title>JB/T 7136.2-1993 Test methods for straw chemical treatment machines - JB/T 7136.2-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7136.2-1993 Test methods for straw chemical treatment machines

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7136.2-1993

Standard Name: Test methods for straw chemical treatment machines

Chinese Name: 秸杆化学处理机 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1993-11-21

Date of Implementation:1994-03-01

Date of Expiration:2008-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B93 Agricultural and Sideline Products and Feed Processing Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 7136-2007

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 7136.2-1993 Test method for chemical straw treatment machine JB/T7136.2-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 7136.2-1993
Test Methods for Chemical Treatment of Straw
Published on November 21, 1993
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on March 1, 1994
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Test Methods for Chemical Treatment of Straw
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the performance test and production test methods for chemical treatment of straw and its units. JB/T 7136.21993
This standard is applicable to chemical treatment of straw or its units (hereinafter referred to as treatment machines) with a single-shaft multi-layer side-finger structure and a function of uniform straw feeding. Treatment machines with other structures can also be used for reference. 2 Reference standards
3 Determination of sound power level of noise source
Simplified method
Test method for agricultural machinery production
Rigid rotor balance quality
Determination of allowable imbalance
3 Performance test
3.1 Test purpose
The purpose of the performance test is to assess whether the performance index of the machine meets the requirements of the technical conditions. 3.2 Test conditions
3.2.1 The instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test [see Appendix A (reference)] must be calibrated and qualified before the test. 3.2.2 Before the test, the prototype should be adjusted, maintained and inspected according to the requirements of the instruction manual, and a designated person should be designated to operate during the measurement process. 3.2.3 The test power adopts an electric motor, and its power should meet the matching requirements. The test voltage is 380V, and the deviation is 5%. 3.2.4 The average load of the motor in the performance test shall not exceed 110% of the rated power, and the load level in the production test shall not be less than 80% of the rated power.
3.2.5 The materials used in the test shall not contain ironware, stones and other debris that may damage the machine. 3.2.6 The test site should be wide and have reliable fire prevention measures. 3.2.7
Determination of moisture content of raw materials
Five samples are taken from the raw material pile according to the diagonal method, and the weight of each sample is not less than 30g; they are immediately weighed after being placed in an aluminum box, and dried at a constant temperature of 105℃ until the weight remains unchanged, and then weighed again. A total of 3 measurements are made, and the relative moisture content of the raw materials is calculated according to formula (1), and the average value is calculated. The results are recorded in Table 1.
W——Relative moisture content of raw materials, %;
W——Wet weight of materials, g;
W——Dry weight of materials, g.
3.3 No-load test
Run the machine at idle for 10 minutes. After it runs normally, measure the following items at the same time. Measure each item 3 times and record the results in Table 2. 3.3.1 Measure the voltage, current and no-load power of the whole machine. Use a dynamometer to measure the power. When using an watt-hour meter to measure, calculate the no-load power of the whole machine according to formula (2). 60nkn
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on November 21, 1993
Implemented on March 1, 1994
Where: Nk
No-load power, kW;
Number of revolutions of the meter dial, r;
Ratio of the transformer;
Efficiency of the motor, %;
JB/T 7136.2—1993
Time taken by the meter dial to rotate n revolutions, min; Meter constant, r/(kWh).
3.3.2 Use a tachometer to measure the no-load speed of the mechanical feeder drive shaft, pre-cutter blade shaft, and agitator shaft. 3.3.3 Noise shall be measured in accordance with Article 6.3 of GB3768, and data processing shall be calculated in accordance with Chapter 7 of GB3768. 3.4 Load test
After running at full load for 10 minutes, the following measurements are carried out at the same time. The number of tests shall not be less than 3 times, and the results shall be recorded in Table 2. 3.4.1 Measure the voltage, current and load power of the whole machine every 15 minutes. When measuring with an electric meter, calculate the load power of the whole machine according to formula (2), except that N is changed to N. 3.4.2 Measure the speed of each rotating shaft.
3.4.3 Pure working hour productivity
Take the finished material in the direction of the discharge port, and record the time of taking the material for not less than 2 minutes each time, weigh it immediately, and calculate it according to formula (3). E. =60W
Where: E.
