title>Technical Code for Evaluating Germplasm Resources-Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas(L.)Lam.] - NY/T 1320-2007 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Technical Code for Evaluating Germplasm Resources-Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas(L.)Lam.]

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 1320-2007

Standard Name:Technical Code for Evaluating Germplasm Resources-Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas(L.)Lam.]

Chinese Name: 农作物种质资源鉴定技术规程 甘薯

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2007-04-17

Date of Implementation:2007-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agriculture and forestry>>65.020.20 Plant cultivation

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agriculture, Forestry Comprehensive>>B04 Basic Standards and General Methods

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NY/T 1320-2007 Technical Specification for Identification of Crop Germplasm Resources Sweet Potato NY/T1320-2007 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Code for Evaluating Germplasm Resources--Sweetpotato[Ipomoea batatas(L.)LamJ
2007-04-17 Issued
2007-07-01 Implementation
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Appendix A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J in this standard are informative appendices.
This standard is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China and adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. This standard was drafted by: Crop Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Gansu Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The main drafters of this standard are: Fang Boping, Zhang Yungang, Zhang Xiongjian, Chen Jingyi, Tang Jun, Ankang, Zhao Donglan, Qian Yongzhong. 1 Scope
Technical regulations for identification of crop germplasm resources
NY/T 1320-2007
This standard specifies the technical requirements and methods for identification of sweet potato [Itunnen.bxatutus (L.) Lam.] germplasm resources. This standard is applicable to the identification of the botanical characteristics, biological characteristics, quality traits and resistance of sweet potato and L. philoxeroides germplasm resources. Other species of the genus Glechoma refer to this identification technical regulations. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through non-standard references. For all referenced documents with a date of entry, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata or revised versions) are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For referenced documents without a date of entry, the latest versions are applicable to this standard. GB50X06 Determination of coarse powder of cereal grains
GB/T6194 Determination of soluble sugar in fruits and vegetables GB/T6195 Determination of vitamin C content in fruits and vegetables (2,6-chloroindigo titration method) (B/T8856 Determination of crude protein in fruit and vegetable products NY/T 402
Technical Procedures for Virus Detection of Virus-free Sweet Potato Seedlings 3 Technical Requirements
3.1 Identification Location
Environmental conditions should be able to meet the normal growth of sweet potato plants and the normal expression of their traits. 3.2 Sample Collection
Samples should be collected under normal plant growth conditions, and identification should be carried out for 2 to 3 consecutive growth cycles: the identification of characteristic machines should be less than 10 plants, and control seeds should be planted at the same time for yield and quality identification. 3.3 Identification Content
The identification content is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Identification Contents of Sweet Potato Germplasm Resources
Biological Characteristics|| tt||Orchid biological characteristics
Quality traits
Identification methods
Identification items
Plant type, top leaf color, leaf color, leaf shape, leaf stalk type, notch depth, leaf secretion type, middle lobe shape, leaf tip shape, leaf main gland color, leaf side color, vein base white, petiole color, petiole base color, stem tip grass hair, purple position, corolla color, corolla shape, cake head position, style color, tuber shape, potato skin color, cortex color, potato skin thickness, potato flesh main color, shepherd's purse color, flesh color distribution, seeding period, initial stage, seedling stage, salt branch number and type, main stem length and type, leaf size, stem diameter , internode length, natural flowering habit, fruiting habit, number of tubers per plant, tuber length, tuber falling defects, potato skin smoothness, tuber shape uniformity, tuber size, large tuber rate, medium tuber rate and small tuber rate, yield, ploidy
ten kinds of potato content, crude starch content, economic benefits, reducing sugar content, protease content, vitamin C content, mycotoxin content, anthocyanin content, food
resistance to potato black spot disease, H. porphyriasis resistance, sweet potato point disease resistance, white stem disease resistance, root threshold disease resistance, sweet potato mosquito wart resistance, early resistance
4.1 Botanical characteristics||tt ||NY/T1320—2007
4.1.1 Plant type
30d-40d after cutting and transplanting, observe the growth of the plants in the entire plot, and determine the type according to the shape and spatial distribution of the stems and branches. The plant type is divided into upright (short main stem and branches, no stems and vines lying on the ground), semi-erect (short main stem and some branches, main vines <1/3 lying on the ground), creeping (long main stem and some branches, 1/3 of the vines growing on the ground), climbing (slender stems and some branches, purple ends with entanglement) 4.1.2 Top leaf color
40d-5ud after cutting and transplanting, observe the color of the first purple leaf. It is divided into yellow, light green, green, brown green, purple green brown, red, light purple, purple. 4.1.3 Color
40d-50d after cutting and transplanting, observe the color of the 6th to 10th leaf below the top of the main stem. Divided into golden yellow, light green, brown green, purple green, brown, red, light purple, purple.
