GB/T 3291.3-1997 Textiles Textile materials properties and test terms Part 3: General
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China GR/T 3291. 1~-3291. 3—1997 Textile Material Properties and Test Terms Icxtilcs--Terms of Textilc Material Properties and TCST19971009 Issued by the State Administration of Technical Supervision Implementation on May 1, 1998 GB/T 3291.31997
&Textile Material Properties and Test Terms 2 is a revision of the national standard GR201:82 Textile Nomenclature (Textile Materials. Common Part of Textile Products>3 and GB57:85 Textile Performance and Test Terms for Grade 1 Textile Products) and compared with the original standard, some major changes have been made: - The vocabulary list has been revised, and the standard has been changed to textile material properties and test terms based on the properties of textile materials and textile products. 2. The standard is a set of terms related to the performance test of textile materials, excluding raw material terms, product terms, multi-point terminology and packaging terms. The original standard is difficult to change into a series of standards. The performance test terminology of textile materials is divided into three parts: Part 1: Fibers and yarns || TT || Part 2: Fabrics || TT || Part 3, and new terminology is added. Some terms and definitions in the original standard are retained and incorporated. This standard serves as a set of terms for the performance test of textile materials. Part 5 of the standard collects the general terminology of textile materials and test terms. From this month onwards, the terminology of textile materials for general use can be consulted (B32612 Textile terminology (Textile materials. Textile products. General part 3 and GB515735* Combustion performance of textile products and combined products - Vocabulary 3.G.291-82) is replaced by the English chapter 3 of the textile industry standard FZ01018-92 on textile machine terms. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are reminders: This standard The China National Textile and Apparel Council proposed: This standard is the responsibility of the National Textile Standardization Technical Committee Basic Standards Technical Committee, and the drafting unit of this standard is the Standardization Research Institute of the China National Textile and Apparel Council. The main drafters of the standard are Chen Narong and Zheng Ningying. 18
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of ChinawwW.bzxz.Net
Textile material properties and test terms
Part 3: General
Textile material groups and lest.Part 3: Generul
replaces GB2-2
standard standard, which specifies the general terms for the performance test of textile materials, and is applicable to textiles in the form of warp, yarn and woven fabric. This standard does not include the relevant terms specific to a single form of product, and the following definitions are used in the terms.
2.1 Test iraxw:ia
for the individual or rate characteristics of the product Refers to the activities of measuring, checking, or testing, etc., and comparing the results with the specified requirements in order to determine whether each product is qualified. 2.2 Grades are the ranking of product quality components with different quality requirements for different functions and uses. 2.3 Quality requirements are the expression of the need or requirement to be converted into a requirement for the actual quality and completeness of the product, so that it can be realized and the product can be evaluated. 2.4 Product quality is the product that meets all the requirements.
Requirements are different, and the counting units are divided according to product raw materials, production processes, etc. 2.6 Batch sample--one or more packaging units randomly selected from the product as the source of experimental entity. The experimental entity is a specified single component of the product sample taken from the batch as the source of the test. 2. The specified single component of the experimental sample is used as the source of the test. 2.9 Reproducibility
The consistency of the measurement results when the measured object is measured under the same conditions as the measured object. 2.10 Producibility
The consistency of the measurement results when the measured object is measured under the same conditions as the measured object (such as environment, personnel, equipment, location, etc.):
2.11 Precision
Approved by the National Technical Supervision Bureau in 1999/10
Implementation in 1998-05-C1
GR/T 3291. 3
The degree of random error in the result.
The degree to which a measurement result differs from the true value of the object being measured. 2.13Error
The difference between a measurement result and the true value of the object being measured.
2.14Systematic error2yst.efi:rr10-1997
The measure of error that is constant or varies in a known way during the repeated measurements of the same quantity. Random erroranonor
The measure of error that is constant or varies in a known way during the repeated measurements of the same quantity. 2.16
Great errora*asiliceirn
The measure of error that is significantly greater than the expected value under given conditions. 2.17
Instrument error
The error of the test instrument itself.
