title>HG 3672-2000 Imidacloprid EC - HG 3672-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 3672-2000 Imidacloprid EC

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 3672-2000

Standard Name: Imidacloprid EC

Chinese Name: 吡虫啉乳油

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-06-05

Date of Implementation:2001-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>65.100 Pesticides and other agricultural chemical products

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Fertilizers, Pesticides>>G25 Pesticides

associated standards

Procurement status:CIPAC NEQ

Publication information

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HG 3672-2000 Imidacloprid EC HG3672-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Published on 2000-06-05
Implemented on 200103-01
Published by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical IndustrybZxz.net
Application No.: 7482-20
This standard is formulated with reference to the actual quality of domestic imidacloprid emulsion and the analysis method of the International Cooperation Committee on Pesticide Analysis (CIPAC). This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Shenyang Chemical Research Institute: The responsible drafting unit of this standard is Shenyang Chemical Research Institute. The original drafting units of this standard are Jiangsu Kesheng Group and Shandong Jinghao Pharmaceutical Company. The main drafters of this standard are Zhao Kuanxin, Na Hong, Wu Chongyan. Gao Jing and Zhang Qing. This standard is interpreted by the Secretariat of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Pesticides. 81
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Imidaclpprid Emulsifiable Concentrate
Imidaclpprid Emulsifiable Concentrate
Imidaclpprid Emulsifiable Concentrate Other names, structural formulas and chemical states of the active ingredient pyridinium in this product are as follows: ISO common name Jrrlarlpr
CTPAC number: Total 82
Chemical name: -(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)-N-nitro-2-nitropropenesulfonic acid Structure:
Empirical formula: HNO
Relative mass: 253.7 [According to the atomic mass distribution of 1995 pressure and time 》Bacterial activity, insecticide
Hot pressure (20:), 29mPa
Degree of solubility (g/20C): 0.612 in water, 6n in benzene, 0.6, total in alkali 5.6 isopropyl, etc. 2HC3572-2C00
Stability: Stable in neutral and slightly acidic conditions; slowly decomposes in alkaline water medium environment to 1% solid
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, marking, labeling, packaging and storage and transportation of pyrimidine emulsifiable concentrate. This standard is applicable to pyrimidine emulsifiable concentrates made by dissolving pyrimidine technical materials and emulsifiers that meet the standards in appropriate solvents: References
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, so the parties who are interested in this standard should consider the latest version of the following standards. B/T1600-98 Method for determination of moisture content of pesticide coating B/T1601-993 Method for determination of pesticide content by tablets GB/T1603-1S79 (1289) Method for determination of stability of pesticide coating emulsion GB/T1604-1S95 Method for acceptance and purchase of commercial pesticides GH/T1605-1570 (138) Method for sample supply of pesticide coating GB4858-984 Packaging of emulsifiable concentrates 3 Requirements 3-1 Appearance: Homogeneous liquid before tableting: Free of dead substances and precipitation 3.2 Imidacloprid emulsifiable concentrate Control standard should meet the requirements of Table 1, National Petroleum and Chemical Industry 20D0-0605 approved 2~01-0301 real bottle
Emulsion dynamic space (leaching ring 20m)
thermal stability
Acetamide emulsion cavity production item daily index
standard: low constant tracking stability and efficiency stability test, at least once every 3 months 4 test method
4.1 sampling
5. 0. ~ x. u
Control B/T60》1979 (19SS) "sampling of milk and liquid" method. The sampling size is determined by a random number table, and the maximum sampling volume should be no less than 25mm. 4.2 Identification test
High-performance liquid chromatography: The identification test can be carried out simultaneously with the determination of imidacloprid content. Under the same chromatographic operating conditions, the relative difference between the retention time of a chromatographic peak of the sample solution and the chromatographic retention time of imidacloprid in the standard sample should be within 1.5%. When it is used to identify the effective ingredients, the effective method can be used for identification. 4.3 Determination of imidacloprid content
4. 3. 1. The sample is prepared with methanol. A Novapak C.5mm column and UV detector are used with methanol and water as the mobile phase. The samples are separated and determined. 4.3.2 Equipment: Mobile phase chromatograph with UV-detectable flow detector. Chromatographic data processor: 3.9min (ID> Y150mm stainless steel column, with Novapak Cu5um filling hook inside. Filter: pore size of filter membrane is about 0.im, 4.3.3 Reagents and solvents: methanol, chromatographic cable, water: freshly distilled distilled water. Standard sample: 9% 4.3.4 Liquid chromatograph mobile phase: (normal water) -4C 60 ,
Mobile phase flow: 0.4mL./roia
Wet: air temperature (humidity difference should not change much): detection length 26.
Inlet volume: μT.,
Guarantee time 5.0min
