NY/T 635-2002 Calculation of reasonable stocking capacity on natural grassland
Some standard content:
ICS 65.020
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
NY/T 635—2002
Calculation of proper carrying capacity of rangelands2002-12-30Promulgated
Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Appendix 4 of this standard is an informative appendix.
Production standard is proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. Former
Drafting units of this standard: Institute of Geology and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology, China Agricultural University. Standard originators: Su Daxue, Meng Youyun, Wu Baoguo: 1 Scope
Calculation of reasonable stocking rate of natural grassland
This standard stipulates the reasonable carrying capacity of natural grassland and its calculation indicators and methods. This standard is applicable to the calculation of reasonable carrying capacity of various types of natural grassland in China: 2 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to dry wood standards, 2.1
Carying capacity
A certain amount of grassland, within a certain period of use. The term caring capacity and time can be divided into reasonable carrying capacity and existing carrying capacity.
Reasonable number of livestock propercartyingcapaclty The rational carrying capacity of grassland means: the number of animals and time that can be supported to meet the needs of normal growth, reproduction and production of livestock products of livestock under moderate grazing (or sustainable wool production) in a certain unit area and a certain utilization time.
Reasonable carrying capacity is also called theoretical carrying capacity. Reasonable livestock capacity is expressed in two ways: unit of time, unit of time and unit of unit area.
Reasonable number of animals The standard carrying capacity of grassland is the number of animals that can be supported by a unit of land in a unit of utilization time. This standard adopts sheep unit/(h*·day): 2.4
Reasonable carrying capacity unit of time is carriedlng capacityunit af Graziagtme The time that a unit area of grassland can be used by a standard livestock. This standard adopts (sheep unit·month)
Reasonable quantity of grassland area unit Earning cupacilyonll of hungry livestock area The area of grassland that can be used by one standard livestock in a unit of time. This standard adopts hra/(sheep unit·day). 2. 6
Existing stock quantity Sandirrarryingapaeity The number of standard livestock actually supported by a certain area of grassland in a certain period of use. This standard adopts the unit of existing stock quantity: relative unit. 2. 7
Grassland utilization ratio
Excluding non-grassland and unusable grassland areas such as settlements, roads, waters, small plots of farmland, forest land, and farmland within the land. NY/T635-2002
Edible grass yield of farage
The yield of aboveground edible grass (including leaves of forage trees) on the land. 2.9
Grass regeneration rateThe yield of aboveground edible grass that continues to grow after the aboveground biological production of forage reaches the maximum. 2 10
Annual variation rate of grass productionOr ForagecyicldThe percentage of edible grass production in a year with more or less than the average annual precipitation and the edible grass production in a year with the average annual precipitation:
Grassland utilization rateRangelandiilzatlonrateThe benign ecological cycle of grass protection, under the condition of full utilization and no mutual degradation of the effect of pasture (or part of the grassland), the yield of grassland forage used accounts for the percentage of the annual yield of grass in the maximum amount of grass, 2. 12
Standard hay
When the monthly yield reaches the highest level, the moisture content of the grassland or mountain grassland with the density of 1% is converted into the standard hay of the same quality in different regions. 2. 14
Daily intake of livestock is the amount of food required for each livestock to maintain the normal growth and development of livestock and produce livestock products. 2. 15
Sheep unit
Two adult female sheep with a single lamb under 50 years old and consuming 1.8kg of standard hay per mouth are considered as one standard sheep unit, which is also called school unit. 2. 16
Daily food intake of sheepdallyfntakenfonesheepmndt1Daily feed intake of sheep per unit of livestock from grassland with a moisture content of 14%1.k. 3 Determination and calculation of edible grass yield of grassland
3.1 Determination of edible grass yield of grassland
3.1 Determination of edible grass yield of grazing grassland
The aboveground edible grass of the grassland is cut to the ground level, and the moisture content is 14% of the lower part of the grass. 3.1.2 Determination of edible grass yield of mowed grassland
Grazing is carried out when the highest monthly grass yield is reached, except for the un-grazing period and the event Harmful grass is called edible grass, and then converted into grass with a moisture content of 14%. The height of the grass is: 3cm~30cm for medium grass land, 5cm for high grass land with a grass layer height of 80cm--120cm: 10m for high grass land with a grass layer height of more than 120cm: 20cmmm3
3.2 Grass regeneration rate
The grass regeneration rate used to calculate the edible blue yield of grassland is shown in Table 1. Grass regeneration rate of different types of grassland
Grassland type
Tropical monoculture
Southern tropical land
Middle tropical land
Northern Asian grassland
2.3 Annual grass yield rate
Grass regeneration rate ()
73-- 50
Grassland category
Both temperate grassland
cut grassland
temperate grassland
wet zone, wet zone, and wet zone
Grassage growth rate (%>
years with more than 100 million annual rainfall and more than 100 million annual rainfall The grass production is divided into the year with annual precipitation greater than the average annual precipitation of many years as the grass production year, and the year with annual precipitation less than 25% of the average precipitation of more than ten years as the grass production year. The annual change rate of grassland production used to calculate the edible grass production of grassland is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Annual change rate of grassland production in different grassland types Grassland type region
Typical grassland area
Yanchan grassland area
Grassland area
Existing grass belt grass area
Tropical, subtropical, fungus areabZxz.net
Mountain grassland area, highland grassland area, lowland grassland area and coastal area