4.1.4 Leaf shape
40d-50d after cutting, observe the outline of the 6th to 10th leaves under the top of the stem according to Figure 1, and divide them into round, kidney-shaped, heart-shaped, pointed heart-shaped, triangular, and notched according to the principle of maximum similarity. Read
4.1.5 Leaf margin type
Pointed heart-shaped
Circle 1 Leaf shape
Sannai source
40d-50d after cutting, observe the number of lateral teeth on the edge of the 6th to 101st leaves under the top of the stem according to Figure 2, and divide them into entire edge with teeth (no more than 3 lateral teeth) and toothed (more than 3 lateral teeth) according to the principle of maximum similarity. Entire margin
Figure 2 Leaf tooth type
4.1.6 Depth of leaf notch
Find the most similar source 40d-50d after planting and determine the depth of the notch of the 6th to 10th leaves below the main apex according to Figure 3: shallow, medium or deep.
4.1.7 Leaf notch type
Figure 3 Leaf notch depth
40d--50d after planting, determine the notch type of the 6th to 10th leaves under the main apex according to Figure 4 based on the principle of maximum similarity, which can be divided into single 2
(one pair of notches) and multiple (more than one pair of notches): single notch
4.1.8 Shape of middle lobe
Figure 4 Leaf notch type
Multiple notch
NY/T 1320—2007
40d--50d after planting, determine the shape of the middle lobe of the 6th to 10th leaves under the main apex according to Figure 5 based on the principle of maximum similarity. It can be divided into triangle, semicircle, semiellipse, ellipse, needle, oblanceolate, and linear. Triangle
4.1.9 Leaf tip shape
Exact shape
Shape of the lobe in Figure 5
40d--50d after sowing, determine the shape of the tip of the 6th to 10th leaf under the main stem according to the principle of similarity and Figure 6. It is divided into no leaf tip, sharp leaf tip and blunt leaf tip.
4.1.10 Main leaf color
Figure 6 Leaf tip shape
40d~50d after cutting, observe the color of the main veins on the back of the 6th to 10th leaves under the main stem, which can be divided into light green, green, tight spots, light purple, 4.1.11 Leaf lateral vein color
40d-50d after cutting, observe the color of the lateral veins on the back of the 6th to 10th leaves under the main stem, which can be divided into yellow, no green, green, light purple, 4.1.12 Petiole base color
40d50d after cutting, observe the color of the petiole and stem connection part of the 6th to 10th leaves under the main stem. It can be divided into light green, green, light purple, purple, and dark purple.
4.1.13 Vein base color
40d-50d after cutting, observe the color of the part where the 6th to 10th leaf veins at the top of the main stem connect to the petiole. It can be divided into light green, green, light purple, purple, and dark purple.
