This part of GB/T 6159 provides an index to the terms given in Part 1 to Part 8 of the standard GB/T 6159. The index is divided into two parts: "Chinese Index" and "English Index". GB/T 6159.10-2006 Microfilming Vocabulary Part 10: Index GB/T6159.10-2006 Standard download decompression password:
GB/T 6159 This part provides an index to the terms given in Part 1 to Part 8 of the standard GB/T 6159. The index is divided into two parts: "Chinese Index" and "English Index".
Some standard content:
ICS 01. 040. 37:37. 080 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 6159. 10--2006 Micrographics--Vocabulary- Part 10:Index (ISO 6196-10:1999, MOD) 2006-04-19 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China 2006-10-01 Implementation 061205000098 GB/T 6159 Microfilm Vocabulary" is divided into the following parts: Part 1: General terms, Part 2: Image arrangement and recording methods; Part 3: Film processing; Part 4. Materials and packaging: Part 5: Image quality, readability and inspection: Part 6: Equipment; Part 7: Computer microfilm technology: Part 8. Application; Part 10: Index. This part is Part 10 of GB/T 6159, GB/T 6159.10—2006 This part is modified to adopt ISO 6196-10:1999 "Micrographic Vocabulary Part 10: Index" (English version). The main differences between this part and ISO6196-10:1999 are as follows: - Delete the ISC) front blind and add the foreword of this part; - Add the "Chinese index" as the main content of this part; - Delete Chapter 3 of ISO6196-10:1999 and write the classification clauses into Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of this part respectively; - Chapter 1 "English index" is to add the corresponding Chinese words on the basis of ISO6196-10:1999. Other terms used in this part, such as "vocabulary", "terms" and "definition", adopt the definitions determined in GB/T15237-1994 "Basic Vocabulary of Terminology". This part is proposed and coordinated by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Document Imaging Technology (SAC/TC86). This part was drafted by the Seventh Subcommittee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Document Imaging Technology. The main drafters of this part are Liu Dingjun and Zhang Meifang. I GE/T 6159.10—2006 Photographic technology has brought about a large number of international technical and material changes, which often lead to different terms used in different fields or languages to represent the same concept, or the current definition of the concept is incomplete and inaccurate. In order to avoid misunderstandings and facilitate conversion, it is very important to define these concepts. The selected terms are used in different languages or in different countries to represent the same concept, and a set of definitions is established to unify the various terms in different languages. The purpose of this standard is to provide a set of strict, uncomplicated and easy to understand definitions from different perspectives. The scope of each concept definition should be suitable for universal application. When limiting the application, special definitions are also necessary. However, when maintaining the consistency of each standard itself, the reader should be informed that in different standards, there will be consistency or inconsistency due to language understanding, standardization issues and maintenance of word meanings. In the terms of this part, parentheses "()" are used for annotations or supplementary explanations; "[" is used for the omitted part of the term. 1 Scope Micrographic Technology Part 10: Index GB/T 6159.10—2006 This part of GB/T 6159 provides an index to the terms given in Part 1 to Part 8 of GB/T 6159. The index is divided into two parts: "Chinese Index" and "English Index". 