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JB/T 5060-1991 Guidelines for the manufacture and use of process equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5060-1991

Standard Name: Guidelines for the manufacture and use of process equipment

Chinese Name: 工艺装备制造与使用管理导则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1991-05-17

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

Date of Expiration:2006-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Process Equipment>>J40 Process Equipment Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 5060-2006

Procurement status:neq ГOCT 14.105

Publication information

other information

Publishing department:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic tasks, management organization, management work content and basic requirements of process equipment manufacturing (procurement) and use management. This standard applies to the management of tooling manufacturing, procurement and use by machinery industry enterprises. JB/T 5060-1991 Guidelines for the Management of Process Equipment Manufacturing and Use JB/T5060-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for the Management of Manufacturing and Use of Process Equipment
Published on 1991-05-17
Published by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 1992-07-01
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for the Management of Manufacturing and Use of Process Equipment
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the basic tasks, management organization, management work content and basic requirements for the management of manufacturing (procurement) and use of process equipment (hereinafter referred to as tooling).
This standard applies to the management of tooling manufacturing, procurement and use by machinery industry enterprises. 2 Reference standards
3 Terminology
Basic terms of mechanical manufacturing technology
Basic terms of mechanical processing technology equipment
Guidelines for process equipment design management
Rules for process equipment verification
Guidelines for process management
Guidelines for process management
Process management finance
Process quota reduction
Process management at the production site
The terms used in this standard shall comply with the provisions of GB4863 and GB10008. 4 Basic requirements
The enterprise must have a sound and effective tooling management organization and management system to achieve unified and scientific management of tooling. 4.1
4.2 Enterprises with conditions should implement computer-aided management and establish a tooling database. 5
Basic tasks of management
5.1 Ensure the timely supply of various types of tooling required in the production process. 5.2 Do a good job in the maintenance of tooling to ensure the performance and precision requirements of tooling. 5.3 Formulate tooling consumption quotas and reasonably arrange tooling expenses. 5.4 Reasonably arrange the reserve and turnover of tooling5.5
Ensure the rational use of tooling and do a good job in handling tooling damage. Management organization
The enterprise must set up a tool (tooling) management department to be responsible for the unified management of tooling6.2 The production department of the enterprise should have full-time or part-time personnel responsible for coordinating the production and supply of self-made tooling. 6.3 The production workshop (or branch) should set up a tool (tool) management room to manage the tools used in the production of the workshop (branch). Determination of the tooling needs of the enterprise
7.1 The main basis for determining the annual needs of various types of tools for the enterprise is: approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on May 17, 1991 and implemented on July 1, 1992
8. Product production and production planning:
h. Product process equipment list. This includes the list of purchased tools, the list of special process equipment, the list of factory standard (general) tools, etc.,
c. Tool consumption quota.
7.2 The tooling needs of old products should be determined according to the tooling consumption quota. 7.3 The following factors should be considered to determine the tooling needs of new products: a. Product output and production duration;
b. Product production organization form.
8 Formulation of tooling manufacturing and procurement plan
8.1 Formulation of self-made tooling manufacturing plan
The manufacturing of self-made tooling shall be arranged by the production planning department according to the demand for various types of tooling proposed by each production workshop (branch) and the production plan schedule requirements of various products. When arranging the self-made tooling manufacturing plan for batch production products, a certain reserve amount shall be considered. 8.2 Formulation of outsourced tooling procurement plan
The procurement of outsourced tooling shall be reasonably arranged by the tool department according to the outsourced tooling detailed list provided by the process department, as well as the outsourced tooling application plan and tool consumption quota reported by each workshop (branch). When selecting the procurement plan, a reasonable reserve amount shall be considered. 9 Production process preparation of self-made tooling
9.1 Design process regulations and other relevant process documents. Its requirements can refer to the provisions of JB/Z338.5. 9.2 Prepare material consumption process quota. The requirements can refer to the provisions of JB/Z338.6. 9.3 Formulate labor quotas. The requirements can refer to the provisions of JB/Z338.6. 9.4 Design and manufacture Class II process equipment.
10 Production site process management of tooling manufacturing The content and requirements of production site process management of tooling manufacturing can refer to the provisions of JB/Z338.10. 11 Verification of tooling