3.4 Calculation of edible grass production of sleeping grassland and autumn grassland is shown in formula (1).
Annual change rate of grass production ()
Y,=YX( .G):R,
Treatment season or autumn single edible grass production area, ka/m.(1)
4 Long season measured moisture content 14 edible grass existing [take the growth season quarter cutting (late season), quarter (peak season), end of season (early yellow period> 3 times to get the grassland aboveground edible grass production average, k/,.…, grassland forage regeneration rate (see Table 1).%:R,
Grass production annual change (see Table 2).%.3.5 Cold season (dry period) grassland continuous single yield calculation period see formula (2).
Y Cold season [withering season> edible grass yield in grassland, k/hmY
The existing amount of edible grass in grassland other than the fixed moisture content in a cold season [harvest cold season (withering season)] is measured three times at the beginning, middle and end of the season.
The half value of the total yield of the aboveground part of the land is 2.kg/hm:, -—Annual change of medium yield (see Table 2).
36 The annual edible grass yield of grassland is calculated using this formula ().|| tt||F,-Ymx(1+)-,
The annual edible yield of the whole field will be calculated by the total edible yield of the field with a water content of 14% (taking the lower mean of the edible yield of grassland in the middle of each season of summer, autumn and winter + kg/hm;
single field harvest (see Table 1), %
or annualized rate of grassland yield (see Table 2), %: 3.7. The edible yield of the field can be calculated by cutting the field, see formula (4).
Y- Ym X(I+G,!-R.
Y,——the edible grass yield of the grazing land, kg/hrr: Yh
the edible grass yield of the grazing land with a moisture content of 14% when the monthly yield is high, kg/hm; the grass regeneration rate of the old land [see Table 1), %;
the annual change rate of grass production in one grassland (see the table, is R.
4 Land utilization and standard hay coefficient
4.1 Utilization rate of grazing grassland
Seasonal utilization rate of grazing grassland is shown in Table 3. The utilization rate of grazing grassland in different utilization seasons Terrain type
Low-temperature land type
Temperature ratio mountainous type, high-altitude Dead severe grass inter-sub-class high agricultural grass system class
band sex to what quality class
virtual grassland class, two zero grass to system room class
disk sex evil use chapter class, high real flat urethritis
there are cold evil exchange enjoy listening class
electric single package various through grassland and
school original)
warm sex hair model class and wet Sa medical chemical energy operation class sand beginning wasteland naan sub-class
high east and talk class
sexual outstanding bush, explosive grass grassland
harmony hand government animal husbandry use hand medical autumn hand release makeup and military law pregnancy use military full single collection utilization rate E
15 ~-20
21, 30
20 ~50
40 - 45
4n ~45
su ~65
t5 ~25
sr-- 7n
5G -76
2G ~3c
20 --3G
50 --70
50 --60
2 ~ 30
NY/T 6352002
Grazing methods are determined according to the utilization rate specified in Table 3. For grasslands that adopt rotational grazing, fenced area rotation and utilization methods, the utilization rate is the upper limit of the utilization rate specified in Table 3; for grasslands that adopt continuous free grazing and scattered grazing, the utilization rate is the utilization rate specified in Table 3:
42 The utilization rate of grass control
The utilization rate of grassland is the proportion of the land that implements grass control to the total area of the land. The grassland production implements the total rotation system, and the utilization rate of grass control is determined as the proportion of the continuous grass years to the years of one cutting rotation cycle. For example, for grasslands with a rotation period of 5 years, the utilization rate is &%. The utilization rate of the whole land is shown in Table 1.
