title>HG/T 2534-1993 Photographic chemicals Tritolyl phosphate - HG/T 2534-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2534-1993 Photographic chemicals Tritolyl phosphate

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2534-1993

Standard Name: Photographic chemicals Tritolyl phosphate

Chinese Name: 照相化学品 磷酸三甲苯酯

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Implementation:1994-07-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Information Chemicals>>G84 Photographic Grade Chemicals

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HG/T 2534-1993 Photographic Chemicals Tritolyl Phosphate HG/T2534-1993 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG / T 2534 93
Photographic Chemicals
Tritolyl Phosphate
Published on 1993-09-06
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 1994-07-01
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Photographic Chemicals
Tritolyl Phosphate
This product is a light yellow transparent oily liquid, which is miscible with alcohol, benzene and ether, but insoluble in water. Molecular formula: CHO, P
Structural formula:
Relative molecular mass: 368.37 (according to the international relative atomic mass in 1989) 1 Subject content and scope of application
HG/T 2534 - 93
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging and marking of trimethyl phosphate for photographic chemicals. This standard is applicable to trimethyl phosphate for dispersed oil-soluble couplers. 2 Reference Standards
GB/T 601
GB/ T 602
GB/ T 603
GB/T 605
GB/T 611
GB/T 614
GB/ T 619
GB / T 6682
GB/T 9726
GB / T 9729
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Preparation of standard solutions for titrimetric analysis (pan-container analysis)Preparation of standard solutions for determination of impurities
Preparation of preparations and products used in test methodsGeneral method for colorimetry
General method for density determination
General method for refractive index determination
Sampling and acceptance rules
Specifications and test methods for water used in analytical laboratories Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
General rules for determination of reduced permanganate substances
General method for determination of chloride
GB/T9741, General method for determination of ignition residue of chemical reagents HG3-119 Packaging and marking of chemical reagents
3 Technical requirements
Photographic chemicals Trimethyl phosphate should meet the requirements of the following table, approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on September 6, 1993 and implemented on July 1, 1994
Density (g/mL)
Refractive index.
Chroma (Hazen units)
Acidity (in HI,PO,). %
Volatile matter, %
Chloride (CI). %
Ignition residue, %
Residue aqueous solution reaction
Free formazan, %bzxz.net
Reduced potassium permanganate substance
Photographic properties
4 Test method
HG/T 2534 — 93
1. 165 ~ 1. 180
1. 550 ~1, 358
The standard titration solvent, standard solution for impurity determination and the preparations and products used in this test method shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T601.GB/T602 and GB/T603. The water used in the laboratory shall comply with the third-grade water specifications in GB/T6682. If additional provisions are required, they shall be given in the standard.
4.1 Density
Measured according to GB/T611,
4.2 Refractive index
Measured according to GB/T614, the measuring temperature is 25°C, 4.3 Chroma
Measure 50mL of sample, inject into 50mL colorimetric tube, and measure according to GB/T605, 4.4 Acidity
Take 50mL of carbon dioxide-free water, inject into the separating funnel, add 2 drops of phenol anhydride indicator solution (10g/L), neutralize with sodium hydroxide standard titration solution (e(NaOH)=0.02mol/L) until the solution turns pink, and keep for 30s. Add 8.6nL (10g) of sample and shake thoroughly for 3min. Allow to stand for stratification, take the water layer, and titrate with sodium hydroxide standard titration solution (c(NaOH)=0.02mol/L) until the solution turns pink, and keep it for 30s. The mass percentage of acidity is calculated according to formula (1): X,
-mass percentage of acidity, %:
*Where: X
-amount of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution, mLX 100
actual concentration of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution, IIIol/L;-sample mass: g
0. 049 0-
HG / T 2534 - 93
The mass of phosphoric acid in grams equivalent to 1.00mL of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution [c(Na0H)=1.000mol/L],
4.5 Volatile substances