2 Normative references The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this part through reference in this part of GB/T 6159. For any dated referenced document, its subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part; however, parties to agreements reached based on this part are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, its latest version applies to this part. GB/T 6159.1- GB/T 6159.3 GB/T 6159. GB/T 6159/5 2003 Microfilm Technology ISO6196-5.19875D GB/T6159.60 GB/T6159 GB/T 6159.8 GB/T6159.22 2:1993) Chinese index Micrographic technology Micrographic technology Micrographic technology Part 1: General terms (TSO6196-1:1993, MOD)Part 3: Film processing (ISQ6196-3:1997 MOD)Part 4: Materials and packaging (ISO6196-4:1998.MOD)Part 5: Image quality, readability and inspection (eqv Vocabulary|| tt||Micrographic Vocabulary Part 6: Equipment (ISO6196-6:1992, MOD) Micrographic Vocabulary Part 7: Computer micrographic technology (egvISO6196-7:2000 Micrographic Vocabulary Part 8: Application (ISO6196-8:1998, MOD) 2003 Micrographic Vocabulary Part 2: Layout and recording methods of images (eqvISO6196-Chinese index Each term entry consists of the Chinese term, the English corresponding word and the entry number. The entry number is classified in a digital series: 0X. Safelight filter Target flash retrieval The part number of the standard to which the term belongs (01,02...08). A orientation A safelight filter magazir rebate flash target retrieval GB/T 6159. 10—2006 semi-transparent screen semi-automatic element detection device rear projection rear adhesive card margin area coding area coding device title machine header area header area coating glass guide compensating filter opaque screen stepping Copy Step-and-repeat mechanism Step-and-repeat photography Step-and-repeat camera Partial reversal processing Underexposure Overexposure Exposure amount Automatic exposure controller Exposure time Crop mark Color processing Color filter Test target. Test chart Microdensitometer Doped mercury lamp Conventional treatment Color former Window (window card) Window adhesive Pure density translucent screen semiautomated retricval device ...rear projection tape-back card (GB) adheaive back card (US) +.. margins coding area coding device titling unit heading headingarea hcading area coating glass-guide compensating filter . .. opaque screen .... step printing .......... step-and-repeat filming.. step-and-repeat camera ..partial reversal processing-expose underexposure ...... : overexposure light exposure . autamatic exposure control ... exposure time orientation B cut mark colour processing -* color filter .. test target ... test chart microdensitometer slat (GB) insertion opening (US) doped mercury lamp conventional processing. (colour)coupler/coupling agent... aperture (of aperture card)aperlure adhesive nel density .06. 3. 7.3 ++++*. 06, 3. 7. 16 ** 08. 3. 3. 2 ..- 04. 3. 47 .04.3.57 + 06 . 3. 2. 20 +- 04. 3, 22 . 04. 3. **06.3.2,17 .. .. ... **. 01.3. 12 * 05.3.28 .05.3.29 **. 06. 3. 2. 14 ** 03. 3. 4 ... ... 05. 3. 22 05. 3. 14 06. 3. 6. 4 -.** 04.3. 39 *** 06. 3. 1. 8 .*03.3.2 ....03.3.19 *- 04. 3. 43 设计合 重黄蓁片 重黒偶合合 COM 电影器 COM 第一设计 COM photography机机头| |tt||COM畆微品 COM 电影电视器 大小电影电视 大光点 单行式 单美地盒| |tt||手机畾微躁器 倒发器 (视频的)[等效]焦分 底光方法器 打号设计||tt| |第n代畞微品 电影film式 电解法 电视来 COM 电影器 定影啈 小麒麒节||tt| |调性自 二向性洞光器 二值蔮相公司共京 内容拷贝 内容结微品 反差(指--顿电影) 反差头合 反转方法 反转躌片 防多页设计 activator diazo film|| tt||diazo coupler CoOM recorder COM street COM camera head COM microform COM image generator image mark,large blip,large generation simplex cartridge archival microfilm film rewind light box GB/T 6159.10—2006 *** 07. 2. 8 .. 07.2.23 08. 3. 6. 3. 5 08, 3. 6. 3. 5 ..01.3.19 ... 04. 3. 29.1 04 . 3. 11 +.. 06. 3. 4.4 06. 3. 6. 1 Lequivalent focal length (of a lens)-.