Pure working hour productivity, kg/h;
Weight of finished material taken each time, kg;
Time of taking the finished material each time, min.
3.4.4 Pure working time kilowatt-hour productivity, calculated according to formula (4). E
Where: gw
pure working time kilowatt-hour productivity, kg/(kWh); N
load power, kW.
3.4.5 Coefficient of variation of stirring uniformity
Use water as a tracer to determine the stirring uniformity of the stirrer. Flatten the top of a pile of material that has just been processed, weighing not less than 30 kg. Take 5 samples from the surface and 25 cm deep by the diagonal method. Each sample weighs not less than 30 g. Determine its moisture content by the constant weight method (see 3.2.6 for the method). Calculate the arithmetic mean, mean square error and coefficient of variation of the moisture content of each group of samples by formula (5), formula (6) and formula (7) respectively, and record the results in Table 3.
Where: x
arithmetic mean of moisture content, %;
standard deviation of moisture content, %;
coefficient of variation of mixing uniformity, %;
moisture content of a sample of X, %;
number of samples taken.
3.4.6 Longitudinal fiberization rate of finished materials
Randomly take 5 large samples from the pile of finished materials, each sample is about 30g, mix them and take 5 small samples along the diagonal line, each small sample is about 1g. After the small samples are dried by constant weight method, the grass segments that have not been longitudinally defibrated and the fragments that have been longitudinally defibrated are separated and recorded. Calculate according to formula (8) and record the results in Table 4: Z-
longitudinal fiberization rate, %;
G. The number of fibers that have been longitudinally unraveled;
Gw The number of fibers that have not been longitudinally unraveled.
JB/T 7136.2—1993
3.4.7 The noise determination method is the same as Article 3.3.3 of this standard. 4 Production test
4.1 Purpose of production test
To assess the performance stability, reliability, convenience and economy of adjustment and maintenance, and wear resistance of parts of the machine. 4.2 Production test requirements
4.2.1 The pure working time of each processing machine shall not be less than 150h. 4.2.2 There must be a full-time tester in charge, and operators shall be equipped according to the provisions of the instruction manual. 4.2.3 Time classification shall be implemented in accordance with Article 2.3 of GB5667. 4.3 Production test determination
4.3.1 During the production test, the machine must be correctly operated, used, maintained and adjusted in strict accordance with the provisions of the instruction manual. The technical status of the machine must be paid attention to frequently, and a work diary must be kept (see Table 5). 4.3.2 During the production test, at least three performance checks shall be carried out according to the requirements of Articles 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.5, 3.4.6 and 3.4.8, with an interval of 70 hours between each check. 4.3.3 Before and after the production test, the weight of each main component and wearing part shall be measured. When a component is damaged and needs to be replaced, the wear of the damaged component shall be measured, and the accumulated weight of the finished product material and the number of pure working hours of the component shall be counted. The cause of damage and the target date shall be recorded in Table 6. 4.3.4 During the normal test phase, production checks shall be carried out for three shifts, and the check records shall be kept according to the requirements of Table 7. The technical and economic indicators of the processor shall be calculated according to Chapter 3 of GB5667. 4.3.5 Average working time before first failure
Record the working time when the parts (except wearing parts) are damaged for the first time, and record the results in Table Bearing temperature rise measurement
During the production test, before the machine is operated and after 1 hour of continuous load operation, use a semiconductor point thermometer to immediately measure the surface temperature of the two bearings of the agitator and the two bearings of the pre-cutter blade shaft, and calculate the temperature rise value, and record the results in Table 8.5 Parts inspection
5.1 Take 3 pieces of each major component, and use general measuring instruments and meters to test their geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances, and calculate the qualified rate of the main items of the main components.
5.2 The determination of the static balance of the blade and agitator shall be carried out in accordance with GB9239.6 Test report
6.1 After the performance test and production test are completed, the obtained data shall be sorted and analyzed, and a test report shall be submitted after full discussion by the test participants.
