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Public information guidance systems—Setting principles and requirements—Part 4:Public transport station

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 15566.4-2020

Standard Name:Public information guidance systems—Setting principles and requirements—Part 4:Public transport station

Chinese Name: 公共信息导向系统 设置原则与要求第4部分:公共交通车站

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-11-19

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Graphical Symbols>>01.080.10

Standard Classification Number:General>>Basic Standards>>A22 Terms and Symbols

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB/T 15566.4-2007

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information

drafter:Zou Chuanyu, Bai Dianyi, An Xiaofen, Dai Keping, Qiao Wenjin, Chen Liang, Zhou Ke, Chen Yongquan, Zhang Liang, Qian Chong

Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, Beijing Rail Transit Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing Urban Construction Design and Development Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Meilun Elevator Co., L

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols (SAC/TC 59)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols (SAC/TC 59)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 15566.4-2020. Public information guidance systems-Setting principles and requirements-Part 4: Public transport station.
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 15566 specifies the overall composition of the public information guidance system of public transport stations (hereinafter referred to as the public transport station guidance system), the setting principles, the composition of the two subsystems, and the requirements for the connection between different guidance systems.
GB/T 15566.4 is applicable to the setting of station guidance systems for urban rail transit and buses (including trolleybuses).
Note 1: The urban rail transit in this part includes subways, light rails, etc. in the city, but does not include trams.
Note 2: The text and colors in all figures in this part are for illustration only. They are used to illustrate the relevant content.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with dates, only the versions with dates apply to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 15565 Terminology of graphic symbols
GB/T 15566.1 Principles and requirements for setting up public information and guidance systems Part 1: General
GB/T 16275 Urban rail transit lighting
GB/T 20501 (all parts) Design principles and requirements for guidance elements of public information and guidance systems
GB/T 31015 Design and setting principles for public information and guidance systems based on barrier-free requirements
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 15565 apply to this document.
4 Composition of public transport station guidance system
The public transport station guidance system includes the following two relatively independent subsystems:
-Urban rail transit station guidance system;
-Bus (including trolleybus) station guidance system.
5 General Principles
5.1 The factors listed in GB/T 38654 should be considered in the planning and design of the public transport station guidance system. The setting should comply with the general principles and requirements specified in GB/T 15566.1. The design of the guidance elements should comply with the requirements of GB/T 20501 (all parts).
5.2 The subsystems of the public transport station guidance system should be reasonably connected and should be connected with other guidance systems.
5.3 The markings of the same location and station name should be consistent in each subsystem.
5.4 Each subsystem should consider the barrier-free requirements in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 31015.
This part specifies the overall composition, setting principles, two subsystems and connection requirements of the public information guidance system of public transport stations (hereinafter referred to as the public transport station guidance system). This part applies to the setting of the guidance system of urban rail transit and bus (including trolleybus) stations.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T15566.4—2007
Public information guidance systems-Setting principles and requirements
Part 4: Public transport stops
Public information guidance systems-Setting principles and requirements Requirements-Part 4: Public transport station Issued on 2020-11-19
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2021-06-01
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Composition of public transport station guidance system
General principles
Guidance system for urban rail transit station
General principles
Guidance elements||t t||Entrance guidance system
Boarding guidance system
Transfer guidance system
Exit guidance system
Bus (or trolleybus) station guidance system 7.1 Guidance elements
Bus stop sign
Other elements
Connection of guidance system…
8.1 Connection between subsystems
8.2 Connection between guidance system of transportation hub station
8.3 Connection between guidance system of public transportation station and other guidance systems 9 Vehicle guidance system
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Figure 1
Figure 2||t t||Vehicle Guidance System
