Classification of environmental conditions - Guidance for the correlation and transformation of environmental condition classes to the environmental tests - Storage
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T20159.1—2006/IECTR60721-4-1:2003Classification of environmental conditions--Guidance for the correlation andIransformation of environmental condition classes to the environmental tests--Storage(IEC TR 60721-4-1:2003,Classification f environinental conditionsPart 4-l:Guidancc for the corrclation and transformation of environinenlalrondition classcs of lC 60721-3 to the environmental tests ofIEC 60068: Storage, IDT)
2006-03-14 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration
2006-09-01 Implementation
Models and specifications
2 Existing references
3 Overview
4 Climatic conditions
5 Mechanical conditions -
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Transport
2 Climatic conditions,
Climatic levels of new sewage treatment
Appendix 13 (Informative Appendix)
Recommended tests for (H/T A798.1 Grade IK2 Recommended tests for (B/T 4798.1 Grade 1K3 Recommended tests for GB/T 1798.1 Grade 1K4 Recommended test tables
G: B/ Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade IK8
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade M1 5
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade 1M2 6
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade 1M3 7
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade 1M 8
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade 1M 9
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade 1K1 10
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade 1K5 11
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade 1K6 12
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade IK7 13
Tests recommended for 4798.1 Grade 1K9 Recommended test for GB/T478.1 Grade 1K10 Recommended test for GB/71798.1 Grade 1K11 Recommended test table NA.1
Table NA. 3
for G13/T 4798.1 Grade 1K3L. Recommended test for (3/T 1798.: Grade K4I Recommended test for B/T = 798.1 Grade 1K7H Recommended test -ikAoNiKAca-
GB/T 20159, 1—2006/IEC TR 60721-4-1:2003
for B/T1798. Grade IK8H Recommended test
for (I3/T 2798,1 Grade 1KQ1.H Recommended test 36
GH/T 20159. 1--2006/1EC TR 60721-4-1:2003 Foreword
GJ3/T20159 "Classification of environmental conditions - Relationship between environmental condition classification and environmental tests and conversion guide" is divided into the following parts:
Fixed use in weather-protected locations
Fixed use in weather-unprotected locations
This part is the first part of G3/T 20159, which is equivalent to the classification of environmental conditions in IFC TR 69721-41:2093, Part 1-1: Relationship between environmental condition classification in IEC60721-3 and environmental tests in [E: 6068-2 and conversion guide (English version). The extra climate levels are compiled in Appendix NA. Taking into account the actual situation in my country, this part makes the following editorial changes to IEC607214-1: a
“This part of 1EC60721\ is modified to\ this part of 3/T20159\; b
\ This technical report\ is modified to\ this part”! e) The Chinese standard based on the international standard was quoted and the order of arrangement was changed to suit the national conditions of my country; the foreword and introduction of 1FC 65721 4- were deleted; the foreword of the national standard was added; f) Editorial changes were made to the tables and graphs in the standard: Appendix NA was added. Appendix A and Appendix NA of this part are both informative appendices. This part was proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Association. This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Electronic Environmental Technology Standardization Technical Committee. This part was drafted by Guangzhou Electric Power Research Institute of Machinery Industry. Drafting of this part: Yan Jinglian, Xie Tinghua, Chen Ling 1 Scope and purpose
iiKANr KAca-
GK/I 20159. 1—2006/IEC TR 60721-4-1:2003 Classification of environmental conditions Classification of environmental conditions
Relationship between environmental tests and conversion guide Storage This part of G3/T20159 is formulated (B/T47985.: Relationship between environmental conditions and G[3/T2423 Environmental tests & Conversion Guide:
The environment is composed of many environmental conditions, such as mechanical, pneumatic, physical and other effects on chemically clean substances and mechanically active substances. This part only considers mechanical conditions and climatic conditions. Part H is formulated for the specification The author provides a set of tables for application, which make these conditions related and converted to each other. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this part through the reference of this part of (1/20159). For all dated references, their subsequent amendments (excluding errors) or revisions are not applicable to Part D4. However, the parties who have reached an agreement based on this part are encouraged to discuss whether the latest version of this document can be used: For all undated references, the latest version is applicable to this part.