2.18Prrnnal error
The error caused by the measuring personnel's improper working technique. 2.19Environmental error
The error caused by the inconsistency between the actual environmental conditions and the specified system. 2.20Minor error of method
The error caused by the incompleteness of the measurement method.
Absolute error
The difference between the measurement result and the measured (agreed) true value. 2.22
the ratio of the measured error to the measured value: 2.23
corrected value arurliwn
to eliminate or reduce the systematic error, the value on the actual measurement result is corrected by the correction factor
to eliminate or reduce the systematic error, the numerical factor multiplied by the actual result, 5, is the sum of the average value arithmetic mean
of the individual values not recorded, divided by the two, 2.26 the arithmetic mean, for multiple groups of measurements measured together, the arithmetic mean of the values of each group is the sum of the multiplication of the values (,\,) and the weighted \, "divided by the weighted sum P,L, - L. Ip.L.
2.27 Tens digit mcdiam
A group of measured values are arranged in order of size, with one or two numbers between the ten digits: when the measured value is an even number), the standard deviation (expetimentsiandardderiaion) is used. 2.28
For the same measurement, the result of the measurement can be verified by the standard deviation, which is called the standard deviation. S
The average value of the results of a finite number of measurements is 2.29The coefficient of variation is 1F
cofficicnt of variability
The ratio of the standard deviation of the measured value to the half-mean of the measured value, used to characterize the dispersion of the measurement results. 2.30 Mean average
The absolute value of the difference between each measured value and the mean average. 2.31
The percentage of the mean difference to the mean, used to characterize the dispersion of the measured results. 2.32 Percentile ratio
The ratio of the difference between the measured value and the nominal value to the nominal value. Table 2.33 Preconditioning
The treatment of the sample or the test sample to a relatively low humidity before conditioning it in the test atmosphere. 2.34 Preconditioningnning
A treatment in which the sample or sample is placed in the standard test atmosphere for one hour to reach hygroscopic equilibrium. Standard humidity conditioning atmosphere srandrdatmospberrforprueuklilioning2.35
The relative temperature and relative humidity of the material in the reverse pre-humidification treatment. 2.36
The relative humidity and relative humidity of the material in the test of the standard test atmosphere arandardarmoerbereturtestng 2.37 Equilibrium
The state in which the moisture absorption and release of the textile material are in equilibrium and the changes in the quality tend to zero. 2.38 content mnisrnrecantent
the mass content of any form of moisture in a textile material determined by a specified method. 2.39maiscurereguin
the mass content of any form of moisture in a textile material determined by a specified method. 2.40percentage of extractable substances mcistareaadexrraarableennponcntthe mass of any form of moisture and extractable substances in a textile material determined by a specified method. 2.41standard moisture regainthe standardalmospherethe moisture regain of a textile material after preconditioning in a standard atmosphere at the time of moisture absorption equilibrium. 2.42
conventional moisture regain of a textile material.
243 Commercial moisture regain The agreed value of moisture content and moisture content of textile materials used to calculate the commercial quality of textile materials. 2.44 Commercial moisture regain The agreed value of moisture content and moisture content of textile materials used to calculate the commercial quality of textile materials: expressed as a percentage of the amount of moisture content of the textile materials already obtained and added to the commercial quality of textile materials.
2.45 Standard moisture gain The amount of moisture content of the textile materials obtained by adding the amount corresponding to the agreed moisture regain after the textile materials have been removed. 2.46 Standard moisture regain The quality of the material at the standard moisture regain.
2.47 Commercial quality commercial mass 5s
The material has been dried and the corresponding commercial regain has been added to the material. The material quality obtained by extracting the material with the same commercial regain,
The sample is put into the oven to obtain the constant weight. 2.49 Constant voltage osts
When the pharmaceutical material is weighed repeatedly or repeatedly, the difference between the previous and subsequent weighings shall not exceed the value of the latter weighing.
