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JB/T 7551-1994 Terminology for natural gas separation and liquefaction equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7551-1994

Standard Name: Terminology for natural gas separation and liquefaction equipment

Chinese Name: 天然气分离与液化设备 术语

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-12-09

Date of Implementation:1995-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J76 Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment

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Publication information

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Focal point unit:Hangzhou Oxygen Generator Research Institute

Publishing department:Hangzhou Oxygen Generator Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the terminology of natural gas separation and liquefaction equipment. This standard is applicable to the formulation and revision of standards, the preparation of technical documents, the drawing of drawings, the compilation and translation of professional manuals, teaching materials and books. JB/T 7551-1994 Terminology of Natural Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment JB/T7551-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Natural Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment
Published on December 9, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on October 1, 1995
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Regarding Natural Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the terminology of natural gas separation and liquefaction equipment. JB/T7551-94
This standard is applicable to the formulation and revision of standards, the preparation of technical documents, the drawing of drawings, the writing and translation of professional manuals, teaching materials and books. 2 Basic Terms
2.1 Natural Gas Separation The process of separating natural gas into various products. 2.2 Natural Gas Liquefaction The process of turning natural gas into a liquid with methane as the main component. 2.3 Natural gas purification The process of removing various impurities from natural gas to make it meet the specified requirements. Synonym: natural gas preconditioning 2.4 Natural gas drying Natural gas dehydration The process of removing water vapor from natural gas by adsorption to make it meet the specified requirements. 2.5 Desulfurization
The process of removing sulfur components from natural gas or liquid hydrocarbons to make them meet the specified requirements. 2.6
Carbon dioxide removal The process of removing carbon dioxide from natural gas or liquid hydrocarbons to make them meet the specified requirements. Acid gas removal
The process of removing sulfur components and (or) carbon dioxide from natural gas or liquid hydrocarbons to make them meet the specified requirements. Synonym: sour components removal Adsorption
The separation process of selectively transferring and attaching one or several components in the flow to a specific solid surface. 2.9
A separation process in which certain components in a gas are transferred from the gas phase to the fugitive phase through the phase boundary. 2.10 Adsorbent
A solid substance with a specific surface used to separate certain components in a fluid. 2.11
Absorption oil
Liquid hydrocarbons used to absorb and separate certain components from the natural gas being processed. Adsorbent regeneration 2.12
The process of removing the attachment between the adsorbent and the adsorbed components by heating or accompanied by a change in pressure. 2.13 Refrigeration
The use of artificial methods to make an object or space reach and maintain a required temperature lower than the ambient medium. In the separation and liquefaction of natural gas, when this temperature is lower than 40°C to -45°C, it is called cryogenic temperature. When it is higher than this temperature, it is called JB/T approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on December 9, 1994 and implemented on October 1, 1995. 755194
"General cooling or shallow cooling (refrigeration, low temperature). 2.14 Rectification
The process of separating two or more products with certain purity requirements by partially vaporizing and condensing a multi-component mixture with different boiling points. Synonymous: fractionation, distillation. Flash
The process of producing a gas phase in equilibrium with a liquid while reducing its pressure. 2.16 Natural gas (NG)
A gas mixture stored in underground structures at a certain pressure, usually with hydrocarbons as its main component; natural gas is a general term for associated gas and non-associated gas in oil fields.
2.17 Sour natural gas Natural gas containing more acidic gas components. 2.18 Acid gas
Impurities contained in natural gas or liquid hydrocarbons Components, usually CO, H2S, COS and SO, the most common are CO, H2S and COS.
Synonyms: acidic components sourcomponents feedgas
the inlet gas of the device to be treated,
lean gas
few product components, not suitable for recovery and treatment as raw gas for products. 2.21
rich gas
rich gas
containing product components suitable for recovery and treatment as raw gas for products 2.22 Wet gas wet gas Raw gas that has not been dried or whose water content does not meet the specified requirements. 2.23 Dry gas dry gas Raw gas that has been dried and whose water content meets the requirements. Residue gas residue gas Residue gas after the product is recovered. 2.25 Liquefied natural gas (LNG) Liquid natural gas with methane as its main component. 2.26 Light hydrocarbons hydrocarbons
refers to low molecular weight hydrocarbons such as methane, ethane, propane and butane. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 2.27
Liquid hydrocarbons with propane or butane, or propane-butane mixture as its main components, which should meet the relevant standards. natural gas condensate natural gas condensate 2.28
