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Trade data elements directory--STANDARD data elements

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 15191-1997

Standard Name:Trade data elements directory--STANDARD data elements

Chinese Name: 贸易数据元目录 标准数据元

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1997-05-26

Date of Implementation:1998-03-01

Date of Expiration:2011-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.60 Information technology in transportation and trade

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

alternative situation:GB/T 15191-1994

Procurement status:idt ISO 7372:1993

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

other information

Release date:1994-07-13

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding

Focal point unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

The standard data included in this standard is intended to simplify data exchange in international trade. GB/T 15191-1997 Trade Data Element Directory Standard Data Element GB/T15191-1997 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
The standard data included in this standard is intended to simplify data exchange in international trade.

Some standard content:

GB/T 15191-1997
This standard is equivalent to the international standard IS0 7372:1993 Trade Data Element Directory Standard Data Element United Nations Trade Data Element Directory Part 1).
Maintenance of this standard
This standard adds "2.2" to Chapter 2 "Maintenance of Trade Data Element Directory" of the original international standard. From the date of implementation, it will replace Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D of GB/T 15191-1994. All of them are reminders of the thanks. This standard was proposed and coordinated by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. The drafting units of this standard: China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, Quota Licensing Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, China Foreign Ship Agency Corporation, Science and Technology Department of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Information Management Center of the General Administration of Customs, and Computing Center of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. The main drafters of this standard are Fang Qing, Liu Fang, Zhang Rongjing, Liu Bisong, Li Ying, Meng Zhuming, Zhong Xiaolin, Wang Yunsheng, Shi Wenlai, and Shi Li. GB/T151911997
ISO Foreword
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide alliance of national standards bodies. National standards bodies are members of the 15SC. The formulation of international standards is usually carried out by 1S0 technical committees. Implementation, each member if a technical committee has been established for a topic of interest, it has the right to participate in the standard-setting work of the technical committee. All parties or non-official international organizations in contact with ISO may also participate in this work. ISO () and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in all areas of electronic technical standards in close cooperation, the technical committee adopted the draft international standard circulated to the member states for voting: at least 75% of the member states vote to be promulgated as an international standard.
International Standard IS07372 was developed by IS01 ℃ 154 (Administrative, Commercial and Industrial Documents and Data Elements Technical Committee) based on the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (IIN/FCF) Trade Data Element Daily Record Standard Number (93 Edition), i The Joint Maintenance Agency of ISD-UN/ECE is responsible for maintenance (see Chapter 1). Part 1 of the United Nations Trade Data Element Directory constitutes the International Standard ISO 7372. Appendices A, B, C and 1) are only appendices to the International Standard. Part 2 of the United Nations Trade Data Element Directory also contains user code tables, which are developed and maintained by LN/ECE. Part 3 of the United Nations Trade Data Element Directory is a summary of recommended standards for trade simplification, which is jointly developed and maintained by LN/ECE and the Special Procedures for Trade Efficiency (SPTE) of the United Nations Commission on Trade and Development (UNCTAI) 1 Introduction
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Trade data element directory Standard data elements
Trade data elements directory Standard data elements
CB/T 15191—1997
id1 ISO 7372: The 1993 GR/T 15191-1994 Catalogue of Trade Data Elements (CNTI) was developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) Working Group on Simplification of International Trade Procedures (WP.1) as a set of standard data elements for use in various application areas. Part 1 of the catalogue constitutes this standard (IS07372). Part 2 is a user code table and Part 3 is a simplified list of recommended standards for trade simplification. 1.1 Scope This document only covers standard data elements used to simplify data exchange in international trade. These standard data elements can be used for any form of paper document data exchange and other forms of data communication: they can be selectively used for transmission, or used in a specific exchange rule system, for example, the syntax rules promulgated as international standard IS) 9735 (GB/T14805-93) in the United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UIN/ELIFACT) rules developed by UN/ECE.
