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JB/T 8916-1999 Rotary kiln

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8916-1999

Standard Name: Rotary kiln

Chinese Name: 回转窑

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-06-28

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mining and Mineral Products >> 73.120 Mineral Processing Equipment

Standard Classification Number:Mining>>Mining Machinery and Equipment>>D94 Crushing and Grinding Equipment

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Mining Machinery

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8916-1999 JB/T 8916-1999 Rotary Kiln JB/T8916-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rotary kiln
1999-06-28 Issued
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
2000-01-01 Implementation
Appendix A of this standard is a reminder appendix.
The technical standard is proposed and managed by the National Standardization Technical Committee for Excavator Machinery. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: CITIC Heavy Machinery Lock Company. The main drafters of this standard: Feng Yan, Lai Suyu, Lan Hua, T Wenyu, Guo Ming. Specification
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rotary kin
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, labeling, packaging, transportation and operation of rotary kilns. This standard is applicable to rotary kilns with a diameter of 1.6-4.8m for incubating clinker in cement, building materials, chemical, metallurgy, papermaking and other industrial sectors. When the diameter exceeds the above range, it can also be used as a reference. 2
Cited Standards
The provisions of the following standards are quoted in this standard and are qualified as the text of this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are all valid. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard are encouraged to use the latest version of the underlined standard. GB/700-1588
GB/T 3274-1988
GB/T 3323-19B7
GBT 5J17-1995
GB/T 511R 1995
GR/T 113451989
GG/T 133061991
3 Product classification
Carbon steel structural steel
General specifications for dimensions without tolerances
Carbon steel structural steel and low alloy structural steel Hot rolled thick steel plates and strips Fusion welded butt joints Radiography and quality grading of steel bars
Low alloy steel welding rods
Asymmetric circular gears
Steel manual ultrasonic testing methods and testing results Grading labels
General packaging techniques for electromechanical products
Method for specifying mechanical product models
3. The product model indication shall comply with the provisions of JB 1604. 3.1 Product classification and performance parameters shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. State Council Machinery Industry 1999-06-28 approved 200 days -01-01 implementation
point through the city
length-diameter ratio
unit production capacity
unit and the total production plan
plastic type and regular
cement density
3.0-6. core
: the same as the conversion muscle extraction number is shown in the appendix) 4 technical requirements
4. basic technical requirements
density outside the seal
3-2 6
4.1.1 The rotary table shall meet the requirements of the standard and be prepared according to the approved samples and technical documents through the prescribed procedures. For general technical requirements not specified in this standard, the relevant national standards and industry standards shall be followed. 41. The angular limit of the inch on the drawing shall comply with the provisions of B1. The machined surface shall be graded according to Grade 4, and the non-machined surface of the molded parts shall be graded. The minimum surface tolerance and the column tolerance of the technical shape and position tolerance shall be half of the diameter tolerance. 4.1.3 The size of the spare parts shall be interchangeable. 4.1.4 The rotary table shall adapt to the ambient temperature of -30~+40%. The altitude shall not exceed 1000. 4.1.5 If there are special requirements, the user and the manufacturer shall make additional arrangements through consultation. 4.2 Technical requirements for main parts