- 06. 3. 1.3 subsurface illuminator numhering device nth generation of a microform. cine mode ... electrolytic process . electron-beam COM rccorderfixing . coated lens idle roller dichroic filter hinary photo-aptical codingF distribution copy distribution microform contrast (of an imagc) reversal processing reversal film document stop 06.3. 2. 10 ... 08. 3. 4.1 .. 07,2.11 . 03. 3. 14 06. 3.1.20 06.3.1,10 08. 3. 6. 2.材料 防光片盘 [手手]复印机 手前倍率 手前单作 手前电视 手前电视|| tt||非智能COM 电影器 [封套]电影孔 [封套】手机片 封套片装石机 封套式开窗卡|| tt||浮置视频 电影倍率 干法环 感光电影和 感光山 [感光]蓁片 开光红 开光线酬光器 格纹码区了| |tt||食热瓶 光栈COM 图像器 汉字COM 图像器 横排式 横排畾微平片 进口达座 photo-opaque coating printer enlargement ratio enlargement accessory ... enlargement..... . enlargement... dumb COM recorder basic COM recorder Ljacket registration holes [jacket supportshee jacketfiller jacket-type aperture eard (GB )suspension-type aperture card (us)floating lens negative-appearing image printing reproduction ratio duplicate emulsion sheet||tt| |life expectancy life expectancy designation dryprocessing drying sensitometric curve photosensitive layer Ephotographic film form slide mflash check pattern coding ... catathermic filter ...+.+.+.+. aperture (of an optical system).raster COM recorder Hanzi COM recorder horizontal mode|| tt||horizontal microfiche sliding lens mount .04.3.48 . . . . ..02.2.1 Gray fog ISO No. 1 test chart ISO No. 2 test chart ISO No. 2 test pattern ISO character ISO character group Laser beam COM recorder Length counter Search Length counter Computer-assisted search (microforms/microimages)s Computer-output microfilm Computer microfilming Clip Device Interval line code Search mark code Search gap (for search) code Search device Inspection table|| tt||[Film] processing Film processor Contact copying Resolution Film advance distance Electrostatic method Lens mount Condenser fog levei ISO No.1 test chart ISO No, 2 test chart ISONo.2testpattern ISO eharacter ISOword beam COM recorder polarity polarity odometer retrieval odometer GB/T 6159.10—2006 ..05.3.17|| tt||.... 01. 3. 11 .05.3.8 .. ..... computer aided retrieval (of microforms/microimages;CAR computerassistedretrieval microimages) microfilming:COM computer micrographics filmplaten linecoding retrieval-mark coding retrieval notch coding (for retrieval) trieval device .inspection station filmpro essing|| tt||filmprocesse printing resolutio : resolving power frame pitch (GB) pull down (US)||tt ||depth of field electroslatic process lensmount condensing lens ** ...04.3.16 .08.3.6||tt ||.. .. GB/T 6159. 10--2006 Card row Window card Window card punching area Window card loading machine|| tt||(microform) copier copy card granularity granularity readability interchangeable lens mount|| tt||cold reflector comic strip continuous form camera continuous copy online COM recorder brightness meter… thiosulfate ion residual test optical filter rotary photography rotary camera|| tt||LE value (abbreviation) densitometer internal stray light shooting card film edge gap film window||tt| |card column card row aperturc card aperture card punch field + aperlure card thounter ...(nicroform) duplicator||tt ||copy card granularity graininess legibility interchangeable lens mount anticaloric mirror comic mode continuous stationary camera (GB)04.3.54 ...04.3.42 .. 04. 3. 56 . 06. 3. 4. 1 ...06. 3. 5.1 .* 05.3.5 + 05. 3. 7 ... 05, 3. 6|| tt||. 06. 3. 1. 7 06. 3. 1. 11 continuous form camela (US) ++++++++++ 06.3 .2.7 continuous printing .. on-line COM recorder lightmeter, luminance meter residual thiosulfate ion test ........(light)filter .. rotary filming rotary camera LE designation (abbrev) densitometer master internal flare carnera card edge notch aperture plate film channel ... 06. 3. 6. 5 ... 05, 3. 32 ..... 06. 3. 1. 9 ... 02.2.11 06. 3. 2. 3 06. 