The above liquid chromatography is a kind of liquid chromatography, and the operation of the system is mostly typical. According to the characteristics of different injectors, the operation number of complexation can be appropriately adjusted to obtain the best effect as soon as possible. Figure 1.1-1 Typical high-efficiency concentrated phase chromatographic analysis of imidacloprid emulsifiable concentrate
4.3.5 Determination steps Preparation of standard solution
Weigh 0.1 g of imidacloprid standard sample (accurate to 0.00F2). Place it in a 1CCmI container bottle, add appropriate amount of methanol and dissolve it in the crude product bath for 5 minutes, return to room temperature, make up to volume, and then use a pipette to transfer 5 ml of the above-mentioned crushed filter into a 10mL container bottle, make up to volume with methanol. Preparation of sample solution
Weigh a sample containing 0.1% imidacloprid (accurate to ±0.01%) and place it in a 1mL volumetric flask. Add 5 ml of solution and place in an ultrasonic bath until 5 ml is reached. Use a pipette to take the upper solution and place it in a 5mL volumetric flask. Use a volumetric flask to adjust the volume. Preparation
Under the above conditions, after the instrument is stable, continuously inject two injections of standard sample solution until the peak of imidacloprid changes less than 1.0%. Analyze in the order of sample solution, sample solution, sample solution and standard solution. 4.3.6 Calculate the content of pyridine in the sample expressed as mass fraction: X (%) (using the following formula): X,
where: -4—average value of the amount of pyridine in the standard solution: -g—average area of ​​the sample in the test solution, m1—mass of the standard sample -g
mass of the sample g
1—mass fraction of the standard sample, %,
4.3.7 Allowable error
The difference between the results of two parallel determinations, 1 0% emulsifiable concentrate should not be more than 5%, 5% emulsifiable concentrate should not be more than 9.3%, and the arithmetic mean should be taken as the determination result.
4.4 Determination of moisture
4.4.1 Determination method
G1/T1ri00-1S79(19%2>P) ", Fehling's method" is allowed to use a moisture analyzer with equivalent accuracy for determination. 4.4.2 The deviation of the results of two parallel determinations should not be more than 3/15: the arithmetic mean should be taken as the determination result. 4.5 PII value determination
Perform according to GB/T1601:
4.6 Qualitative determination of emulsion
The sample is diluted 29 times with standard hard water, and tested according to GB/T1503. If there is floating oil on the top and no sinking, it is qualified: 4.7 Low temperature migration qualitative reduction test
Put 50ml of the sample into a 30ml cup, cool it to (±1) by appropriate methods, and keep it at this temperature for 1h. During this period, use a stirrer to stir and push it from time to time. If there is no precipitation of volatile matter or measured matter, it is qualified. 4.8 Hot shopping qualitative test
4.B.1 Instruments and equipment
Constant leakage box (or warm water solution): 542).
Safety (or b4 can still be sealed) medical syringe: 5)rul.
4.82 Test step
Use a syringe to inject about 30% of the sample into the clean bottle to avoid the sample from touching the bottle, cool it in ice and seal it with a high temperature fire ball (to avoid the discharge of the reagent). Seal at least 3 bottles, one by one. The sealed container is placed in a metal container, and then the gold mesh container is placed in an incubator (or warm water): collect the moisture for 14 days. Take the sample out of the room temperature and weigh the salt content. The quality of the sample is slowly changed within 24 hours. The content of acetylcholine after use should not be lower than that before use. 49 The inspection and acceptance of the product shall comply with the provisions of GB/T.G04. The tax limit of the province shall be adjusted by the comparison method of the value. 5 Marking, labeling, packaging and transportation 5.1 The marking, labeling and packaging of acetylcholine emulsion shall comply with the provisions of GB1938. 5.2 The acetylcholine emulsion is generally cleaned and dried, and then the weight is 200. Or use glass packaging with a cover, no warranty for leakage, bottle space, paper, tile, plastic village, close arrangement in calcium box or wooden sticky paper. 10. The net content of the product shall not exceed the content indicated on the label.
5.3 According to user requirements or order agreements, other types of packaging can be used, but the relevant provisions of GB488 must be followed. 54 The packaging of pyrimidine emulsion should be stored in a well-ventilated room. 5.5 It should be kept away from moisture and mouth. It should not be placed with food, seeds, and other materials. Avoid contact with the skin and prevent inhalation through the mouth: 5.6 Safety. This product is a low-level toxic preparation and can be inhaled through the skin. When using this product, protective gloves, masks, and other clean protective clothing should be worn. After use, it should be washed with soap and water immediately. If poisoning occurs, go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time. 86
5.7 Warranty period
Under the specified storage and transportation conditions, the warranty period of pyrimidine emulsion is 2 years from the production date. B?
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