Some standard content:
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Code for Real Estate Appraisal
State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision
Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Jointly Issued
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Code for Real Estate Appraisal
Appraisal GB/T50291—1999
Competent department: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China Approval department: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China Effective date: June 1, 1999
1999 Beijing
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Notice on the promulgation of the national standard "Real Estate Appraisal Specification" Construction Standard [1999] No. 48
The relevant departments of the State Council Departments, Construction Committees (Construction Departments) of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, relevant planning committees, Construction Committees of cities with independent planning status, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Construction's "1998 National Standard Formulation and Revision Plan for Engineering Construction (Second Batch)" (Jianbiao [1998] No. 244), the "Real Estate Valuation Standards" jointly formulated by the Ministry of Construction and relevant departments have been reviewed and approved as a recommended national standard by relevant departments, with the number GB/T50291-1999, and will be implemented from June 1, 1999. The Ministry of Construction is responsible for the management of this standard, the China Real Estate Appraisers Association is responsible for the specific interpretation work, and the Standard and Quota Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction organizes China Building Industry Press to publish and distribute it.
Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
February 12, 1999
Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standards Full Text Information System
The national standard "Real Estate Valuation Specification" is edited by the Ministry of Construction in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Construction's Jianbiao 1998244 "1998 National Standards for Engineering Construction Formulation and Revision Plan (Second Batch)" and the Ministry of Construction's Real Estate Industry Department Jianfangshi Hanzi [1996] No. 40 "Letter on Entrusting the Formulation of "Technical Regulations for Real Estate Price Appraisal", which is specifically compiled by the China Real Estate Appraisers Association, the Ministry of Construction's Policy Research Center, the Guangdong Real Estate Appraisers Association and ten other units. This specification was reviewed by relevant departments, approved by the Ministry of Construction in Jianbiao [1999] No. 48, and jointly issued with the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision.
During the preparation of this specification, the preparation team conducted extensive and in-depth investigations and studies, carefully summarized the practical experience and theoretical research results of my country's real estate valuation work, and widely solicited opinions from relevant units, experts and actual workers across the country. At the same time, it collected, analyzed, studied and referred to the relevant standards and theoretical research results of major countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the International Valuation Standards Committee (TVSC).
This specification is managed by the Ministry of Construction, and the specific interpretation work is the responsibility of the China Real Estate Appraisers Association. During use, all valuation institutions, appraisers and relevant units and personnel should actively summarize their experience and send their opinions to the China Real Estate Appraisers Association National Standard "Real Estate Valuation Specification" Management Group (Address: No. 9 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, Postal Code: 100835) for reference during revision. The main editor of the national standard "Real Estate Valuation Specification": China Real Estate Appraisers Association. Participating units: Policy Research Center of the Ministry of Construction, Guangdong Real Estate Appraisers Association, Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University, School of Economics of Central China Normal University, Real Estate Research Institute of Tsinghua University, Real Estate Research and Appraisal Center of Peking University, Beijing Real Estate Price Appraisal Office, Shanghai Real Estate Appraisal Center, Shenzhen Property Appraisal Institute, etc. The main drafters of this specification: Chai Qiang, Liao Junping, Ai Jianguo, Shen Jianzhong, Lu Kehua, Liu Jinhong, Liu Hongyu, Feng Changchun, Yang Yubei, Yang Guocheng, Shen Yanjing, Kang Xiaoyun, Tian Yaodong.
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Valuation principles
4 Valuation procedures
Valuation methods
5.1 Selection of valuation methods
5.2 Market comparison method
5.3 Income method
5.4 Cost method·
5.5 Assumed development method
Benchmark land price correction method.
Valuation under different valuation purposes
Land use right transfer price evaluation
Real estate transfer price evaluation
Real estate rental price evaluation
Real estate mortgage value evaluation
Real estate insurance valuation·
Real estate tax valuation·
Land acquisition and house demolition compensation valuation
Real estate division and merger valuation
Real estate dispute valuation
Real estate auction reserve price evaluation
Real estate valuation involved in various economic activities of enterprisesReal estate valuation for other purposes
7 Valuation results
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Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
8 Valuation Report
Professional Ethics
Appendix A Standard Format of Valuation Report
Standardized Wording and Phrases
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Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
1.0.1 In order to standardize real estate valuation behavior, unify valuation procedures and methods, and ensure that valuation results are objective, fair and reasonable, this specification is formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations such as the "Urban Real Estate Management Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Land Management Law of the People's Republic of China".
