title>JB/T 9050.2-1999 Method for determination of contact spots of cylindrical gear reducers - JB/T 9050.2-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 9050.2-1999 Method for determination of contact spots of cylindrical gear reducers

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 9050.2-1999

Standard Name: Method for determination of contact spots of cylindrical gear reducers

Chinese Name: 圆柱齿轮减速器 接触斑点测定方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-06-28

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:25.010

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB J19017-1989

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Metallurgical Equipment Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 9050.2-1999 JB/T 9050.2-1999 Method for determination of contact spots of cylindrical gear reducers JB/T9050.2-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

This standard is an editorial revision of ZBJ19017--89 "Contact spot of cylindrical gear reducer". The main technical content has not changed. This standard replaces ZBJ19017--89 from the implementation date. This standard is proposed and managed by the Metallurgical Equipment Standardization Technical Committee. The responsible drafting unit of this standard is Shanghai Metallurgical Mining Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Zhu Huafu and Wang Haijing. This standard was first issued in March 1989. bzxz.net
Determination method". During the revision, the original standard was revised as factory 73
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Cylindrical gear reducer
The determination method for contactspot of cylindrical gear
This standard specifies the determination method for contactspot of involute external meshing cylindrical gear reducer. JB/T 9050.2.-1999
Replaces ZBJ19 017:89
This standard applies to the contact spot determination of gear pairs in involute cylindrical gear reducers with a normal module m=1mm, and also applies to the contact spot determination of involute cylindrical gear pairs in other reduction transmission devices. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T10095-1988 Involute cylindrical gear precision 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Contact spots of gear pairs
Contact polishing marks of the gear pairs after operation under slight braking. 3.2 Slight braking
Minimum braking torque (i.e. damping torque) to keep the gear pairs from disengaging during operation. 3.3 No-load running-in
Run the assembled reducer at rated speed without load. 3.4 Loaded running-in
Install the reducer on a running-in test bench with a loading device, and apply a certain load according to the test requirements for running-in. 3.5 Climbing engagement
Climb the assembled reducer by hand or by lever under no-load or load. 4 Measurement conditions
4.1 Place the assembled reducer on a test bench with a load running-in function or on an assembly platform to measure the contact spots. 4.2 When the contact spots are measured by the coloring method, use CT-1, CT-2 or other thin film coatings that meet the requirements of gear contact accuracy inspection. 5 Measurement methods
5.1 Slight braking gloss method
After cleaning the inner cavity of the assembled reducer, apply a slight braking torque of no more than 10% of the rated load on the output shaft end. Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on June 28, 1999 71
Implementation on January 1, 2000
JB/T 9050.2-1999
Under the condition of not exceeding the rated speed, run forward and reverse for not less than 30 minutes each, so that the contact polishing marks on the working tooth surfaces on both sides are fully presented.
5.2 No-load running-in gloss method
After cleaning the inner cavity of the assembled reducer, run forward and reverse for not less than 30 minutes each without load and not exceeding the rated speed, so that the contact polishing marks on the working tooth surfaces on both sides are fully presented. 5.3 Loaded running-in gloss method
After cleaning the inner cavity of the assembled reducer, install it on the loaded running-in test bench, inject an appropriate amount of lubricating oil, and run forward and reverse for 5~~30 minutes each under the condition of not exceeding the rated load and not exceeding the rated speed. Gradual loading is allowed, but each operation shall not exceed 10 min, subject to the ability to distinguish contact polishing marks. 5.4 No-load climbing meshing coloring method
After cleaning the assembled reducer gear surface, evenly apply an appropriate thickness of CT1, CT-2 or other thin film coatings that meet the gear contact accuracy inspection requirements on the tooth surface of about one-third of the pinion teeth (not less than 5 teeth), and climb the input shaft to make the gear pair mesh with five phases, and then climb until the coloring marks on the tooth surface are fully presented. However, the climbing pinion shall not rotate more than one circle. 5.5 Loaded climbing meshing coloring method
According to the provisions of 5.4, the load applied to the output shaft shall not exceed the rated value. 6 Evaluation and calculation
6.1 When the gloss method is used for measurement, the contact polishing marks on the pinion tooth surface shall be used as the standard; when the coloring method is used for measurement, the marks on the pinion tooth surface where the paint has been removed or The contact coloring marks on the large gear surface shall prevail, and the tooth with the smallest mark shall be selected to evaluate the contact spot value. 6.2 When no-load measurement is adopted, the contact spots along the tooth height direction are allowed to be reduced by one level according to the value specified in GB/T10095; when loaded measurement is adopted, the contact spots along the tooth length direction shall be increased by one level according to the value specified in GB/T10095. 6.3 When the results of various methods are inconsistent, the values ​​measured by the gloss method under the conditions of rated load and rated speed shall prevail. 6.4 The distribution position of the contact spots shall be close to the middle of the tooth surface, and contact is not allowed at the tooth top and the edges of both ends. 6.5 When the designed tooth shape and the designed tooth direction line are adopted, the distribution position and size of the contact spots can be specified by the drawings or technical documents. 6.6 The white ratio value of the contact spots shall be calculated according to the formula given in GB/T10095. 75
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