The requirements for tooling verification shall be in accordance with the provisions of JB/Z283.5. 12 Tooling inventory
12.1 Self-made (outsourced) tooling inventory
After the self-made (outsourced) tooling is verified, the inspection department shall issue a certificate of conformity, and the tooling manufacturing department shall fill in the re-warehouse form and enter the work. When entering the warehouse, the warehouse management personnel shall fill in the tooling resume card according to the provisions of Article 19.2 of this standard, and record the personnel account at the same time. When the tooling is entered into the warehouse, the entire set of tooling drawings shall be entered into the warehouse together. 12.2 The warehouse of purchased tooling
Purchased tooling must be inspected by full-time inspectors before entering the warehouse, and can only be entered after passing the inspection. Measuring instruments should be submitted for calibration, and can only be entered after passing the inspection.
13 Warehouse management
13.1 Warehouse management requirements
13.1.1 The warehouse must be dry, ventilated, clean and safe. 2
13.1.2 The warehouse must be quantitatively managed, with fixed warehouses, fixed racks, and fixed positions to prevent mechanical contamination between tools. 13.1.3 Accounts, cards, objects, certificates (certificates of conformity), and drawings (tooling drawings) must be consistent. 13.1.4 Tooling with special requirements and valuables must be kept in accordance with relevant regulations. 13.2 Management content of enterprise tool warehouse
Receive and keep various types of tools;
Distribute various types of tools required for production to the tool rooms (warehouses) of each workshop (branch) according to the quantity specified on the limit card; Receive, sort and transfer tools that need to be repaired or scrapped, and count the inventory reserves and turnover of various types of tools; Organize the formulation of tool reserve quotas:
Propose a purchase plan for standing tools;
Deliver measuring instruments that need periodic calibration;
Conduct grinding wheel tests.
13.3 Management content of the tool room (warehouse) of the workshop (branch) a.
Receive and keep the tools needed for production in this workshop (branch): ensure the supply of tools needed for each work site; preserve the tool turnover of the workshop (branch);
Send cutting tools for centralized sharpening,
Send measuring instruments that need periodic calibration:
Propose a plan for purchasing standing tools required by this workshop (branch); collect and send tools that need to be repaired or scrapped. 14 Management and technical supervision during the use of tools 14.1 Management during the use of tools
14.1.1 Users of special tools must obtain the process specifications and sign on the tool borrowing card before the custodian can hand over the tool and its resume card to the user.
14,12 During the use of the tooling, it is not allowed to be manipulated without intention, and it is not allowed to be rebuilt, repaired, or disassembled. 14.1.3 After the use of special tooling, the tooling resume card should be carefully filled in as required (except for those without resume cards, the same below). When the inspector confirms that the product is qualified and the tooling is fault-free, the inspector's seal or signature should be stamped on the resume card. If the tooling is found to be faulty, it should be noted on the resume card.
14.1.4 After the tooling is used, the user should wipe the tooling clean and return it to the tool room of the workshop (branch) together with the tooling resume card (:). The custodian should verify the physical object and the account card information and accept it for return to the warehouse. For faulty tooling, the custodian should store it separately after receiving it, and notify the relevant personnel in time to handle the inspection or scrapping procedures. 14.1.5 Measuring instruments and complex forming tools should be returned for calibration when they are returned to the warehouse. 14.1.6 Tools that are not returned to the warehouse should also be cleaned after use and placed on the specified tool rack or tool cabinet to avoid mutual contact and rust.
14.2 Technical supervision of tools
Technical supervision of tools:
Inspect and guide the correct use of tools: Check whether the tool storage and technical status of the warehouse, workshop (branch factory) tool room (warehouse) and work site meet the requirements: b.
Guide the centralized sharpening of cutting tools;
Formulate a preventive maintenance plan for tools.
14.2.2 In order to do a good job in the technical supervision of tools, the enterprise tool management department should set up full-time or part-time tool technical supervisors. 15 Tool management of process quality control points
15.1 The tool management department shall establish a special tooling account and tooling resume card for the insertion control point according to the process quality control point file compiled by the process department.
15.2 Before the tooling used for the process quality control point is issued to the control point, it must be re-inspected and can only be issued after confirmation of qualification. When it is returned, it should be properly returned for verification.
15.3 The tooling used for the process quality control point must have inspection specifications and verification cycles: the accuracy qualification rate should reach 100%. 15.4 The tooling used for the process quality control point cannot be used for other purposes, and the borrowing and returning procedures must be strictly followed. 16 Daily maintenance and regular inspection of tooling
16.1 Daily maintenance of tooling