2-50 Absorption time L:euidbsobey=ms The time required for the test liquid to completely wet the water-absorbing material, that is, the time required for the liquid to enter the material. 2.51
Liquid absorption capacityLiquid absorption capacityThe amount of liquid absorbed by the test material after a specified time, expressed as a percentage. 2.5?Liquor absorption rateLiquor absorption rateThe amount of liquid absorbed by the test material, used to characterize the speed of liquid transfer to the fabric. 2.53 Color fastnessColor fastnessE
The ability of a fabric to change color under various effects during processing and viewing is expressed in terms of the degree of color change and the degree of color fastness of the adjacent fabric:
2-54 Color fastnessIn rininll
The brightness and chroma of the color of a textile are affected by the single or combined changes of hue. Color fastnessThe transfer of dye from the dye to the adjacent fabric or sample. 2.56 Photochromism
The phenomenon that colored textiles change color briefly under light and then recover in darkness. That is, reversible color change caused by light. 2.57 Aubimaon
The phenomenon that the dye on colored textiles is directly converted into gaseous state by heat. 2.5B Yellowing
The phenomenon that the color of a product changes color under the action of chemical substances. 2.59 Aging
The phenomenon that the chemical structure, physical and mechanical properties of textile materials deteriorate under the action of environmental conditions such as light, air, etc. for a long time.
The color difference between the textile components and the standard sample card. 2.61
Group test caupositeEpeeimcn
In color fastness test of textile products, it is composed of test fabric and one or two pieces of fabric, and is used for color fastness test.7.2 Material samples
In color fastness test of textile products, it is a standard fabric used for staining test.2.63 Light standard specimentes: cuntrol specimenIn color fastness test, it is a specimen used to ensure the accuracy of the test.2.64 Fading standard slaadarul uf judging: a dyed fabric with an alternate structure with the control standard, and its color is the color that the control standard should fade to in the test: blue oclarsndsrd
In the light fastness and weather fastness test of textiles, it is a group of physical specimens used to determine the exposure time of the specimen and to evaluate the color grade of the specimen.
2.6 Grayscale
has color differences that vary from color to color, and is a standard sample card for color changes, including blood samples for color change and samples for active colors.
2.67 Depth of leal
has the degree of separation of an object from white. The degree is related to the degree of separation of the object from the actual color. 2.68 Depth of leal22
GB/T 3291.3:1997
a series of standard samples of color with good relative lightness and color. 2.69
a medium-grade color with a hue greater than 3.5.
a color attribute used to determine the degree of separation of an object from a certain color. Expressed in degrees. 2.71 Whiteness value
The ratio of the reflection of the material sample surface to the light reflection of the white board surface, expressed in percentage. 2.2 Pt value E
The change of the alkalinity of the solution. A value of 7 indicates that the solution is neutral, 7 or less indicates aldehydic, and above 7 indicates alkalinity. 2.73 Extraction solution Ect
The filtrate obtained after the soluble biomass in the sample is dissolved by immersing the sample with water or other liquid. 2.74 Acid content
The number of millimolars of acid contained in a unit mass of the sample measured under certain conditions. 2.75 Washing
Washing with water is a process that includes all the operations of immersion, precipitation, conventional washing, bleaching and washing with water. 2.76 Bleaching bleaching the process of using chlorine before washing, during washing or in washing water to reduce the whiteness of textiles. 2.77 Ironing and pressing the process of using heat and pressure to give a textile a certain shape and appearance. 2.78 Dry-cleaning the process of applying organic chemicals to textiles. The process includes cleaning, rinsing, stripping and washing. 2.79 Laulwaling the process of washing textiles with a machine or a washing machine, either by hand or by force. 2-80 Commercial jaundering the process of washing, bleaching, drying and pressing textiles using non-domestic equipment. Yongchao washing teadanxlinIa.anlering
The common and non-professional force method used in the family to wash, whiten, rub and press the textiles. 2.82