GB/T 2421-1539 Electronics: 1. Environmental testing for electronic products Part 1: General IEC60068:1988) GB/T 2423.1200: Environmental testing for electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test A: Low temperature (ilIEC50068-2-1:1999) 3/T 2423.2 2001 Electronics Environmental testing for electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test K: High temperature (idt IFC60068-2-2:1974) GH/T2423.1--1993 Electronics 1. Basic environmental testing procedures for electronic products Test Db: Alternating heat filter test force method (eIEC68-2-80:1803) GB/T 2423.1:1995 (idi IEC 58-2-27:1987)
Electrical ..Electronic product environmental testing Part 2: Test method Test Ea and guidance: Shock GI3/T2423.6199F Electrical T Electronic product environmental testing Part 2: Test method Test Hb and guidance: Impact (idt IE068 2 29.1987)
GB/T2423.9-—2001 Electrical 1. Environmental testing of electrical products Part 1: Test method Test I Test Cb; Constant mixed heat for equipment
idt 1:Gc068-2-56;1388)
GH/T2123.101993 Electrical 1 Electronic product environmental testing Part 2: Test method Test F: and guidance: Vibration (: chord)lt IFC 68 2 6:1982)
R/T2423.21:191 Electrical T Electrical-Basic environmental test procedures for products Test M: Low pressure test method Ncy I682 13.19831
GH/T2423.—2002 Electrical.[Environmental testing for electronic products - Part 2: Test method Test N: Temperature change il11EC68-2-14:1584
195 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test method Test 5z Simulated ground terrestrial radiation idIEC682:1975)
GB/T4798.12005 Standard specification for environmental testing and (or) inspection of finished electronic products for use in ambient conditions (TFC60721-3-1:199?, M()D) IS() 554:1975
1S) 223:20C) Packaging for transport of fully loaded items and unit loads of grouped items - Stacking test using static load GB/T 20159. 1--2006/IFC: TR 60721-4-1:20031S0 2533:1975 Standard Appendix (:985), Appendix 2t1997) ISO) 12048:1994 Stacking test of fully filled transport packages using pressure test machine 1F:60068218, [989 Environmental testing Part 2: Test R and other conditions: Water IFC60721-2-3:1987: Classification of environmental conditions Part 2: Natural environmental conditions Atmospheric pressure TF60721-3-0:1984, Classification of environmental conditions Part 3: Classification of environmental parameters and severity levels: Introduction IE5972140 Classification of environmental conditions Part 10: Relationship and conversion guide between the classification of environmental conditions in IEL60721-3 and the environmental tests in IF6006 Introduction 3 Overview
3. 1 Comparison with GB/T 4798. 1 General description of C:13.T17!8.1 The environmental conditions to which the product may be exposed during storage are classified and graded into environmental parameters. The parameters in these levels can be given separately, but the product may be exposed to them from time to time: some of these parameters are independent of each other, while some parameters are closely related. For example, radiation and temperature. 3.2 General explanation of GB/T 2423 GB/T 2423 establishes a series of environmental test procedures to use appropriate test severity levels. The choice of test severity level depends on the product's failure characteristics: two types of products can be placed in various places with the same environmental level, but with different failure consequences. One product may be tested under more severe conditions than the other. This part only gives the conventional failure consequences; for serious failure consequences, the test severity level must be increased based on the expert's understanding of the product. 3.3 Severity level GB/T 2423 sets out the level of environmental conditions that the product can be exposed to for a short period of time. The probability of exceeding this level is relatively small: the recommended test severity levels given in each specification of this part take this into account. For more information, please refer to IEC G0721 4 3. That is, IEC 6072--2, 3. 4 Recommended tests
There are two types of tests in the table below. The first test lists the test of B24: Use the severity level closest to the recommended or tested test. The second type of test is the test method and severity level recommended in this part, which is generally considered to be applicable to most electrical and electronic products. 3.5 Storage level environmental test
(R/T1798. [The environmental parameter group and severity level to which the product and its packaging (if any) are subjected during storage are classified. This classification does not include transportation during storage. If possible, the product should be tested under normal storage conditions. For example, if the product is packaged, it should be tested with the packaging. If the product can be stored with or without packaging, it is necessary to test both conditions. For some tests and products, it may be more suitable to test with packaging than without packaging. Severe. For example, products that are taken out of sealed packaging may produce condensation when the temperature changes. The classification does not include the environmental conditions produced by being squeezed in a closed environment. 3.6 Test duration || tt || The test durations in Tables 1 to 8 are selected based on experience. Experience has proven that these durations are sufficient to show the impact of the environmental conditions on most products. However, if verified by specific applications, users can change these values. In order to facilitate user understanding, the relevant notes in the tables in this section explain why the durations are selected. 3.7 Ambient environment || tt || The term "ambient environment" used in some recommended tests refers to the standard atmospheric conditions specified in 5.3.1 of (13/T2121-1999). That is: temperature 15--35℃, relative humidity 25%-~75%, and the maximum absolute humidity 22 g/1n, air 86 kPu~-10% kPa.TS()2533 and its appendix provide detailed corrections of standard atmosphere 1EC61721-2-3 only provides an outline. ISO554 stipulates "test\reference conditions\.