4.2.1 The material of the steel plate shall not be lower than the mechanical properties specified in Q2.15.B of GRT700: In the cold zone (the lowest temperature is lower than -20), the cold back test shall be performed. The surface quality of the steel plate shall comply with the provisions of G3274. For steel with a temperature of 4 mm or more, the area with a width of 60 mm on the edge of the finished material shall be inspected by ultra-high wave flaw detection before cutting, and there shall be no cracks, cracks, etc. 4.22 When the steel plate segment is evaluated in the circumferential direction, the number of good sections with a diameter of more than 3 m shall not exceed 10, and the shortest plate length must be greater than 10% of the circumference: the section with a diameter of 3 m or less shall not exceed 2, the shortest arc length shall not exceed 1/4 of the length, the shortest length of the section shall not be less than 1 m, and there shall be no more than one such short section in the span, and it shall be arranged in the middle of the span. The longitudinal welds of the phase sections shall be staggered and the staggered distance shall not be less than 8 mm. 4.2.3 The staggered distance of the weld seam 11 (see Figure 1) shall not be greater than 2 mm. Longitudinal welding avoidance
Defective welding
4.4 The maximum diameter and the most central diameter on the same section of any section shall not exceed 0.2% (for the inner diameter of the tube body: the cylinder section with wheel belt and large gear, the maximum diameter and the most central diameter on the same section shall not exceed 0.15%D. 4.2.5 The end face difference of the largest section measured (see Figure 2) shall not exceed 1mm. Figure 2
4.2.6 The surface of the weld and the entire affected area shall not be allowed to have cracks and other defects that affect the strength. 4.2.7 The undercut depth of the weld shall not exceed 0.5mm, the continuous length of the edge shall not exceed 100mm, and the total length of the undercut of each weld (the sum of the two sides) shall not exceed 10% of the length. 4.2. The weld should be full of coal, the maximum The lowest point shall not be lower than the surface of the metal mesh. The height of the seam between the base metal surface; inside the cylinder, the general area shall not be greater than 1.5mm, the burned zone area (i.e. within the range of eight times the cylinder diameter from the hot end) shall not be greater than 0.5mm; outside the cylinder shall not be greater than 3mml.
4.2.9 The welding chain shall be operated and its quality assessment: when ultrasonic probing is used, it shall be carried out according to GB/T11345, and it is qualified if it meets the requirements of Level II; when deep penetration is used, it shall be carried out according to GB/T3323, and it is qualified if it meets the requirements of Level II. 4.2.10 The welding rod used for cylinder welding shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T51)7 and GB/T5118, and its quality ratio shall ensure that the mechanical performance of the weld is not lower than the mechanical performance of the parent material.
4.Z.11 The precision of gear manufacturing shall comply with the provisions of 9-9-8L in GB10095. 4.2.11 After the gear is processed, the original surface hardness of the gear shall not be less than 170IIB. 4.2.13 The manufacturing precision of the pinion shall comply with the provisions of GB/T100959.9-8G: 4.2.14 The surface plasticity of the pinion tooth shall be higher than the required hardness of the circle, and the difference shall be between 20-40HR. 4.2.15 After the wheel belt is processed, the outer bottom surface hardness shall not be lower than 170HB. 4.2.16 The hardness of the supporting wheel is higher than the hardness of the wheel belt, and the corresponding difference shall be between 20-40HR. 4.2.17 The shaft and spherical bearing shall be tested by water in reverse, and there shall be no mixing phenomenon. 4.2.18 The large gear is closed. The defect repair welding of important castings such as wheel tyre, handle wheel, stop wheel, etc. shall meet the following requirements: a) After rough processing, the width of the cutting defects on the outer surface of wheel tyre, handle wheel, stop wheel and large gear wheel rim shall not exceed 10% of the working surface width, and the sum of the cutting defects shall not exceed 2% of the total area of ​​each surface, but the sum including the cutting defect area of ​​rough parts shall not exceed 4% of the total area of ​​each surface; the cutting depth shall not exceed 25% of the wall thickness and the minimum shall not exceed 25mm; b) Pre-heating must be carried out before welding repair, and treatment must be carried out after short-term repair. The hardness of the hot spot should be lower than the hardness of the parent material, and the difference in the central area shall not be greater than 10% of the parent material hardness: JB/T8916-[999
c) After fine processing, welding repair is not allowed on the working surface. 4.3 Assembly and installation requirements
4.3.1 Body parts