-The physical action of one object on another object, which makes the free moving object produce an additive force and the immovable object produce a deformation. It is usually expressed in Newtons (N), its multiples or fractions: such as kN, N. 2.83Stress
The study of the deformation of materials caused by external forces. It is usually expressed in unit linear density or unit cross section force. 2.84
The resistance of a material to deformation due to stress, expressed in units of force. 2.85
The bending of a material due to external forces. 2.86Strain
The change in shape of a material under shear, tension or torsion, usually expressed as a ratio of the corresponding values. 2.87
Force-deforntioncurveThe relationship between force and shape of a material under pressure, tension or torsion. 2.88Stress-straincurveThe relationship between force and strain of a material under shear, tension or torsion. 2.89 modulus
Integer used to characterize the deformation characteristics of a material. 2.90 initial modulus B/T3291.31997
The slope of the initial nearly straight portion of the stress-strain curve of a material. 2.9! youngsmotlulus
The ratio of the stress increment to the strain increment in the elastic region of the material on the force-strain curve of an elastic material. 2.9? Linear modulus churd (rulus)
The ratio of the stress difference to the strain difference between the specified points on the stress-strain curve of a material. 2.93
The deformation that a material recovers instantly after the external force is removed, that is, the recoverable deformation that is basically time-dependent. Delayed deformation rlelynrllefnrmatian
The time-dependent deformation of a material when a constant force is applied. 2.95 Permanent deformation The deformation of a material that cannot be restored after the external force is removed after deformation under specified conditions. Also called plastic deformation. 2.96 Elastic deformation The deformation that can be restored after the external force is removed. 2.97 Elastic deformation The deformation that a material can restore after a certain period of time after the external force is removed. 2.98 Elasticity The property of a material to return to its original shape after the external force that causes deformation is removed. Extensibility The property of a material to extend under sufficient external force. 2.100 stress point
the turning point on the stress-strain curve from the linear part to the curved part, i.e. the point where the material begins to deform permanently. 2.101
the test on the elongation of a material under the action of a force. 2.102 tensilesrees
the stress generated inside a material under tension. 2.103 Tensile strain I-nxil=xl-a:m
The strain produced by the material under tension, expressed as the ratio of the original length of the specimen, constant rate KCEconganereteextcaiantester2.104
The length per unit time in a given tensile process is selected to maintain a certain strength. 2.15 In the case of load addition, the load increase rate is used to maintain a certain strength. 2.10 CRT-onstunt rate of travuse ter When the specimen is subjected to constant rate of tension, the tip of the specimen responds to the stress-strain characteristics of the material and produces a displacement strength. 2.107 Required length KaL:lenRth
The distance between the two effective holding points (lines) of the specimen on the test device. 2.108 Initial length initatlengh
The non-complex length between the two effective clamping points (lines) of the specimen on the test device when the initial tension is reached: 2109 Pretension preteneim
In order to make the specimen stand still, an increment of length caused by the action of force with a length of 2*0 square meters added to the specimen before the test begins, expressed in length units. 24
Low length clangRtinn
GB/T 3291.3—1997
The ratio of the specimen support length to its initial length is expressed in percentage. 2.112 Square-teacher mountain load frcc-cxtensisr.curvc Zhicheng material under tensile force and length relationship diagram: 7.113 New force brcekirgforee:muximmuree Under specified conditions, a tensile test is carried out for exactly ten times, and the maximum force recorded when the specimen breaks. 2.114 Breakicgstrength
The strength expressed in breaking force.
2.5 Elongation at break The breaking point is the point at which the breaking force or rupture occurs on the force-length or stress-change line of the material during the tensile test. 2.5 Elongation at break The final force recorded before the material breaks during the tensile test under given conditions. 2.119 Breaking strength is expressed in breaking force.
