This standard specifies the performance requirements for intermodal general-purpose flat pallets tested in accordance with GB/T 4996. This standard applies to general-purpose flat pallets for intermodal transport by road, rail, water and air. GB/T 4995-1996 Performance requirements for intermodal general-purpose flat pallets GB/T4995-1996 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the performance requirements for intermodal general-purpose flat pallets tested in accordance with GB/T 4996. This standard applies to general-purpose flat pallets for intermodal transport by road, rail, water and air.
Some standard content:
GB/T4995-1996 This standard is a revision of GB4995-85 "Technical conditions for wooden intermodal flat pallets" with reference to ISO/TR10233:1989 "Intermodal general-purpose flat pallets - Performance requirements". The technical content is consistent with the technical documents of the International Organization for Standardization. In this way, it can adapt to the needs of international trade, technology and economic exchanges. The various rules specified in this standard involve the performance requirements of the test methods for intermodal general-purpose flat pallets. These regulations are used to ensure the unification of the performance requirements of the test methods for intermodal general-purpose flat pallets of different materials. Regardless of their specific contents, they should meet the same requirements as much as possible. Under the general title of "Intermodal general-purpose flat pallets", the following three standards are included: GB/T2934 "Main dimensions and tolerances of intermodal general-purpose flat pallets" GB/T4995 "Performance requirements of intermodal general-purpose flat pallets" GB/T4996 "Test methods for intermodal general-purpose flat pallets" This standard will replace GB4995-85 from the date of entry into force. Appendix A of this standard is a prompt appendix. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization and Metrology Research Institute of the Ministry of Communications. The drafting unit of this standard is the Standardization and Metrology Research Institute of the Ministry of Communications. Dalian Port Authority and Shanghai Port Design and Research Institute participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Xiong Caiqi, Gao Qizhai and Bao Yaoyou. This standard is revised for the first time. This standard is entrusted to the Standardization and Metrology Research Institute of the Ministry of Communications for interpretation. 20 GB/T 4995-1996 ISO Foreword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies. The work of drafting international standards is usually carried out by ISO technical committees. Each member group has the right to send representatives to participate in the technical committees of the topics they are concerned about. All governmental or non-governmental international organizations, as long as they have liaison relations with ISO, can also participate in this work. ISO and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) work closely on all aspects of electrotechnical standardization. The main task of ISO technical committees is to draft international standards. In special circumstances, the technical committee may propose to publish a technical document in one of the following forms: Type 1: Published when, despite repeated efforts, the necessary support cannot be obtained in the technical committee for the publication of an international standard. Type 2: Published when the subject is still in the process of technical research and needs to be disclosed to the outside world more widely. Type 3: Published when the technical committee has collected various information (e.g., process status) from the information normally published as an international standard. ISO committees handle the publication of technical documents directly. Technical documents of Type 1 and Type 2 are reviewed within three years of publication to decide whether to convert them into international standards. Technical documents of Type 3 do not need to be reviewed before the information they provide becomes obsolete. ISO/TR10233 belongs to the second type of document and was drafted by ISO/TC51 "Pallets for handling piece goods" Technical Committee. Annex A of the technical document of this international standard is for reference only. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods--Performance requirements This standard specifies the performance requirements for general-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods tested in accordance with GB/T4996. This standard applies to general-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods by road, rail, water and air. 2 Referenced standards GB/T 4995- —1996 Replaces GB4995—85 The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB3716--83 Pallet Terminology GB/T2934—1996 Intermodal General Flat Pallet Main Dimensions and Tolerances GB/T49961996 Intermodal General Flat Pallet Test Methods 3 Definitions This standard adopts the following definitions. All definitions listed in GR3716 are applicable to this standard. 4 Pallet Grading Intermodal flat pallets are divided into N grade (ordinary grade) and S grade (special grade) according to performance requirements. 5 Symbols ——Displacement/deflection in the horizontal plane y—Displacement/deflection in the vertical plane Deflection in the third plane α-Angular displacement βAngular displacement 6N-grade pallets Test according to GB/T4996. 