title>JB/T 7013-1993 Scale plate conveyor - JB/T 7013-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7013-1993 Scale plate conveyor

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7013-1993

Standard Name: Scale plate conveyor

Chinese Name: 鳞板输送机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1993-09-21

Date of Implementation:1994-07-01

Date of Expiration:2008-09-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J81 Conveying Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 7013-2008

Procurement status:ISO 2140-1982 NEQ

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Beijing Hoisting and Conveying Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Beijing Hoisting and Conveying Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the type, basic parameters, dimensions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of general fixed scale plate conveyors with a conveyor trough width of 400~1250mm. This standard is applicable to fixed scale plate conveyors that use metal conveyor troughs to carry components, along horizontal or straight or curved lines with an inclination of no more than 45°, to transport bulk and granular loose materials with a bulk density of less than 2500kg/m3 and a temperature below 650℃. JB/T 7013-1993 Scale plate conveyor JB/T7013-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Additional notes:
Spectrum analysis bandwidth only
Blackbody spectral energy factor
Blackbody irradiance
Noise equivalent power
Radiated power
Blackbody responsivity
Detector relative spectral responsivity
Standard resistance
Detector resistance
Load resistance
Zero bias junction resistance
Blackbody temperature
Relative spectral responsivity of reference detector
Detector noise voltage
Signal voltage
Detector impedance
Time constant
Radiated wavelength
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. Hz
This standard is drafted by the 11th Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China and the Kunming Institute of Physics. The main drafters of this standard are Hu Deming, Yi Boqi and Chen Qin. The full text has been read. You need to use 2200 points to download this article.
All tests should be carried out under the condition of good electromagnetic shielding, and the grounding resistance of the test system should be less than Vibration
During the test, strong mechanical shock and vibration should be avoided. Cleanliness
All tests are carried out in a clean room, and special requirements should be specified in the detailed specifications. Climate and environmental conditions
All tests are carried out under normal atmospheric conditions, and special requirements should be specified in the detailed specifications. Normal atmospheric conditions:
Temperature; 15~35℃;
Relative humidity: 45%~75%;
Atmospheric pressure: 86106kPa.
Arbitration conditions:
Temperature: 25±1℃;
Relative humidity: 48%~52%;
Atmospheric pressure: 86~106kPa.
2.2.7 When testing the spectral response of the detector, the optical path of the detector under test should be equal to that of the reference detector. 3 Test method
3.1 Method 1010: Blackbody responsivity
3.1.1 Definition
The blackbody responsivity refers to the ratio of the root mean square value of the fundamental frequency voltage (open circuit) or the root mean square value of the fundamental frequency current (short circuit) of the electrical signal output by the detector to the root mean square value of the fundamental frequency component of the incident radiation power. It is represented by R. 3.1.2 Test block diagram
Bias power supply
Black body radiation
3.1.3 Measuring instruments Black body radiation source
Temperature control panel
Standard electrical appliances
Standard signal
The temperature of the black body is 500K, and the temperature difference from the bottom of the cavity to 2/3 of the cavity length is less than 1K. Within 2h, The temperature stability is better than ±0.5K; the effective emissivity of the blackbody radiation source is better than 0.99; it is equipped with a modulation disk and a modulation conversion factor is given, and the following frequencies are preferably used as modulation frequencies: 1, 10, 12.5, 60, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1250, 2500 and 20000Hz; the following apertures are preferably used as blackbody radiation apertures, 2
0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10mm. The distance between the detector under test and the blackbody radiation aperture is adjustable, and the blackbody radiation incident on the entire sensitive surface of the detector under test should be uniform. The blackbody radiation source should be sent to the metrology department for calibration regularly. Preamplifier
The preamplifier and the detector under test should achieve the best source impedance matching, and its noise coefficient should be less than 1dB. The preamplifier should work in the linear range and have a flat amplitude-frequency characteristic. Its bandwidth and gain should meet the test requirements, and the gain stability should be better than 0.1%. Standard signal generator