4 Climatic conditions
GB/T +7OK.1
Environmental parameters
- KANr KAca-
GB/T 20159.1—2006/IFC: TR 60721-4-1:2003 Table 1 Recommended test for GB/T 4798.1 Grade 1K2 (enclosed place with controlled temperature and uncontrolled humidity) Air conditions
Absolute degree!
Analysis limit, RH
Sieve grade [k? Atmospheric pressure
Low relative irradiance
High relative humidity
Low absolute humidity
High absolute humidity
Temperature change
Gas production
Solar radiation
Non-users can choose from 1%: or 172
Shanghai sports
[ m/m\)
Precipitation conditions (rain, ice, etc.)
Precipitation conditions
Natural water
Precipitation conditions outside the country
Ice and deep freezing conditions
GB/T 2423—
Approximate《:13/T2123 test
Wuhan test
Severity level
Directional test
Return to general test
Recommended test
Recommended test
Same test
GET 2:23. 22:
Climate test
Recommended test
Test medical
IGR/T 2123. 2:
[y)Low filtration
GB/T 2423. 1:
Severity level
CB/T 242S. 9:96 h
Ten to ambient temperature
2 cycles
G:T 21E3.21:M 70 kPa.3: ininCB/T2423 No such test
GB/I 2133. 24
Sa side secretion
L:2c w:m
GB/T2-23 has no such test
H23 ratio test
Juice: \None\ in the Grade column means B:17G8.1 has not been determined. This condition is generally not required for testing, see Note 53
-Technical requirements for testing. See Note S)
Generally no test is required, see Juice 7
Increase the high temperature test temperature by 16℃
and evaluate the photochemical reaction of the material
Generally no test is required - see Note 9
Generally no test is required, see Note:
GB/I 20159. 1—2006/1EC TR 60721-4-1:2003 Table 1 Interpretation Notes
Grade K2
) The information shown in the climatogram is used to illustrate the selection of relevant tests under climate conditions. There is no climatic separation in GH/T4798.1. In order to test the performance of products to withstand the service conditions of the climate diagram, only the following three tests are used: high temperature test, in which the relative limit should not exceed 50%, but it is difficult to accurately control: low humidity test, without controlling the resistance:
constant condensation heat test, controlling the temperature and humidity
in the table, these tests are represented as test x, machine 7, and the other extreme conditions in the climate diagram do not require testing, and the above (there is no ready-made test in B/12423
2) The test temperature is equal to the environmental parameters of B3/1798.1, and the holding time is 15h.For most products, it is sufficient to show that it is designed to withstand the temperature. When evaluating the thermal effects of radiation or thermal radiation (see 8 below), it is recommended to extend the duration of GH/T2123.2 by 72 hours. The test duration is consistent with the environmental parameters and the same as in 11/T738.1 for this level. Since the material undergoes less physical or chemical changes when it reaches the low temperature state, the recommended duration of 16 hours is sufficient for low temperature tests. For small products with low thermal inertia, it can be reduced to 2 hours. These "cooling levels" are closest to GH/212 3 is the preferred value. Differences in temperature and humidity conditions are small and not significant, and are within the measurement tolerance range. However, for most products, this is sufficient to show that the product is designed to withstand this temperature.) Overflow tests often require narrow test designs. This variation range is not important. However, in this grade, the temperature range is too small to cause a lake. Except for airtight products, this test should be omitted. For airtight products or some products that store/expose liquids, GH/T is recommended. 2123.21 Test M. For formal applications, when evaluating the effect of air pressure on components of grade 61, there is no inference test, no inspection method under this clause in B/T 2123, and this condition is within the standard condition range defined in GH/1 2221: therefore, it is technically unsuitable for most products to be degraded, and no difficult test is provided. 8) Test C for the effect of solar radiation on the simulated ground in the pilot specification of 1 2423.24 is for other products; continuous radiation, therefore: it is sufficient to assess this degradation effect. Although the temperature level of this grade is 70W/m2, H is only (GI3: Test Sn in T 4798.1 case 1 solar radiation value of 1 120W/m .
Since it is difficult to accurately test the actual radiation, the radiation test is not recommended. It is recommended to use a temperature increase of 10°C to evaluate the case, and to evaluate the photochemical reaction of materials and components. For information on the historical rate, please see Tx604:--. 9) No test is recommended. G1/T+7?8. "There is no ready-made thermal radiation test. This effect is included in the humidity test. For products installed near high heat radiation, special protective measures such as heat shields, insulation layers or additional high current tests may be required. The degree of temperature increase depends on the severity of the heat source.