6.2 The contents of the test report include:
Overview (prototype name, model, number, manufacturer, test location and date); a.
b. Test purpose;
Introduction to the structure and technical characteristics of the test prototype; c.
d. Test conditions;
Test results and analysis;
Test conclusions;
Test responsible units, participating units and participants. 3
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Material wet weight
Material dry weight
Relative moisture content
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Voltage V
Current A
Number of watt-hour meter dial turns
Time min
Power kw
Moisture content of raw materials
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of electric meter dial
Time min
Power kw
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Finished material weight
Pure working time min
Pure working hour productivity kg/h
Pure working time kilowatt-hour productivity
kg/ (kwh)
Performance test measurement record
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Machine name and model:
Sampling location:
Sample number
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Measurement location:
Sample number
Average value
Sample box weight
Average value
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
Small sample weight
JB/T7136.219 93
Table 3 Stirring uniformity determination table
Sampling time:
Sample weight before drying
Sample weight after drying
Determination of longitudinal fiberization rate of finished materials
Manufacturing unit:
Raw material type:
Vertical fiberization
Vertical fiberization not yet resolved
Moisture content
Vertical fiberization rate
Machine name and model:
Raw material type:
Test date:
Shift timePower consumption:
Start and end time
Average working time before first failureh
Measurement Designated person:
Table 5 Production test work diary
Manufacturing unit:
Test location:
Test voltage:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Parts wear, deformation,:
Damage table
Machine name and model:
Test location:
Name and
Measurement department
Easy to wear
Parts hardness
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Finished feed
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement date:
Pure work
Deformed and damaged parts
Pure work
Finished feed
Deformation and damage
Cause and treatment
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Start time
Operation time
End time
Shift time
Total power consumption per shift kWh
Shift time dry watt-hour productivity
kg/ (kw h)
Start time
End time
Table 7 Production verification record
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement location:
Test voltage:
Measurement item
Non-operating time
Start time
End time
Non-shift time
Start time
End time
Shift hourly productivity kgm
Pure working time productivity kg/h
Usually: The downtime reduced due to lack of medicine, lack of materials, and power outage is included in the non-shift time; the time used for cleaning, repair, maintenance, adjustment, etc. is included in the non-operating time. JB/T7136.2-1993
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing II
Bearing 1
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:||tt ||Electricity meter reading
Finished feed
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing I
Bearing II
Bearing II
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
JB/T 7136.21993
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:
Distribution board
Appendix A
Instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test
(reference parts)
Three-phase watt-hour meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)Voltmeter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Current meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Constant temperature drying oven
Semiconductor point thermometer
Mercury thermometer
Sound level meter
Balance (weighing 200g, sensitivity 0.01g)
Balance (weighing 500g, sensitivity 0.5g)
Scale (weighing 500g, sensitivity 200g)
Steel tape measure (2m)
Sampling box (volume not less than 1.5L)
Volume weighing device (volume not less than 1m)
Instruments and meters for measuring geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances of parts and componentsRecord form
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Yufeng.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Test Method of Straw Chemical Treatment Machine
Published and issued by China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Word Count 18.000
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Format 880×1230
First Edition in February 1994
First Printing in February 1994
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 6.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn669
d. Test conditions;
Test results and analysis;
Test conclusions;
Test responsible units, participating units and participants. 3
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Material wet weight
Material dry weight
Relative moisture content
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of the watt-hour meter
Time min
Power kw
Moisture content of raw materials
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of electric meter dial
Time min
Power kw
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Finished material weight
Pure working time min
Pure working hour productivity kg/h
Pure working time kilowatt-hour productivity
kg/ (kwh)
Performance test measurement record
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Machine name and model:
Sampling location:
Sample number
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Measurement location:
Sample number
Average value
Sample box weight
Average value
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
Small sample weight
JB/T7136.219 93
Table 3 Stirring uniformity determination table
Sampling time:
Sample weight before drying
Sample weight after drying
Determination of longitudinal fiberization rate of finished materials
Manufacturing unit:
Raw material type:
Vertical fiberization
Vertical fiberization not yet resolved
Moisture content
Vertical fiberization rate
Machine name and model:
Raw material type:
Test date:
Shift timePower consumption:
Start and end time
Average working time before first failureh
Measurement Designated person:
Table 5 Production test work diary
Manufacturing unit:
Test location:
Test voltage:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Parts wear, deformation,:
Damage table
Machine name and model:
Test location:
Name and
Measurement department
Easy to wear
Parts hardness
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Finished feed
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement date:
Pure work
Deformed and damaged parts
Pure work
Finished feed
Deformation and damage
Cause and treatment
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Start time
Operation time
End time
Shift time
Total power consumption per shift kWh
Shift time dry watt-hour productivity
kg/ (kw h)
Start time
End time
Table 7 Production verification record
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement location:
Test voltage:
Measurement item
Non-operating time
Start time
End time
Non-shift time
Start time
End time
Shift hourly productivity kgm
Pure working time productivity kg/h
Usually: The downtime reduced due to lack of medicine, lack of materials, and power outage is included in the non-shift time; the time used for cleaning, repair, maintenance, adjustment, etc. is included in the non-operating time. JB/T7136.2-1993
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing II
Bearing 1
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:||tt ||Electricity meter reading
Finished feed
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing I
Bearing II
Bearing II
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
JB/T 7136.21993
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:
Distribution board
Appendix A
Instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test
(reference parts)
Three-phase watt-hour meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)Voltmeter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Current meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Constant temperature drying oven
Semiconductor point thermometer
Mercury thermometer
Sound level meter
Balance (weighing 200g, sensitivity 0.01g)
Balance (weighing 500g, sensitivity 0.5g)
Scale (weighing 500g, sensitivity 200g)
Steel tape measure (2m)
Sampling box (volume not less than 1.5L)
Volume weighing device (volume not less than 1m)
Instruments and meters for measuring geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances of parts and componentsRecord form
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Yufeng.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Test Method of Straw Chemical Treatment Machine
Published and issued by China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Word Count 18.000
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Format 880×1230
First Edition in February 1994
First Printing in February 1994
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 6.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn669
d. Test conditions;
Test results and analysis;
Test conclusions;
Test responsible units, participating units and participants. 3
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Material wet weight
Material dry weight
Relative moisture content
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of the watt-hour meter
Time min
Power kw
Moisture content of raw materials
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of electric meter dial
Time min
Power kw
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Finished material weight
Pure working time min
Pure working hour productivity kg/h
Pure working time kilowatt-hour productivity
kg/ (kwh)
Performance test measurement record
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Machine name and model:
Sampling location:
Sample number
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Measurement location:
Sample number
Average value
Sample box weight
Average value
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
Small sample weight
JB/T7136.219 93
Table 3 Stirring uniformity determination table
Sampling time:
Sample weight before drying
Sample weight after drying
Determination of longitudinal fiberization rate of finished materials
Manufacturing unit:
Raw material type:
Vertical fiberization
Vertical fiberization not yet resolved
Moisture content
Vertical fiberization rate
Machine name and model:
Raw material type:
Test date:
Shift timePower consumption:
Start and end time
Average working time before first failureh
Measurement Designated person:
Table 5 Production test work diary
Manufacturing unit:
Test location:
Test voltage:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Parts wear, deformation,:
Damage table
Machine name and model:
Test location:
Name and
Measurement department
Easy to wear
Parts hardness
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Finished feed
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement date:
Pure work
Deformed and damaged parts
Pure work
Finished feed
Deformation and damage
Cause and treatment
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Start time
Operation time
End time
Shift time
Total power consumption per shift kWh
Shift time dry watt-hour productivity
kg/ (kw h)
Start time
End time
Table 7 Production verification record
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement location:
Test voltage:
Measurement item
Non-operating time
Start time
End time
Non-shift time
Start time
End time
Shift hourly productivity kgm
Pure working time productivity kg/h
Usually: The downtime reduced due to lack of medicine, lack of materials, and power outage is included in the non-shift time; the time used for cleaning, repair, maintenance, adjustment, etc. is included in the non-operating time. JB/T7136.2-1993
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing II
Bearing 1
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:||tt ||Electricity meter reading
Finished feed
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing I
Bearing II