4.1.14 Petiole color
40d-50d after cutting, observe the color of the 6th to 10th leaf petiole at the top of the main stem. It can be divided into light green, green, light purple, and dark purple. 4.1.15 End hair
40d-50d after planting, observe the condition of the top hair of the main stem, and compare with the control variety to divide it into none, a little, medium, and a lot. 4.1.16 Stem color
40d-50d after cutting, observe the main color of the entire main stem. Divided into light green, green, brown, light purple, purple, dark purple. 4.1.17 Corolla color
On the day of flowering, observe and determine the color of the corolla. Divided into white, pink, light purple, purple. 4.1.18 Corolla shape
When flowering, determine the shape of the corolla according to Figure 7, which can be divided into card-shaped, pentagonal, circular, semi-shaped
4.1.19 Stigma position
Figure 7 Corolla shape
On the day of flowering, observe the relative position of anthers and stigmas, which can be divided into anthers lower than stigmas, anthers as high as anthers, and anthers higher than stigmas. 4.1.20 Style color
On the day of flowering, observe the color of the style. It can be divided into concave base with purple, complex from the top, white with purple spots, and purple. 4.1.21 Tuber shape
When harvesting, determine the tuber shape according to Figure 8 based on the principle of maximum similarity: divided into spherical, short spindle, long hammer, upper bulge, lower bulge, cylindrical, curved,
4.1.22 Potato skin color
Long dense shape
Figure 8 Tuber shape
When harvesting, observe the color of the tuber skin. Divided into white, light yellow, yellow, brown, orange-red, pink, red, purple, dark purple based on the principle of maximum similarity. 4.1.23 Cortex color
When harvesting, scrape the outer skin to determine the color of the cortex. Divided into white, light yellow, yellow, brown, pick red, pink, red, purple, dark purple. 4.1.24 Potato skin thickness
When harvesting, randomly measure the thickness of the cut surface skin of 10 potatoes, and the result is expressed as the average value. Accurate to 0.11m4
4.1.25 Potato flesh color
When harvesting, observe the color covering more than 50% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the potato tuber. It is divided into white, light yellow, yellow, brown, orange-red, pink, red, purple, and dark 4.1.26 Potato flesh secondary color
When harvesting, observe the color covering less than 50% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the potato tuber. It is divided into none, white, light yellow, yellow, brown, barrel red, pink, red, purple, and dark purple.
Potato flesh secondary color distribution
When harvesting, determine the distribution of the potato flesh secondary color on the cross-sectional area of ​​the potato tuber according to Figure 9 based on the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into outer ring distribution, inner ring distribution, center distribution, and spot distribution.
Outer ring distribution
4.2 Biological characteristics
4.2.1 Seeding period
Inner ring distribution
Central distribution
Figure 9 Potato flesh secondary color distribution
Record the seeding period, expressed as "month/day". 4.2.2 Seedling stage
Use the sample of 4.2.1 and record the date when [0% of the seedlings emerge from the soil, expressed as "month/day". 4.2.3 Full seedling stage
Use the sample of 4.2.1 and record the date when 70% of the seedlings emerge from the soil, expressed as "month/day". 4.2.4 Number and type of branches at the base
Distribution of control points
50d-60d after cutting, randomly and continuously measure the number of branches within 30cm of the base of the stem of 10 samples, and the length is more than 10cm. The results are expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1. The types of base branches are divided into few (<5.0 branches), medium (1-10.0 branches), and many (>10.0 branches).
4.2.5 Length and type of main vine
50d-60d after cutting, randomly and continuously measure the length from the base to the tip of the main stem of 10 companion products, and the results are expressed as the average value, accurate to 1cm. The types of main vine length are divided into short (<65cm), medium (65cm~-139n), long (140cm~239cm) and very long (>239cm). 4.2.6 Leaf size
After 50-~60 days of cutting, randomly measure the length and width of the 6th to 10th leaves under the top of 10 main stems as shown in Figure 10. The results are expressed as the average, accurate to 0.1mm. The leaf size type is determined by the product of leaf length and leaf width. It is divided into small (<80.0cm) (80.0cm--160.0mm) and large (>160.0cm). 4.2.7 Stem diameter
Use the small sample of 4.2.6 to measure the diameter of the 6th to 10th leaves under the top of 10 main stems. The results are expressed as the average, accurate to 0.1mm. According to the measurement results, stem diameters are divided into fine (<4.0mm), medium (4.0mm1--6.0mm), coarse (6.1mm--8.0mm) and very coarse (>8.0mm).