Sketch of location signs at urban rail transit stations (covered type)Sketch of location signs at urban rail transit stations (attached type)·Figure 3
Sketch of location signs at urban rail transit stations (open exit type)4
Sketch of sign settings at passages connected to exits5Sketch of train running direction signs in both directions at island platformsA.1
Figure A.2
Sketch of guidance elements in carriages
Sketch of guidance elements on train bodiesrKaeerKAca-
G B/T15566 "Principles and Requirements for the Establishment of Public Information Guidance Systems" is intended to be divided into the following parts: Part 1: General Provisions;
Part 2: Civil Airports;
Part 3: Railway Passenger Stations;
Part 4: Public Transport Stations;
Part 5: Shopping Places;
Part 6: Medical Places;
Part 7: Sports Places;
Part 8: Hotels and Restaurants;
Part 9: Tourist Attractions;
Part 10: Blocks;
Part 11: Motor Vehicle Parking Lots;
Part 20: Urban Areas.
This part is Part 4 of GB/T15566
This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009 GB/T15566.4-2020
Transport Part 4: Public Transport Buses
This part replaces GB/T15566.4-2007 "Principles and Requirements for the Setting of Public Information Guidance Systems at Public Transport Stations". Compared with GB/T15566.4-2007, the main technical changes of this part are as follows: the composition of the public information guidance system of urban rail transit stations has been adjusted (see 6.1, 6.1 of the 2007 edition); the characteristic design of urban rail transit guidance elements has been added (see 6.3); the requirements for the setting of bus stop signs in the guidance system of bus (including trolleybus) stations have been adjusted (see 7.2, 7.2 of the 2007 edition); the taxi station guidance system has been deleted (see Chapter 8 of the 2007 edition). This part is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols (SAC/TC59). Drafting units of this part: China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, Beijing Rail Transit Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing Urban Construction Design and Development Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Meilun Elevator Co., Ltd., Beijing Subway Operation Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this part: Zou Chuanyu, Bai Dianyi, An Xiaofen, Dai Keping, Wen Jin, Chen Liang, Zhou Ke, Chen Yongquan, Zhang Liang, Qian Chong. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this part are: -GB/T15566.4—2007.
1 Scope
Public information guidance system
Setting principles and requirements
Part 4: Public transport stations
This part of GB/T15566 specifies the overall composition, setting principles, two subsystem composition and connection requirements of the public information guidance system of public transport stations (hereinafter referred to as the public transport station guidance system). This part applies to the setting of station guidance systems for urban rail transit and buses (including trolleybuses). Note 1: The urban rail transit in this part includes subways, light rails, etc. within the city, but does not include trams. Note 2: The text and colors in all figures in this part are for illustration only, used to illustrate the relevant content 2 Normative referenced documents
The following documents are for this document The application is indispensable. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document GB/T15565 Graphic symbol terminology
GB/T15566.1 Public information guidance system
GB/T16275 Urban rail transit lighting
Setting principles and requirements
Part 1: General
GB/T20501 (all parts) Design principles and requirements for guidance elements of public information guidance system GB/T31015 Design and setting principles of public information guidance system based on barrier-free needs Terms and definitions
Terms and definitions defined in GB/T15565 apply to this document The composition of public transport station guidance system
The public transport station guidance system includes the following Two relatively independent subsystems: urban rail transit station guidance system;
--bus (including trolleybus) station guidance system. 5 General Provisions
5.1 When planning and designing the public transportation station guidance system, the factors listed in GB/T38654 should be considered. The setting should comply with the general principles and requirements specified in GB/T15566.1, and the design of guidance elements should comply with the requirements of GB/T20501 (all parts). 5.2 The subsystems of the public transportation station guidance system should be reasonably connected, and should be connected with other guidance systems. 5.3 In each subsystem, the markings of the same location and station name should be consistent. 5.4 Each subsystem should consider the barrier-free requirements in accordance with the provisions of GB/T31015, KaeerKAca-
6 Urban Rail Transit Station Guidance System| |tt||6.1 Composition
6.1.1 According to the functions of urban rail transit stations and the riding process, the urban rail transit station guidance system is composed of the following four interrelated subsystems:
Entry guidance system;
Ride guidance system;
Transfer guidance system;
Exit guidance system
6.1.2 The urban rail transit station guidance system is composed of the following guidance elements: location sign;
Guide sign;
Train running direction sign;
