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Patent navigation guide—Part 4:Business operation

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39551.4-2020

Standard Name:Patent navigation guide—Part 4:Business operation

Chinese Name: 专利导航指南第4部分:企业经营

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-11-09

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation>>03.140 Patents, intellectual property rights

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information

drafter:He Hua, Lei Xiaoyun, Zhang Yong, Li Chang, Chen Mingyuan, Ma Hongya, Ji Xiang, Yang Ming

Drafting unit:State Intellectual Property Office

Focal point unit:National Knowledge Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 554)

Proposing unit:National Knowledge Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 554)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation and National Standardization Administration Committee

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39551.4-2020.Patent navigation guide-Part 4: Business operation.
1 Scope
GB/T 39551.4 provides general guidance for patent navigation for business operations.
GB/T 39551.4 applies to:
- Organization and implementation of patent navigation for business operations;
- Services and training for patent navigation for business operations.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in this document. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 39551.1-2020 Patent Navigation Guide Part 1: General Provisions
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 39551.1-2020 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Patent Control
The ability to control technology, products and their market share by using a certain patent (or patent portfolio).
4 Basic Conditions
4.1 Information Resources
In addition to the provisions on information resources in 4.1 of GB/T 39551.1-2020, information resources should also include corporate information, credit, public opinion, financial activities and other information.
4.2 Human Resources
In addition to meeting the provisions of 4.2 on human resources in GB/T 39551.1-2020, when implementing business-related patent navigation with the goal of investment and acquisition target evaluation, enterprise listing preparation, technology introduction, and enterprise product development, patent navigation analysts should also meet the requirements of having more than 3 years of practical experience in patent rights stability and patent infringement risk analysis.
5 Patent Navigation Project Initiation
Refer to the provisions of Chapter 5 of GB/T 39551.1-2020 on project initiation.
6 Patent Navigation with the Target of Investment and Acquisition Selection
6.1 Overview
Based on patent data, by evaluating the situation of technology owners in the technology field to be invested and acquired, provide suggestions for selecting target objects for investment and acquisition from the perspective of technological innovation.
6.2 Input
Contents of the output of Chapter 5.
6.3 Steps and methods
The steps and methods of patent navigation aimed at selecting investment and M&A targets generally include:
a) Based on the needs of investment and M&A, determine the technical field and geographical scope of patent search, implement the search and perform data processing;
b) Screen patent applicants with high technical level, which can be analyzed from the perspectives of technological innovation ability, patent layout ability, patent application ability, etc.;
c) Retrieve the enterprise information of patent applicants with high technical level mentioned in b) and perform data processing;
d) Conduct correlation analysis on the information mentioned in b) and c), repeat steps a) to c) according to needs, and determine the intended investment and M&A targets.
This document provides general guidance for enterprise management patent navigation. This document is applicable to: --Organization and implementation of enterprise management patent navigation; --Service and training of enterprise management patent navigation.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Patent Navigation Guide||tt| |Part 4: Business operation
Patent navigation guidePart 4:Business operation2020-11-09 Released
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration Committee
Released| |tt||2021-06-01 Implementation
Normative reference documents
Terminology and Definition
Basic conditions
Information resources
Human resources||tt| |Patent Navigation Project Started
Patent Navigation 6.1 with the goal of selecting investment and acquisition targets
6.5||tt| |Overview
Steps and Methods
Quality Control
Patent Navigation 7.1 Aiming at the Evaluation of Investment and Acquisition Objects||tt| |7.2
Steps and methods
Output||tt ||Quality control
Patent navigation with the goal of preparing companies for listing 8
8.5| |tt||9
Steps and methods
Quality control
With the goal of technical cooperation development Patent Navigation 9.1
Input||tt ||Steps and methods
Quality control
Patent navigation with the goal of technology introduction·10.1
10.4| |tt||10.5
Steps and methods
Quality control
Patent navigation aiming at enterprise product development.11.1|| tt||11.2
Overview||tt| |Input
Steps and methods
Quality control
Application of results·
Performance evaluation:|| tt||=
Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules for Standardized Documents This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.1-2020 "Standardization Work Guidelines Drafting."
This document is Part 4 of GB/T39551 "Patent Navigation Guide". GB/T39551 has released the following parts: Part 1: General principles;
Part 2: Regional planning;
—Part 3: Industrial planning;
—Part 4 :Business operations;
Part 5: R&D activities;
—Part 6: Talent management;
Part 7: Service requirements
Please note this Certain contents of the document may involve patents. The publisher of this document assumes no responsibility for identifying patents. This document is proposed and coordinated by the National Knowledge Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC554). This document was drafted by: State Intellectual Property Office. The main drafters of this document: He Hua, Lei Xiaoyun, Zhang Yong, Li Chang, Chen Mingyuan, Ma Hongya, Ji Xiang, and Yang Ming. 1 Scope
Guidelines for Patent Navigation
Part 4: Business Operations
This document provides general guidance for patent navigation in business operations. This document is applicable to:
The organization and implementation of enterprise business patent navigation; the services and training of enterprise business patent navigation. 2Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative citations in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
, Terms and Definitions
Patent Navigation Guide
Part 1: General Provisions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T39551.1-2020 and the following apply to this document. 3.1