The standard signal generator outputs a sine wave voltage with a known RMS value, and its accuracy should be better than 1%. The output voltage is adjustable and can output a RMS value of not less than 1V for a 502 load. The frequency is adjustable, and its adjustable range should meet the test requirements. Standard attenuator
The frequency range of the standard attenuator should meet the test requirements, and its accuracy should be better than 1%. Bias power supply
The bias power supply adopts a battery, whose internal resistance is negligible compared with the load resistance. The bias power supply should be equipped with a high-resistance voltmeter or a low-resistance ammeter. When these instruments are installed in the bias circuit, their internal resistance should not affect the measurement accuracy. Detector circuit
The detector circuit includes the detector, the load resistance of the detector, the circuit connecting the bias power supply and the circuit connecting the detector to the preamplifier. The circuit also includes a standard resistor R for injecting signals. The detector under test is grounded through it. The resistance of R is very small compared with the resistance of the circuit. Usually a 1Q resistor is used. Spectrum analyzer
The frequency range of the spectrum analyzer should meet the test requirements. Its bandwidth should be less than 10 of the center frequency. The voltage reading accuracy should be better than 1%. The integration time can be adjusted within the range of 0.1 to 100s, and the peak factor should be not less than 4. When the modulation frequency is less than or equal to 12.5Hz, a phase-locked amplifier should be used, and the phase-locked amplifier should meet the requirements of Article 3.1.4 Measurement steps Collimation
Place the detector under test on the optical axis of the black body radiation source so that the radiation signal is incident vertically on the detector under test. The angle between the normal of the sensitive surface of the detector under test and the incident direction of the radiation signal should be less than 10°. Adjust the distance between the black body radiation aperture and the detector under test so that the detector under test outputs a sufficiently large signal. Determine the bias range
Adjust the bias power supply to determine the bias range of the detector under test, but it must not exceed the maximum bias value of the detector under test when it is working continuously. Measure the signal voltage V,
Adjust the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the same as the modulation frequency, adjust the output of the standard signal generator to zero, and record the reading of the spectrum analyzer; then remove the irradiation, set the frequency of the standard signal generator to, adjust the standard attenuator so that the reading of the spectrum analyzer is still, record the output signal voltage of the standard signal generator and the attenuation of the standard attenuator, deduct the attenuation of the standard attenuator from the output signal voltage, and obtain the signal voltage V, of the detector under test. Repeat the above measurement for various bias values ​​to obtain the signal voltage V, under different bias values. 3.1.5 Calculation Calculation of blackbody irradiance
The blackbody irradiance E is:
wherein; e is the effective emissivity of the blackbody radiation source; α is the modulation factor;
is the Spiegel-Boltzmann constant;
T is the blackbody temperature, K;www.bzxz.net
E = α0(T- TH)A
T. — ambient temperature, K,
is the area of ​​the light barrier of the blackbody radiation source, cm, A is the distance from the light barrier of the blackbody radiation source to the detector under test, cm; E is the blackbody irradiance, W/cm2. Calculate the radiation power incident on the detector The radiation power P incident on the detector is: P = AnE
-radiation power, W;
Where: P-
A,-nominal area of ​​the detector, cm. Calculate the black body response rate
The black body response rate Rb is:
Where Rb-black body response rate, V/W;
V.-signal voltage, V.
: Specified conditions
Ambient temperature, K;
Detector operating temperature, K;
Detector area, cm;
Blackbody temperature, K;
Radiation aperture of blackbody radiation source, mm;
Modulation frequency, Hz;
Effective emissivity of blackbody radiation source;
Distance between detector and blackbody radiation aperture, cm; Spectrum analyzer bandwidth, Hz;
Bias value, V;
Standard resistor Ral, Q.
Method 1020: Noise
3.2.1 Definition
Detector noise refers to the noise at both ends of the detector after deducting the noise of the preamplifier when the detector is under infinite load. It is expressed in V.
Test block diagram
3.2.3 Measuring instruments
Emergency battery
Detector under test
Standard resistor
Standard meter subtractor
The measuring instruments shall meet the requirements of 3.2.4 Measurement steps Measure the noise of the test system including the detector under test Frequency-tone analyzer
Standard signal generator