41.1.1 After the cylinder is welded, the limit deviation of the length and the distance between the belts (see Figure 3) shall meet the following requirements: a) The limit deviation of the distance between the centers of two adjacent belts L is ±.023% L; b) The limit deviation of the center plane of the two belts L is ±0.02% L; c) The limit deviation of the distance from the center of the belt to the end face is +0.3%; d) The total limit deviation is +0% Installation of the cylinder The connecting line of the centers of the cylinder at the front and rear belts is taken as the reference. The circular tolerance of the connecting line of the center of the cylinder is: a) 4mm at the large teeth and belts; b) 12mm at other parts The installation tolerance of gears is:
a) The radial runout tolerance of the large inner ring is 1.5mm; b) The end face circular runout tolerance of the large gear is 1m;
c) The maximum distance between the large gear ring and the phase wheel is +3mm. The center of the gear should be on the same geometric center line, and its radial runout tolerance is 1mm, and the end face circular runout tolerance is 2mm
4.3.2 Transmission equipment When cold, the tooth top distance of the large and small gears should be 0.25m + (2mm-3mm) The contact spots on the tooth surfaces of large and small gears shall be not less than 40% along the tooth brightness and not less than 50% along the tooth length. 4.3.3 Support device
JB/T8916-1599 The center line of the supporting wheel shall be parallel to the axis of the cylinder and installed obliquely. The parallelism tolerance is 0.05mm/m4.33.1 The water pipeline system of the supporting wheel shaft shall be tested for water. The waterway shall be unobstructed and there shall be no stone leakage. When using the stop wheel with alkali, the pressure shall be controlled by the oil pressure system. Test, no cross leakage phenomenon, 4.4 Safety requirements
4.4.1 In the rotating transmission pin, a locking device should be set to cut off the motor when the auxiliary transmission starts. 4.4.2 The rotary auxiliary transmission must be equipped with a single power source. 44.3 In the transmission coupling required for domestic rotation, a guard should be set on the outside of the open gear to protect the safety of personnel and equipment. 4.4.4 The transmission structure of the rotary case must be equipped with a dynamic device to prevent the simplified household from rotating after the kiln is stopped. 5 Test method
s.1 Water t test
During the water pressure test, it should be 0 .6MPa test pressure for 10 minutes, and check whether there are any connections in the system. 5.2 Oil pressure test
5.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum working pressure. 5.2.1 Under the test pressure, the pressure-bearing body is maintained for 15 minutes, and the entire system is maintained for 10 minutes to check for leaks. 5.3 The rotary seal is tested in the village according to the following regulations: a) The motor runs at no load for 2 hours; b) The auxiliary motor runs with a reducer for 2 hours; c) The main motor runs with the seal.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 The stepping machine products must be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before they can leave the factory, and they must be accompanied by a document proving that the product quality is qualified. 6.2 Body Welding Flaw Detection
6.2.1 When manufacturing in the factory, the quality inspection shall be carried out in accordance with 4.2.9. 6.2.2 When inspecting and installing manual welding, the welding quality inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of (month/11345). 6.2.3 Each weld chain must be inspected by flaw detection. When ultrasonic flaw detection is used, the length of the weld shall not be less than 25% of the length of the seam; when radiographic flaw detection is used, it shall be 15%. Weld intersections must be inspected frequently. 6.2.4 When ultrasonic flaw detection is used, suspicious weld chains found should be evaluated by radiographic flaw detection. 6.2.5 When the weld flaw detection is unsatisfactory, the weld chain should be doubled in length for inspection. If it fails again, 100% inspection should be carried out. 6.2 .6 The number of weld repairs on the same part should not exceed two times. For repairs exceeding two times, the parts and times of repairs shall be stated in the product quality certificate with the consent of the technical department of the manufacturing unit. .3 Test run and inspection after assembly
(3.1 Do not rotate quickly after the welding process to prevent loosening. If the welding process is slow, the welding process should be rechecked and replaced before ignition.
6.3.2 Inspection content
6.3.2. The temperature rise of the auxiliary parts of the supporting wheel shall not exceed 30°C, the temperature rise of the transmission shaft and the motor reducer bearing shall not exceed 25°C, and the lubrication of each part shall be normal.