Bearing II
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
JB/T 7136.21993
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:
Distribution board
Appendix A
Instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test
(reference parts)
Three-phase watt-hour meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)Voltmeter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Current meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Constant temperature drying oven
Semiconductor point thermometer
Mercury thermometer
Sound level meter
Balance (weighing 200g, sensitivity 0.01g)
Balance (weighing 500g, sensitivity 0.5g)
Scale (weighing 500g, sensitivity 200g)
Steel tape measure (2m)
Sampling box (volume not less than 1.5L)
Volume weighing device (volume not less than 1m)
Instruments and meters for measuring geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances of parts and componentsRecord form
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Yufeng.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Test Method of Straw Chemical Treatment Machine
Published and issued by China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Word Count 18.000
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Format 880×1230
First Edition in February 1994
First Printing in February 1994
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 6.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn669Test conditions;
Test results and analysis;
Test conclusions;
Test responsible units, participating units and participants. 3
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Material wet weight
Material dry weight
Relative moisture content
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of the electric meter
Time min
Power kw
Moisture content of raw materials
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of electric meter dial
Time min
Power kw
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Finished material weight
Pure working time min
Pure working hour productivity kg/h
Pure working time kilowatt-hour productivity
kg/ (kwh)
Performance test measurement record
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Machine name and model:
Sampling location:
Sample number
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Measurement location:
Sample number
Average value
Sample box weight
Average value
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
Small sample weight
JB/T7136.219 93
Table 3 Stirring uniformity determination table
Sampling time:
Sample weight before drying
Sample weight after drying
Determination of longitudinal fiberization rate of finished materials
Manufacturing unit:
Raw material type:
Vertical fiberization
Vertical fiberization not yet resolved
Moisture content
Vertical fiberization rate
Machine name and model:
Raw material type:
Test date:
Shift timePower consumption:
Start and end time
Average working time before first failureh
Measurement Designated person:
Table 5 Production test work diary
Manufacturing unit:
Test location:
Test voltage:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Parts wear, deformation,:
Damage table
Machine name and model:
Test location:
Name and
Measurement department
Easy to wear
Parts hardness
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Finished feed
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement date:
Pure work
Deformed and damaged parts
Pure work
Finished feed
Deformation and damage
Cause and treatment
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Start time
Operation time
End time
Shift time
Total power consumption per shift kWh
Shift time dry watt-hour productivity
kg/ (kw h)
Start time
End time
Table 7 Production verification record
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement location:
Test voltage:
Measurement item
Non-operating time
Start time
End time
Non-shift time
Start time
End time
Shift hourly productivity kgm
Pure working time productivity kg/h
Usually: The downtime reduced due to lack of medicine, lack of materials, and power outage is included in the non-shift time; the time used for cleaning, repair, maintenance, adjustment, etc. is included in the non-operating time. JB/T7136.2-1993
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing II
Bearing 1
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:||tt ||Electricity meter reading
Finished feed
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing I
Bearing II
Bearing II
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
JB/T 7136.21993
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:
Distribution board
Appendix A
Instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test
(reference parts)
Three-phase watt-hour meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)Voltmeter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Current meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Constant temperature drying oven
Semiconductor point thermometer
Mercury thermometer
Sound level meter
Balance (weighing 200g, sensitivity 0.01g)
Balance (weighing 500g, sensitivity 0.5g)
Scale (weighing 500g, sensitivity 200g)
Steel tape measure (2m)
Sampling box (volume not less than 1.5L)
Volume weighing device (volume not less than 1m)
Instruments and meters for measuring geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances of parts and componentsRecord form
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Yufeng.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Test Method of Straw Chemical Treatment Machine
Published and issued by China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Word Count 18.000
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Format 880×1230
First Edition in February 1994
First Printing in February 1994
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 6.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn669Test conditions;
Test results and analysis;
Test conclusions;
Test responsible units, participating units and participants. 3
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Material wet weight
Material dry weight