patent control
Patent control power
The ability to control technology, products and their market share by using a certain patent (or patent portfolio). 4
Basic conditions
Information resources
In addition to referring to the provisions of 4.1 on information resources in GB/T39551.1-2020, information resources should also include Corporate information, credit, public opinion, financial activities and other information.
4.2 Human Resources
In addition to meeting the provisions of 4.2 on human resources in GB/T39551.1-2020, in the implementation of the evaluation of investment and acquisition objects, the preparation of enterprises for listing, and the implementation of technology When introducing business-related patent navigation with the goal of enterprise product development, patent navigation analysts should also have more than three years of practical experience in patent rights stability and patent infringement risk analysis. Patent Navigation Project Start
Refer to Chapter 5 of GB/T39551.1-2020 for the regulations on project startup. 1
6 Overview of Patent Navigation 6.1 Targeting the Selection of Investment and Acquisition Targets
Based on patent data, evaluate the technology fields of proposed investment and acquisitions The situation of internal technology owners is provided, and suggestions for target selection for investment and mergers and acquisitions are provided from the perspective of technological innovation.
The output content of Chapter 5.
3 steps and methods
The patent navigation steps and methods aimed at selecting investment and acquisition targets generally include: a)
Based on investment and acquisition needs, determine In the technical field and geographical scope of the patent search, the search is carried out and data processing is carried out; patent applicants with a higher technical level can be screened from the perspectives of technological innovation ability, patent layout ability, patent application ability, etc. b)
c) Retrieve the corporate information of patent applicants with higher technical level mentioned in b), and perform data processing; cd) Conduct correlation analysis on the information mentioned in b) and c), according to needs Repeat steps a) to c) to determine the target for investment and acquisition. 6.4 Output
The output of patent navigation targeting the selection of investment and merger targets generally includes: patent navigation analysis report targeting the proposed investment and merger targets, including but not limited to the basic situation of the industry to which the investment and merger belongs, the proposed target The basic situation of the selected companies;
can display the basic situation of the pseudo-phosphorus selected companies in a visual form; patent navigation data set.
Quality control
Refer to the provisions on quality control in 6.2.5, 6.3.5 and 6.4.5 of GB/T39551.1-2020. 7 Overview of Patent Navigation 7.1 Aiming at Evaluation of Investment and M&A Targets
Based on patent data, it provides suggestions for investment and M&A decisions by evaluating the technological innovation strength and patent infringement risks of investment and M&A targets.
The output content of Chapter 5.
Steps and methods
Patent navigation steps and methods aimed at evaluating investment and acquisition objects generally include: a) Retrieval of background information of investment and acquisition objects, which may include the development history and personnel of the investment and acquisition objects Scale, development stage, history of investments or mergers and acquisitions, types and market share of main products, revenue status, and relevant information on major competitors of investment and merger targets 2
GB/T39551.4—2020||tt || Information, as well as the educational background, work experience, legal disputes and relevant information of the core R&D personnel of the investment and acquisition targets; b) Retrieve the patent information of the investment and merger targets and their main competitors, patent information in related technical fields, etc.; Verify the ownership of the patent rights of the investment and merger targets, the term of the patent rights, the legal status of the patent rights, patent utilization (such as transfer, license, c)
pledge, etc.), patent litigation, etc.;
Screen the higher technical level patents or patent applications corresponding to the main products or technologies of the investment and acquisition targets, and evaluate the d)
rights stability of their patents or the authorization prospects of patent applications. The impact of patents (or patent portfolios) on The degree of protection of core technology solutions; evaluate the technological advancement and technological substitutability of investment and acquisition targets, and conduct comparative analysis with existing technologies; e)
f) evaluate the relevant patents or patent applications of investment and merger targets Risk of infringement of technical solutions used. 7.4 Output
The output of patent navigation aimed at the evaluation of investment and merger objects generally includes: a patent navigation analysis report aimed at the evaluation of investment and merger objects, which may include the background information, patent information, innovation strength and Risks and other situations;
A patent navigation data set.
7.5 Quality Control
Refer to the provisions on quality control in 6.2.5, 6.3.5 and 6.4.5 of GB/T39551.1-2020. 8
Overview of Patent Navigation 8.1 with the goal of preparing enterprises for listing
Based on patent data, it systematically analyzes the company's patents and related technological innovations, evaluates innovation strength, and investigates market risks, so as to provide enterprises with Offer advice on listings.
8.2 Input
The output content of Chapter 5.
8.3 Steps and methods
The steps and methods of patent navigation with the goal of preparing a company for listing generally include: collecting background information of the company, which can include the company’s development history, development stages, and main products Category and market share, revenue a)
status, patent-related contracts, legal disputes and related circumstances, the educational background, work experience, legal disputes and related circumstances of the company's main R&D personnel, major competitors Related information, etc.: Retrieve patent information of the company and its main competitors, patent information in related technical fields, etc.; b)
c) Verify the company’s patent ownership, patent term, legal status of the patent, and patent Use (such as transfer, licensing, pledge, etc.), patent litigation, etc. to ensure that the content disclosed in the company's prospectus and other documents is consistent with the above-mentioned verified information; analyze patent-related content in procurement and supply contracts, personnel contracts, etc. Relevant content related to service invention agreements; d)