Liquid hydrocarbons formed when natural gas condenses, generally refers to the natural gas produced in the separator due to changes in temperature and pressure. When it has a specific vapor pressure, it is called stable condensate.
Synonym: condensate
natural gasoline natural gasoline
Liquid hydrocarbon mixture extracted from natural gas mainly composed of ethane and heavier hydrocarbon components, which should meet the relevant standards. 2.30 natural gas liquid natural gas liquid (NGL) is a liquid hydrocarbon mixture mainly composed of ethane and heavier hydrocarbon components recovered from natural gas, which should usually meet the relevant regulations. 2.31 Commercial ethane
commercial ethane
Liquid hydrocarbon product mainly composed of ethane, which should meet certain commodity standards. 2.32 Commercial propane commercial propane liquid hydrocarbon product mainly composed of propane, which should meet certain commodity standards. 2.33 Commercial butane commercial butane liquid hydrocarbon product mainly composed of butane, which should meet certain commodity standards. 2.34 Commercial mixture of propane and butane commercial mixture of propane and butane liquid hydrocarbon product mainly composed of propane and butane, which should meet certain commodity standards. Cryogenic cycle with expander 2.35
Refrigeration cycle in which the gas expands adiabatically in the expander and performs external work at the same time. 2.36 Cryogenic cycle with expander and an ad of refrigeration An expansion cycle with an auxiliary system using nitrogen, propane and other refrigerants as refrigerants to provide additional cooling capacity for gas separation and liquefaction. Cycle with throttling expansion 2.37
A refrigeration cycle in which the cooling capacity of the actual fluid in the isothermal compression process is expressed in the form of a decrease in fluid temperature during the throttling expansion process, such as the common vapor compression refrigeration cycle. 2.38
Cascade cycle
A refrigeration cycle that uses a variety of refrigerants to form their own systems to provide cooling capacities at different temperature levels for natural gas separation and liquefaction.
2.39 Mixed component refrigeration cycle (MCR) is a compression refrigeration cycle that uses a mixture of multiple components as refrigerant to obtain cooling capacity at different temperature levels; in natural gas liquefaction, there are mixed refrigerant refrigeration cycles with propane precooling (propane-MCR) and dual-pressure mixed refrigerant refrigeration cycles (Tealare). 2.40 Nominal feed gas throughput The nominal feed gas throughput (under standard conditions) that reflects the scale of the unit as specified in the standard or contract. Standard state Normal state refers to the gas state at a temperature of 0°C and a pressure of 101.325 kPa. 2.42 Recovery rate The ratio of the total content of a given component in the product to the total content of the component in the feed gas. 2.43 Hydrogen displacement The process of using nitrogen to dilute and replace the gas in the system so that the content of the flammable medium is lower than its lower explosion limit. Z.44 Peak shaving During the peak period of pipeline gas consumption, the natural gas produced by the equipment is used as a supplement to maintain the normal gas supply, such as the production, storage and vaporization of LNG to supplement the gas supply.
2.45 Adiabatic expansion The process in which a fluid expands from a higher pressure to a lower pressure without heat exchange with the ambient medium. 2.46Difference in temperature at inletThe temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids at the hot fluid inlet of the heat exchanger. Difference in temperature at outlet2.47
The temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids at the cold fluid inlet of the heat exchanger. 2.48Cold losscaused by heat leakageThe temperature difference between the equipment working at a temperature lower than the ambient temperature and the surrounding medium causes the cold loss. 2.49Recycle
The process of returning the processed fluid to the upstream inlet to further recover the required components or perform operation control. Cold losscaused by insufficient warm-up2.50
The temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids at the hot end of the heat exchanger causes the loss of incomplete cold recovery. 3
Synonym: Incomplete reheat loss
Isentropic expansion
An expansion process in which the fluid value remains unchanged before and after decompression. It is an ideal expansion process. 2.52 Isentropic efficiency The ratio of the actual decompression of the fluid at the beginning and end of the process to the theoretical decompression after various losses are taken into account. Symbol:. 3 Equipment terms
3.1 Natural gas separation equipment natural gas assembly plant A complete set of equipment that separates natural gas into various products. Synonym: Natural gas separation unit
Natural gas compression system natural gas compression system 3.2
A combined system of several unit equipment and pipelines used to compress natural gas in natural gas separation and liquefaction equipment. Natural gas purification system natural gas purification system 3.3
A combined system of several unit equipment and pipelines used to remove various impurities in raw gas in natural gas separation and liquefaction equipment. Synonyms: natural gas preconditioning system natural gas cryogenic separation system natural gas cryogenic processing system 3.4
A combined system of several unit equipment and pipelines used in natural gas separation equipment to separate natural gas into required products at low temperature. Unit equipment unitapparatus
An individual device with a certain function.
3.6 Separator
A container that uses physical methods to separate mixed phase fluid into gas phase and liquid phase, such as oil-gas separator, water separator, condensate separator, etc. Synonyms: gas-liquid separator gas-liquid separator 3.7