Urban rail transit network map;
Urban rail transit line map:
Information index sign;
Station schematic diagram;
Block guidance map;
Portable printed materials;bzxZ.net
One marking line;
Ride guidance line;
Operation time.
6.1.3 The urban rail transit station guidance system provides passengers with the following information 2IC
Train information, including guidance information and location information of urban rail transit stations, lines, platforms, guidance information and location information inside and outside train carriages, and operating hours; Note: A.1 The requirements for setting up guidance elements inside and outside the carriages of urban rail transit trains are given. Public facility information, guidance information and location information of public facilities in stations, including exits, ticket offices, barrier-free facilities (such as barrier-free elevators), escalators, stairs, toilets, etc.; traffic information, including guidance information of surrounding roads and surrounding places; safety information, including information related to passenger safety; dissuasion information, information that advises passengers not to take certain actions. 6.2 General rules
6.2.1 The guidance system of urban rail transit stations should be considered in a comprehensive manner and planned in advance. The setting of each guidance element should not infringe on the equipment limit. 6.2.2 The lighting conditions of the location where the guidance elements are set should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T16275. If the illumination of the setting location does not meet the requirements, an internal light source sign should be set or an external auxiliary light source should be added. 6.2.3 Guidance elements such as urban rail transit line maps, station schematics, and block guidance maps located in the same place and adjacent to each other should be set in a centralized and combined manner.
6.2.4 If there are public telephones, toilets, information desks and other service facilities in the public areas of urban rail transit stations (including the station hall and platform, etc.), corresponding location signs should be set up, and guidance signs should be set up as needed. 6.2.5 The entrances and exits of urban rail transit stations should be numbered. The exit numbering format should be different from the line numbering format, and numbers should be reserved for the entrances and exits to be built.
6.2.6 The guidance system of urban rail transit stations should consider the use of multimedia guidance methods such as voice. 6.3 Guidance elements
6.3.1 Basic principles
When graphic symbols are used in specific applications, the main forms are: GB/T15566.4—2020
Only graphic symbols should be used to represent highly recognizable and understandable graphic symbols, such as toilets; a)
Graphic symbols are combined with text, and the text can be auxiliary text or supplementary text and should be determined according to actual conditions, for example b)
The graphic symbol meaning "subway" in GB/T10001.1 can be supplemented by the entrance and exit numbers, such as "A", indicating the exit numbered A.
6.3.2 Location signs
According to the specific location, location signs should use appropriate forms to provide passengers with more information. Set up at: a) Location signs at the entrance of covered stations and affiliated stations: Auxiliary text should be used to provide passengers with the name of the current station: Supplementary text should be used to ask passengers for information on the line number: and exit number information can be added, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Metro Beitucheng Station
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of location signs of urban rail transit stations (covered type) rKaeerKAca-
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of location signs of urban rail transit stations (affiliated type) b) Location signs of scattered exit stations (underground passage entrance): It is advisable to use auxiliary text to provide passengers with the name of the current station: Supplementary text should be used to provide passengers with information on line number, entrance and exit number and operating hours, as shown in Figure 3. Station location signs on platforms: It is advisable to provide passengers with the name of the current station; the departure station and the intermediate station should use supplementary text to provide passengers with information such as the line number, the name of the next station in the direction of the train and the running direction of the next station; the terminal station should use supplementary text to provide passengers with "terminal station" information. d) Barrier-free elevator location signs: It is advisable to use dynamic signs to provide working status information, including up and down. Room
Electrical equipment
Metro Xidan Station
Figure 3 Schematic diagram of location signs of urban rail transit stations (scattered type) 6.3.3 Guide signs When there are multiple destinations in different directions on the horizontally arranged guide signs, they should be arranged in the order of left, left front, forward, right front, and right. When there are multiple destinations in the same direction on the guide sign, they should be arranged from near to far according to the actual position of the object indicated by the graphic symbol, starting from the location of the direction symbol.