In a constant weight weighing bottle, weigh 10g of sample to an accuracy of 0.0001, dry at 100±5℃ for 4h, then transfer to a desiccator, cool to room temperature and weigh,
The mass percentage of volatile substances is calculated according to formula (2): x,
Where: X——mass percentage of volatile substances, %; mass of weighing bottle, 3
The mass of sample plus weighing bottle before heating, g:-The mass of sample plus weighing bottle after heating, g.(2)
Measure 1.7mL (2g) sample, inject it into the funnel, add 20mL water. Shake thoroughly for 3min and let it stand for stratification. Take the water layer, add 16mL anhydrous ethanol to make the solution clear, such as 1mL nitric acid solution (25%) acidify the test solution, add 1L silver nitrate solution (17g/L) and mix well, let it stand for 10min, the concentration of the solution shall not be greater than the standard, the standard is to take 0.01mL chlorine and treat it in the same way as the sample. 4.7 Residue on ignition Weigh 5 g of sample, accurate to 0.01 g, and place it in a gold crucible of constant weight. First evaporate the sample to dryness on an electric furnace, then transfer it to a high-temperature furnace at 650 ± 50 °C and ignite until the temperature reaches a constant value (residue is retained). The mass percentage of the residue on ignition is calculated according to formula (3): X
Wherein: X,
mass percentage of the residue, %;
-mass of the sample, g;
m—mass of the empty gold crucible, g
m—mass of the residue plus the empty gold crucible, g.
4.8 Residue aqueous solution reaction
Take the residue (4.7), add 10 mL of water and boil, add 1 drop of phenolic acid indicator solution (10 g/L), it should not turn red. 4.9 Free cresol||t t||Weigh 10g sample, finely beat to 0.01g, add 50mL sodium hydroxide solution (25g/L). Heat to 65℃, shake thoroughly for 3min and let it stand to separate. Collect the water layer in a 250mL volumetric flask, wash the oil layer twice with 50mL water, combine them in a volumetric flask and cool, dilute to the scale with water, draw 100mL of aqueous solution, put it in an iodine dish bottle, add 10.00mL of bromine standard titration solution c
-KBrO,)=0.1mol/L) and 5mL of hydrochloric acid, seal and shake well, let it stand for 15min, add 10mL of potassium iodide solution (100g/L), and titrate with sodium thiosulfate standard titration solution (c(NazS,0,)=0.1mol/L) after 5min, using starch as indicator. At the same time, a blank test is performed, and the mass percentage of formazan (C,H,O) is calculated according to formula (4): X
(V, V,) -t× 0. 027 03 × 250m × 100
Wherein: X
Mass percentage of cresol, %:
—Amount of sodium thiosulfate standard titration solution used in blank test, mL; K
Y,—Amount of sodium thiosulfate standard titration solution used, mL; —Actual concentration of sodium thiosulfate standard titration solution, mol/L; —Sample mass, gi:
0.027 03—With 1.00 mL sodium thiosulfate standard titration solution [c(NarS,0,)=1. 000mol / L) equivalent, expressed in grams of cresol,
4.10 Potassium permanganate reduction substance
Measure 8.6mL (10g) of the sample and place it in a ground colorimetric container, add 20mL of methanol and shake well, add 0.3mL of potassium permanganate standard solution [e
KMno)=0.1ol/L], cover the stopper, and place it at 20°C away from light for 1min. The pink color of the solution must not disappear completely.
4.11 Photographic performance
Measured by the method agreed upon by the supply and demand parties; 5 Inspection rules
Sampling and acceptance shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T619, and the indicators shall adopt the digital rounding method; 6 Packaging and marking
6.1 Packaging
According to HG 3-119 Regulations.
Inner packaging form: Xz-3; Xz-5:
·Outer packaging form: W-I;
Packing unit: Class 4,
6.2 Marking
According to HG3-119, and marked with "toxic substances" Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China, and this standard is under the jurisdiction of the Photosensitive Materials Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Reagent Factory No. 3 and Shanghai Photosensitive Film Factory, and the Photosensitive Materials Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Shouyu, Chen Xiangfang, Guo Yangcui, and the People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Photographic Chemicals
Tritolyl Phosphate
HG / T 2534-93
Editor: Chemical Industry Standards Editorial Department
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16 Sheet: % Words: 8 000 First edition: June 1994 First printing: June 1994 Number of copies: 1 — 500
Cost: 2.10 Yuan
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