) There is no recommended test, no suitable (B/T2423 test, this test is mild for most products, such as special conditions 11 or 171, or protective measures, especially for large products. If this condition is to be evaluated, the user must develop his own evaluation method. Table 2 for (iB/T 4798.1 Grade 1K3 Recommended test (enclosed places with neither temperature nor humidity control) G3/T 4798. 1
Environmental parameters
Climatic conditions
Relative temperature/K11
Grade range
GB/T 2423
Closest to GF/T 2423 Test
Test method
1sb/ 13d
) Leakage
Net to net/G3/T2423.I
Industry heat level
-Inertia test
Recommended test
Test method
) High temperature
GH/T 2423. 2:
GB/T 3423. 1:
「T$KRH. * Humidity potential GP/T 2123.9:56: Severe grade -45℃, lh n 113,2} 3: 93%RH,[1.4] IGE/T 2423. 9: 19G h G3/T 4798. - Environmental parameters Low relative humidity High relative humidity Low absolute humidity High absolute humidity Resistance change rate h) only l High pressure Sun's radiation Thermal radiation Climate case 29g/ur - KANr KAca-
GB/T 20159. 1—2006/1EC TR 60721-4-1;2003Table 2 (continued)
GH/T 2423-
Closest R/T2423 test
Test method
GB/T 2423
Severity level
15% to ambient temperature
2 cycles
11℃ /min.: 3
JGHVT 212321:M 70 kl'a.30 min7u kPa
[User selects in 1Z= or 1z2
Zhou Guobi Qi movement
1 m/s or Ruochuan Guangcong 1Z3 Or select n from 121) Condensation
) Precipitation conditions (use, demand, ice weight, etc.) Precipitation intensity
Low rain and humidity
Water other than precipitation
The front household selects from 175, 126 or 123
Freezing and box freezing conditions
GB/T2423 has no such test
/T 2425. 24:
[1?9 W?
GB/T2423 does not have this test
BT2123 does not have this test
Climate test
Recommended test
Test method
Severity level
Generally no test required, see Note 5)
-Generally no test required, see Note 7]
Increase the test temperature by 10 yuan
And evaluate the light of the material
Generally no test required (see juice)
If no test is required, see Note 0
GB/T 2423, 4:
(G13/T2423 does not have this test
G/T2423 does not have this test
GH/T2423 does not have this test
Note: The "None" in the Level column means (GR Gate 1718., there is no regulation for this condition. T>b Method 2
GEI 2A23. 8S,Jb Note 12)
Generally no test is required, Dead Note 13,
GB/I 20159. 1-2006/IEC TR 60721-4-1:2003 Table 2
Level 1E3
1) The information displayed in the climate diagram is the selected and relevant test signature for the climate conditions. (: B/T47SR [There is no climate chart. In order to test the performance of the product under the conditions in the climate chart, usually only the following two tests are used; 1. High temperature test: the humidity does not exceed the control humidity, and the package is not evaluated. 2. Low humidity test + no humidity control agent:
pull fixed humidity and heat test, control the humidity and mix. In the table, these tests are represented by test × and. Other boundary components of the climate chart are not required or monitored, and formula B1423 has a ready-made test containing muscle,
2) The test concentration is closest to the optimal light value of GB/T 3423. 2. It is recommended to test humidity to. 15X to anti-dirty (the conditions of this level in B/T 4798.1, the duration is selected as 16 hours. For human image products, it can indicate that it is designed to withstand any temperature without any difference. It is necessary to evaluate the thermal effect of axial radiation or thermal radiation (note 8 below)), and the duration of GB/T 2123.2 can be extended to 72h. 3) The test temperature is the same as that of the environment in GB/T 4726. When the material is in a low temperature steady state, it will rarely undergo physical or chemical changes. For low temperature tests, the recommended duration of 1h is sufficient. For products with lower heat dissipation, it can be reduced by 21.4. This severity level is closest to the severity level in GB2423. The differential difference of wet printing conditions is not obvious. For most products, the test tolerance range is within the tolerance range. The short duration can fully show that the design of the engineer is sufficient to withstand the temperature. 5) Temperature change tests are often required to test the tolerance of the equipment. The range is not important. However, in this level, condensation may occur. Therefore, a temperature range of u℃ is provided to allow condensation to form on products with low heat dissipation. G3/1 4798.1 The temperature change rate specified in CB/T2:23.22 is 0.5:/min+ and the minimum recommended rate for this grade of product is 1V/:im. 6) For sealed products or some products that store/handle liquids, GH/T3123.21 test M shall be used. For the evaluation of the effects of qi deficiency at the component level, there is no recommended test. There is no test method under the conditions in GB3T2138 (7). This condition is within the standard conditions defined in (3/T2:211, because it is suitable for most products. There is no push-flower test) The simulation in the test plan of sample selection 2.21 is also a test before the test of 1, because it produces 1 continuous radiation, so the effect of light degradation can be calculated. Although the severity level of this level is W/min, (H/T 2798. 1 The test condition is a solar radiation value of 1 120 W/in
Due to the difficulty in tracking the actual radiation at the point of change, the solar radiation test is not ideal. It is recommended to evaluate this condition by increasing the temperature of the high temperature test and evaluate the chemical reactions of materials and components. For more information, refer to [FEC 60?4:4 05) There is no recommended test. B/I47S.1 has a thermal gradient test, and its products are usually included in the market temperature test. For products near the heat source, special protective measures may be required, such as heat protection shields, insulation layers, or additional high temperature tests. The temperature is determined by the severity of the heat source.