6.1 Static test 6.1.1 Stacking test The change of the full load deformation value measured under the condition equivalent to 0.25R quasi-load should not exceed 4mm. During unloading, the change of the y value under the condition equivalent to 0.25R quasi-load should not exceed 1.5mm. And it should recover within 1h. 6.1.2 Bending test Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 4, 199622 Implementation on August 1, 1997 GB/T 4995-—1996 During the test, the deflection should decrease. In addition, the full load deflection value measured under the condition equivalent to 0.1R quasi-load should not exceed 0.025l1 (0.02512), and the recovery value within 1h measured under the condition of 0.1R quasi-load should not exceed 0.1li (0.01l2). The distance between the top deck and the bottom deck should not be less than 92mm when fully loaded. 6.1.3 Bottom deck test The deflection should decrease during the test. In addition, the deflection value measured under the quasi-load condition equivalent to 0.1R should not exceed 0.021 (0.024, 0.02l); the recovery value within 1h measured under the quasi-load condition of 0.1R should not exceed 0.00713 (0.007l4, 0.0071,). 6.2 Impact test 6.2.1 Shear test After three impacts, the increase in r value at any point on the front edge should not exceed 6mm, and the average increase in y value should not exceed 4mm. 6.2.2 Top deck edge impact test After three impacts, the average increase in value should not exceed 3mm. The average increase in y value should not exceed 3mm. 6.2.3 Pad impact test After three impacts, the average value of y, y, (the combined size of pad displacement plus indentation depth) should not exceed 3mm, and the angular displacement α and β values at this location after three impacts should not exceed 5°. When using circular pads, displacement and α are not specified. 6.3 Angle drop test After the same corner of the tested pallet is dropped three times, the maximum change in the measured diagonal y value should not exceed 0.04. Test three pallets separately and take the average value. 7S grade pallet Test according to GB/T4996. 7.1 Static test 7.1.1 Stacking test The change in the full load deformation value measured under the equivalent 0.25R quasi-load condition should not exceed 1mm. During unloading, the change in the value under the equivalent 0.25R quasi-load condition should not exceed 0.5mm, and it should recover within 1h. 7.1.2 Bending test During the test, the deflection shall be reduced. In addition, the full load deflection value measured under the equivalent 0.1R quasi-load condition shall not exceed 0.012511 (0.012512), and the recovery value within 1 hour measured under the 0.1R quasi-load condition shall not exceed 0.00511 (0.00512). The distance between the decking boards when fully loaded shall not be less than 95mm. 7.1.3 Bottom decking test During the test, the deflection shall be reduced. In addition, the deflection value measured under the equivalent 0.1R quasi-load condition shall not exceed 0.01L3 (0.0114, 0.01ls); the recovery value within 1 hour measured under the 0.1R quasi-load condition shall not exceed 0.00413 (0.004l4, 0.00415). 7.2 Impact test 7.2.1 Shear test After three impacts, the increase of α value at any point of the front edge should not exceed 4mm, and the average increase of y value should not exceed 2mm. 7.2.2 Top deck edge impact test After three impacts, the average increase of x value should not exceed 2mm. The average increase of y value should not exceed 2mm. 7.2.3 Pad impact test After three impacts, the average value of and (the combined size of the displacement of the pad or longitudinal dye plus the depth of the indentation) should not exceed 3mm, and the angular displacement α and β values at this point after three impacts should not exceed 5°. When using a circular pad, the displacement and α are not specified. 7.3 Angle drop test GB/T4995— After the same corner of the tested pallet is dropped three times, the maximum change in the measured diagonal value should not exceed 0.04y. Use three pallets to conduct the test separately and take the average value. Summary of performance requirements The summary of performance requirements for N-level and S-level intermodal general flat pallets is listed in Appendix A (Suggestive Appendix) in tabular form for reference. 2 Stacking test (see 6.1.1 and 7.1.1) Bending test1 (see 6.1.2 and 7.1.2) Bottom board test (see 6.1.3 and 7.1.3) Shear test (see 6.2.1 and 7.2. 1) Impact test on edge of roof board (See 6.2.2 and 7.2.2) Impact test on pad (See 6.2.3 and 7.2.3) Corner drop2) (See 6.3 and 7.3) Test load Own weight GB/T4995—1996 Appendix A (Suggestive appendix) Recommended performance requirements Recommended performance requirements Sliding and Fall height 1000mm or 500mm Maximum allowable bending r=6 mm y=4 mm α=5° β=5° 0.012 5/2 y=2 mm y=2 mm α=3mm α=5° Full allowance 1) The deflection values in the bending tests specified in 6.1.2 and 7.1.2 far exceed the relevant conditions of the same pallets in use. If the load is applied uniformly on the pallet, the maximum deflection value of the pallet in use is expected to be 25% to 50% of the value specified here. 2) For wooden pallets assembled with nails, the corner drop test results (see 6.3 and 7.3) are often affected by the strength of the joints. When evaluating the results of the corner drop test of the pallet, special attention should be paid to recording the humidity of the assembly and the test process, and to ensure that it is representative of normal manufacturing and use. Although pallets with damage to a degree that makes them unsuitable for use will no longer be accepted, they are still acceptable if the indentation damage caused by the impact corner does not exceed 50 mm. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.