1.2 Reference standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through their use in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised and all parties using this standard will be subject to revision. The parties should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: 1.2.1 National standards and national standards
GH/148-1997 Dimensions of paper for printing, writing and drawing (eIS) 216) GR1988--89 Seven-bit coded character set for information processing and information exchange (idtISO639:1988) GR/T2659--94 Code for names of factors and regions of the world (eqvIS) 3166:1993) GB3100-93 International System of Units and its application (eqvISO1000:1992) GB4873-85 Dimensions and feed holes of continuous format paper for information processing (itd1I502784:1974) GR 5271.185 Data processing vocabulary 01 Part Basic terms (idt IS 2382-1:1974) Data processing vocabulary 04 Part Organization of data (egIS02382-4:1974) GB 5271.485
GH/T 7408—94
Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange: representation of dates and times (e4vIS) 8601: 1988) CR9648—88 International system of units (idtIS02955: 1983) GB/T124061996 Codes for the representation of goods and funds (idtISO4217: 1995) Trade document format (eq1S06422: 1985) GB/T14392—93
GB/T14805.-93 Application-level syntax rules for electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport2.1.4 Rules of Procedure Proposals for changes, additions or deletions to data elements in the LJNTT>HD may be submitted to: - any 1SO member body; - any government and international organization member of LN/FCE/TRAE/WP.4; - any other international organization representing users of the directory. They should also be submitted to the MAS using the UNTDFY proposal format shown in Appendix A. Proposals for changes, additions or deletions to existing data elements used in UN/EDIFACT should be submitted to the MAS in accordance with the UN/EIFACT maintenance procedures. Proposals for changes, additions or deletions to data elements used in UN/EDIFACT that are not UN/EUIFACT and are currently in UNTDIFACT should be submitted to the MAS. UNTDIFACT To ensure the continuity and stability of the BNTDEI, as a basic principle, the changes of data elements should be kept to a minimum. Changes in the name or description of existing data elements If the concept of the data element is not affected, the change of the name or description of the existing data element will not lead to the change of its valid identifier (identifier), and the original name can be used as a reference. If the name or description of the data element is changed in this way, there is no substantial change in its concept, but only the expansion or further clarification of the application field, and the user who was adversely affected before the change has not raised any objection, the change can be maintained. Keep the digital identifier: Change of data element concept
When the data element concept changes, a new digital identifier should be assigned. The original concept and identifier are retained for a transition period, and the transition period depends on the results of consultation with the user. 2.1.4-2.3 Addition of data elements
Any new data element included in UNTIDFD with the consent of the MA will be assigned a digital identifier in the category to which the data element belongs: This also applies to temporary data elements. Deletion of data elements
Only after confirming that the deleted data element is no longer in use can the new data element use the digital identifier of the deleted data element. 2.1 5 MA Members' Coordination
After receiving the proposal, MAS shall circulate the proposal and MAS's suggestions to MA members with appropriate attachments and respond within a period of no less than two days. MAS will consider the necessary coordination among MA members before the member meeting and within the specified response period. Before issuing the proposal, MAS shall make every effort to review the application implications of the data elements described in the proposal. To this end, MAS can directly consult with LNTI>EI users, national trade box organizations and other relevant parties through MAS. When a new data element is urgently needed or an existing data element is changed, MAS has the right to accept a temporary proposal. Subsequent procedures shall still be carried out in accordance with the above requirements. In normal procedures, the party submitting the proposal should accept the possibility that the proposal will be rejected or modified. 2.1.6. Voting Procedure