Table 4 Utilization rate of different types of mowed grassland
Lowland grass type
Weak grass type,
To grassland utilization table/%:
43 Utilization of degraded grassland
Mountain grass type
Degraded grassland includes degraded harvested grassland and degraded mowed land, rapid grass type
Highland grass type
Permeable grass type
Thermal grass and mildly degraded land have a utilization rate as shown in Table 3 Table 1 The average grass utilization rate specified in the table must be moderately degraded grassland, and the total utilization rate is 50% of the single-state utilization rate specified in Table 3 and Table 4; severely degraded grassland should be used more frequently, and grazing or harvesting should be carried out. 4.4 Standard hay coefficient
The standard conversion coefficient used to calculate grassland carrying capacity is shown in Table 5. The new calculation coefficient of standard hay conversion of different types of grassland is as follows: light grass, clump grass, hot single grass, mixed grass, and ungrazed grassland. The standard dry coefficient is 0. B5--0.9E
0.45 --3.96
455 - -3.c
3OC- -3.35
9.B5 ~3.95
5Calculation of grassland carrying capacity in different measurement units Grassland North America
Grassland highland benefit and high grass project
Improved grass highland benefit and high-type single original
Miscellaneous grass and grass sample
Undeveloped land
5.1 Calculation of land use capacity in land area units 5.1.1 Calculation of reasonable land use capacity in vertical units See formula (5)Y.-e. . H.
In the formula, the standard hay yield is h/unit of available grassland required for 1 unit of sheep season (or cold season, or autumn, or all year round), which is slightly lower than that of warm season (or corresponding cold year, spring and autumn, or all year round). h tea late season (or cold season or spring, or the whole year) grass yield per unit area can be calculated by formula (1>] kg/hntE. --- lush season (or cold season, or spring and autumn, or the whole year) grass yield rate (see Table 3), treatment: H. --- vegetable warm season (cold season, autumn, the whole year) grass yield per unit area (see Table 5) 1
sheep unit daily basis 1.3k standard ten sections/(sheep unit: H)7: NY/T635~—2002
brief (or cold season, autumn, the whole year) onion yield of apple land, port: 5.1.2 The calculation of the reasonable carrying capacity of the land expressed in units of land is shown in formula (6. 1
In the formula:
1 Half unit of land area required for grazing in the whole year (or warm season, or cold season, or autumn), sheep unit per year (or spring season, or cold season, or winter season), sheep unit per day and 1.8 standard hay/ha unit per month)] - the number of days required to collect hay from grazing sites to feed the livestock, day Y. - edible yield of 1hn grazing land - kg/haE - edible yield of 1hn grazing land (4) i.kg/haE - edible yield of 1hn grazing land (4), %
H - standard hay conversion coefficient of a certain type of grassland (see Table 5) E
From the grazing land, the edible yield of 1hn grazing land is calculated (%)
5.2 Calculation of grassland management cost expressed in high units 5.2.1 Calculation of the total amount of grazing land expressed in household units is shown in formula [7), An. - YF. .
Wu Zhong,
1hm certain type of competition (or cold season, or abandoned tax season, or all year round grazing grassland in the main season (or cabinet corresponding cold season, change in tax season, or all year round grazing period can support sheep unit, sheep unit/lm-free season (cold season, mature autumn hand, all year round y.—Thm leather main season (or cold season mature autumn, or all year round) dare to pasture edible chapter production basic formula <1).kg/hm: E-a certain waist season (cold season , or autumn, or the utilization rate of grazing land throughout the year (see Table 3), 5%H warm season (or cold season, or the whole year) grazing land harvest standard hay conversion coefficient (see Table 5); sheep unit daily consumption per year 1.8kg standard grass/sheep unit, month! ; D
warm season (cold season or autumn, or the whole year) effective pasture political grazing days, day: 5.2.2 The calculation of the total carrying capacity of the grassland expressed in livestock units is shown in formula (8) E. - H,E
or medium:
1h type of controlled land is used to feed cattle and sheep in the whole year (or spring, or autumn, or winter), and the sheep and sheep are fed in units of A
, sheep per unit hm2, year (cold, or spring, or autumn). The edible grass yield of a certain type of grassland is shown in formula (4). kg/hmE
The utilization rate of other controlled grasslands (see Table 1) +%: Hh
The standard dry weight of a certain type of controlled land Seed protection coefficient (see Table 3); E - edible grass utilization rate of grassland (%) 1. - Sheep unit daily feed consumption 1.8kg standard share / unit + D
- a year (or cold season, or autumn, or stock rate) utilization period, to determine the number of days from the control of the land to feed the family. 5.3 Calculation of the reasonable carrying capacity of a single land expressed in time units 5.2.1 The calculation of the reasonable carrying capacity of grassland per unit area expressed in time units is shown in formula (9). T.. - Y.-E.. Il.