. The length of the joint surface between the wheel belt and the handle wheel shall not be less than 75% of the working width, JB/T 8916—1999
(.3.2.3 The seals of both ends of the rotary kiln and the transmission device and the feed device should be kept in a positive state during operation. (.3.2.4 The fastening bolts at all locations should not be loose. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 The rotary kiln should be marked with a product label at an appropriate and obvious position. Its type and size should comply with the provisions of GBT13306 and indicate the following contents:
:) Product name and specifications;
h) Main technical parameters;
|) Factory number;
d) Ex-factory date;
e) Manufacturer name and trademark.
7.2 The packaging and packaging of the rotary kiln should comply with the provisions of GB/T133B4 and land and water transportation. .3 The packaging of the parts should be firm and secure, and the internal parts should be protected from rain and moisture. .4 If the machine is disassembled and transported in two halves, measures should be taken to maintain its correct state and prevent its deformation. 7.5 The outside of the packaging box and the bare parts should have obvious text and symbols, including: ) Receiving unit and address:
b) Product name, specifications and factory serial number: c) Box number, outer size, weight, gross weight and transportation mark: d) Manufacturer name
7. (The accompanying technical documents include: a) Installation and delivery list:
b) Product certificate;
e! Product installation and use instructions;
4) Product general drawing and base drawing.
7. Before installing and using the slewing machine, the manufacturer and the user must properly store the parts to prevent rust, damage and deformation. 7.8 Important annular parts that are easy to deform (such as wheels and large gear rings) must be placed horizontally when stored for a long time, and the bottom surface must be solidified with durable components. No heavy objects are allowed to be placed on them. 41
(prompt recording)
Recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers The recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers should be derived from Table A1, A!
1/2 s 78
$3.2 ×52
4 x tith
$2.3 × 32
42.5 ×60
.1 x G0
93.6/3 k60 | .5F
number of support
75 ×2
200 ×2
Suspended heat density
Standard two-neck heat photography
Dense external division decryption
Dense external division single in
Effective pregnancy preheating control
Standard decision to obtain mixed
Display method transfer room
Dense external division will
External division room
Chemical T density
Refractory light density
Adhesive lime penetration
Clear gold density
Active busy stone space
Standing lime emperor
Metallurgy meeting density3 In the case of transmission couplings that require rotation, guards should be installed on the outside of open gears to protect personnel and equipment safety. 4.4.4 The transmission structure of the rotary case must be designed to prevent the cylinder from rotating after the kiln is stopped. 5 Test method
s.1 Water t test
During the water pressure test, it should be maintained at a test pressure of 0.6MPa for 10 minutes, and check whether there are any connections in the system. 5.2 Oil pressure test
5.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum working pressure. 5.2.1 Under the test pressure, the pressure is maintained for 15 minutes, and the entire system is maintained for 10 minutes to check for leakage. 5.3 The rotary cylinder is tested in the village according to the following regulations: a) The motor runs at no load for 2 hours;
b) The auxiliary motor runs with a reducer for 2 hours; ) The main motor runs with the cylinder.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 The products of the stage must be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturing plant before they can be shipped out of the factory, and they must be accompanied by documents proving that the product quality is qualified. 6.2 Partial weld flaw detection inspection
6.2.1 When manufactured in the manufacturing plant, the quality inspection shall be carried out in accordance with 4.2.9. 6.2.2 When inspecting and installing manual welding, the welding quality inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of (month/11345). 6.2.3 Each weld chain must be inspected by flaw detection. When ultrasonic flaw detection is used, the length of the weld shall not be less than 25% of the length of the seam; when radiographic flaw detection is used, it shall be 15%. Weld intersections must be inspected frequently. 6.2.4 When ultrasonic flaw detection is used, any suspicious weld chain found should be evaluated by radiographic flaw detection. 6.2.5 When the weld flaw detection fails, the weld chain should be doubled in length for inspection. If it fails again, 100% inspection should be carried out. 6.2 .6 The number of weld repairs on the same part should not exceed two times. For repairs exceeding two times, the parts and times of repairs shall be stated in the product quality certificate with the consent of the technical department of the manufacturing unit. .3 Test run and inspection after assembly
(3.1 Do not rotate quickly after the welding process to prevent loosening. If the welding process is slow, the welding process should be rechecked and replaced before ignition.