13) There is no push test, no suitable (B/T2223 test, this condition is generally suitable for most products. If special conditions (123 or 17) are required, they must be adopted. For large products, if this item is to be evaluated, you must develop your own evaluation method. 11) Select a unique severity level to reflect the typical storage environment in the market. See 12). 12] If there is recent evidence, the user must select one of the following conditions from 125, 176 and 127: Then the user must select the appropriate test method from G13/2223,33 for the duration and test severity level. As a guide, the following points can help the user choose the appropriate test method. Flowing water. If the product is usually rainproof and can record the dripping or seepage water from above, then CRT2423.3R test R2.2: Wetting water test is the preferred test method, drip height 3m, tilt angle 0°, duration 11. Splashing water: If the product can splash through the sprinkler system or water wheel, G3712423.38 test R2.1-drifting pipe method or R12.2-draining water method. 1min/m, maximum 30min is the preferred method. Water spray: If the product has the ability to be protected from flushing or washing, FT242.88 test R3...: hose method is the preferred square head. l) Water jets: If water jets are likely to hit the product, select (iLT2128. Test Ra or Test Rb to indicate that the product is designed for these conditions.
13) Except for the low temperature test (test A6/Ad>, there are no appropriate tests in B/T 2123: This condition should be taken into account when designing products for this level.
Gk: 479s.1
Internal parameter
- KANr KAca-
CB/T 20159. 1--2006/1EC: TR 60721-4-1:2003 Table 3 for GB/T 4798. 1 Class 1K4 Recommended test (may have holes for connection to the outside, some climate protection locations) Climate condition
relative humidity/%RH
Grade IK14 Climate cabinet
Low relative humidity
Low relative humidity
Temperature change rate
Low air
Sea pressure
Solar radiation
Ki Heat exchanger
Select from 12" or m 12?
1 Temperature activity
21 g/m*
D. scamin
73 kta
1120 Wm
G13:T 2423
The closest GB2123 test
Test method
Severity level
Gas test
Exclusion test
Test method
Severity level
Tk)High temperature h
G/I 2423. 2: 1
tH1/T 2123. 1:
1)Resistant temperature
:30T. 3%RH: 13,4)
GR/T 2423. 0: 186 h
Recommended test
GB/T 2123. 22
Environmental stimulation
1/min.. --3n
G3/T 2A2. 21:Ml 75 kPs.39 minGB/T2423 Large test
GI3 T 2423. 21:S1
1 120 W/m.
G13[2423 light this test
GH/T2423 light this test
1 ms or month gate with 123 or 17.1 select phosphorus
water conditions (rain, water, ball hat, etc.)
rain removal strong port
Wunan water quality
: B/T2123 no such test
G13/T2423 no such test
3S% to 5 humidity
2 cycles
ru-s h
No test is generally required, see Note 5)
No test is required, see 7)
Add high temperature test temperature ℃
and evaluate the material's chemical properties. No test is required, see CR:T 2123. 4:D,
1 reduced ring
No test is generally required, see 12)
GB/T 20159. 1-—2006/1EC TK 60721-4-1:2003 Table 3 (continued)
GK/T 479X.
Environmental parameters
9) Water
Air recovery conditions other than precipitation
User selects from 1, 1 or 17
Freezing and frost conditions
GB/T 2423
The closest GB/T 2123 test
Test method
Severity level
GB/T 2423 this test
(B/T 2423 does not have this test
Note: The \none\ in the level column indicates that GB/479 does not specify the interpretation of this condition Table 3-Level 1K4
Climate test
Recommended test
Test method
Severity level
GTT 2423.33, Rh see note 13
- No test required, see note 14))
", the information shown on the gas chart is used to explain the climatic conditions and select the appropriate test. GH/T ?28.1 has a comparative gas chart, in order to test the performance of the product under the gas chart, only the following three test items are used: knock filter test, which requires the selection of low humidity, and the humidity is not controlled unless it is properly controlled!
