Part 1 of this part of GB/T6159 is modified to adopt ISO 6196-1:1993. This part defines the general terms commonly used in the field of microfilm technology and applies to the production, management and use of microforms. The entries in this part are arranged according to the concept system. GB/T 6159.1-2003 Microfilm Vocabulary Part 1: General Terms GB/T6159.1-2003 Standard download decompression password:
Part 1 of this part of GB/T6159 is modified to adopt ISO 6196-1:1993. This part defines the general terms commonly used in the field of microfilm technology and applies to the production, management and use of microforms. The entries in this part are arranged according to the concept system.
Some standard content:
[CS 01.040, 37:37,080 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T6159.1—2003 Replacement of GB/T6159.1--1985 Micrographics-Vocabulary Part 1:General terms ISO 6196-1:1993,M0D 2003-05-14 Issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on December 1, 2003. Implementation GB: T6-5 Microfilming Technology - The components of this standard are as follows: Part 1: General terms Part 2: Recognition and recording of colour images Part 4: Materials and packaging Part 6: Visibility, readability and detection of images Part 8: Computer-aided photography Part 16: Part 1 of T6159 (Part 1 of B/T 6159) 159.1—2DC3 This part adopts 15019611.33 Microphotographic Technology - Part I - Technical Specification (English version) The overall arrangement of this part is as follows:-- This part is divided into the first and second chapters of this part respectively, and the introduction part on technical specifications and teaching methods is inserted into the introduction part. This part replaces (13/6.53.) 1985 Microphotographic Technology Part I: General Specification 3. Compared with G/159.11985, the changes in this part are as follows: There are some additions to the document: Revised some terms and definitions: Added the foreword and introduction Added Chinese and English equivalents Other technical terms used in this part, such as "glossary", "terms" and "definitions", etc., are based on the basic concepts of GB/T[5237994]. This part was prepared by the National Document Imaging Technology Standardization Committee (SBTSTCB) and the National Document Imaging Technology Standardization Committee Construction Subcommittee. This part was produced by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the State Council. This part was revised and approved by the National Document Imaging Technology Standardization Committee. 6159.1—2003 This part is organized according to the concept system, and consists of an introduction with case date and item number, Chinese term list, English corresponding term definition text, etc., and, if necessary, an appendix, examples or notes. In the provisions of this part, the preferred terms are in boldface. The terms that are defined elsewhere in the definition or summary are also in boldface, and are followed by the corresponding series of numbers (cut and enclosed). If the term appears in other parts of this series of terminology standards, only the code of the part in which the term appears is indicated (negative). For example, Part 1 is \\. In the terms of this part, parentheses \ () \ currency expansion or supplementary explanation, square brackets "[\ old terminology Sichuan omission road part; in the definition, square brackets \: \ is used without explanation: missing brackets \ "\ month to indicate the same professional city 1 Scope || tt || Microfilm Technology Vocabulary || tt || Part 1: General terms || tt || This part defines the general terms commonly used in the field of microfilm technology. This part applies to the production, management and use of microfilm products. 2 Normative references || tt || GB/T 6159.1—2003 The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this part through reference in this part. For the cited documents with the period of 1996-1:1997, their subsequent amendments (excluding the contents of the amendments) are not applicable to this part. However, the parties who have reached an agreement based on this part shall use the latest editions of these documents. For the cited documents without the corresponding period of 1996-1:1997, their latest editions shall apply to this part. GB/T 259—2000 International Code for Names of Countries and Regions (eqJS) 316B1:139) T/T 5193—2000 Microfilming Vocabulary Part 3: Film Processing (IS0$196-3:1997, MOD) GBT 5159.4—2003 Microfilming Technical Vocabulary Part 4: Materials and Packaging 1S 6196-11S9, M0D) B/T 5156—2003 Microphotography: Vocabulary: Part 6: Equipment (ISO 61956: 1992M01)) GF5T 6159.7—2(3) Microphotography Vocabulary Part 7: Computer Microphotography (ISO 6196-7: 197) GB/T 15237—1994 Basic Vocabulary of Traditional Chinese Medicine (EQVTS) 1067: 1SSC) 3 Techniques and definitions Microphotography technology microgrephles Production and transmission of microfilm (3.2) Related techniques, 3.2 Microform Various carriers containing microfilm (3.3), generally referred to as photosensitive film (04). 