4.2.8 Internode length
Use the samples in 4.2.6 to measure the length of the 6th to 10th internodes below the top of the main stem of 10 plants. The results are expressed as half mean, accurate to 0.1cno
4.2.9 Natural flowering habit
Leaf drop length
Figure 10 Leaf length, width and petiole length
In the middle and late stages of growth, observe The flowering conditions of the plants under natural conditions in the resource planting area were divided into none (no flowers or flower buds), buds (only flower buds but no flowers), few (occasionally scattered flowers), medium (slightly more flowers), and many (flower hips II with long flowering period): 4.2.10 Fruiting habit
At harvest, according to the looseness of the fruiting of individual plants, the fruiting habit was determined according to Figure 11 based on the principle of maximum similarity: divided into concentrated (single node), loose (2-3 nodes), and loose (>3 nodes). 4.2.11 Number of potatoes per plant
Number of loose
Figure 11 Fruiting habit
At harvest, 10 samples were randomly selected and the number of fruiting blocks (the diameter of the block is greater than 1,0 cm) was counted. The results were expressed as the mean, accurate to 0.1.
4.2.12 Potato stalk length
At harvest, randomly measure the length of the connecting part between the tuber and the stem of 10 large mountain calyx according to Figure 12, and express the result as the average value, accurate to 0.1 cma
Figure 12 Schematic diagram of potato stalk length
4.2.13 Potato tuber defects
At harvest, determine the defects on the potato tuber surface according to Figure 13 and the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into reticular cracks (cracks in the cortex), stripes (the cortex has tendon-like protrusions), shrinkage (the cortex shrinks inwards to form horizontal grooves), stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal grooves), and shrinkage plus stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal and transverse grooves).
4.2.14 Smoothness of potato skin
At harvest, observe the smoothness of the skin and divide it into smooth (the potato skin has no obvious defects such as reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions) according to the principle of maximum similarity, medium (the potato skin has a small amount of reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions), and rough (the potato skin is rough, with obvious defects such as reticular patterns, stripes, and dot-like protrusions).
4.2.15 Tuber shape uniformity
At harvest, the uniformity of tuber shapes in different plots was measured with reference to Figure 9 based on the principle of maximum similarity. They were divided into irregular (tube shape uniformity <50%), relatively uniform (tube shape uniformity 50%~80%), and uniform (tube shape uniformity >80%). 4.2.16 Tuber size
At harvest, the tuber weight of 0.25kg was large; the tuber weight between 0.1kg and 0.25kg was medium; the tuber weight was large.26 Potato flesh secondary color
At harvest, observe the color covering less than 50% of the front area of ​​the cross section of the potato tuber, and divide it into none, white, light yellow, yellow, brown, barrel red, pink, red, purple, and dark purple.
Potato flesh secondary color distribution
At harvest, determine the distribution of the flesh secondary color on the cross section of the potato tuber according to Figure 9 based on the maximum similarity principle. It is divided into outer ring distribution, inner ring distribution, center distribution, and spot distribution.