6.3.2 Inspection content
6.3.2. The temperature rise of the auxiliary parts of the supporting wheel shall not exceed 30°C, the temperature rise of the transmission shaft and the motor reducer bearing shall not exceed 25°C, and the lubrication of each part shall be normal.
. The length of the joint surface between the wheel belt and the handle wheel shall not be less than 75% of the working width, JB/T 8916—1999
(.3.2.3 The seals of both ends of the rotary kiln and the transmission device and the feed device should be kept in a positive state during operation. (.3.2.4 The fastening bolts at all locations should not be loose. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 The rotary kiln should be marked with a product label at an appropriate and obvious position. Its type and size should comply with the provisions of GBT13306 and indicate the following contents:
:) Product name and specifications;
h) Main technical parameters;
|) Factory number;
d) Ex-factory date;
e) Manufacturer name and trademark.
7.2 The packaging and packaging of the rotary kiln should comply with the provisions of GB/T133B4 and land and water transportation. .3 The packaging of the parts should be firm and secure, and the internal parts should be protected from rain and moisture. .4 If the machine is disassembled and transported in two halves, measures should be taken to maintain its correct state and prevent its deformation. 7.5 The outside of the packaging box and the bare parts should have obvious text and symbols, including: ) Receiving unit and address:
b) Product name, specifications and factory serial number: c) Box number, outer size, weight, gross weight and transportation mark: d) Manufacturer name
7. (The accompanying technical documents include: a) Installation and delivery list and delivery list:
b) Product certificate;
e! Product installation and use instructions;
4) Product general drawing and base drawing.
7. Before installing and using the slewing machine, the manufacturer and the user must properly store the parts to prevent rust, damage and deformation. 7.8 Important annular parts that are easy to deform (such as wheels and large gear rings) must be placed horizontally when stored for a long time, and the bottom surface must be solidified with durable components. No heavy objects are allowed to be placed on them. 41
(prompt recording)
Recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers The recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers should be derived from Table A1, A!
1/2 s 78
$3.2 ×52
4 x tith
$2.3 × 32
42.5 ×60
.1 x G0
93.6/3 k60 | .5F
number of support
75 ×2
200 ×2
Suspended heat density
Standard two-neck heat photography
Dense external division decryption
Dense external division single in
Effective pregnancy preheating control
Standard decision to obtain mixed
Display method transfer room
Dense external division will
External division room
Chemical T density
Refractory light density
Adhesive lime penetration
Clear gold density
Active busy stone space
Standing lime emperor
Metallurgy meeting density3 In the case of transmission couplings that require rotation, guards should be installed on the outside of open gears to protect personnel and equipment safety. 4.4.4 The transmission structure of the rotary case must be designed to prevent the cylinder from rotating after the kiln is stopped. 5 Test method
s.1 Water t test
During the water pressure test, it should be maintained at a test pressure of 0.6MPa for 10 minutes, and check whether there are any connections in the system. 5.2 Oil pressure test
5.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum working pressure. 5.2.1 Under the test pressure, the pressure is maintained for 15 minutes, and the entire system is maintained for 10 minutes to check for leakage. 5.3 The rotary cylinder is tested in the village according to the following regulations: a) The motor runs at no load for 2 hours;
