard limit
Scale indication
The 150mm, 2.5-level instrument scale indicator in A1 shall comply with the provisions of Table A1. Table AF
Reward amount
0 100
- 1. 1 ~ 0. 06
Quantity score
Score total
. Heart.06
View volume wreath
-0.1~ 1.5
11.1-6. 15
Quantity small grid position
Grid total fee
Table A1 (end)
Appendix B
(Standard appendix)
Test sequence and interval time between items
Setting model
: basic,
special point depth difference, batch busy end transfer level test; signal inspection and correction including. The alternating current is set to be effective and the switching function shall be realized quickly. The indication and signal properties shall be tested within 30 minutes after the attenuation reaches the value. The indication and signal properties shall be tested within 2 minutes after each test. The electrical value signal device shall be tested within JB/T9273—1999 (based on the indication data). The electrical signal device shall be able to withstand 100,000 on-off tests under the conditions that the on-off frequency is not more than 60 times per minute and the maximum allowable current and the inductive load with the rated power corresponding to Table 2. C2 Install the electrical signal device of the instrument separately on a special point-to-point function test bench, and perform the point-to-point on-off test for 10 times as specified in the test. After the test, the contact should be able to cut off the signal normally.2 Packaging
JB/T 92731999
The packaging of the meter shall comply with the provisions of GB/T15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer. 3 Storage
The meter shall be stored in a ventilated and dry place. The air inside shall be clean and not corrode the meter. 6
JB/T 9273—1999
Attached A
Standard limit
Scale indication
The 150mm, 2.5-level instrument scale indicator in A1 shall comply with the provisions of Table A1. Table AF
Reward amount
0 100
- 1. 1 ~ 0. 06
Quantity score
Score total
. Heart.06
View volume wreath
-0.1~ 1.5
11.1-6. 15
Quantity small grid position
Grid total fee
Table A1 (end)
Appendix B
(Standard appendix)
Test sequence and interval time between items
Setting model
: basic,
special point depth difference, batch busy end transfer level test; signal inspection and correction including. The alternating hot and cold installation is effective, and the switching function is fast. The test must be carried out within 30 minutes after the value of the indication and signal is reached. Each time the value is placed under the test point, the indication and signal test is carried out within 2 minutes. The electrical value signal device is tested by JB/T9273—1999 (based on the indication record). The electrical signal device and the switching function of the switching point C1 electrical signal device should be able to withstand 100,000 times of on-off test under the condition that the on-off frequency is not more than 60 times per minute and the maximum allowable current and the inductive load with the rated power corresponding to Table 2 are recorded. C2 Install the electrical signal device of the instrument separately on a special point-to-point function test bench, and perform the point-to-point on-off test for 10 times as specified in the test. After the test, the contact should be able to cut off the signal normally.
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