title>Dangerous goods - Test method for top lift of large packaging - GB/T 21569-2008 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Dangerous goods - Test method for top lift of large packaging

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 21569-2008

Standard Name:Dangerous goods - Test method for top lift of large packaging

Chinese Name: 危险品 大包装顶部提升试验方法

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2008-04-01

Date of Implementation:2008-09-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health care and safety >> 13.300 Dangerous goods protection

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A80 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage Comprehensive

associated standards

Procurement status:NEQ ST/SG/AC.10/1

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Plan number:20068193-T-469

Publication date:2008-08-01

other information

Release date:2008-04-01

Review date:2023-12-28

drafter:Yu Yanjun, Wang Libing, Wang Xiaobing, Yu Zhirui, etc.

Drafting unit:Tianjin Institute of Inspection and Quarantine, Sinochem Chemical Standardization Institute, Jiangnan University

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the test equipment, sample pretreatment, inspection quantity, test steps and test report for the top lifting test of large packages of dangerous goods. This standard is applicable to the top lifting test of large packages of dangerous goods. GB/T 21569-2008 Test method for the top lifting of large packages of dangerous goods GB/T21569-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the test equipment, sample pretreatment, inspection quantity, test steps and test report for the top lifting test of large packages of dangerous goods. This standard is applicable to the top lifting test of large packages of dangerous goods.
This standard corresponds to the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations" and is not equivalent to it. Its relevant technical content is completely consistent with the above manual, and the standard text format has been edited according to GB/T1.1-2000.
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Dangerous Chemicals Management (SAC/TC251).
The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Tianjin Institute of Inspection and Quarantine Science and Technology.
Participating drafting units of this standard: Jiangnan University, Sinochem Chemical Standardization Institute, Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.
Main drafters of this standard: Yu Yanjun, Wang Libing, Zhao Zhuo, Xu Chuanlai, Wang Xiaobing, Yu Zhirui.
This standard is formulated for the first time.
GB/T4122.1 Basic packaging terminology
GB19432.1 General safety regulations for inspection of large packages of dangerous goods

Some standard content:

KS 13.300
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Dangerous goods
Test method for top lifting of large packages
Uggerous poods--Test rarethod for top lift laryt packaging2008-04-01 release
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2008-09-01 implementation
This standard can correspond to the previous one, and is subject to the English limit. It is not equivalent. Its relevant technical content is consistent with the previous one. The text of the standard is in accordance with the B lishi. 12 The main meaning of this standard is the standard of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Ministry of Standardization of the Ministry of Commerce (SAC/) The main source of this standard is: Tianjin Institute of Inspection and Quarantine: The drafting unit of this standard is: Jiangnan University, China Chemical Standardization Institute, Tianjin Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. The author of this standard is: Yu Yanjun. The benefits, number sense, back transmission, note porcelain tools, intelligence inspection this standard is blue light mention
1 Kuige
Dangerous goods large packaging top lifting test method 8/21509--2008
Standard plug specification maintenance dangerous large film installation joint department lifting sincere test equipment, test learning pre-treatment, test number film, micro test music and military insurance sales
This standard is sent to the dangerous goods fire packaging consultant department to introduce the test 2 Wei Zi sexual reference text
The following documents are the service version of this document, which is the document you want to use, based on all the modification orders (excluding auxiliary adjustment and revision)
It is the health version of this document
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Terms and meanings
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5 Test library
5.1 Test
5, 1.! For the health of the monkey, choose the largest one you can use, ignore the inner packaging and articles used: let the test take a picture, the inner packaging contains the body of the person's rolling body, and the condensation penetration of the body is not the largest. 5, 1.2 The inner packaging of the large package contains liquids and photographic objects, and the inner packaging of the paint is tested separately. 1.3 The inner packaging of the objects or articles that need to be transported can be replaced by other articles. It is worth doing so. The test results are not effective.
5.14 When the inner packaging is used, they can be transported. The inner packaging or articles have the same physical characteristics (volume, etc.). I allow the addition of materials. If you know that the total package of the required package has not been completed, the test results are not accurate. G8/T 21569--2008
5.15 Fiber version of the large packaging is intended to find the environment in which the condensation is relatively explosive: there are the following and complex methods. The best environment for sampling is 23℃ + 2 degrees of viscosity. The effect is: the real network clock program is recorded: the source degree is 202C machine tree to the main method and to the micro-industry
Note: the photography welcomes the health of the service and the activation of the service in the period of installation according to the high value of the glue. The sincere experience is the effect of the love experience.
5.2 Sincerity test number condensation
Your risk service large packaging quality inspection photography test group product quantity is 3, 5.3 test step race
5, 3, 1 large packaging should be loaded to only the government's largest total quality? The software package should be filled to the maximum allowable total mass of 6 micro-, the load should be evenly distributed according to the design of the opening method at 6,! The large package should be lifted away from the specification surface at a speed of 2/s, and it should be left in the air for min. Bin test notice
... Reduced test name. Number of stimulation. Specifications. Health name
: Lead treatment temperature, relative source and expected time: Sincerity
About the test results, as well as the phenomenon of the test results in the test observation: New use of sincerity test method and technical standard dance test period test person test unit seal.
8/T 21569-2008
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