Outer ring distribution
4.2 Biological characteristics
4.2.1 Seeding period
Inner ring distribution
Center distribution
Figure 9 Potato flesh secondary color distribution
Record the seeding period, expressed in "month/day". 4.2.2 Seedling period
Use the sample of 4.2.1 and record the date when [0% of the seedlings emerge from the soil, expressed in "month/day". 4.2.3 Seedling stage
Use the samples in 4.2.1 and record the date when 70% of the young teeth emerge from the soil, expressed as "month/day". 4.2.4 Number and type of basal branches
Control point distribution
50d to 60d after pruning, randomly and continuously measure the number of branches within 30cm of the base of the stem of 10 samples and with a length of more than 10cm. The results are expressed as the mean, accurate to 0.1 branch. The types of basal branches are divided into few (<5.0 branches), medium (S.1~10.0 branches), and many (>10.0 branches). wwW.bzxz.Net
4.2.5 Main vine length and type
50-60 days after cutting, randomly measure the length of the main stem from the base to the tip of the main stem of 10 companion plants, and the results are expressed as the average value, accurate to 1cm. The main vine length types are short (<65cm), medium (65cm~-139n), long (140crm~239cm) and extra long (>239cm). 4.2.6 Leaf size
50-~60 days after cutting, as shown in Figure 10, randomly measure the length and width of the 6th to 10th leaves below the top of the main stem of 10 plants. The results are expressed as the average, accurate to .1rme. The type of leaf size is determined by the product of leaf length and leaf width. Divided into small (<80.0cm) (80.0cm--160.0tn). Adult (>160.0cm) 4.2.7 Stem diameter
Use the small sample of 4.2.6 to measure the diameter of the 6th 10 leaves under the tip of 10 plants. The result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1 mm. According to the measurement results, the stem diameters are divided into fine (<4.0 mm), medium (4.0 mm1--6.0 mun), coarse (6.1 mm--8.0num) and very coarse (>8.0mm).
4.2.8 Internode length
Use the samples in 4.2.6 to measure the length of the 6th to 10th internodes below the top of the main stem of 10 plants. The results are expressed as half mean, accurate to 0.1cno
4.2.9 Natural flowering habit
Leaf drop length
Figure 10 Leaf length, width and petiole length
In the middle and late stages of growth, observe The flowering conditions of the plants under natural conditions in the resource planting area were divided into none (no flowers or flower buds), buds (only flower buds but no flowers), few (occasionally scattered flowers), medium (slightly more flowers), and many (flower hips II with long flowering period): 4.2.10 Fruiting habit
At harvest, according to the looseness of the fruiting of individual plants, the fruiting habit was determined according to Figure 11 based on the principle of maximum similarity: divided into concentrated (single node), loose (2-3 nodes), and loose (>3 nodes). 4.2.11 Number of potatoes per plant
Number of loose
Figure 11 Fruiting habit
At harvest, 10 samples were randomly selected and the number of fruiting blocks (the diameter of the block is greater than 1,0 cm) was counted. The results were expressed as the mean, accurate to 0.1.
4.2.12 Potato stalk length
At harvest, randomly measure the length of the connecting part between the tuber and the stem of 10 large mountain calyx according to Figure 12, and express the result as the average value, accurate to 0.1 cma
Figure 12 Schematic diagram of potato stalk length
4.2.13 Potato tuber defects
At harvest, determine the defects on the potato tuber surface according to Figure 13 and the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into reticular cracks (cracks in the cortex), stripes (the cortex has tendon-like protrusions), shrinkage (the cortex shrinks inwards to form horizontal grooves), stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal grooves), and shrinkage plus stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal and transverse grooves).
4.2.14 Smoothness of potato skin
At harvest, observe the smoothness of the skin and divide it into smooth (the potato skin has no obvious defects such as reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions) according to the principle of maximum similarity, medium (the potato skin has a small amount of reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions), and rough (the potato skin is rough, with obvious defects such as reticular patterns, stripes, and dot-like protrusions).
4.2.15 Tuber shape uniformity
At harvest, the uniformity of tuber shapes in different plots was measured with reference to Figure 9 based on the principle of maximum similarity. They were divided into irregular (tube shape uniformity <50%), relatively uniform (tube shape uniformity 50%~80%), and uniform (tube shape uniformity >80%). 4.2.16 Tuber size
At harvest, the tuber weight of 0.25kg was large; the tuber weight between 0.1kg and 0.25kg was medium; the tuber weight was large.26 Potato flesh secondary color
At harvest, observe the color covering less than 50% of the front area of ​​the cross section of the potato tuber, and divide it into none, white, light yellow, yellow, brown, barrel red, pink, red, purple, and dark purple.
