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JB/T 5683-1991 Technical requirements for complete sets of seed processing equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5683-1991

Standard Name: Technical requirements for complete sets of seed processing equipment

Chinese Name: 种子加工成套设备 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-09-13

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B93 Agricultural and Sideline Products and Feed Processing Machinery

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:China Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute

Publishing department:China Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements and performance indicators of seed processing equipment. This standard applies to seed processing equipment. JB/T 5683-1991 Technical requirements for seed processing equipment JB/T5683-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 5683-1991
Technical Conditions for Seed Processing Equipment
Published on September 13, 1991
Implementation by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on July 1, 1992
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Conditions for Seed Processing Equipment
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements and performance indicators for seed processing equipment. This standard applies to seed processing equipment (hereinafter referred to as equipment). Reference standards
3 Technical requirements
General requirements
Guidelines for safety design of electrical equipment
General principles for safety and sanitation design of production equipment
Product labels
General technical conditions for packaging of electromechanical products
Test methods for complete sets of seed processing equipment
Design sanitation standards for industrial enterprises
Painting of agricultural machinery and implements
Equipment should comply with the provisions of this standard and be manufactured according to drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. JB/T5683-1991
Equipment should comply with the relevant provisions of GB5083 and GB4064 to ensure the safety of users and convenient operation. 3.1.2
Each machine should be designed and installed in the specified position according to the equipment plan, and should meet the installation technical requirements of each machine; the connection between each machine and the foundation or base, bracket, and the connection of all supporting and auxiliary devices and pipes should be firm and reliable. 3.1.4 The machine runs smoothly, without abnormal noise, and the adjustment is flexible and accurate. Parts and components that need to be disassembled and replaced should be easy to disassemble and assemble. Various reversing devices should have clear azimuth marks, and directional rotating parts should have obvious rotation direction marks. 3.1.5 The equipment must be easy to clean, and there should be no dead corners where residual seeds cannot be cleaned on the route where seeds are processed. 3.1.6 The drying equipment and the combustion furnace should have fire isolation facilities or explosion-proof devices and be equipped with fire-fighting equipment. There should be reliable temperature control devices to ensure that the seeds are not damaged during the drying process.
3.1.7 During the operation of seed drug treatment machines, coating machines, pill making machines and other machines, the amount of harmful substances released shall not exceed the provisions of TJ36; machines that use highly corrosive substances such as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid to treat seeds should be closed or operated remotely. 3.1.8 The electronic control system should have overload protection and grounding devices. 3.1.9 The paint of the equipment should meet the quality requirements of ordinary weather-resistant coatings in NJ/Z3. 3.2 Technical indicators
The quality of seeds processed by the equipment and the comprehensive indicators of the equipment should meet the requirements of the following table. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on September 13, 1991 and implemented on July 1, 1992
Seed types
Chan rice, hybrid rice
Purple flower first
White clover
Perennial ryegrass
Old sibiricus
Seed types
Chan rice, hybrid rice
Purple flower first
White clover
Perennial ryegrass
Old sibiricus
Moisture content
Broken alcohol rate
Selection rate
JB/T 56831991
Technical index table of seed processing equipment
Drying unevenness
Burst rate
Heat consumption
(1) When the ambient temperature
(2) When the ambient temperature
Cleaning and processing
Weed seeds that harm crops
Removal rate
(1) For grain crop seeds, when the original content is>
100 seeds/kg,
(1) Grain crop seeds
(2) Other crop seeds
Original content ≤
10 0 grains/kg, after selection ≤5 grains/
(2)For other crop seeds ≥80%
Germination rate
Breakage rate
(1)When there are no more than 3 elevators,
(2)When there are more than 3 elevators,
(3)For leguminous easy-to-break crop seeds, increase the threshing and cleaning rates by 0.5
Germination rate
Dust concentration in the air
Breakage rate
dB (A)
Measuring and packing
Qualified rate
Bags, sewing bags
and control cabinets
Note: (1) The moisture content and purity of the specific types of weed seeds that harm crops and other types of seeds not listed in the table shall be in accordance with the provisions of the national standard for seed grade (purity is graded as level one).
(2) For the processing technical indicators of other seeds not listed in the table, except for the items specified in the national standard for seed grade, the remaining items shall be determined according to the indicators of similar or similar seeds in the table.
(3) When special cleaning such as electric, magnetic, photoelectric, and velvet roller is used, the selection rate indicator shall be determined separately. (4) Special requirements of users, such as the moisture content of canned and bagged vegetable seeds, and the special weed seed removal rate of forage seeds, shall be determined separately. 2
Test method
Equipment testing shall be carried out in accordance with JB/T5682.
Inspection rules
5.1 Each equipment shall be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer and accompanied by a "product certificate" before it can be shipped out of the factory. 5.2 After installation, each set of equipment shall be idled for 30 minutes and productively debugged by the manufacturer. 5.3 Users have the right to check the quality of products according to this standard. If they are unqualified, the manufacturer shall be responsible for repair or replacement. 5.4 Under the condition that the user complies with the product manual, within one year after the equipment is delivered for use, if the product is damaged or cannot be used normally due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall provide free repair, replacement and refund for the user. 6
Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
Each equipment should have a label and comply with the provisions of JB8, the contents of which are as follows: a.
Product name;
b. Product model;
c. Main technical parameters;
d. Factory number;
Date of factory delivery;
Name of manufacturer.
Product packaging should comply with the requirements of JB2579. 6.2
Complete random documents, accessories and spare parts. Including: 6.3
Instruction manual;
b. Product inspection certificate;
Packing list;www.bzxz.net
d. Accessories;
Spare parts.
Before installation, the equipment should be stored on a moisture-proof, corrosion-proof dry ground and in a non-corrosive environment. 6.4
Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, China Seed Corporation, National Seed Station and the Agricultural Reclamation Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture. The main drafters of this standard were Zhang Tingying, Fu Naixin, Zhou Baojie and Ma Mengfa. 3
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Technical Articles for Seed Processing Equipment
Published and issued by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Sheet 1/2
Format 880×1230
Word Count 6,000
First Edition in December 1991
First Printing in December 1991
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 0.80 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn1661_89 /
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