3. 6. 3 08.3.3. 6 04. 3. 51 04. 3. 31. 1| |tt||06. 3. 1.22 Film channel separation area Film box loader Film ring device [White] fixed_]||tt| |Average slope Flat film to roll film copy Flat film to flat film copy Flat film search box Flat film camera Platform type Photography Platform Camera Driver||tt ||soft format sharpness… color temperature conversion filter photographic processor… (microfilm) camera photographic image||tt ||Coagulation processing Hand-held film viewer Film transport mechanism Vertical type Vertical microfilm Data input device| |tt||Dual-chip camera charnel separation area cartridge loader loop prinfer filmgate leader trailer blcaching/fixing bleaching| |tt||.. clearing average gradient .. fiche-to-roll printing fiche-to-fiche printing cartridge microfiche camera planctary filming planetary camera; flatbed carnerascreen latent image corner cut driving roller soft forl||tt| |acutance sharpness calaur stripc canversian filter camera processor (microform)camera ... photographic image wet processing ... hand viewer Itransport ruechanism + vertical mude vertical microfiche data input unit dual camera GB/T 6159. 10--2006 ** 04.3.37 06. 3. 4. 2 06. 3. 5. 2 06. 3. 1. 22 .*04.3. 33 04, 3. 31. 3 ... 03. 3. 16 06. 3. 2. 4 +.... 02. 2. 10 - 06.3. 2.2 06. 3. 7.2 + ..07.2.21 06. 3. 1. 15 ..||tt| |... .. ... 06. 3. 2. 16 .02.2.2 ... 07.2 .18 06. 3.2.6 GB/T6159.10—2006 Double-row Double-axis film box Sequential number search Sequential search·|| tt||reduction ratio microfilm microfilm cover microfilm microform microform Computer input Microfilm Micrographic technology 【Micrographic image】digitization Micrographic image Micrographic image scanning Characteristic curve Barcode encoding Stop developing liquid Projection (on screen) Projection copy Graphic COM record Offline COM Stray light Complete inversion processing Reciprocating Micro bubble film Micro test chart Literature mark||tt ||Underdevelopment Overdevelopment Developer duplex cassette ......washing . sequential numbering retrieval ..... sequential retrieval ..... reduction ratio [rawstock]microfilm [microfilm] jacket crofilm ..microforrn| |tt||computer input (form)microformCIM. microfiche micrographics digitization of microimages microimage microimage scannen| |tt||focusing characteristic bar coding stop bath... projection(onto peojection printing||tt| |..graphicCOM ... off-line COM recorder external flare full rer processing ...vesicular film mierotest chart document mark stabilization development underdevelopment overdevelopment .. developing agent : . . 01.3.27 .04.3.34 .....01.3.3 ..07.2.27 . ...03.3.8 .. . .07.2.5|| tt|| ..07.2.16 . .02.2.9 .05.3.21 Developer| |tt||Vector COM recorder Small image mark Small light spot Rotating lens mount Circular copy|| tt||Plate pressing device Cathode ray tube COM Silver halide film Image mark Image mark Tongchao Image distribution area S|| tt||Image counting inspection Image card Image arrangement Image area Image rotation device Hard copy Source file|| tt||Reading copier Reader Stray light Carrier Carrier pressing glass Thickness increase Thickening area Paste card Luminometer Lighting system Front projection developer line pair vector COM recorder image mark,small blip,small lens turret .. loop printing eroller|| tt||film platen CoMrecorde EDDICA mageblock imagecard source docume reader-print . ...microform car oform carrier flat .. buildup thickness builduparea .... tape-type card (GB)||tt ||adhesive card (US) ... luxmeter lighting system hold-down bar front projection GB/T6159.10—2006 .....05.3.19||tt| |.. .... +*** 07.2. 9 ....08.3.1 ..01.3.6 .. 08. 3. 6. 3. 1 . ..01.3.17 ..02.2.6 ...01.3. 24 ...01.3.4 .**.01.3.5 *** 06. 3. 7. 13 06. 3. 7.1| |tt||... . 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