Specified mixed heat test, controlled temperature and humidity,
These tests are indicated in the table as test ×z, steam recovery, and other boundary conditions are not required for testing, but H/T 2423 has a ready-made test
test delay and CB/T -17I8,! The same as the environmental parameters of this level. The selected duration is 16:;. For most heat dissipation products, it can fully show that its design allows it to withstand this temperature. To evaluate the thermal effects of excessive radiation or thermal radiation, see the following notes, it is recommended to extend the duration of GR12423.2 to 72
3 test temperature (13478.1. The environmental parameters of this grade are similar. Since the material will rarely undergo physical or chemical changes once it is inverted to a low temperature steady state, the recommended duration of the low temperature test is 16 hours, which is sufficient for the small products with low thermal conductivity. This severity level is the most important for the severity level in H/2123. The slight difference between temperature change and temperature condition is not significant. In normal measurement and use, the duration is 96 hours. For most products, it can be said that the design is sufficient to withstand the temperature. 5) Temperature change tests often require that the test design tolerance range is not important. However, in this grade, the condensation function proposes a temperature range of 0 to allow low thermal conductivity products to form condensation. (The standard condensation rate in /T 1798, 1 is 0,000 mil, but the minimum recommended condensation rate for this grade of products in GB:T 2423.22 is 17-17m. 6) For sealed products or storage! For products that handle liquids, it is recommended to carry out (3/T 2423,21 or M. For formal applications, there is no recommended test when determining the influence of atmospheric pressure at the component level. 7) There is no test piece method under this condition in CJ/T 2123. This condition is within the standard atmospheric condition range defined in (B/1 2:21, so it is suitable for most products. There is no recommended test. 8) Select, 13/1 2423. 24 in the test procedure of test C simulating the influence of solar radiation on the ground is four because it produces continuous radiation, so some rivers can evaluate the effect of photodegradation. The severity level of this level is 1120W/nY, which is consistent with the test conditions of test Sa included in 11/T23.24. It is difficult to reproduce the actual radiation that is actually endured. The high temperature radiation test is not ideal: it is recommended to determine the condition by increasing the temperature of the high temperature test by 15; whether the photochemical reaction of materials and components should be evaluated. For more information, see IFC 60741 1 C, 9) Recommended test conditions. CB/T 47!8.1 provides thermal radiation values, and its effects are usually included in high temperature tests: Products installed near high heat radiation sources may require special anti-radiation measures such as heat shields, insulation layers, or require additional high temperature tests. The degree of temperature rise is the "cooling level" of the heat source. There is no push-out test. There is no extended line B: T 2425 Test, this condition is sufficient for most products. If special conditions (123 or 121) are selected, the most protective measures should be taken, especially for large products. If the evaluation is delayed, the user must develop his own evaluation method. 1) The selection of the recommended severity level is to show the influence of some non-type storage locations, see Note 13) 12) There is no recommended storage test. There is no precipitation number in F/T278.1. When selecting materials, the influence of ice and snow should be considered. Design for this level is applicable See Note 13) 13) If there is no suitable data, the user is encouraged to select from 25125177 - one of the following: However, from (B/12423.38) select the appropriate test, duration and test severity level, as a guide + the following can help users select the appropriate test:) Dripping: If the product is usually rainproof - but there is no leakage such as condensation or dripping water, then 8
- KANr KAca-
GB/T20159.1—-2006/IECTR60721-4-1:2003GR/T 2423. 38 test Ra 2
-Drip test is the preferred test, dripping water at an angle of 1hh) if the product is likely to be exposed to water or water splashing environment. GB/T 2123. Test Rh2.1 or Rh.2, hand method "min/u, maximum 0mr is the preferred method. Water wave: If the product is likely to be exposed to flushing, then GB/212..38 test Rb-type is the preferred method. 1: Except for the low temperature test (test Al/Ai), there is no internal test in GB/T2423, which is considered when designing products for this level. Table 4 Recommended tests for GB/T4798.1 level 1KB (direct exposure to the outside, no air protection) G132T 17$x. 1
Environmental data
Absolute humidity
Relative humidity/%RF1
Grade 1K8 climate map
Low relative humidity
High relative humidity
Low absolute humidity
High absolute humidity
g) Temperature change rate
Low pressure
High pressure
Sun light
k) Heat radiation
Choose from 17 or 122
1) Air movement
User selects from 1 or 1
0. 26 g/mm
2i g/m1
GH/T 2423-
The closest GB/T242 test
Battle test method
Climate test
Test test
Test method
Severity level
[xHigh temperature
GB/T 2123. 21
GE/T 2123. 1:
[Wet heat
-o℃.16 h
(G13/T 2423. 9:# :
And recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Low emission recommended test
Same as recommended test
GB/T 2423. 22 :
112 W/m
Actual to ambient temperature
2 fierce damage
(H3 T 2423 2] :M 70 kPa -30) mt:(G13/7 2423 Light ratio test
Method core
172 h.4℃
GB/1 223 No such test
GB/T2423 incomparable test
G3/T 242h. 32 :
3 degree of decay
2 monkey rings
1℃/un..—3 b.