2 This specification applies to real estate valuation activities. 3 Real estate valuation should be independent, objective and fair. 1.0.3
In addition to complying with this specification, real estate valuation should also comply with the provisions of relevant current national standards and specifications.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
2 Terms
2.0.1 Real estate real estate, real property King land, buildings and other fixed objects on the ground, including material entities and rights and interests based on material entities.
Real estate valuation
real estate appraisal, property valuation The activity of professional appraisers to estimate and judge the objective and reasonable price or value of real estate at the time of valuation based on the valuation purpose, valuation principles, valuation procedures, and comprehensive analysis of factors affecting real estate prices.
2.0.3 Appraisal object subject property The real estate that needs to be appraised in a specific valuation project. 2.0.4 Appraisal purpose appraisal purpose The expected use of the valuation results.
2.0.5 Appraisal time appraisal date, date of value The date corresponding to the valuation results.
2.0.6Objective and reasonable price or value
Normal price formed under certain conditions for a certain valuation purpose. 2.0.7Open market
The purpose of the transaction between the two parties in this market is to maximize economic benefits, master the necessary market information, have more time to trade, have the necessary professional knowledge of the transaction object, and the transaction conditions are open but not exclusive. 2.0.8Open market valueOpen market valueThe most likely price formed in the open market. When the open market value standard is adopted, the objective and reasonable price or value to be evaluated should be the open market value.
2.0.9Similar real estatesimilarpropertyEngineering construction standard full text information system
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Real estate that is in the same supply and demand circle as the valuation object and is the same or similar to the valuation object in terms of use, scale, grade, building structure, etc. 2.0.10Same supply and demand circleComparable search areaThe appropriate range that has a substitution relationship with the valuation object and whose prices will affect each other. 2.0.11 Highest and best use The use that is legally permitted, technically possible, and economically feasible, and that can generate the highest value for the valuation object after sufficient and reasonable demonstration. Market comparison approach market comparison approach, sales 2.0.12
comparison approach
A method of estimating the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object by comparing the valuation object with similar real estate that has been traded recently at the valuation time, and making appropriate corrections to the known prices of these similar real estate. 3 Income approach income approach, income capitalization 2.0.13
A method of estimating the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object by predicting the normal net income of the valuation object in the future, selecting an appropriate capitalization rate to discount it to the valuation time, and then accumulating it.
2.0.14 Cost approach cost approach
A method of estimating the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object by obtaining the replacement price or reconstruction price of the valuation object at the valuation time, deducting depreciation. 2.0.15 Hypothetical development method, residual method
The method of estimating the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object by estimating the value of the valuation object after the development is completed, deducting the estimated normal development costs, taxes and profits, etc. 2.0.16 Land datum value method The method of adjusting the land price of the valuation object in areas where the government has determined and announced the benchmark land price, adjusting the benchmark land price of the lot where the valuation object is located to obtain the land price of the valuation object. 2.0.17 Potential gross income potential gross income The income that can be obtained by assuming that the real estate is fully utilized and there is no vacancy. 2.0.18 Effective gross income effective gross income Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
The income obtained by deducting the normal vacancy, rent arrears and other income losses from the potential gross income.
2.0.19 Operating expenses operating expenses The expenses that must be incurred to maintain the normal production, operation or use of real estate and the income attributable to other capital or operations.
2.0.20 Net income, net operating income The income attributable to real estate after deducting reasonable operating expenses from effective gross income.
Replacement cost of building
Replacement price of building
The normal price of rebuilding a new building with the same functions and utility as the valuation object using the building materials and building technology at the time of valuation, at the price level at the time of valuation.
2.0.22 Reconstruction price of building
Freproduction cost of building
The normal price of rebuilding a new building identical to the valuation object using the original building materials and building technology at the level at the time of valuation. 2.0.23
3 Physical depreciation, physical deterioration
The loss of building value caused by wear and tear on the physical entity of the building. 2.0.24 Functional depreciation, functional obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by the backwardness of the building's functions. 2.o.25 Economic depreciation, economic obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by various unfavorable factors other than the building. 2.0.26 Conclusion of value The final conclusion on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object. 2.0.27 Appraisal report A document that comprehensively, impartially, objectively and accurately records the valuation process and valuation results, a written reply to the client, and a research report on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object.
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Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
3 Valuation Principles
Real estate valuation shall comply with the following principles:
1 Legality principle;
2 Highest and best use principle;
3 Substitution principle;
4 Valuation time point principle.
3.0.2 In accordance with the legality principle, the valuation shall be based on the legal use and legal disposal of the valuation object.