Potato flesh secondary color distribution
At harvest, determine the distribution of the flesh secondary color on the cross section of the potato tuber according to Figure 9 based on the maximum similarity principle. It is divided into outer ring distribution, inner ring distribution, center distribution, and spot distribution.
Outer ring distribution
4.2 Biological characteristics
4.2.1 Seeding period
Inner ring distribution
Center distribution
Figure 9 Potato flesh secondary color distribution
Record the seeding period, expressed in "month/day". 4.2.2 Seedling period
Use the sample of 4.2.1 and record the date when [0% of the seedlings emerge from the soil, expressed in "month/day". 4.2.3 Seedling stage
Use the samples in 4.2.1 and record the date when 70% of the young teeth emerge from the soil, expressed as "month/day". 4.2.4 Number and type of basal branches
Control point distribution
50d to 60d after pruning, randomly and continuously measure the number of branches within 30cm of the base of the stem of 10 samples and with a length of more than 10cm. The results are expressed as the mean, accurate to 0.1 branch. The types of basal branches are divided into few (<5.0 branches), medium (S.1~10.0 branches), and many (>10.0 branches).
4.2.5 Main vine length and type
50-60 days after cutting, randomly measure the length of the main stem from the base to the tip of the main stem of 10 companion plants, and the results are expressed as the average value, accurate to 1cm. The main vine length types are short (<65cm), medium (65cm~-139n), long (140crm~239cm) and extra long (>239cm). 4.2.6 Leaf size
50-~60 days after cutting, as shown in Figure 10, randomly measure the length and width of the 6th to 10th leaves below the top of the main stem of 10 plants. The results are expressed as the average, accurate to .1rme. The type of leaf size is determined by the product of leaf length and leaf width. Divided into small (<80.0cm) (80.0cm--160.0tn). Adult (>160.0cm) 4.2.7 Stem diameter
Use the small sample of 4.2.6 to measure the diameter of the 6th 10 leaves under the tip of 10 plants. The result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1 mm. According to the measurement results, the stem diameters are divided into fine (<4.0 mm), medium (4.0 mm1--6.0 mun), coarse (6.1 mm--8.0num) and very coarse (>8.0mm).
4.2.8 Internode length
Use the samples in 4.2.6 to measure the length of the 6th to 10th internodes below the top of the main stem of 10 plants. The results are expressed as half mean, accurate to 0.1cno
4.2.9 Natural flowering habit
Leaf drop length
Figure 10 Leaf length, width and petiole length
In the middle and late stages of growth, observe The flowering conditions of the plants under natural conditions in the resource planting area were divided into none (no flowers or flower buds), buds (only flower buds but no flowers), few (occasionally scattered flowers), medium (slightly more flowers), and many (flower hips II with long flowering period): 4.2.10 Fruiting habit
At harvest, according to the looseness of the fruiting of individual plants, the fruiting habit was determined according to Figure 11 based on the principle of maximum similarity: divided into concentrated (single node), loose (2-3 nodes), and loose (>3 nodes). 4.2.11 Number of potatoes per plant
Number of loose
Figure 11 Fruiting habit
At harvest, 10 samples were randomly selected and the number of fruiting blocks (the diameter of the block is greater than 1,0 cm) was counted. The results were expressed as the mean, accurate to 0.1.
4.2.12 Potato stalk length
At harvest, randomly measure the length of the connecting part between the tuber and the stem of 10 large mountain calyx according to Figure 12, and express the result as the average value, accurate to 0.1 cma
Figure 12 Schematic diagram of potato stalk length
4.2.13 Potato tuber defects
At harvest, determine the defects on the potato tuber surface according to Figure 13 and the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into reticular cracks (cracks in the cortex), stripes (the cortex has tendon-like protrusions), shrinkage (the cortex shrinks inwards to form horizontal grooves), stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal grooves), and shrinkage plus stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal and transverse grooves).