In the formula:
1h No warm season (or cold season, or autumn, or the whole year) so the pasture land can be used by a sheep single inspection business in the feeding [or cold season, or autumn, or the whole year> change period of days, sheep unit day>/m: NY/T 635--2002
Y,-:--1lun\The edible grass yield of warm season (or cold season, autumn, or annual grazing grassland is shown in formula (1)].kg/hm,-the monthly rate of grazing grassland in the warm season (or cold season, autumn, or annual grazing grassland (see Table 3),%.-the standard hay conversion coefficient of grazing grassland in the slow season (or cold season, autumn, or annual grazing grassland) (see Table 5):-unit daily feed amount [t.kg standard hay ≠ unit·. 5.3.2 Use of inter-state unit Calculation of reasonable carrying capacity per unit area of mowed grassland expressed in units of 10). TohYEH.E
Wu Zhong:
一—】rThe number of days a certain type of grassland can be used for 1 unit, (sheep unit day)/l; .——The edible grass yield of 1lm of grassland|See formula (4) l:kg/h1m; E.——The monthly rate of other grasslands (see Table 4). %H——The standard hay calculation coefficient of grass harvested from reed land (see Table 5)! E,——The utilization rate of edible grass cut from grassland (%) I. - A sheep monthly food intake of 11.8 kg standard grass/(sheep unit-day) 2.6 Reasonable carrying capacity of grassland types Calculation of reasonable carrying capacity of each type of grassland See formula (11>.A
In the formula:
4 A certain type of grassland in the pasture season (or age season, autumn, or the whole year) can support a relatively large number of sheep units during the grazing period (adult season in the cold season, spring and autumn, or the whole year);
A certain light season < cold season, or spring and autumn, or the whole year or the whole year) effective grassland available area, b blood; Sg
-1 half unit midseason (or net rate, or spring and autumn, or the whole year) required base season (or corresponding season, or spring and autumn, or the whole year) grazing grassland available area see the formula (.hn unit·feeding season (or cold season, or group autumn rate, or full year) grazing land utilization period regulations:
a) In areas lacking effective grassland, grazing grassland is grazed according to the cold season and warm season. The sum of the cold season and warm season grazing period must be 35 days.
In areas lacking effective grassland, grazing grassland is grazed according to the cold season, warm season and spring and autumn. The sum of the effective grazing period of the three seasons must be: days. e
is divided into seasonal natural grassland and controlled grassland. The sum of the number of grazing days of the controlled grassland in each season in the area and the total number of the benefits of controlled grassland in the area should be 365. 6.2 The calculation of the carrying capacity of a certain type of controlled land is shown in formula (2). S
The number of sheep units that can be raised by controlled grassland in the whole year (cold season, or autumn, or winter season): S%—the area of the available area of a certain type of controlled grassland in the whole year (cold season, or autumn, or winter season) +hm
S.—1 sheep unit in the whole year (cold season, or autumn, or winter season) requires the available area of controlled grassland [see formula (5)],hm*/2 sheep units·year (cold season, or autumn, or winter season). Regulations on the use period of mowing grassland: a) For all grasslands used for grazing, the maximum number of days for feeding the new grazing belt from the mowing period to the addition period should be 35-5 days; b) For areas divided into grazing grassland and seasonal harvested land, the sum of the number of days for feeding the grazing grassland before harvesting and the number of days for feeding the seasonal grazing grassland should be 36 days. Calculation of the reasonable carrying capacity of grazing areas or regions. 7.1 Calculation of the reasonable carrying capacity of regional grazing grassland: tt||A The total number of units of various types of effective grasslands in a normal area (in the cold season, or spring and autumn, or all year round) that can be used to raise sheep is 5132
A The total number of units of effective sheep that can be raised in various types of effective grasslands in the warm season (or cold season, or spring and autumn, or all year round) in the grassland area is 5132
A The total number of units of effective sheep that can be raised in various types of effective grasslands in the warm season (or cold season, or spring and autumn, or all year round) in the grassland area is 5132
A The total number of units of effective sheep that can be raised in various types of effective grasslands in the warm season (or cold season, or spring and autumn, or all year round) in the grassland area is 5132