b) The auxiliary motor runs with a reducer for 2 hours; ) The main motor runs with the cylinder.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 The products of the stage must be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturing plant before they can be shipped out of the factory, and they must be accompanied by documents proving that the products are of qualified quality. 6.2 Flaw detection inspection of the body weld
6.2.1 When manufactured in the manufacturing plant, the quality inspection shall be carried out in accordance with 4.2.9. 6.2.2 When inspecting and installing manual welding, the welding quality inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of (month/11345). 6.2.3 Each weld chain must be inspected by flaw detection. When ultrasonic flaw detection is used, the length of the weld shall not be less than 25% of the length of the seam; when radiographic flaw detection is used, it shall be 15%. Weld intersections must be inspected frequently. 6.2.4 When ultrasonic flaw detection is used, any suspicious weld chain found should be evaluated by radiographic flaw detection. 6.2.5 If the weld flaw detection is unsatisfactory, the weld chain should be doubled in length for inspection. If it fails again, 100% inspection should be carried out. 6.2 .6 The number of weld repairs on the same part should not exceed two times. For repairs exceeding two times, the parts and times of repairs shall be stated in the product quality certificate with the consent of the technical department of the manufacturing unit. .3 Test run and inspection after assembly
(3.1 Do not rotate quickly after the welding process to prevent loosening. If the welding process is slow, the welding process should be rechecked and replaced before ignition.
6.3.2 Inspection content
6.3.2. The temperature rise of the auxiliary parts of the supporting wheel shall not exceed 30°C, the temperature rise of the transmission shaft and the motor reducer bearing shall not exceed 25°C, and the lubrication of each part shall be normal.
. The length of the joint surface between the wheel belt and the handle wheel shall not be less than 75% of the working width, JB/T 8916—1999
(.3.2.3 The seals of both ends of the rotary kiln and the transmission device and the feed device should be kept in a positive state during operation. (.3.2.4 The fastening bolts at all locations should not be loose. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 The rotary kiln should be marked with a product label at an appropriate and obvious position. Its type and size should comply with the provisions of GBT13306 and indicate the following contents:
:) Product name and specifications;
h) Main technical parameters;
|) Factory number;
d) Ex-factory date;
e) Manufacturer name and trademark.
7.2 The packaging and filtration of the rotary kiln should comply with the provisions of GB/T133B4 and land and water transportation. .3 The packaging of the parts should be firm and secure, and the internal parts should be protected from rain and moisture. .4 If the machine is disassembled and transported in two halves, measures should be taken to maintain its correct state and prevent its deformation. 7.5 The outside of the packaging box and the bare parts should have obvious text and symbols, including: ) Receiving unit and address:
b) Product name, specifications and factory serial number: c) Box number, outer size, weight, gross weight and transportation mark: d) Manufacturer name
7. (The accompanying technical documents include: a) Installation and delivery list and material delivery list:
b) Product certificate;
e! Product installation and use instructions;
4) Product general drawing and base drawing.
7. Before installing and using the slewing machine, the manufacturer and the user must properly store the parts to prevent rust, damage and deformation. 7.8 Important annular parts that are easy to deform (such as wheels and large gear rings) must be placed horizontally when stored for a long time, and the bottom surface must be solidified with durable components. No heavy objects are allowed to be placed on them. 41
(prompt recording)
Recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers The recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers should be derived from Table A1, A!