4.2.14 Smoothness of potato skin
At harvest, observe the smoothness of the skin and divide it into smooth (the potato skin has no obvious defects such as reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions) according to the principle of maximum similarity, medium (the potato skin has a small amount of reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions), and rough (the potato skin is rough, with obvious defects such as reticular patterns, stripes, and dot-like protrusions).
4.2.15 Tuber shape uniformity
At harvest, the uniformity of tuber shapes in different plots was measured with reference to Figure 9 based on the principle of maximum similarity. They were divided into irregular (tube shape uniformity <50%), relatively uniform (tube shape uniformity 50%~80%), and uniform (tube shape uniformity >80%). 4.2.16 Tuber size
At harvest, the tuber weight of 0.25kg was large; the tuber weight between 0.1kg and 0.25kg was medium; the tuber weight was large.11 Number of tubers per plant
Relatively loose number
Figure 11 Tuber habit
At harvest, randomly select 10 samples and count the number of tubers (tubes with the largest diameter greater than 1,0 cm1n). The result is expressed as the mean value, accurate to 0.1 cma.
4.2.12 Tuber pedicle length
At harvest, randomly measure the length of the tuber and the connection part of 10 tubers of big mountain calyx according to Figure 12, and the result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1 cma
Figure 12 Schematic diagram of tuber pedicle length
4.2.13 Tuber defects
At harvest, determine the defects on the surface of the tuber according to the principle of maximum similarity according to Figure 13. It is divided into reticular cracks (cracks in the cortex), stripes (the cortex has tendon-like protrusions), shrinkage (the cortex shrinks inwards to form horizontal grooves), stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal grooves), and shrinkage plus stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal and transverse grooves).
4.2.14 Smoothness of potato skin
At harvest, observe the smoothness of the skin and divide it into smooth (the potato skin has no obvious defects such as reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions) according to the principle of maximum similarity, medium (the potato skin has a small amount of reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions), and rough (the potato skin is rough, with obvious defects such as reticular patterns, stripes, and dot-like protrusions).
4.2.15 Tuber shape uniformity
At harvest, the uniformity of tuber shapes in different plots was measured with reference to Figure 9 based on the principle of maximum similarity. They were divided into irregular (tube shape uniformity <50%), relatively uniform (tube shape uniformity 50%~80%), and uniform (tube shape uniformity >80%). 4.2.16 Tuber size
At harvest, the tuber weight of 0.25kg was large; the tuber weight between 0.1kg and 0.25kg was medium; the tuber weight was large.11 Number of tubers per plant
Relatively loose number
Figure 11 Tuber habit
At harvest, randomly select 10 samples and count the number of tubers (tubes with the largest diameter greater than 1,0 cm1n). The result is expressed as the mean value, accurate to 0.1 cma.
4.2.12 Tuber pedicle length
At harvest, randomly measure the length of the tuber and the connection part of 10 tubers of big mountain calyx according to Figure 12, and the result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1 cma
Figure 12 Schematic diagram of tuber pedicle length
4.2.13 Tuber defects
At harvest, determine the defects on the surface of the tuber according to the principle of maximum similarity according to Figure 13. It is divided into reticular cracks (cracks in the cortex), stripes (the cortex has tendon-like protrusions), shrinkage (the cortex shrinks inwards to form horizontal grooves), stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal grooves), and shrinkage plus stripes (the cortex shrinks inwards to form longitudinal and transverse grooves).
4.2.14 Smoothness of potato skin
At harvest, observe the smoothness of the skin and divide it into smooth (the potato skin has no obvious defects such as reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions) according to the principle of maximum similarity, medium (the potato skin has a small amount of reticular patterns or dot-like protrusions), and rough (the potato skin is rough, with obvious defects such as reticular patterns, stripes, and dot-like protrusions).
4.2.15 Tuber shape uniformity
At harvest, the uniformity of tuber shapes in different plots was measured with reference to Figure 9 based on the principle of maximum similarity. They were divided into irregular (tube shape uniformity <50%), relatively uniform (tube shape uniformity 50%~80%), and uniform (tube shape uniformity >80%). 4.2.16 Tuber size
At harvest, the tuber weight of 0.25kg was large; the tuber weight between 0.1kg and 0.25kg was medium; the tuber weight was large.4.0 points), good (3.1 points to 4.0 points), medium (2.1 points to 3.0 points), poor (1.1 points to 2.0 points) and bad (<1.0 points).