GB/T15566.4—2020 In the passage connected to the exit, the guide sign of the exit direction and the guide information of the barrier-free elevator and escalator in the exit direction should be provided, and the supplementary text should be used to provide passengers with the exit number, the type of bus (including trolleybus) outside the exit, the station name and specific line number, road information, other major public facilities and other information (as shown in Figure 4). Olympic Sports Center
Figure 4 Schematic diagram of the setting of signs in the passage connected to the exit 6.3.4 Train running direction signs
Train running direction signs should use appropriate forms to provide passengers with more abundant information. Set up at: a) The junction between the station hall and the platform: it is advisable to include direction symbols, "subway" graphic symbols and line numbers b) Platform level: it is advisable to include direction symbols, the name of the next station or the terminal station: if it is a ring line, the "inner ring" and "outer ring" information should be added.
6.3.5 Urban rail transit network map
The urban rail transit network map should include all the urban rail transit lines put into operation in the city. Each line should use the line color, and the line color of all the lines in the map should be explained in the legend.
The transfer station in the map should be distinguished from the general station, and the current station can be highlighted. 6.3.6
Urban Rail Transit Route Map
Urban Rail Transit Route Map should indicate the route number of the current route. It is advisable to use the route color of the current route. The current station should be highlighted, and the transfer station should be distinguished from other stations, and the transfer line should be marked. The direction of train operation should be marked.
It is advisable to use static signs or dynamic signs to provide passengers with the stop information of the current route. Set on: Platform or above the platform door: The urban rail transit route map of the loop line should make the current station and the upcoming station within the passenger's sight;
Above the door in the car: It is advisable to clearly indicate the station that has been passed and the station that is about to arrive: The urban rail transit route map of the loop line should be rotated appropriately so that the relative positions of the current station and the next station are consistent with the direction of train operation. 6.3.7 Information index sign
Information index sign should provide appropriate information according to the specific location: a) i
Set outside the barrier-free elevator car: current floor, and the main functions of each stop floor: b) Set inside the barrier-free elevator car: the main functions of each stop floor 6.3.8 Station Schematic
The station schematic should provide the current location, as well as information on the platform, entrances and exits, ticket offices, toilets, etc. 6.3.9 Block Direction Map
The block direction map should be centered on the exit of the urban rail transit station and provide various major public information within a radius of not less than 500m around the station (as shown in Figures 3 and 4). Including: main roads, types, names, locations and specific line numbers of public bus and tram (including trolleybus) stations outside the station exits, distribution of public facilities, etc. Among them: the main map should also mark the current station and all the entrances and exits opened at the current station, and the direction of the urban rail transit line related to the current station; the legend should also explain the urban rail transit line related to the current station and its line color, and the public bus and tram line information in the main map (it is advisable to be produced independently for replacement); the overview map should also mark the location of the main map coverage area in the urban area. 6.3.10 Portable printed materials
The main contents of portable printed materials should include: urban rail transit network map, station operation hours, etc.; the main contents that should be included are: block guide map of the block where the station is located, station schematic diagram, etc. 6.3.11 Markings
Markings are used to guide passengers to queue up for waiting, queue up for tickets, and keep the gate card swiping safe distance and keep the passage unobstructed. The color of the markings should be eye-catching, preferably yellow, the safety color.
6.3.12 Boarding guide lines
Boarding guide lines are composed of information units and guide color bands, providing passengers with boarding information, mainly used for transfers. Among them: Information unit: should be composed of direction symbols and text. The text should include the line number and may include distance information, station name, exit and entry. a) 1
b) Guide color band: The minimum width of the guide color band of a single line should be 100mm. The background color should be the line logo color. 6.4 Station entry guidance system
6.4.1 Setting range