Breaking elongation The elongation produced from the start of the test to the breaking point The elongation at which the material is subjected to the tensile force but not the energy required to break. The energy dissipated by the work is dissipated.
forcr at specified elangatiraThe material is stretched but the specified elongation corresponds to the elongation specified. Zong force elongation clongatienrtapecificdforcc2.124
The elongation produced by a material subjected to a specified tensile force. Break time Timebreak
The time required for the reverse tensile test under the specified conditions is the maximum time required for the test. The material is tested for strength without moisture 2.12
The strength of the material is measured when it is dried to a constant temperature.
2.*23 Jirt
The phenomenon of ignition is characterized by the emission of smoke and the heat of fire. If the material is ignited by heat or an external heat source, the material will start to burn.
2.130 Ignition iguie
The material starts to burn when it is ignited.
2.131 Heat igniten
The material starts to burn.
2-132 Fire
ig'lir sia irep
time point state of material or product
2.133 fire performance fiebehuivijur
GR/T 3291.3—1997
material. Product and (war) creation stomach engineering six control fire all physical and (or chemical changes) 2.134 fire in the hazard fiehazard
four general fire position cattle injury print (or production damage port fire cool area hazard Tirerixk
causing death, pregnancy and (or) property damage fire real possibility constant. 2-136 fire Elame.n
luminous gas combustion area.
contracted combustion [l:ma,v
semi-luminous gas melting combustion process:
2.138 large combustion glowi ng
The material is flaming and there is a glowing phenomenon at the end of the combustion: 2.139 Smoking
- The material usually burns slowly with a rising temperature. 2.140 Aftcrflamc
The material continues to burn with a flame after the ignition source is removed under the test conditions specified in the regulations. 2.141
The material continues to burn with a flame after the ignition source is removed under the test conditions specified in the regulations. 2-142 Flame is not prolonged:r rrul
extension before the start,
2.143 flameapreadrareta1eoflamesprear Under the specified test conditions, the distance of the flame front expansion per unit time. Measured in meters per hour (four> nights, 2.144 Flame spread time lamepread tirae The time, expressed in seconds, for a piece of burning material to extend a certain distance or requirement under specified test conditions. 2.145 Flame duration duatiar:nfflame
The time, expressed in seconds, for a piece of burning material to continue to burn under specified test conditions. 2.146 Time interval uf:eralowtim
Under given test conditions, after the termination of combustion or the start of combustion in this step, the average time of non-combustion of the material, expressed in seconds.
2.147 Luminosity ei-y
Under given test conditions, the ratio of the initial amount of light observed in the smoke to the amount of light gradually observed. 2.148 Isoluminescence density up = ica.density Ordinary logarithm of the luminosity of the smoke group Ig(1).
2.149 Combustion shell 5rl
Carried out under the action of fuel:
2.150 Combustion
The effect of the reaction of combustible substances with oxidants to generate heat (or) smoke 2.151 Thermal burning line mning Iebaviout
The physical and chemical changes of materials or products caused by the specified ignition source. 2.152 Accumulated combustion rate is the cumulative combustion of materials in unit time under certain conditions. It is expressed in half a centimeter per second (m/s). 2.153 Mass burning rate massburmirgTtc
The mass of the material per unit time under the specified test conditions, expressed in kilograms per second (k/s). 2.154 Mass massn5
The maximum amount of material that is burned or damaged under the specified test conditions. 2.155 Burning area burndareu
The area of the material that is destroyed by pyrolysis under the specified test conditions. It is expressed in square meters. erca
The total irreversible damage area of a material caused by heat under the specified test conditions. Including material loss, shrinkage, transformation, melting, ashing, combustion and decomposition. Expressed in square meters. Damaged length: h
The length of a material section in the specified direction under the specified test conditions. Expressed in meters. 2.158 Limited oxygen absorption index
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