7.2 Calculation of reasonable carrying capacity of regional mowing grasslands See formula (),
1——Total number of sheep units that can be raised by each type of grassland in the grassland area New number of sheep units that can be raised by a certain type of grassland during the annual utilization period (or cold season, or spring and autumn demand, sleep competition) [see A
Formula (12)
Sequence number of grassland types used for mowing in grassland areas: Total number of grassland types used for mowing in grassland areas. 7.3 Calculation of reasonable total carrying capacity of grassland areas 7.3.1 Calculation of reasonable total carrying capacity of grassland for heavy use See formula (15). Ar = A.+A
A.—The total carrying capacity of all grassland types in the grassland area during the cold season (or cold season, or autumn) (sheep unit) - the total number of sheep units that can be supported by all types of grassland in the grassland area (cold season, or autumn) (see formula (13)), A
A-.—The total number of sheep units that can be supported by all types of grassland in the grassland area during the warm season (cold season, autumn, and the whole year) (see formula (14). 7.3.2 Calculation of the total annual food carrying capacity of grassland (see formula 16). A+AnP An rA (16)
4 D.+A - D.+AD
The annual reasonable total burden of the area (sheep units): Sheep units that can be cut in the pasture during the off-season: D,---The number of days used for grazing grassland in the warm season;
Sheep units that can be carried by grazing grassland in spring and autumn! D,-..The number of days used for grazing grassland in spring and autumn: A.
Sheep units that can be carried by the cold season harvested land: The number of days used for effective grazing land in the cold season;
Sheep units that can be carried by grazing grassland throughout the year! Sheep units that can be carried in the warm season of the closed land!
Di——The number of days from the controlled land to feed in the warm season A Sheep units that can be cut by the controlled grassland in spring and autumn
,: The controlled grassland is divided into =The number of cut grasses used for autumn feeding; A =The number of sheep that can be carried by the land:
- The number of grasses used for feeding at a lower rate: Ah - The carrying capacity of grassland in the whole year. 8 Calculation of grassland potential and excess capacity of grassland area NY/T635-2002
81 Compare the reasonable carrying capacity of grassland and grassland in the utilization area with the existing grassland quantity, and calculate the potential and excess capacity of grassland area
The reasonable carrying capacity of grassland area does not include the carrying capacity of other feed resources such as medical grassland, agricultural and sideline products, straw, etc. in the area. 8.2 Calculation of the carrying capacity and cost of the land area used in this section is shown in formula (17), P. =A.+Am-Aw
the load of grazing land and single land in the warm season (or cold season, or spring and autumn) (sheep units); 1-the reasonable carrying capacity of pasture in the region in the warm season (or cold season, or spring and autumn) (sheep units), see formula (13): A-the reasonable carrying capacity of pasture in a region for mowing in the warm season (or cold season, or spring and autumn) (sheep units), see formula ((14): A.-sleeping hand (or cold season, or autumn) and seasonal livestock feeding [units of sheep], when P0, the effective pasture in the season (or cold season, or autumn) has a carrying capacity of grassland and grass city: P, the sum of the carrying capacity of grazing grassland and mowing grassland (or cold season, or autumn) and the current grassland livestock feeding capacity of the season reaches a balance, and the land is suitable for the week:
P.0. Slow season (or cold season, or spring and autumn) pasture and the pond have been overloaded. Day.3 According to the annual use of grassland area city carrying capacity and excess gain formula (18.P.= A - Ar
P is the carrying capacity of the grassland area according to the annual utilization (unit): A%——the reasonable total carrying capacity of the grassland area in the whole year (sheep unit), see formula (16)! A,——the average existing livestock number in the grassland area in June of the current year (sheep unit), according to the annual utilization of the grassland area, there is still livestock power P, = D. The total annual carrying capacity of the grassland area and the existing half-year average livestock capacity are equal to the average level of grassland utilization:,
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