Bias applied to the detector Adjust the output signal of the standard signal generator to zero and measure the noise with a spectrum analyzer Change the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer and record the noise at different frequencies. Repeat the above measurements for various bias values ​​and record the noise at different bias values. Measure the noise of the test system after removing the detector under test. Replace the detector under test with a precision wire-wound resistor with a resistance approximately equal to that of the detector under test. The temperature of the wire-wound resistor should be maintained so that the thermal noise it generates is much smaller than the noise of the amplifier. For detectors with very high impedance (such as pyroelectric detectors), the detector under test and its impedance transformer should be considered as a whole detector. Use a spectrum analyzer to measure the noise. Change the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer and record the noise level at different frequencies. Measure the gain G of the test system
Set the frequency of the standard signal generator to , adjust the standard attenuator to a standard signal that is approximately 100 times greater than the noise of the detector under test, and connect it across the standard resistor R. , adjust the spectrum analyzer to the frequency of the standard signal, measure the voltage across Rl and the voltage on the spectrum analyzer, and divide the latter by the former to obtain the gain G. 3.2.5 Calculate the detector noise as: Where: % = (% R / Rt) Thermal noise of the load resistor, V; load resistor, 2; detector resistance, Q; spectrum analyzer bandwidth, Hz. 3.2.6 Specified conditions Ambient temperature, K: Detector operating temperature, K; spectrum analyzer bandwidth, Hz; bias value, V; detector resistance, Q; (4) f. Load resistor, 2.
3.3 Method 1030: Spectral response
3.3.1 Definition
The spectral response of a detector refers to the relative response of the detector as a function of the wavelength of the incident radiation (a typical curve is shown in Figure 3), denoted by R.
Relative response
3.3.2 Test block diagram
3.3.3 Measuring instruments Radiation source
Radiation source
Test detector
Reference detector
Wavelength (μm)
Lock-in amplifier
Use a hot Nernst lamp or silicon carbon as the radiation source, and the voltage stability of the power supply should be better than ±1%. The current stability should be better than ±0.5%. The silicon carbon rod or Nernst lamp should be placed in a suitable cover or sleeve. Modulation disk
Place two modulation disks between the radiation source and the monochromator close to the entrance slit of the monochromator, that is, place a modulation disk in the optical path of the reference detector, and its modulation frequency is 10Hz or 12.5Hz, and place a modulation disk in the optical path of the detector under test, and its modulation frequency can be selected from the following frequency points: 10, 12.5, 60, 800, 1000Hz. Monochromator
The adjustable range of the monochromator wavelength should be able to cover the spectral response of the detector under test, and the wavelength width of its monochromatic radiation beam should not be greater than the center 6
3.4.4 Measurement steps
The measurement of the black body response rate R shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.1.4. Noise voltage V. The measurement shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.2.4. 3.4.5 Calculation Calculation of blackbody detection rate
The blackbody detection rate D of the detector is:
Where: A. is the nominal area of ​​the detector, cm\; AF is the bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer. Calculation of spectral detection rate
The spectral detection rate D: is:
Where: F, is the blackbody spectral energy factor; R is the relative spectral response of the detector. RuVAa·Af
Note: Appendix A gives the F value for the radiation wavelength in the range of 1~30μm (wavelength interval is 0.5μm) when the blackbody temperature is 500K and the background temperature is 300K. 3.4.6 Specified conditions
Ambient temperature, K;
Detector operating temperature, K;
Blackbody temperature, K;
Modulation frequency, Hz;
Spectrum analyzer bandwidth, Hz;
Detector area, cm;
Bias value, V.
3.5 Method 1050; Noise equivalent power
3.5.1 Definition
Noise equivalent power refers to the incident power required to make the output signal-to-noise ratio of the detector equal to 1, expressed as NEP. 3.5.2 Test block diagram
The test block diagram of the measurement signal V, is shown in Figure 1. The test block diagram of the measurement noise V, is shown in Figure 2. 3.5.3 Measuring instrument
The measuring instrument of the test signal V, shall meet the requirements of Article 3.1.3; Test noise V. The measuring instrument should meet the requirements of Articles to
3.5.4 Measurement steps Measure the signal voltage V,
The collimation of the measured detector shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article b.
Determine the offset range
The offset shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article c.