The resolution on the proposal must be unanimously adopted by MA or at a meeting of MA. Its procedures must be included in the agenda of the meeting. If the situation is urgent, the opinions of MA members can be obtained by telephone, but they must be confirmed in writing, such as letter, telex or other means.
MA standard industry data free download GB/ 15191.1997
No reply within the prescribed reply period shall be deemed as abstention. MA's decision must be supported by a majority of its members. According to ISO rules, the members of the MA participating in the resolution shall vote. Each ISO member of the MA has cumulative voting rights: the recommended members have the same status as formal members, but cannot participate in the voting. If the voting result is not passed by the vast majority of formal members, a re-vote shall be conducted or submitted to the MA meeting for discussion. The voting sheet shall be accompanied by all comments received in the first round of voting and the opinions of the MA. The reply time is 1 month. When the company decides to implement the results of the second round of voting, it shall be calculated based on the majority of votes in favor and against. A proposal requires the support of at least 8 MA members to be passed. If the vote on a proposal is repeated, this procedure shall not delay the publication of those proposals that have received the necessary support. If the proposal is not accepted, the case carrier shall be informed of the reasons why the proposal was not accepted. 2.1.7 Implementation of approved revised data elements Static revisions of data elements (i.e. changes, additions or deletions) shall become effective upon approval by the MA and shall be published annually. Revisions of ISO 7372 shall be notified by the MAS to ISO member bodies and users of UNTDED. The practical arrangements for the preparation of LNTI>ED and the implementation of UNTDED revision sheets shall be the responsibility of the UN/ECE Secretariat.
2.2 Maintenance of this standard
This standard will be maintained by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding in accordance with the above maintenance procedures. 3 Index
A number preceded by a single sign (-) indicates a new data elementA number preceded by a double sign (-) indicates a deleted data elementA number preceded by a cross sign () indicates a changed data element3.1 Alphabetical order of data element English nameData element English name
Arceptancc date
Acceptance of goods
Acceptance of goods .conditianAcceptancc of goods ,when
Accepting party
Aetrssprial charges
Account halanco
Account holder name
Account holder number
Accouning informatiul
Accounting information ualifierArknwledgement of Order dateAcknowledgement af Order mumherAcknowledgement rtquest
Action rcquest/notification .cndedArtual gros: weight(nass)
Added amount(Cusioms)
Additirnal rharges
Data element name
Receipt date
Goods receipt
Receiving party
Account balance
Account name
Accounting information
Accounting information qualifier
Order confirmation date
Order confirmation number
Confirmation request
Action request/notification, code type
Additional (customs)
Additional fee
Data element identification
(syn) 6292
Wu customer category standard industry data free download Adilitipnal churges Intal,conxigteeAdelieional charges Inlal.cansignorAdditional dorument referenceAddress for reverse routing
Adjustiment reason ,roded
ADR/IMDG Certificatian
Advice of colleclion number
Agent's atcount nunher||tt ||Agtnt' IATA code
Agreemeni type destriptior!
Agreemnent lype qualificr
Agreement type: ,cotled
Air shipuent identifiet
Airport of destination
Airport of discharge
Airport of loading
Allowance or charge number
Allowance or charge qualificationGB/T 15191:
Total surcharge of creditor
Total surcharge of consignor
Surcharge/deduction amount
Additional document reference
Route address of China
Reason for adjustment, code type
ADR/IMDG Certificate
ADR/RID classification number
Collection notice number
Agent department number
Agreement type description
Agreement type qualifier
Agreement type, code type
Discount or fee number
Discount or fee qualifier
Allowanee/charge pcrecnt basis qualifierAllownce/chaigepercentage
Alowance/charge quantity differenceAlluwace/charge total amountAlso notifyWww.bzxZ.net
Altermutive t:utrency umountAnkunt brught forward
Amount eximpl frani valut added taxAmount of insurance
Amount paid hy sender
Auonnt subjeet lo paymcnt discountAnount snbjec lo tax
Amount to be collected from consigneehrought forward
Amount to carry forward
Amcunt type code
Amount utilized
Application crror,coded
Application password
Application rcfercnce
Discount/cost percentage qualifier
Discount/cost share rate
Discount:/cost quantity difference
Discount/cost see total amount
Currency amount converted
Construction period carry-over amount
VAT-exempt amount
Consignor payment amount
Discounted amount
Taxable amount
Consignee settlement Transfer amount
Transfer amount
Amount type code
Used amount
Application borrowing error, code type
Application password
Application reference
WAArrival dete(and time)
Arrival location
Arrival lime
Article availability .coded