Expander inlet separator expander inlets separator A vapor-liquid separator located at the inlet end of the expander. Expander outlet separator expander outlet separator 3.8
A vapor-liquid separator located at the outlet end of the expander. Triphase separator triphaseseparator
A container used to separate gas and two immiscible liquids of different densities (such as gas-water-oil). 3.10 Filter filter
Equipment for removing ambient particles or oil from liquid or gas, such as dust filter, oil filter, etc. Flame arrester flamerrester
Equipment filled with flame-retardant material to prevent flame from flowing back. 3.12 Packed column
A distillation tower or absorption tower filled with packing.
3.13 Rectification column A tower that separates natural gas components by generating a heat and mass transfer surface through gas-liquid countercurrent contact. Synonymous: Fractionation column Absorption column
A tower where the treated natural gas contacts and absorbs the absorption oil. 3.15 Stripper
A tower that extracts the absorbed components from the absorption oil with a stripping medium. Stabilizer
A tower that stabilizes liquids to reduce vapor pressure and make them less volatile. 4
3.17 Demethanizer
JB/T 7551-94
A tower that separates methane and components lighter than methane from a hydrocarbon mixture feed. 3.18 Deethanizer
A tower that separates ethane and components lighter than ethane from a hydrocarbon mixture feed. Depropanizer
A tower that separates propane and components lighter than propane from a hydrocarbon mixture feed. Debutanizer
A tower that separates butane and components lighter than butane from a hydrocarbon mixture feed. 3.21
A heat exchanger used to remove the latent heat of evaporation and change the gas from vapor to liquid. When it partially changes to liquid, it is called a partial condenser. 3.22Reflux condenserA condenser that provides reflux liquid at the top of a distillation tower. 3.23Reboiler
A heat exchanger that provides heat to the bottom of a distillation tower to partially vaporize the liquid at the bottom of the tower, such as a siphon reboiler, a thermosyphon reboiler, and a forced circulation reboiler.
Synonyms: reboiler
Side boiler sidereboiler
A heat exchanger that heats the logistics in the middle of the distillation tower and participates in distillation. Heat exchanger
Equipment for heat transfer between cold and hot fluids, such as shell and tube heat exchangers, plate-fin heat exchangers, and coil-wound (coil-type) heat exchangers. Synonyms: heat exchanger
3.26 Cooler
A heat exchanger for fluids that transfer heat without phase change.
Electric heater
Equipment for heating fluids with electricity.
Steam heater
Equipment for heating fluids with steam.
Heating furnace
Equipment for heating fluids with flame.
3.30 Dryer
Equipment for removing moisture from raw gas by adsorption. 3.31 Reflux accumulator
A container for storing reflux waves from the top of a condenser. 3.32 Flash drum
A container for separating a mixed-phase fluid after flash evaporation into two phases: steam and wave. 3.33
A facility that uses combustion to quickly dispose of continuously emitted flammable gases and large amounts of flammable gases that are vented urgently. Packaged unit, skid mounted unit 3.34
A group of equipment and accessories assembled in the factory and installed on site as an operational component of a complete set of equipment. 3.35 LNG peak shaving plant A natural gas liquefaction plant that produces, stores, and vaporizes liquefied natural gas for peak shaving. Turbine expander turbo expander, expansion turbine 3.36
A machine that generates cold base by rotating the working wheel to make the fluid work externally. When the fluid is raw gas (or its vapor phase), it is called inlet expansion 5
JB/T 755194
machine, when it is residual gas, it is called an outlet expander; when the brake end dragged by the expander is used to increase the pressure of the process fluid, it is called a booster (booster, compressor). If the process fluid is raw gas, it is called an inlet booster (front booster), if it is residual gas, it is called an outlet booster (rear booster), and there are other reflux expanders, reflux boosters, etc. Standard state
Side boiler
Cycle with throttling expansion
Expander refrigeration cycle with external cooling
Unit equipment
Nitrogen replacement
Equal extraction expansion
Equal extraction efficiency
Electric heater
Cascade refrigeration cycle
Reheating loss
Dry gas
Nominal processing gas volume
Heat exchanger
Reflux tower
Reflux condenser
Recovery rate
Mixed refrigerant refrigeration cycle
Heating furnace
Condensation tower
Adiabatic expansion chamber
Cold end temperature difference
Appendix A
Terminology index (in Chinese pinyin order)
Cooling loss
..2. 38
Expander outlet separator·
Expander inlet separator
Expander refrigeration cycle
Stripping tower
Skid-mounted equipment
Hot end warm stem
Three-phase separator
Flash dew
Commercial propane and butane mixture...
Commercial propane
Commercial butane
Commercial ethane
Acid natural gas
Natural gas
Natural gas low temperature separation system
Off-gas separation
Natural gas separation equipment
Natural gas drying
Natural gas purification
Natural gas purification system·
Natural gas liquid
Natural gas compression system
Natural gas liquefaction
Natural gas liquid
Natural gasoline
Packed tower
Turbine expander
Decarbon dioxide removal
Deacid gas removal...
Adsorbent regeneration
Additional instructions:
JB/T 755194
Absorption tower
Absorption oil
Liquefied petroleum gas
Liquefied natural gas
Liquefied natural gas peak-shaving equipment
Raw gas
Steam heater
Flame arrester
This standard is proposed and managed by the Jizhou Oxygen Generator Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, and is drafted by the Sichuan Cryogenic Equipment Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Li Tielin, Guo Jindao, 8
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