No test required for safety witness)
No test required for shareholders, see Note 7)
Egg culture high humidity test temperature 15℃
And evaluate the photochemical reaction of the cup material
No test is generally required, see Note
-No test is generally required, see Note 10)Thermal radiation testing is not ideal: it is recommended to determine the condition by increasing the temperature of the high temperature test by 15%; whether to evaluate the photochemical effects of materials and components. For more information, see IFC 60741 1 C, 9) set the recommended test. CB/T 47!8.1 sets a thermal radiation value, and its impact is usually included in the high temperature test: for products installed in the vicinity of high heat radiation sources, special anti-expansion measures such as heat protection shields, insulation layers or additional high temperature tests may be required. The degree of temperature rise is the "cooling level" of the heat source. There is no push-flower test. There is no extension of the line B: T 2425 Test, this condition is sufficient for most products. If special conditions (123 or 121) are selected, the most protective measures should be taken, especially for large products. If the evaluation is delayed, the user must develop his own evaluation method. 1) The selection of the recommended severity level is to show the influence of some non-type storage locations, see Note 13) 12) There is no recommended storage test. There is no precipitation number in F/T278.1. When selecting materials, the influence of ice and snow should be considered. Design for this level is applicable See Note 13) 13) If there is no suitable data, the user is encouraged to select from 25125177 - one of the following: However, from (B/12423.38) select the appropriate test, duration and test severity level, as a guide + the following can help users select the appropriate test:) Dripping: If the product is usually rainproof - but there is no leakage such as condensation or dripping water, then 8
- KANr KAca-
GB/T20159.1—-2006/IECTR60721-4-1:2003GR/T 2423. 38 test Ra 2
-Drip test is the preferred test, dripping water at an angle of 1hh) if the product is likely to be exposed to water or water splashing environment. GB/T 2123. Test Rh2.1 or Rh.2, hand method "min/u, maximum 0mr is the preferred method. Water wave: If the product is likely to be exposed to flushing, then GB/212..38 test Rb-type is the preferred method. 1: Except for the low temperature test (test Al/Ai), there is no internal test in GB/T2423, which is considered when designing products for this level. Table 4 Recommended tests for GB/T4798.1 level 1KB (direct exposure to the outside, no air protection) G132T 17$x. 1
Environmental data
Absolute humidity
Relative humidity/%RF1
Grade 1K8 climate map
Low relative humidity
High relative humidity
Low absolute humidity
High absolute humidity
g) Temperature change rate
Low pressure
High pressure
Sun light
k) Heat radiation
Choose from 17 or 122
1) Air movement
User selects from 1 or 1
0. 26 g/mm
2i g/m1
GH/T 2423-
The closest GB/T242 test
Battle test method
Climate test
Test test
Test method
Severity level
[xHigh temperature
GB/T 2123. 21
GE/T 2123. 1:
[Wet heat
-o℃.16 h
(G13/T 2423. 9:# :
And recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Low emission recommended test
Same as recommended test
GB/T 2423. 22 :
112 W/m
Actual to ambient temperature
2 fierce damage
(H3 T 2423 2] :M 70 kPa -30) mt:(G13/7 2423 Light ratio test
Method core
172 h.4℃
GB/1 223 No such test
GB/T2423 incomparable test
G3/T 242h. 32 :
3 degree of decay
2 monkey rings
1℃/un..—3 b.
No test required for safety witness)
No test required for shareholders, see Note 7)
Egg culture high humidity test temperature 15℃
And evaluate the photochemical reaction of the cup material
No test is generally required, see Note
-No test is generally required, see Note 10)Thermal radiation testing is not ideal: it is recommended to determine the condition by increasing the temperature of the high temperature test by 15%; whether to evaluate the photochemical effects of materials and components. For more information, see IFC 60741 1 C, 9) set the recommended test. CB/T 47!8.1 sets a thermal radiation value, and its impact is usually included in the high temperature test: for products installed in the vicinity of high heat radiation sources, special anti-expansion measures such as heat protection shields, insulation layers or additional high temperature tests may be required. The degree of temperature rise is the "cooling level" of the heat source. There is no push-flower test. There is no extension of the line B: T 2425 Test, this condition is sufficient for most products. If special conditions (123 or 121) are selected, the most protective measures should be taken, especially for large products. If the evaluation is delayed, the user must develop his own evaluation method. 1) The selection of the recommended severity level is to show the influence of some non-type storage locations, see Note 13) 12) There is no recommended storage test. There is no precipitation number in F/T278.1. When selecting materials, the influence of ice and snow should be considered. Design for this level is applicable See Note 13) 13) If there is no suitable data, the user is encouraged to select from 25125177 - one of the following: However, from (B/12423.38) select the appropriate test, duration and test severity level, as a guide + the following can help users select the appropriate test:) Dripping: If the product is usually rainproof - but there is no leakage such as condensation or dripping water, then 8