Article: baleh numher
Article item number
Article items total
Article number
Article number identifier ,coded
Association assigncd code||tt ||Altribule
Atiribule funiclion qualificrAtiribule Lypt' ,caded
Authentication by carrier
Authorized agent for principalAuthorized reprcscnlative's narmeAWB charges code
Back order,coded
Balance available|| tt||Ralance brought forward
Bank name
Bank operation ,coded
Baseport for acceptance
Rasepuri for delivery
GR/T 15191--1997
Arrival due (and time)
Item availability, code type
Item batch number
Item total amount
Item number
Item number identifier, code type
Item condition, code type
Closed body assigned code
Attribute function qualifier
According to property type, code type
Carrier certification
Shipper certification
AWB charge code
Backorder, code type
Create balance
Carry forward balance
Banking, code type
Receiving basic
Delivery port
Berth/Dock/Container hase uf discharggBerih/Dock/Contaitler buse uf loaklingBill of Lading issue place
Billing date
Billingrunit price
Booking referencc numbet
Brief cargo description
Business tescription
Busincss function gualifier
Business function .coded
Buyet's arlicle number
Buyers bank
Buyer's deparirment or emplayee booking binding number
Brief description of goods
Business description
Business function qualifier
Business function, coded
Real party's article number
Buyer's bank
Buyer's department or person
(syn) 3258/9
(s7) 2106/7
(syt) 1082
(syn) 3196
(syn) 3196
tsyn) 339273
(gyn) 3334/5
(syn) 2376/7
(syn) 5110|| tt | , sender | | tt | comnodity code
GB/T 15191- 1997
Buyer's financial transaction reference
Buyer's package identification number
Calculation period, code type
Calculation sequence indicator, code type
Balance of freight payable by consignee
Balance of freight payable by consignor
Freight paid by consignee
Freight paid by consignor
Consignee's freight deduction
Consignor's freight deduction
Freight payment instructions
Carrier identification
Carrier name
Carrier agent
Carrier's observations arnd reservationsCarrier's tariff code
Carrier instructions
Cash-on-delivery amount in currencyof collection
Cash on delivery arnounl.in figurexCash on-delivery anonm .in worefxCatalogle mumher
Catt:gory of untes nf trhnspett todedCell location
Txrtificate af ingurance:limil,conditicnsCettitication
Channel af selection
Chalaeteristic||tt| Chalke basis
Clharge category,coded
Chatgc description
Chargc/allowance description.eodedCharge :method of payment
Chargeshle weight ,kg
Cherges 'paid' Fariff eurrency Shipping description
Cash on delivery collection currency
Cash on delivery amount (number type)
Cash on delivery amount (text type)
Transportation vehicle type, code type
Reason for change
Fee type, code type
Fee description
Fee/discount description, code type
Charging weight, grams
Fee paid according to tariff currency
(sy) 2126/7
4 201/5
(syn) 9380/1
(syn) 5099
(xy) 8022
(syn) 4237
(syn) 5252/3
W.Code type
Balance of freight payable by consignee
Balance of freight payable by consignor
Freight paid by consignee
Freight paid by consignor
Freight deduction by consignee
Freight deduction by consignor
Freight payment instructions
Carrier identification
Carrier name
Carrier agent
Carrier's observations arnd reservationsCarrier's tariff code
Carrier instructions
Cash-on-delivery amount in currencyof collection
Ceshi on delivery arnounl.in figurexCash on-delivery anonm .in worefxCatalogle mumher
Catt:gory of untes nf trhnspett todedCell location
c/allowance description.eodedCharge :method of payment
Chargeshle weight ,kg
Cherges 'paid' Fariff eurrency Shipping description
Cash on delivery collection currency
Cash on delivery amount (number type)
Cash on delivery amount (text type)
Transportation vehicle type, code type
Reason for change
Fee type, code type
Fee description
Fee/discount description, code type
Charging weight, grams
Fee paid according to tariff currency
(sy) 2126/7
4 201/5
(syn) 9380/1
(syn) 5099
(xy) 8022
(syn) 4237
(syn) 5252/3
W.Code type
Balance of freight payable by consignee
Balance of freight payable by consignor
Freight paid by consignee
Freight paid by consignor
Freight deduction by consignee
Freight deduction by consignor
Freight payment instructions
Carrier identification
Carrier name
Carrier agent
Carrier's observations arnd reservationsCarrier's tariff code
Carrier instructions
Cash-on-delivery amount in currencyof collection
Ceshi on delivery arnounl.in figurexCash on-delivery anonm .in worefxCatalogle mumher
Catt:gory of untes nf trhnspett todedCell location
c/allowance description.eodedCharge :method of payment
Chargeshle weight ,kg
Cherges 'paid' Fariff eurrency Shipping description
Cash on delivery collection currency
Cash on delivery amount (number type)
Cash on delivery amount (text type)
Transportation vehicle type, code type
Reason for change
Fee type, code type
Fee description
Fee/discount description, code type
Charging weight, grams
Fee paid according to tariff currency
(sy) 2126/7
4 201/5
(syn) 9380/1
(syn) 5099
(xy) 8022
(syn) 4237
(syn) 5252/3
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.