Analyze the pre-employment patent applications and rights ownership of the company's main R&D personnel; e
f) Evaluate the rights stability of the company's patents or the authorization of patent applications Prospects, the degree of protection of core technical solutions by patents (or patent portfolios);
Evaluate the technological advancement and technological substitutability of enterprises, and conduct comparative analysis with existing technologies; g)
h ) Evaluate the infringement risk of the company’s relevant patents or technical solutions used in patent applications; 3
i) Comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the above situation, and the impact on the company’s innovation strength and Make preliminary judgments on the risk situations faced and formulate risk response strategies.
8.4 Output
The output of patent navigation with the goal of preparing a company for listing generally includes: A patent navigation analysis report with the goal of preparing a company for listing, which can include company background information, patent information, and innovation strength , risk analysis and response strategy suggestions;
A patented navigation data set.
Quality control
Refer to the regulations on quality control in 6.2.5, 6.3.5 and 6.4.5 of GB/T39551.1-2020. 9 Overview of Patent Navigation 9.1 with the goal of technological cooperation and development
Based on patent data, through correlation analysis with relevant information such as enterprises, universities and scientific research organizations, we propose technical cooperation topics, phosphorus separation technology cooperation objects, etc. suggestion.
The output content of Chapter 5.
Steps and methods
The steps and methods of patent navigation with the goal of technical cooperation development generally include: a) Decompose the technical fields corresponding to the enterprise's technical cooperation needs, Search relevant patents and perform data processing; b) Determine technology development priorities or hot topics by analyzing the relevant activities of entities with strong patent control around the world. The relevant activities may include collaborative innovation, patent layout, and patent application. and patent protection; c
analyzes each technical theme, which can include technology maturity, technical route, patent layout, etc., proposes technical themes that can be developed cooperatively, and obtains patent applicant information: d) Screening Patent applicants with a higher technical level can be analyzed from the perspectives of technological innovation ability, patent layout ability, patent application ability, etc.
e) Collect the background of patent applicants with a higher technical level mentioned in d) Information points may include development history, development stages, main products, technical structure, number of R&D personnel, revenue status, legal disputes and related public opinions, educational background, work experience, legal disputes and related public opinions of main R&D personnel: f ) Conduct correlation analysis on the information described in d) and e) to determine the objects that can be developed through technical cooperation. 9.4 Output
The output of patent navigation with the goal of technical cooperation development generally includes a patent navigation analysis report with the goal of technology cooperation development, which may include the selection and demonstration of technology topics that can be jointly developed, and the basic information of technology cooperation development objects. Situation, etc.;
——Patent navigation data set.
5 Quality Control
In addition to meeting GB/T39551.1-2020 6.2.5 , 6.3.5 and 6.4.5 on quality control, the following conditions should also be met: Ensure that the selection of technology master chips for joint development is in line with the actual development of the enterprise; 1. Ensure that the selection of joint development objects is operable, with technology introduction as the basis Target's Patent Navigation
10.1 Overview
Based on patent data, through correlation analysis with industry, market and other information, it proposes the holders of technologies to be introduced and the technologies that can be introduced specific technologies, introduction strategies, risk prevention and other suggestions. 10.2 Input
the content output in Chapter 5.
Steps and methods
The steps and methods of patent navigation with the goal of technology introduction generally include: a) Decompose the technical field of the enterprise, search for relevant patent information and others Technical information, analyze the development focus, difficulties and hot topics in this technical field;
Refocus the company's technology research and development strategy and product strategy, the company's current technology reserves, and a) the development of the technical field b)| |tt|| Conduct correlation analysis on points, difficulties and hot topics to find the technical topics that enterprises need to introduce: Among the technical topics mentioned in b), screen the patents that meet the needs of technology introduction. The technical problems solved by the patented technical solutions can be c )
and the technical effects achieved; analyze the stability, technology substitutability, technology implementation dependence, etc. of the patents mentioned in c), and propose alternative patents; d) ||tt| |Collect relevant information about the holders of the patents mentioned in d), which may include development history, development stages, main products, technical structure, R&D personnel e)
number of employees, revenue status, technology transfer or licensing history , legal disputes and related public opinions; conduct correlation analysis on the information described in d) and e), and make suggestions for technology introduction methods, such as technology licensing, technology transfer, etc. f)
10.4 Output
The output of patent navigation with the goal of technology introduction generally includes: Patent navigation analysis report with the goal of technology introduction, which can include the selection and demonstration of the technology theme to be introduced, the technology to be introduced The basic information of its holders, etc.;
Patent navigation data set.
10.5 Quality Control
In addition to meeting 6.2.5, 6.3.5 and 6.4 of GB/T39551.1-2020.5. In addition to the provisions on quality control, the following conditions should also be met: Ensure that the selection of the technology subject to be introduced is in line with the actual development of the enterprise; 1. Ensure that the selection of the technology to be introduced and its holder is operable. 5
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