3.0.3 In accordance with the highest and best use principle, the valuation shall be based on the highest and best use of the valuation object.
When the valuation object has been used in a certain way, the valuation should make one of the following judgments and choices based on the principle of the highest and best use, and should be explained in the valuation report:
Precondition of maintaining the status quo: when it is considered that the status quo is the most advantageous to continue using, the valuation should be based on the premise of maintaining the status quo; 2 Precondition of conversion of use: when it is considered that the conversion of use is the most advantageous, the valuation should be based on the premise of conversion of use; 3 Precondition of renovation and reconstruction: when it is considered that the renovation and reconstruction without conversion of use is the most advantageous, the valuation should be based on the premise of renovation and reconstruction without conversion of use; 4 Precondition of reuse: when it is considered that the demolition of the existing building is the most advantageous for reuse, the valuation should be based on the premise of demolition of the building for reuse; 5 A combination of the above situations.
3.0.4 Follow the principle of substitution, requiring that the valuation result should not deviate significantly from the normal price of similar real estate under the same conditions.
3.0.5 Follow the principle of valuation time, requiring that the valuation result should be the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object at the valuation time.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
4 Valuation Procedure
4.0.1 From the acceptance of the valuation commission to the completion of the valuation report, the real estate valuation shall be carried out according to the following procedures:
Clear the basic matters of valuation;
Draft the valuation work plan;
Collect the materials required for valuation;
Investigate the valuation object on the spot;
Select the valuation method for calculation;
Determine the valuation result;
Write the valuation report;
Archive the valuation materials.
Clear the basic matters of valuation shall mainly include the following contents: Clarify the valuation purpose;
Clear the valuation object;
Clear the valuation time point.
The purpose of the valuation should be proposed by the client;
Note: 1
Clarifying the valuation object should include clarifying the physical entity status and equity status of the valuation object; the valuation time point should be determined according to the valuation purpose, expressed in the Gregorian calendar, accurate to the day; 3
When clarifying the basic matters of the valuation, it should be discussed with the client, and finally the client's approval should be obtained. 4
3 On the basis of clarifying the basic matters of the valuation, a preliminary analysis of the valuation project should be conducted and a valuation work plan should be formulated.
The valuation work plan should mainly include the following contents: 1 The valuation technical route and valuation method to be adopted; 2 The information to be investigated and collected and its source channels; 3 The estimated time, manpower and funds required; 4 The work steps and progress of the work should be formulated.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System15Hypothetical development method, residual method
The method of estimating the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object by estimating the value of the valuation object after the development is completed, deducting the estimated normal development costs, taxes and profits, etc. 2.0.16Land datum value methodLand datum value methodIn areas where the government has determined and announced the benchmark land price, the method of adjusting the benchmark land price of the lot where the valuation object is located to obtain the price of the valuation object. 2.0.17Potential gross incomePotential gross incomeThe income that can be obtained by assuming that the real estate is fully utilized and there is no vacancy. 2.0.18Effective gross incomeEffective gross incomeEngineering construction standard full text information system
Engineering construction standard full text information system
The income obtained by deducting the normal vacancy, rent arrears and other income losses from the potential gross income.
2.0.19Operating expensesOperating expensesThe expenses that must be incurred to maintain the normal production, operation or use of real estate and the income attributable to other capital or operations.
2.0.20 Net income, net operating income The income attributable to real estate after deducting reasonable operating expenses from effective gross income.
Replacement cost of building
Replacement price of building
The normal price of rebuilding a new building with the same functions and utility as the valuation object using the building materials and building technology at the time of valuation, at the price level at the time of valuation.
2.0.22 Reconstruction price of building
Freproduction cost of building
The normal price of rebuilding a new building identical to the valuation object using the original building materials and building technology at the level at the time of valuation. 2.0.23
3 Physical depreciation, physical deterioration
The loss of building value caused by wear and tear on the physical entity of the building. 2.0.24 Functional depreciation, functional obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by the backwardness of the building's functions. 2.o.25 Economic depreciation, economic obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by various unfavorable factors other than the building. 2.0.26 Conclusion of value The final conclusion on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object. 2.0.27 Appraisal report A document that comprehensively, impartially, objectively and accurately records the valuation process and valuation results, a written reply to the client, and a research report on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object.
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Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
3 Valuation Principles
Real estate valuation shall comply with the following principles:
1 Legality principle;
2 Highest and best use principle;
3 Substitution principle;
4 Valuation time point principle.
3.0.2 In accordance with the legality principle, the valuation shall be based on the legal use and legal disposal of the valuation object.
