title>Directives for the work of standardization--Rules for drafting product package standards - GB/T 1.7-1988 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Directives for the work of standardization--Rules for drafting product package standards

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 1.7-1988

Standard Name:Directives for the work of standardization--Rules for drafting product package standards

Chinese Name: 标准化工作导则 产品包装标准的编写规定

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1988-12-01

Date of Implementation:1989-05-01

Date of Expiration:2003-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation >> 01.120 General Principles of Standardization

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Regulations>>A00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 1.2-2002

Publication information

other information

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 1.7-1988 Guidelines for Standardization Work Provisions for the Preparation of Product Packaging Standards GB/T1.7-1988 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for standardization work
Rules for dratting product package standards
Directives to the work of standardizationRules for dratting product package standards Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the basic requirements, methods and composition of product package standards for drafting product package standards. UDC 006
GB 1. 7-88
This standard is applicable to the drafting of national standards and professional standards for product package. It should also be used as a reference for the drafting of local standards and enterprise standards for product package. 2 Referenced standards
GB1.1Guidelines for standardization workBasic provisions for drafting standardsGB1.3Guidelines for standardization workRules for drafting product standardsGB4122General terms for packaging
GB4857Basic tests for transport packages
3Basic requirements for drafting product package standards
3.1Drafting product package standards shall comply with the provisions of GB1.1 and other relevant standards. 3.2 Products with common requirements for packaging and circulation environment conditions should be classified into one category, and packaging standards should be formulated separately for each category of products. 3.3 The technical requirements specified in the product packaging standards should be able to be verified by test methods, etc. 4 Composition of product packaging standards
The general composition and writing order of product packaging standards are as follows: [Cover and homepagebZxz.net
[Standard name
[Subject content and scope of application
Cited standards
Terms, symbols and codes
Packaging classification
Main text Packaging technical requirements
Packaging transportation
Packaging storage
Test methods
(Inspection rules
Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on December 27, 1988 (see Article 5.1) )
(See 5.2)
(See 5.3)
(See 5.4)
(See 6.1)
(See 6.2)
(See 6.3)
(See 6.4)
(See 6.5)
(See 6.6)
(See 6.7)
(See 6.8)
(See 6.9)
Supplementary part
GB 1. 7-- 88
(See Chapter 7)
[Additional Notes
The above standard structure does not need to be included in all of the product packaging standards. What content should be included depends on the characteristics of the product, the circulation environment conditions and the purpose of formulating the product packaging standards. 5 Overview of product packaging standards
5.1 Cover and first page
The cover and first page of the product packaging standard shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.1 of GB1.1. 5.2. Table of Contents
The table of contents of the product packaging standard shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.2 of GB1.1. 5.3 Standard Name
The name of the product packaging standard consists of the name of the product or product category followed by the word "packaging", such as "bicycle packaging", "cement packaging", and "needle and cotton fabric packaging".
5.4 Introduction
The introduction of the product packaging standard shall comply with the provisions of Article 5.4 of GB1.1. 6 Body of the product packaging standard
6.1 Subject Content Content and scope of application
The subject matter and scope of application of product packaging standards shall comply with the provisions of Article 6.1 of GB1.1. 6.2 Reference standards
The reference standards of product packaging standards shall comply with the provisions of Article 6.2 of GB1.1. 6.3 Terms, symbols and codes
The terms, symbols and codes of product packaging standards shall comply with the provisions of Article 6.3 of GB1.1 and relevant standards such as GB4122. 6.4 Packaging classification
6.4.1 Necessary When determining the level of product packaging, the level of product packaging is determined based on the following conditions: the environmental conditions to which the transport package is subjected, the distance of the route, the number of turnovers, the storage time, and the mode of transportation, loading and unloading, etc. a.
The preciousness, precision, and dangerousness of the product, etc. b.
6.4.2 Contents of packaging classification:
Grading level;
Requirements for packaging test items and quantitative values ​​at different levels, b.
Requirements for packaging containers, packaging materials, and packaging methods at different levels. 6.5 Packaging technical requirements
Product packaging technical requirements should be proposed based on the product packaging level and user requirements. 6.5.1 Preparation of product packaging Packaging environment
When packaging has requirements for environmental conditions, the environmental conditions of the packaging site should be specified: a.
Temperature, relative humidity;
Sanitary conditions, such as cleanliness, the content of harmful gases and harmful bacteria; b.
Content of radioactive substances;
Personal safety protection measures. Products Products should be inspected and meet the standards. 4