Relative moisture content
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of the electric meter
Time min
Power kw
Moisture content of raw materials
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of electric meter dial
Time min
Power kw
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Precutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Finished material weight
Pure working time min
Pure working hour productivity kg/h
Pure working time kilowatt-hour productivity
kg/ (kwh)
Performance test measurement record
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Machine name and model:
Sampling location:
Sample number
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Measurement location:
Sample number
Average value
Sample box weight
Average value
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
Small sample weight
JB/T7136.219 93
Table 3 Stirring uniformity determination table
Sampling time:
Sample weight before drying
Sample weight after drying
Determination of longitudinal fiberization rate of finished materials
Manufacturing unit:
Raw material type:
Vertical fiberization
Vertical fiberization not yet resolved
Moisture content
Vertical fiberization rate
Machine name and model:
Raw material type:
Test date:
Shift timePower consumption:
Start and end time
Average working time before first failureh
Measurement Designated person:
Table 5 Production test work diary
Manufacturing unit:
Test location:
Test voltage:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Parts wear, deformation,:
Damage table
Machine name and model:
Test location:
Name and
Measurement department
Easy to wear
Parts hardness
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Finished feed
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement date:
Pure work
Deformed and damaged parts
Pure work
Finished feed
Deformation and damage
Cause and treatment
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Start time
Operation time
End time
Shift time
Total power consumption per shift kWh
Shift time dry watt-hour productivity
kg/ (kw h)
Start time
End time
Table 7 Production verification record
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement location:
Test voltage:
Measurement item
Non-operating time
Start time
End time
Non-shift time
Start time
End time
Shift hourly productivity kgm
Pure working time productivity kg/h
Usually: The downtime reduced due to lack of medicine, lack of materials, and power outage is included in the non-shift time; the time used for cleaning, repair, maintenance, adjustment, etc. is included in the non-operating time. JB/T7136.2-1993
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing II
Bearing 1
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:||tt ||Electricity meter reading
Finished feed
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing I
Bearing II
Bearing II
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
JB/T 7136.21993
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:
Distribution board
Appendix A
Instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test
(reference parts)
Three-phase watt-hour meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)Voltmeter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Current meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Constant temperature drying oven
Semiconductor point thermometer
Mercury thermometer
Sound level meter
Balance (weighing 200g, sensitivity 0.01g)
Balance (weighing 500g, sensitivity 0.5g)
Scale (weighing 500g, sensitivity 200g)
Steel tape measure (2m)
Sampling box (volume not less than 1.5L)
Volume weighing device (volume not less than 1m)
Instruments and meters for measuring geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances of parts and componentsRecord form
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Yufeng.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Test Method of Straw Chemical Treatment Machine
Published and issued by China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Word Count 18.000
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Format 880×1230
First Edition in February 1994
First Printing in February 1994
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 6.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn669cn669cn669cn669cn66921993
Moisture content of raw materials
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Pre-cutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of electric meter dial
Time min
Power kw
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Pre-cutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Finished material weight
Pure working time min
Pure working hour productivity kg/h
Pure working time kilowatt-hour productivity
kg/ (kwh)
Performance test measurement record
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Machine name and model:
Sampling location:
Sample number
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Measurement location:
Sample number
Average value
Sample box weight
Average value
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
Small sample weight
JB/T7136.219 93
Table 3 Stirring uniformity determination table
Sampling time:
Sample weight before drying
Sample weight after drying
Determination of longitudinal fiberization rate of finished materials
Manufacturing unit:
Raw material type:
Vertical fiberization
Vertical fiberization not yet resolved
Moisture content
Vertical fiberization rate
Machine name and model:
Raw material type:
Test date:
Shift timePower consumption:
Start and end time
Average working time before first failureh
Measurement Designated person:
Table 5 Production test work diary
Manufacturing unit:
Test location:
Test voltage:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Parts wear, deformation,:
Damage table
Machine name and model:
Test location:
Name and
Measurement department
Easy to wear
Parts hardness
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Finished feed
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement date:
Pure work
Deformed and damaged parts
Pure work
Finished feed