3.0.3 In accordance with the highest and best use principle, the valuation shall be based on the highest and best use of the valuation object.
When the valuation object has been used in a certain way, the valuation should make one of the following judgments and choices based on the principle of the highest and best use, and should be explained in the valuation report:
Precondition of maintaining the status quo: when it is considered that the status quo is the most advantageous to continue using, the valuation should be based on the premise of maintaining the status quo; 2 Precondition of conversion of use: when it is considered that the conversion of use is the most advantageous, the valuation should be based on the premise of conversion of use; 3 Precondition of renovation and reconstruction: when it is considered that the renovation and reconstruction without conversion of use is the most advantageous, the valuation should be based on the premise of renovation and reconstruction without conversion of use; 4 Precondition of reuse: when it is considered that the demolition of the existing building is the most advantageous for reuse, the valuation should be based on the premise of demolition of the building for reuse; 5 A combination of the above situations.
3.0.4 Follow the principle of substitution, requiring that the valuation result should not deviate significantly from the normal price of similar real estate under the same conditions.
3.0.5 Follow the principle of valuation time, requiring that the valuation result should be the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object at the valuation time.
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Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
4 Valuation Procedure
4.0.1 From the acceptance of the valuation commission to the completion of the valuation report, the real estate valuation shall be carried out according to the following procedures:
Clear the basic matters of valuation;
Draft the valuation work plan;
Collect the materials required for valuation;
Investigate the valuation object on the spot;
Select the valuation method for calculation;
Determine the valuation result;
Write the valuation report;
Archive the valuation materials.
Clear the basic matters of valuation shall mainly include the following contents: Clarify the valuation purpose;
Clear the valuation object;
Clear the valuation time point.
The purpose of the valuation should be proposed by the client;
Note: 1
Clarifying the valuation object should include clarifying the physical entity status and equity status of the valuation object; the valuation time point should be determined according to the valuation purpose, expressed in the Gregorian calendar, accurate to the day; 3
When clarifying the basic matters of the valuation, it should be discussed with the client, and finally the client's approval should be obtained. 4
3 On the basis of clarifying the basic matters of the valuation, a preliminary analysis of the valuation project should be conducted and a valuation work plan should be formulated.
The valuation work plan should mainly include the following contents: 1 The valuation technical route and valuation method to be adopted; 2 The information to be investigated and collected and its source channels; 3 The estimated time, manpower and funds required; 4 The work steps and progress of the work should be formulated.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System15Hypothetical development method, residual method
The method of estimating the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object by estimating the value of the valuation object after the development is completed, deducting the estimated normal development costs, taxes and profits, etc. 2.0.16Land datum value methodLand datum value methodIn areas where the government has determined and announced the benchmark land price, the method of adjusting the benchmark land price of the lot where the valuation object is located to obtain the price of the valuation object. 2.0.17Potential gross incomePotential gross incomeThe income that can be obtained by assuming that the real estate is fully utilized and there is no vacancy. 2.0.18Effective gross incomeEffective gross incomeEngineering construction standard full text information system
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The income obtained by deducting the normal vacancy, rent arrears and other income losses from the potential gross income.
2.0.19Operating expensesOperating expensesThe expenses that must be incurred to maintain the normal production, operation or use of real estate and the income attributable to other capital or operations.
2.0.20 Net income, net operating income The income attributable to real estate after deducting reasonable operating expenses from effective gross income.
Replacement cost of building
Replacement price of building
The normal price of rebuilding a new building with the same functions and utility as the valuation object using the building materials and building technology at the time of valuation, at the price level at the time of valuation.
2.0.22 Reconstruction price of building
Freproduction cost of building
The normal price of rebuilding a new building identical to the valuation object using the original building materials and building technology at the level at the time of valuation. 2.0.23
3 Physical depreciation, physical deterioration
The loss of building value caused by wear and tear on the physical entity of the building. 2.0.24 Functional depreciation, functional obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by the backwardness of the building's functions. 2.o.25 Economic depreciation, economic obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by various unfavorable factors other than the building. 2.0.26 Conclusion of value The final conclusion on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object. 2.0.27 Appraisal report A document that comprehensively, impartially, objectively and accurately records the valuation process and valuation results, a written reply to the client, and a research report on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
3 Valuation Principles
Real estate valuation shall comply with the following principles:
1 Legality principle;
2 Highest and best use principle;
3 Substitution principle;
4 Valuation time point principle.
3.0.2 In accordance with the legality principle, the valuation shall be based on the legal use and legal disposal of the valuation object.