3.3 Microimage A tiny color image that cannot be read without modification (3.6). 3.4 Original An image that has been taken in a reduced form. Source document That is, the original (3.4), usually paper Image GBT6159.1—2003 1Visible reproduction produced by the control of electromagnetic radiation by an object. 3.7 photographic image the original (3, 4) is approximately reproduced on the photosensitive film after being processed on film (3), 3.8 latent image the image that can be displayed after being processed on film (03:) (3.6), 3.9 negalive-appruringimaye the image that is not visible under the dark product (3, 6). 3.10 pesitive-appearing 3.11 polarity The relationship of light and dark to a background. 3.19 Polarity The relationship of light and dark to a background. This term is used to indicate the relationship of light and dark to a background. 3.10 Polarity The relationship of light and dark to a background. 3.11 Polarity The relationship of light and dark to a background. 3.12 eposure The process of exposing a photosensitive material to radiation from an original (3.4) to obtain a color image (3.7). 3.13 Exposure time The time during which the photosensitive material is exposed to the radiation. 3.14 Eposure 3.15 frame In a flat camera (06), step-and-repeat camera (06) or COM recorder (07), the illumination (3.12.1) of the microfilm (04). 3.16 image areainagearea microfilm (3.3) is determined by the size of the original (3.4) and the reduction ratio (3.27) of the microfilm (04). 3.17 image distribution areaimaeblock the area on the microfilm (04) where the microfilm image (3.3) is distributed, 3. 18 film advance distance framepitchGB the distance between two adjacent frames (3.15: the distance between the upper and lower points in Figure 1) bX film Australia: × surface, trace film generation generatinn Figure 1 Example of microfilm technology in the process of step-by-step production, the location of the microfilm, 3.20 first generation microform ngeneratinn efnmiernfnr given to the old generation (3.19) microform designated by the share: Note: the first generation by the newspaper or M record road (07) produced by the nager product (3.2) 3, 21 master make the next generation (3.19) microform (3.2 used for microform. 3. 22 intermediate used to make the ammonia film (3.23) of the first generation (3.19) to become the subsequent generation microform (3.2) 3. 23 dupiiceale can keep the book master 13.21) polarity (3.11) and the scale under the duplication of the microform (3.2). 3.24 hardcop: a magnification of a microphotograph (3.3) (3.25), usually on paper. 3.25 enlargement a reduction of a microphotograph (3.3) (3.6), usually on paper or screen. 3.26 copy a microphotograph (3.2) ... 6159.1—2003 The ratio of the size of the microfilm 3.3 to the size of the original (34:10M recorder (07! Book format). For example, the ratio is expressed as follows; The ratio of the size of the microfilm is expressed as follows: The ratio of the size of the microfilm [3.25) to the size of the original microfilm (3.3). The numerical expression is 24. The ratio of the size of the reproduction is expressed as follows: The ratio of the size of the reproduction is expressed as follows: The ratio of the size of the reproduction is expressed as follows: The ratio of the size of the reproduction is expressed as follows: The ratio of the size of the reproduction is expressed as follows: 5) Relationship between scales, for example, 1/2 diameter system, such as A> A2 copy of the pattern (3.24) light· light-off time first generation microform therefore magnification magnification speed base system magnification will make the film·… polarity· film distance copy· drink score pinyin actual introduction ..3.28 ... 3.9 Photographic image Sensitive product Microphotographic technology Microfilm Reduction ratio Photographic association distribution area· Photographic protection area Hard copy· Source file Intermediate film GH/T 6154.1—2003 GB/T5159.1—2003 duplicate oalargemeal enlargement ratic expasun expisan linse frane piteh enerntiu n\ geueration nf a microfo'mH hurd oupy image hlocation t||positlve-appeartng inage pelldown reduclion ratin rprudoetiouli gource dacuntent Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.