Deformation and damage
Cause and treatment
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Start time
Operation time
End time
Shift time
Total power consumption per shift kWh
Shift time dry watt-hour productivity
kg/ (kw h)
Start time
End time
Table 7 Production verification record
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement location:
Test voltage:
Measurement item
Non-operating time
Start time
End time
Non-shift time
Start time
End time
Shift hourly productivity kgm
Pure working time productivity kg/h
Usually: The downtime reduced due to lack of medicine, lack of materials, and power outage is included in the non-shift time; the time used for cleaning, repair, maintenance, adjustment, etc. is included in the non-operating time. JB/T7136.2-1993
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing II
Bearing 1
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:||tt ||Electricity meter reading
Finished feed
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing I
Bearing II
Bearing II
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
JB/T 7136.21993
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:
Distribution board
Appendix A
Instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test
(reference parts)
Three-phase watt-hour meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)Voltmeter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Current meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Constant temperature drying oven
Semiconductor point thermometer
Mercury thermometer
Sound level meter
Balance (weighing 200g, sensitivity 0.01g)
Balance (weighing 500g, sensitivity 0.5g)
Scale (weighing 500g, sensitivity 200g)
Steel tape measure (2m)
Sampling box (volume not less than 1.5L)
Volume weighing device (volume not less than 1m)
Instruments and meters for measuring geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances of parts and componentsRecord form
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Yufeng.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Test Method of Straw Chemical Treatment Machine
Published and issued by China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Word Count 18.000
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Format 880×1230
First Edition in February 1994
First Printing in February 1994
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 6.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn66921993
Moisture content of raw materials
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Pre-cutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Voltage V
Current A
Number of turns of electric meter dial
Time min
Power kw
Mechanical feeder driving shaft
Pre-cutter blade shaft
Agitator shaft
Finished material weight
Pure working time min
Pure working hour productivity kg/h
Pure working time kilowatt-hour productivity
kg/ (kwh)
Performance test measurement record
Measurement location:
Weather conditions:
Machine name and model:
Sampling location:
Sample number
Machine name and model:
Measurement time:
Measurement location:
Sample number
Average value
Sample box weight
Average value
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
Small sample weight
JB/T7136.219 93
Table 3 Stirring uniformity determination table
Sampling time:
Sample weight before drying
Sample weight after drying
Determination of longitudinal fiberization rate of finished materials
Manufacturing unit:
Raw material type:
Vertical fiberization
Vertical fiberization not yet resolved
Moisture content
Vertical fiberization rate
Machine name and model:
Raw material type:
Test date:
Shift timePower consumption:
Start and end time
Average working time before first failureh
Measurement Designated person:
Table 5 Production test work diary
Manufacturing unit:
Test location:
Test voltage:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Parts wear, deformation,:
Damage table
Machine name and model:
Test location:
Name and
Measurement department
Easy to wear
Parts hardness
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Finished feed
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement date:
Pure work
Deformed and damaged parts
Pure work
Finished feed
Deformation and damage
Cause and treatment
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Start time
Operation time
End time
Shift time
Total power consumption per shift kWh
Shift time dry watt-hour productivity
kg/ (kw h)
Start time
End time
Table 7 Production verification record
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement location:
Test voltage:
Measurement item
Non-operating time
Start time
End time
Non-shift time
Start time
End time
Shift hourly productivity kgm
Pure working time productivity kg/h
Usually: The downtime reduced due to lack of medicine, lack of materials, and power outage is included in the non-shift time; the time used for cleaning, repair, maintenance, adjustment, etc. is included in the non-operating time. JB/T7136.2-1993
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing II
Bearing 1
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:||tt ||Electricity meter reading
Finished feed
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing I
Bearing II
Bearing II
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
JB/T 7136.21993
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:
Distribution board
Appendix A
Instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test
(reference parts)
Three-phase watt-hour meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)Voltmeter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Current meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Constant temperature drying oven
Semiconductor point thermometer
Mercury thermometer
Sound level meter
Balance (weighing 200g, sensitivity 0.01g)
Balance (weighing 500g, sensitivity 0.5g)
Scale (weighing 500g, sensitivity 200g)
Steel tape measure (2m)
Sampling box (volume not less than 1.5L)
Volume weighing device (volume not less than 1m)
Instruments and meters for measuring geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances of parts and componentsRecord form