3.0.3 In accordance with the highest and best use principle, the valuation shall be based on the highest and best use of the valuation object.
When the valuation object has been used in a certain way, the valuation should make one of the following judgments and choices based on the principle of the highest and best use, and should be explained in the valuation report:
Precondition of maintaining the status quo: when it is considered that the status quo is the most advantageous to continue using, the valuation should be based on the premise of maintaining the status quo; 2 Precondition of conversion of use: when it is considered that the conversion of use is the most advantageous, the valuation should be based on the premise of conversion of use; 3 Precondition of renovation and reconstruction: when it is considered that the renovation and reconstruction without conversion of use is the most advantageous, the valuation should be based on the premise of renovation and reconstruction without conversion of use; 4 Precondition of reuse: when it is considered that the demolition of the existing building is the most advantageous for reuse, the valuation should be based on the premise of demolition of the building for reuse; 5 A combination of the above situations.
3.0.4 Follow the principle of substitution, requiring that the valuation result should not deviate significantly from the normal price of similar real estate under the same conditions.
3.0.5 Follow the principle of valuation time, requiring that the valuation result should be the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object at the valuation time.
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
4 Valuation Procedure
4.0.1 From the acceptance of the valuation commission to the completion of the valuation report, the real estate valuation shall be carried out according to the following procedures:
Clear the basic matters of valuation;
Draft the valuation work plan;
Collect the materials required for valuation;
Investigate the valuation object on the spot;
Select the valuation method for calculation;
Determine the valuation result;
Write the valuation report;
Archive the valuation materials.
Clear the basic matters of valuation shall mainly include the following contents: Clarify the valuation purpose;
Clear the valuation object;
Clear the valuation time point.
The purpose of the valuation should be proposed by the client;
Note: 1
Clarifying the valuation object should include clarifying the physical entity status and equity status of the valuation object; the valuation time point should be determined according to the valuation purpose, expressed in the Gregorian calendar, accurate to the day; 3
When clarifying the basic matters of the valuation, it should be discussed with the client, and finally the client's approval should be obtained. 4
3 On the basis of clarifying the basic matters of the valuation, a preliminary analysis of the valuation project should be conducted and a valuation work plan should be formulated.
The valuation work plan should mainly include the following contents: 1 The valuation technical route and valuation method to be adopted; 2 The information to be investigated and collected and its source channels; 3 The estimated time, manpower and funds required; 4 The work steps and progress of the work should be formulated.
Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System24 Functional depreciation Functional depreciation, functional obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by the backwardness of the building's functions. 2.0.25 Economic depreciation Economic obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by various unfavorable factors outside the building. 2.0.26 Conclusion of value Final conclusion on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object. 2.0.27 Appraisal report Appraisal report A document that comprehensively, impartially, objectively and accurately records the valuation process and valuation results, a written reply to the client, and a research report on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object.
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Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
3 Valuation principles
Real estate valuation should follow the following principles:
1 Legal principle;
2 Highest and best use principle;
3 Substitution principle;
4 Valuation time principle.
3.0.2 Follow the principle of legality, and the valuation should be based on the premise of the legal use and legal disposal of the valuation object.
3.0.3 Follow the principle of the highest and best use, and the valuation should be based on the premise of the highest and best use of the valuation object.
When the valuation object has been used in a certain way, the valuation should make one of the following judgments and choices based on the principle of the highest and best use, and should be explained in the valuation report:
Premise of maintaining the status quo: When it is considered that it is most advantageous to continue to use the valuation object, the valuation should be based on the premise of maintaining the status quo; 2 Premise of conversion of use: When it is considered that it is most advantageous to convert the use and then use it, the valuation should be based on the premise of converting the use; 3 Premise of renovation and transformation: When it is considered that it is most advantageous to renovate and transform but not convert the use and then use it, the valuation should be based on the premise of renovating and transforming but not converting the use and then use it; 4 Premise of reuse: When it is considered that it is most advantageous to demolish the existing building and reuse it, the valuation should be based on the premise of demolishing the building and then reuse it; 5 A combination of the above situations.
3.0.4 Follow the substitution principle and require that the valuation results should not significantly deviate from the normal price of similar real estate under the same conditions.
3.0.5 Follow the valuation time point principle and require that the valuation results should be the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object at the valuation time point.