Measure the signal voltage V
The measurement of the signal voltage V shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article Measure the noise voltage V
The measurement of the noise voltage V shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.2.4. 3.5.5 Calculation Calculation of the radiation power incident on the detector The radiation power P incident on the detector is calculated according to the methods specified in and Calculation of the noise equivalent power of the detector The noise equivalent power NEP of the detector is:
Where: P.
Radiation power incident on the detector, W; V, signal voltage, V;
-noise voltage, V.
3.5.6 Specified conditions
Ambient temperature, K;
Operating temperature of the detector, K;
Black body temperature, K;
Modulation frequency, Hz;
Bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer, Hz.
3.6 Method 1060; Time constant
The time constant is expressed by, and the following two expressions are usually used. 3.6.1 Pulse response time Definition
Pulse response time refers to the delay time of the detector's response to the light pulse, with denoted by rise time and denoted by fall time. If the rise and fall times of the radiation pulse are very short compared to the measured time constant, and the rise and fall of the pulse obey the exponential law, then the rise time constant is equal to the time required for the signal voltage (or current) to rise to 0.63 of the maximum value, and the fall time constant is equal to the time required for the signal voltage (or current) to fall to 0.37 of the maximum value, as shown in Figure 5(a). If the rise and fall of the pulse do not obey the exponential law, then the rise time constant is the time required for the signal voltage (or current) to rise from 10% to 90% of the maximum value, and the fall time constant is the time required for the signal voltage (or current) to fall from 90% to 10% of the maximum value, as shown in Figure 5(b). Signal voltage (relative value)
Test block diagram
Time (s)
Signal voltage (relative value)
Time (s) Measuring instruments
Pulse laser
Pulse laser
Detector under test
Bias power supply
Broadband amplifier
The wavelength of the pulse laser should be within the working band of the detector under test, and the leading and trailing edges of the rectangular pulse should be less than 1ns, so that the detector should work in the linear range.
b. Broadband amplifier
The bandwidth of the broadband amplifier should meet the test requirements, the gain should be greater than 30dB, the gain stability should be better than 0.1%, and it should have sufficient dynamic range and flat amplitude-frequency characteristics.
c. Oscilloscope
The bandwidth of the oscilloscope should meet the test requirements. Measurement steps
Adjust the fine-tuning mechanism of the pulse laser so that the laser beam is incident vertically on the sensitive surface of the detector under test. b. Linearity verification
Adjust the attenuation of the attenuation plate in the laser optical path so that the detector under test works in the linear range. C.
Measure the pulse response time
Read the rise or fall time directly on the oscilloscope, and determine the pulse response time of the detector under test according to the definition. Specified conditions
Detector operating temperature, K;
Leading and trailing edges of the laser pulse S;
Pulse width s
Laser power, W;
Laser operating wavelength, m.
3.6.2 Frequency response Definition
Frequency response refers to the relationship between the detector's response rate and the modulation frequency. If the relationship between the detector's response rate and the modulation frequency satisfies the following formula: R(f)
Where: @angular frequency, rad/s.
Then the time constant refers to the reciprocal value of the angular frequency @ when the response rate drops to 0.707 of the maximum value. The frequency corresponding to this angular frequency is the modulation frequency (i.e., cutoff frequency) when the detector's response rate drops to 0.707 of the maximum value, as shown in Figure 7. 10
Test block diagram Measuring instruments
Response rate (relative value)
Cut-off rate
Laser modulation
Control power supply
Bias power supply
Modulation frequency (Hz)
Laser should be a single-mode, polarized continuous wave laser, its wavelength should be within the working band of the detector to be tested, and the power stability should be better than 4%.
b. Laser modulation power supply
Laser modulation power supply should be able to output a sine wave signal with a known voltage, the output voltage should be able to meet the measurement requirements, and the voltage stability should be better than 1%. Frequency stability should be better than 10-4. Output impedance should match modulator impedance. Electro-optic modulator
Bandwidth of electro-optic modulator should meet test requirements. d. Broadband amplifier
Broadband amplifier should meet the requirements of b. Spectrum analyzer
The frequency range of spectrum analyzer should meet test requirements. Measurement steps
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