- KANr KAca-
GB/T20159.1—-2006/IECTR60721-4-1:2003GR/T 2423. 38 test Ra 2
-Drip test is the preferred test, dripping water at an angle of 1hh) if the product is likely to be exposed to water or water splashing environment. GB/T 2123. Test Rh2.1 or Rh.2, hand method "min/u, maximum 0mr is the preferred method. Water wave: If the product is likely to be exposed to flushing, then GB/212..38 test Rb-type is the preferred method. 1: Except for the low temperature test (test Al/Ai), there is no internal test in GB/T2423, which is considered when designing products for this level. Table 4 Recommended tests for GB/T4798.1 level 1KB (direct exposure to the outside, no air protection) G132T 17$x. 1
Environmental data
Absolute humidity
Relative humidity/%RF1
Grade 1K8 climate map
Low relative humidity
High relative humidity
Low absolute humidity
High absolute humidity
g) Temperature change rate
Low pressure
High pressure
Sun light
k) Heat radiation
Choose from 17 or 122
1) Air movement
User selects from 1 or 1
0. 26 g/mm
2i g/m1
GH/T 2423-
The closest GB/T242 test
Battle test method
Climate test
Test test
Test method
Severity level
[xHigh temperature
GB/T 2123. 21
GE/T 2123. 1:
[Wet heat
-o℃.16 h
(G13/T 2423. 9:# :
And recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Low emission recommended test
Same as recommended test
GB/T 2423. 22 :
112 W/m
Actual to ambient temperature
2 fierce damage
(H3 T 2423 2] :M 70 kPa -30) mt:(G13/7 2423 Light ratio test
Method core
172 h.4℃
GB/1 223 No such test
GB/T2423 incomparable test
G3/T 242h. 32 :
3 degree of decay
2 monkey rings
1℃/un..—3 b.
No test required for safety witness)
No test required for shareholders, see Note 7)
Egg culture high humidity test temperature 15℃
And evaluate the photochemical reaction of the cup material
No test is generally required, see Note
-No test is generally required, see Note 10)1
Environmental data
Absolute humidity
Relative humidity/%RF1
Grade 1K8 climate map
Low relative humidity
High relative humidity
Low absolute humidity
High absolute humidity
g) Temperature change rate
Low pressure
High pressure
Sun light
k) Heat radiation
Choose from 17 or 122
1) Air movement
User selects from 1 or 1
0. 26 g/mm
2i g/m1
GH/T 2423-
The closest GB/T242 test
Battle test method
Climate test
Test test
Test method
Severity level
[xHigh temperature
GB/T 2123. 21
GE/T 2123. 1:
-o℃.16 h
(G13/T 2423. 9:# :
And recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Low emission recommended test
Same as recommended test
GB/T 2423. 22 :
112 W/m
Actual to ambient temperature
2 fierce damage
(H3 T 2423 2] :M 70 kPa -30) mt:(G13/7 2423 Light ratio test
Method core
172 h.4℃
GB/1 223 No such test
GB/T2423 incomparable test
G3/T 242h. 32 :
3 degree of decay
2 monkey rings
1℃/un..—3 b.
No test required for safety witness)
No test required for shareholders, see Note 7)
Egg culture high humidity test temperature 15℃
And evaluate the photochemical reaction of the cup material
No test is generally required, see Note
-No test is generally required, see Note 10)1
Environmental data
Absolute humidity
Relative humidity/%RF1
Grade 1K8 climate map
Low relative humidity
High relative humidity
Low absolute humidity
High absolute humidity
g) Temperature change rate
Low pressure
High pressure
Sun light
k) Heat radiation
Choose from 17 or 122
1) Air movement
User selects from 1 or 1
0. 26 g/mm
2i g/m1
GH/T 2423-
The closest GB/T242 test
Battle test method
Climate test
Test test
Test method
Severity level
[xHigh temperature
GB/T 2123. 21
GE/T 2123. 1:
[Wet heat
-o℃.16 h
(G13/T 2423. 9:# :
And recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Same as recommended test
Low emission recommended test
Same as recommended test
GB/T 2423. 22 :
112 W/m
Actual to ambient temperature
2 fierce damage
(H3 T 2423 2] :M 70 kPa -30) mt:(G13/7 2423 Light ratio test
Method core
172 h.4℃
GB/1 223 No such test
GB/T2423 incomparable test
G3/T 242h. 32 :
3 degree of decay
2 monkey rings
1℃/un..—3 b.
No test required for safety witness)
No test required for shareholders, see Note 7)
Egg culture high humidity test temperature 15℃
And evaluate the photochemical reaction of the cup material
No test is generally required, see Note
-No test is generally required, see Note 10)
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