The station entrance guidance system is a guidance system that guides passengers into the urban rail transit station. Its setting range should be from the main road intersections around the station, public bus and tram (including trolleybus) stations, etc. to the station population. 6.4.2 Setting requirements The main road intersections and public bus and tram stations near the urban rail transit station should be equipped with guidance signs for the urban rail transit station. The guidance signs should be set at least 500m away from the urban rail transit station, and the distance information should be added6
GB/T15566.4—2020 When there is a parking lot near the population of the urban rail transit station, the guidance signs for the parking lot should be set on the adjacent roads, the location signs should be set at the entrance of the parking lot, and the guidance signs for the urban rail transit station should be set at the pedestrian exit of the parking lot. The location sign of the urban rail transit station shall be set on the top of the ground facilities of the covered urban rail transit station, and it shall be visible under day and night conditions. The location sign of the station shall be set in multiple places or one place shall be set with multiple display (as shown in Figure 1). When the entrance of the urban rail transit station is attached to other buildings, a single-sided location sign shall be set (as shown in Figure 2). The text of the location sign shall include the station name and the urban rail transit system, such as "Metro Beitucheng Station". For scattered urban rail transit stations, the location sign of the station shall be set at the exit of the underground passage, and a block guide map shall be set (as shown in Figure 3). The location sign of the entrance shall be set at the appropriate position of the entrance of the urban rail transit station, and the entrance number information shall be provided (as shown in Figure 3). The Braille location sign of the urban rail transit station and the corresponding population number shall be set at the entrance of the station. If the entrances and exits of the station are scattered, a station schematic diagram shall be provided when entering the station. When urban rail transit stations are equipped with independent barrier-free elevators outside of each entrance, guide signs for barrier-free elevators shall be set up near each entrance or on adjacent roads, guide signs for barrier-free elevators or station schematics shall be set up at the station entrance, and location signs shall be set up at the barrier-free elevator entrance to facilitate people with barrier-free needs to find them. Note: People with barrier-free needs include passengers with physical disabilities, passengers with infants or strollers, and passengers carrying large items. If stair climbing machines are configured, guide signs for stair climbing machines shall be set up near each entrance or on adjacent roads, and guide signs for stair climbing machines or station schematics shall be set up at the station entrance. The operating hours of the station shall be set up at each entrance of the urban rail transit station. 6.5 Passenger Guidance System
6.5.1 Setting Range
The passenger guidance system is a guidance system that guides passengers to board the train in the urban rail transit station. Its setting range should be from the station entrance to the platform.
6.5.2 Installation requirements Guide signs should be set up on the common stairs for entering and exiting the station, the ground or walls of the common passages for going up and down, etc. to enable passengers to enter and exit the station in an orderly manner. Position signs should be set up at the boarding area of ??barrier-free elevators and the starting point of the up and down escalator facilities. Guide signs for barrier-free elevators and escalators should also be set up at appropriate locations in the station. Corresponding position signs should be set up at security inspections (security checks), ticket offices, ticket facilities, and ticket gates (exits), and the status of the equipment and facilities should be indicated. If the above position signs cannot be directly seen at the entrance of the station hall, corresponding guide signs should be set up. The station hall should be equipped with a network map of urban rail transit, and station schematics and portable printed materials should be set up. The platform shall be provided with:
a) Train running direction signs, of which the island platform shall be provided with two-way signs, as shown in Figure 5;nKaeerKAca-
Apple Garden
Sihui East One
Figure 5 Schematic diagram of two-way train running direction signs set on the island platformb) Urban rail transit line map that conforms to the train running direction, of which the island platform shall be provided with two-way urban rail transit line map at the platform entrance. The platform shall be provided with the current station location sign, and the setting height and position shall be convenient for passengers in the car to see. The current station location sign shall be set in an attached manner on the column facing the train side of the platform and at an appropriate position on the platform side wall; if there is no load-bearing structure at the edge of the platform, the current station location sign may be set in a ground-mounted manner. For platforms with platform doors installed, an urban rail transit route map that is consistent with the direction of train operation should be attached in a position above the platform doors that is not easily blocked; for platforms without platform doors installed, an urban rail transit route map that is consistent with the direction of train operation should be attached in an appropriate position on the platform side wall or column (the main stations in the direction of operation can be highlighted). When platform doors have been installed, or when platform doors are not installed but the parking position can be fixed, waiting lines should be marked on the platform ground to divide the alighting area and waiting area to effectively separate the passenger flow on and off the train. A station diagram should be set up on the platform. 