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Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
4 Valuation Procedures
4.0.1 From the acceptance of the valuation commission to the completion of the valuation report, the real estate valuation should be carried out according to the following procedures:
Clear the basic matters of the valuation;
Draft the valuation operation plan;
Collect the information required for the valuation;
Investigate the valuation object on the spot;
Select the valuation method for calculation;
Determine the valuation results;
Write the valuation report;
Archive the valuation materials.
Clarifying the basic matters of valuation should mainly include the following contents: clarifying the purpose of valuation;
Clarifying the valuation object;
Clarifying the valuation time point.
The valuation purpose should be proposed by the client;
Note: 1
Clarifying the valuation object should include clarifying the material entity status and equity status of the valuation object; the valuation time point should be determined according to the valuation purpose, expressed in the Gregorian calendar, accurate to the day; 3
When clarifying the basic matters of valuation, it should be discussed with the client, and finally the client's approval should be obtained. 4
3On the basis of clarifying the basic matters of valuation, a preliminary analysis of the valuation project should be conducted and a valuation operation plan should be formulated.
The valuation operation plan should mainly include the following contents: 1The valuation technical route and valuation method to be adopted; 2The information to be investigated and collected and its source channels; 3The estimated time, manpower and funds required; 4The operation steps and progress of the operation should be formulated.
Project 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System24 Functional depreciation Functional depreciation, functional obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by the backwardness of the building's functions. 2.0.25 Economic depreciation Economic obsolescence
The loss of building value caused by various unfavorable factors outside the building. 2.0.26 Conclusion of value Final conclusion on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object. 2.0.27 Appraisal report Appraisal report A document that comprehensively, impartially, objectively and accurately records the valuation process and valuation results, a written reply to the client, and a research report on the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object.
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Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
3 Valuation principles
Real estate valuation should follow the following principles:
1 Legal principle;
2 Highest and best use principle;
3 Substitution principle;
4 Valuation time principle.
3.0.2 Follow the principle of legality, and the valuation should be based on the premise of the legal use and legal disposal of the valuation object.
3.0.3 Follow the principle of the highest and best use, and the valuation should be based on the premise of the highest and best use of the valuation object.
When the valuation object has been used in a certain way, the valuation should make one of the following judgments and choices based on the principle of the highest and best use, and should be explained in the valuation report:
Premise of maintaining the status quo: When it is considered that it is most advantageous to continue to use the valuation object, the valuation should be based on the premise of maintaining the status quo; 2 Premise of conversion of use: When it is considered that it is most advantageous to convert the use and then use it, the valuation should be based on the premise of converting the use; 3 Premise of renovation and transformation: When it is considered that it is most advantageous to renovate and transform but not convert the use and then use it, the valuation should be based on the premise of renovating and transforming but not converting the use and then use it; 4 Premise of reuse: When it is considered that it is most advantageous to demolish the existing building and reuse it, the valuation should be based on the premise of demolishing the building and then reuse it; 5 A combination of the above situations.
3.0.4 Follow the substitution principle and require that the valuation results should not significantly deviate from the normal price of similar real estate under the same conditions.
3.0.5 Follow the valuation time point principle and require that the valuation results should be the objective and reasonable price or value of the valuation object at the valuation time point.
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Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
4 Valuation Procedures
4.0.1 From the acceptance of the valuation commission to the completion of the valuation report, the real estate valuation should be carried out according to the following procedures:
Clear the basic matters of the valuation;
Draft the valuation operation plan;
Collect the information required for the valuation;
Investigate the valuation object on the spot;
Select the valuation method for calculation;
Determine the valuation results;
Write the valuation report;
Archive the valuation materials.
Clarifying the basic matters of valuation should mainly include the following contents: clarifying the purpose of valuation;
Clarifying the valuation object;
Clarifying the valuation time point.
The valuation purpose should be proposed by the client;
Note: 1
Clarifying the valuation object should include clarifying the material entity status and equity status of the valuation object; the valuation time point should be determined according to the valuation purpose, expressed in the Gregorian calendar, accurate to the day; 3
When clarifying the basic matters of valuation, it should be discussed with the client, and finally the client's approval should be obtained. 4
3On the basis of clarifying the basic matters of valuation, a preliminary analysis of the valuation project should be conducted and a valuation operation plan should be formulated.
The valuation operation plan should mainly include the following contents: 1The valuation technical route and valuation method to be adopted; 2The information to be investigated and collected and its source channels; 3The estimated time, manpower and funds required; 4The operation steps and progress of the operation should be formulated.
Project 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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