1/2 s 78
$3.2 ×52
4 x tith
$2.3 × 32
42.5 ×60
.1 x G0
93.6/3 k60 | .5F
number of support
75 ×2
200 ×2
Suspended heat density
Standard two-neck heat photography
Dense external division decryption
Dense external division single in
Effective pregnancy preheating control
Standard decision to obtain mixed
Display method transfer room
Dense external division will
External division room
Chemical T density
Refractory light density
Adhesive lime penetration
Clear gold density
Active busy stone space
Standing lime emperor
Metallurgy meeting density1. The rotary kiln shall be marked with a product label in an appropriate and obvious position. Its type and size shall comply with the provisions of GBT13306 and shall indicate the following contents: 1) Product name and specifications; 2) Main technical parameters; 3) Factory number; 4) Ex-factory date; 5) Manufacturer name and trademark. 6.2 The rotary kiln shall be packaged and packaged in accordance with the provisions of GB/T133B4 and land and water transportation. 7.3 The packaging of the parts shall be firm and secure, and the internal parts shall be protected from rain and moisture. 8.4 For the large gear that is disassembled and transported in two halves, firm measures shall be taken to maintain its correct state and prevent its deformation. 7.5 The outside of the packing box and the bare parts should have obvious textual marks and symbols, including:) Receiving unit and address:
b) Product name, specifications and factory serial number: c) Box number, outer size, weight, gross weight and transportation mark: d) Manufacturer name
7. (Technical documents included with the package: a) Installation and delivery list and material delivery list:
b) Product certificate;
e! Product installation and use instructions;
4) Product general drawing and base drawing.
7. Before installing and using the rotary machine, the manufacturer and the user must keep the parts in a safe place to prevent rust, damage and deformation. 7.8 When the easily deformed annular parts (wheel and large gear ring, etc.) are stored for a long time, they must be placed horizontally, and the bottom surface must be solidified with durable components. No heavy objects are allowed to be placed on them. 41
(prompt recording)
Recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers The recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers should be derived from Table A1, A!
1/2 s 78
$3.2 ×52
4 x tith
$2.3 × 32
42.5 ×60
.1 x G0
93.6/3 k60 | .5F
number of support
75 ×2
200 ×2
Suspended heat density
Standard two-neck heat photography
Dense external division decryption
Dense external division single in
Effective pregnancy preheating control
Standard decision to obtain mixed
Display method transfer room
Dense external division will
External division room
Chemical T density
Refractory light density
Adhesive lime penetration
Clear gold density
Active busy stone space
Standing lime emperorbzxZ.net
Metallurgy meeting density1. The rotary kiln shall be marked with a product label in an appropriate and obvious position. Its type and size shall comply with the provisions of GBT13306 and shall indicate the following contents: 1) Product name and specifications; 2) Main technical parameters; 3) Factory number; 4) Ex-factory date; 5) Manufacturer name and trademark. 6.2 The rotary kiln shall be packaged in accordance with the provisions of GB/T133B4 and land and water transportation. 7.3 The packaging of the parts shall be firm and secure, and the internal parts shall be protected from rain and moisture. 8.4 For the large gear that is disassembled and transported in two halves, solid measures shall be taken to maintain its correct state and prevent its deformation. 7.5 The outside of the packing box and the bare parts should have obvious textual marks and symbols, including:) Receiving unit and address:
b) Product name, specifications and factory serial number: c) Box number, outer size, weight, gross weight and transportation mark: d) Manufacturer name
7. (Technical documents included with the package: a) Installation and delivery list and material delivery list:
b) Product certificate;
e! Product installation and use instructions;
4) Product general drawing and base drawing.
7. Before installing and using the rotary machine, the manufacturer and the user must keep the parts in a safe place to prevent rust, damage and deformation. 7.8 When the annular parts (wheel and large gear ring, etc.) that are easy to deform are stored for a long time, they must be placed horizontally, and the bottom surface must be solidified with durable components. No heavy objects are allowed to be placed on them. 41
(prompt recording)
Recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers The recommended rotary cipher specifications and basic numbers should be derived from Table A1, A!
1/2 s 78
$3.2 ×52
4 x tith
$2.3 × 32
42.5 ×60
.1 x G0
93.6/3 k60 | .5F
number of support
75 ×2
200 ×2
Suspended heat density
Standard two-neck heat photography
Dense external division decryption
Dense external division single in
Effective pregnancy preheating control
Standard decision to obtain mixed
Display method transfer room
Dense external division will
External division room
Chemical T density
Refractory light density
Adhesive lime penetration
Clear gold density
Active busy stone space
Standing lime emperor
Metallurgy meeting density
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.