6.6 Transfer Guidance System
6.6.1 Setting Scope
The transfer guidance system is a guidance system that guides passengers to transfer to different urban rail transit lines in an urban rail transit station. The setting scope is from the starting platform to the destination platform in the station, including the platform level and the station hall level. 6.6.2 Setting requirements In order to facilitate passenger identification, in addition to using line numbers or names, different colors should be used as line identification colors, and the line identification colors should be applied to the urban rail transit station guidance system and train bodies. When transferring to more than three lines at the same station, guidance should be provided in sequence according to unified rules, such as sorting by line numbers or sorting by transfer distances. The platform of the transfer station should be equipped with guidance signs for transfer information, including the line numbers or names of the transferable lines, the direction of the transfer line, etc. The transfer passage, station hall level, and platform level should be equipped with urban rail transit line maps, transfer guidance signs or boarding guidance lines to provide transfer information.
5 Guidance signs should be provided when there are automatic walkway facilities in the transfer passage. 6.7 Exit Guidance System
6.7.1 Setting Scope
The exit guidance system is a guidance system that guides passengers to leave urban rail transit stations. The setting scope is from the platform to the exit. 6.7.2 Setting Requirements Exit guidance signs should be set up on the platform level. Exit guidance signs can be drawn on the platform, stairs, etc. Block guidance maps and station schematics should be set up on the platform level and the concourse level. The working status information of the gate should be provided at the exit gate. Location signs should be set up near the fare supplement facilities, and guide signs should be set up as needed.
Guide signs for exits should be set up at the exits of the station hall level and at the intersections of the passages, and the numbers of each exit should be provided. Guide signs for exits should be set up at the passages connected to the exits, and information on major public facilities outside each exit should be provided in accordance with the requirements of 6.3.3.
It is advisable to set up a street guide map outside the station, as shown in Figure 4. Street guide maps should be set up at appropriate locations outside the station exits, as shown in Figure 3. 7 Bus (or trolleybus) station guidance system 7.1 Guidance elements
The bus (or trolleybus) station guidance system consists of the following guidance elements: bus stop sign;
——station name:
location sign;
first marking line;
operation route map;
block guide map.
7.2 Bus Stop Sign
7.2.1 The content of the double-sided bus stop sign should include: front: line number, station name, next station name, terminal station name, bus (or trolleybus) graphic symbol, etc.;
back: line number, first and last bus time of this station, vehicle type name, station names of all stations on the line (highlight the station name), running direction, etc.
7.2.2 The content of the single-sided bus stop sign should include: all the content on the front and back of the double-sided bus stop sign 7.2.3 The bus stop sign should be set facing the direction of vehicle entry. Among them, the bus stop sign with a double-sided design should face the direction of vehicle entry. 7.2.4 For stations with no more than two lines, the bus stop sign should be set in a column-type manner, and the height of the bottom edge of the bus stop sign (or the bottom edge of the bus stop sign bracket) from the ground should not be less than 1.90m.
7.2.5 The bus stop signs for stations that stop multiple lines should be centrally set up in a frame-type manner. However, the number of bus stop signs on a single side of the same frame should not exceed 4, and the height of the bottom edge of the lowest bus stop sign from the ground should not be less than 1.00m. The top of each frame should be equipped with index information of all lines in the frame. When more than two frames are set up, the frames should be perpendicular to the direction of vehicle entry and exit and arranged in a single row. 7.2.6 The first station, intermediate station, and terminal station should be equipped with corresponding departure bus stop signs, intermediate bus stop signs, and terminal bus stop signs. 9
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