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Yufeng.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Test Method of Straw Chemical Treatment Machine
Published and issued by China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Word Count 18.000
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Format 880×1230
First Edition in February 1994
First Printing in February 1994
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 6.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn669cn669cn66921993
Table 5 Production test work diary
Manufacturing unit:
Test location:
Test voltage:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Parts wear, deformation,:
Damage table
Machine name and model:
Test location:
Name and
Measurement department
Easy to wear
Parts hardness
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Finished feed||tt| |Manufacturing unit:
Measurement date:
Pure work
Deformed and damaged parts
Pure work
Finished feed
Deformation and damage
Cause and treatment
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Start time
Operation time
End time
Shift time
Total power consumption per shift kWh
Shift time dry watt-hour productivity
kg/ (kw h)
Start time
End time
Table 7 Production verification record
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement location:
Test voltage:
Measurement item
Non-operating time
Start time
End time
Non-shift time
Start time
End time
Shift hourly productivity kgm
Pure working time productivity kg/h
Usually: The downtime reduced due to lack of medicine, lack of materials, and power outage is included in the non-shift time; the time used for cleaning, repair, maintenance, adjustment, etc. is included in the non-operating time. JB/T7136.2-1993
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing II
Bearing 1
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:||tt ||Electricity meter readingbZxz.net
Finished feed
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing I
Bearing II
Bearing II
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
JB/T 7136.21993
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:
Distribution board
Appendix A
Instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test
(reference parts)
Three-phase watt-hour meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)Voltmeter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Current meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Constant temperature drying oven
Semiconductor point thermometer
Mercury thermometer
Sound level meter
Balance (weighing 200g, sensitivity 0.01g)
Balance (weighing 500g, sensitivity 0.5g)
Scale (weighing 500g, sensitivity 200g)
Steel tape measure (2m)
Sampling box (volume not less than 1.5L)
Volume weighing device (volume not less than 1m)
Instruments and meters for measuring geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances of parts and componentsRecord form
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Yufeng.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Test Method of Straw Chemical Treatment Machine
Published and issued by China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Word Count 18.000
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Format 880×1230
First Edition in February 1994
First Printing in February 1994
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 6.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn66921993
Table 5 Production test work diary
Manufacturing unit:
Test location:
Test voltage:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Parts wear, deformation,:
Damage table
Machine name and model:
Test location:
Name and
Measurement department
Easy to wear
Parts hardness
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Finished feed||tt| |Manufacturing unit:
Measurement date:
Pure work
Deformed and damaged parts
Pure work
Finished feed
Deformation and damage
Cause and treatment
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Chemical treatment agent formula:
Start time
Operation time
End time
Shift time
Total power consumption per shift kWh
Shift time dry watt-hour productivity
kg/ (kw h)
Start time
End time
Table 7 Production verification record
Manufacturing unit:
Measurement location:
Test voltage:
Measurement item
Non-operating time
Start time
End time
Non-shift time
Start time
End time
Shift hourly productivity kgm
Pure working time productivity kg/h
Usually: The downtime reduced due to lack of medicine, lack of materials, and power outage is included in the non-shift time; the time used for cleaning, repair, maintenance, adjustment, etc. is included in the non-operating time. JB/T7136.2-1993
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing II
Bearing 1
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:||tt ||Electricity meter reading
Finished feed
Machine name and model:
Measurement date:
Raw material type:
Measurement content
Bearing I
Bearing II
Bearing II
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
Initial temperature
Temperature after operation
JB/T 7136.21993
Bearing temperature rise measurement table
Test voltage:
Measurement location:
Distribution board
Appendix A
Instruments, meters and measuring tools used in the test
(reference parts)
Three-phase watt-hour meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)Voltmeter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Current meter (accuracy shall not be less than Class 2)
Constant temperature drying oven
Semiconductor point thermometer
Mercury thermometer
Sound level meter
Balance (weighing 200g, sensitivity 0.01g)
Balance (weighing 500g, sensitivity 0.5g)
Scale (weighing 500g, sensitivity 200g)
Steel tape measure (2m)
Sampling box (volume not less than 1.5L)
Volume weighing device (volume not less than 1m)
Instruments and meters for measuring geometric dimensions and form and position tolerances of parts and componentsRecord form
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhang Yufeng.
People's Republic of China||
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.