16.1.1 When the tooling cannot guarantee the processing quality and production safety, it should be repaired in time. 16.1.2 The daily maintenance of tooling shall be the responsibility of the user unit. When the tool manufacturing department needs to undertake the repair, the user unit shall report to the tool management department for unified arrangement.
16.1.3 Without the consent of the process department and the tool management department, the tooling shall not be modified. 16.1.4 The repair of the tooling must be carried out in accordance with the tooling drawings and relevant technical documents. After the repair, it must be inspected and the tooling resume card must be filled out after passing the inspection before it can be used or put into storage.
16.2 Regular maintenance of tooling
16.2.1 Large and key tooling, tooling at process quality control points and various measuring instruments should be regularly maintained. 16.2.2 The tooling regular maintenance plan should be centrally arranged by the tool management department. 17 Copying and scrapping of tooling
17.1 Copying of tooling
17.1.1 Unverified tooling shall not be copied. 17.1.2· Tooling should be copied according to the production plan, tool consumption quota and reserve quota. 17.1.3 The drawings of the copied tooling must be reviewed by the tooling designer before they can be copied. 17.2 Scrap of tooling
17.2.1 Tooling that cannot be repaired or is uneconomical to repair should be scrapped. 17.2.2 When tooling is scrapped, the user unit should fill out a tooling report form and submit it to the competent department for approval before it can be scrapped and written off. 17.2.3 Scrapped tooling should be handled uniformly by the tool management department. 18 Management of tooling for discontinued products
18.1 For products that have been approved to be discontinued, their tooling shall be cleared item by item by the tool room (warehouse) of the user unit, and a list shall be shortened and handed over to the tool management department for unified management.
18.2 For tooling for discontinued products, in principle, only the items that must be retained as stipulated in the discontinuation documents shall be retained, and the rest shall be handled uniformly by the competent department. 18.3 When the discontinued product resumes production, the user unit shall go through the collection procedures for its tooling, and it can only be used for production after passing the inspection. 18.4 When the tooling of discontinued products is required to be used for other purposes (including restructuring), the user unit shall submit an application, obtain the approval of the tool management department, and the enterprise supervisor before it can be obtained.
19 Establish a tooling history card
19.1 The tooling history card is a tooling file that records the entire process of tooling from storage, use, repair to scrapping. It should flow with the tooling and be compiled and managed by the tooling management department. 19.2 All special tooling that needs to be verified and tooling at process quality control points should establish a tooling history card. 19.3 The format of the tooling history card is shown in Appendix A (reference). 4
Process number
Tool number
Tool name
Report number
(Company name)
Appendix A
Tool calendar card format
Card number:
Tool calendar card
Product model
Part name
Part drawing number
Equipment used
Report date
Process number||t t||Tool number
Tool name
Report number
(Company name)
Additional instructions:
Processing parts
Number of parts
Card number:
Tool resume card
Product model
Part name
Part drawing number
Use and preparation
Scrap date
Inspection record
This standard is proposed and managed by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. Inspector
This standard is drafted by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute, Beijing Automobile Manufacturing Plant, Beijing No. 2 Machine Tool Plant, Beijing Instrument Factory, and Shenyang Machinery Industry Science and Technology Information Research Institute.3 The format of the workwear calendar card is shown in Appendix A (reference). 4
Process number
Workwear number
Workwear name
Report number
(Company name)
Appendix A
Workwear calendar card format
Card number:
Workwear calendar card
Product model
Part name
Part drawing number
Equipment used
Report date
Process number||t t||Tool No.
Tool Name
Report No.
(Company Name)
Additional Notes:
Processing Parts
Number of Parts
Card No.:
Tool History Card
Product Model
Part Name
Part Drawing No.
Use and Preparation
Scrap Date
Inspection Record
This standard is proposed and managed by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. Inspector
This standard is drafted by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute, Beijing Automobile Manufacturing Plant, Beijing No. 2 Machine Tool Plant, Beijing Instrument Factory, and Shenyang Machinery Industry Science and Technology Information Research Institute.3 The format of the workwear calendar card is shown in Appendix A (reference). 4
Process number
Workwear number
Workwear name
Report number
(Company name)
Appendix A
Workwear calendar card format
Card number:
Workwear calendar card
Product model
Part name
Part drawing number
Equipment used
Report date
Process number||t t||Tool No.
Tool Name
Report No.
(Company Name)
Additional Notes:
Processing Parts
Number of Parts
Card No.:
Tool History Card
Product Model
Part Name
Part Drawing No.
Use and Preparation
Scrap DatebzxZ.net
Inspection Record
This standard is proposed and managed by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. Inspector
This standard is drafted by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute, Beijing Automobile Manufacturing Plant, Beijing No. 2 Machine Tool Plant, Beijing Instrument Factory, and Shenyang Machinery Industry Science and Technology Information Research Institute.
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