4.4 Resistance
4.4. 1 For resistance to sweet potato black spot (Ceratocystis fimbriata Ellis ct Halstedl), please refer to Appendix A of the Information.
4.4.2 For resistance to sweet potato stem nematode (Ditylenches destructorThorne), please refer to Appendix B of the Information.
4.4.3 For resistance to sweet potato blight (P'sedomozas sntanacerum CFSm.), please refer to Appendix C for information.
4.4.4 For resistance to sweet potato rot [Fusarixn axyxporun Schlecht f. sp. Baratas (Wllencw. JSnyd. & Iiuns. J, please refer to Appendix D for information.
4.4.5 For resistance to sweet potato root rot [TFusariuntsolani (Mart.) Sacc.f.sp.batatasMcClmre, please refer to Appendix E for information.
4.4.6 For resistance to sweet potato ant weevil (Cylas formicurius Fah. | please refer to Appendix F for information.
4.4.7 Sweet potato drought resistance
See informative Appendix G heat resistance.
A.1 Scope
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Identification of sweet potato black spot resistance
NYT 1320—2007
This appendix applies to sweet potato black spot resistance (Ceratocystis firnturiata Ellis ellis) in sweet potato germplasm resources. A.2 Control variety
Moderately susceptible variety: Okinawa No. 100.
A.3 Identification method
A.3.1 Isolation and preservation of pathogens
Collect diseased tissues and inoculate them on PLA medium. Isolate and purify the pathogens from the colonies and store them in a refrigerator: the pathogens isolated in the same year should be used in the same year.
A.3.2 Preparation of inoculum
Dissolve the stored strains with sterile water and inoculate them on healthy On the potato tuber slices, place them under 26 conditions to keep them moist and culture until the potato slices are covered with black blister shells and sporangium spores. Rinse with sterile water and prepare a concentrated spore suspension for later use. A.3.3 Inoculation method
Each test variety has 3 medium-sized, smooth-surfaced, undamaged potato tubers, wash them, dry them, and number them for later use. One potato tuber is: replicates. Dilute the concentrated spore suspension to 1×107 spores/mL (or 40 to 60 spores per field of view under a 160x microscope). ) suspension for later use. Dip a medical injection needle into the prepared bacterial solution and puncture the test tuber for inoculation; inoculate 15 points on each tuber with a depth of 0.5 cml. Put the inoculated tubers into a sterilized plastic box, cover with sterilized gauze, and place in a constant temperature room at 25℃ ~ 28℃. Every noon and afternoon, wet the gauze with overflow water to keep the tuber incubated. After 10 days of cultivation, cut the tubers to measure the diameter and depth of the lesions, calculate the average diameter and depth of the lesions, and compare with the control variety (Okinawa No. 1()) to confirm Determine the resistance level, A.4 Result calculation
Calculate the disease resistance performance percentage according to formula (A.1): D,xhl×100
Average diameter of the lesions of the tested varieties, in millimeters (mm); D
Private—- Average depth of the lesions of the tested varieties, in millimeters (mmm); D2—- Average diameter of the lesions of the control varieties, in millimeters (m); hz-—— Average depth of the lesions of the control varieties, in millimeters (mtm). The average value of 3 repeated measurements is used to determine the nesting, accurate to 0.1%. A.5 Evaluation criteria
The results are expressed as the average value of 3 repeated measurements (see Table A.1). (A.1)
Shanghang (IIR)
Hu (R)
Ningkang (MR)
Susceptible (S)
Highly susceptible (HS)
Table A.1 Evaluation criteria for identification of resistance to Ganzhu black spot Disease resistance performance percentage ()%
40.1 -80.0
120.1-- 160.0
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