GB 1. 7--88 If the product needs to be pre-processed, the processing method, conditions, time and other requirements should be specified, such as cleaning, drying, etc. Packaging materials Packaging materials should be reasonably selected according to packaging technical requirements. If there are current standards, relevant standards should be cited; if there are no current standards, the types, specifications and various performance indicators of the packaging materials used should be specified. The packaging materials should not have any physical or chemical effects with the products that may damage the products. The packaging materials for packaging food and medicines should be required to be clean and hygienic, and the packaging materials for packaging dangerous goods should be required to be compatible with the products. Packaging containers Specifications and dimensions of packaging containers: The specifications and dimensions of packaging containers for daily and container unit transportation should comply with the provisions of the relevant packaging dimension series standards, and the specifications and dimensions of packaging containers for non-container unit transportation should refer to the relevant dimension standards and comply with the requirements of the loading dimensions of the transport vehicle: b. The sales packaging dimensions match the transportation packaging dimensions: c: Each product packaging series should maintain a minimum number of packaging specifications, and the packaging specifications should be suitable for the final use or the average consumption of the product. The types of packaging containers should be specified, such as boxes, traps, cans, bottles, bags, boxes, etc. When there are appearance requirements for packaging containers, regulations should be made, such as surface defect value, color uniformity and other indicators that need to be determined. The physical, biological, chemical and safety resistance of packaging containers should be specified, such as compression resistance, mildew resistance and rust resistance. Technical requirements: facilities that are convenient for transportation and loading and unloading, such as support trays and handles. 6.5.2 Product packaging Sales packaging and transportation packaging
Product packaging is mainly divided into sales packaging and transportation packaging. Packaging requirements
Product packaging should specify the following requirements:
Packaging measurement value: specify the quantity, quality, volume of the contents, and give the allowable deviation when necessary; Packaging method: specify the packaging procedure and placement method as well as the tools and machinery used for packaging; b.
Packaging protection: specify the support, padding, buffering and other protection methods used and the performance and use requirements of their materials; c.
Supplied documents: specify the content of the accompanied documents, such as product certificates, instruction manuals, packing lists, random spare parts lists, installation drawings and other relevant technical documents, and specify their packaging methods and placement positions; Sealing and sealing: specify the methods and requirements of nailing, gluing, sewing, pressing, etc.; e.
Bundling: specify the performance of the materials used for bundling and the bundling methods and requirements. f.
6. 5. 2.3
Packaging mark
The packaging mark should comply with the relevant standards. Basic contents of packaging mark: a.
Packaging storage and transportation pictorial mark;
Dangerous goods packaging mark,
Transport packaging receipt and delivery mark:
d. Pictorial mark for transport packaging of photosensitive materials sensitive to radiation energy: other relevant marks.
The above marks can be selected and used according to the specific situation of product packaging. 6.6 Package transportation
The requirements for transportation and loading and unloading shall be specified according to the circulation environment conditions that the transport package may encounter. 6.6.1 It shall comply with the provisions of relevant transportation regulations. 6.6.2 According to the characteristics of the package, the following transportation requirements may be specified when necessary: ​​Specify the mode of transportation, such as railway, road, water transport, air transport, etc.: a.
GB 1.7-88
Specify the transport conditions, such as canopy, sealing, insulation, ventilation, stacking height, safety and sanitation measures, etc. b.
Specify the allowable duration of transport. For example, when transporting fresh goods, it should be determined based on the temperature, relative humidity and other conditions in the means of transport c.
6.6.3 Specify the loading and unloading requirements based on the characteristics, mass, size, volume and shape of the package. 6.7 Storage of Packages
When necessary, the storage requirements of transport packages can be specified, especially for toxic, perishable, flammable, explosive, radioactive and other products, corresponding special requirements should be specified:
Storage place: specify the requirements for storage places such as warehouses, awnings, and open air; Storage conditions: specify the most suitable range of temperature and relative humidity, ventilation methods and the amount of air to be replaced per unit time, and protection requirements for harmful substances;
Storage method: specify single placement, stacking, and the form and height of stacking; c.
d. Storage period: specify the requirements for the validity period of the package and maintenance during the storage period, and the requirements for regular or irregular sampling. 6.8 Test methods
Product packaging standards should specify test methods, test sequences, test quantitative values, etc., and comply with the provisions of standards such as GB4857. The technical requirements of the packaging materials and packaging containers used should be able to be verified by test methods. When there are test method standards, relevant standards should be cited. When there are no standards, corresponding test methods should be formulated in the product packaging standards. 6.9 Inspection rules
The inspection rules in the product packaging standards should comply with the provisions of Article 6.6 of GB1.3 and relevant standards. Supplementary parts of product packaging standards
The supplementary parts of product packaging standards include the appendix and additional instructions of product packaging standards, which should comply with the provisions of Chapter 7 of GB1.1. Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the State Administration of Technical Supervision and is under the jurisdiction of the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Department of the State Administration of Technical Supervision. The main drafters of this standard are Qiao Yunmou, Fu Chongguang, Wang Zhiping, Chen Jingxian, Yan Ruming, and Liu Hong.
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