title>Terminology of pesticide registration management Part 6:Pesticide residue - NY/T 1667.6-2008 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Terminology of pesticide registration management Part 6:Pesticide residue

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 1667.6-2008

Standard Name:Terminology of pesticide registration management Part 6:Pesticide residue

Chinese Name: 农药登记管理术语 第6部分:农药残留

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2008-08-28

Date of Implementation:2008-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>65.020 Agriculture and forestry

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture and Forestry>>Plant Protection>>B17 Pesticide Management and Usage Methods

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2008-10-01

other information

drafter:Wang Yiyan, Li Fugen, Pan Canping, Qiao Xiongwu, Li Youshun, Chen Jingfen, Ai Guomin

Drafting unit:Pesticide Testing Institute, Ministry of Agriculture

Focal point unit:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Proposing unit:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

NY/T 1667.6-2008 Pesticide Registration Management Terminology Part 6: Pesticide Residues NY/T1667.6-2008 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This part specifies the pesticide residue terms commonly used in pesticide registration. This part is applicable to the field of pesticide management.

Some standard content:

ICS 65.020
Agricultural industry standard of the People's Republic of China
Terminology of pesticide registration management
Part 6: Pesticide residue
Terminology of pesticide registration managementPart6:Pesticide residue
Published on August 28, 2008
Implementation on October 1, 2008
Published by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
"Terminology of pesticide registration management" is a series of standards. Part 1: Basic terms; Part 2: Product chemistry, Part 3: Pesticide efficacy; Part 4: Pesticide toxicology, Part 5: Environmental effects, Part 6: Pesticide residues, Part 7: Pesticide supervision; Part 8: Pesticide application. This part is Part 6 of the "Terms for Pesticide Registration and Management". This part is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. This part was drafted and interpreted by the Pesticide Testing Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture. The drafters of this part are: Xia Yiyan, Li Fugen, Canping, Qiao Xiongwu, Li Youshun, Chen Jingfen, and Ai Guomin. NY/T 1667. 62008
1 Scope
Terms for pesticide registration management
Part 6: Pesticide residue
This part specifies the terms for pesticide residue commonly used in pesticide registration. This part is applicable to the field of pesticide management.
2 Basic terms
Pesticide residuepesticide residue
NY/T 1667.6—2008
A general term for pesticide residues and their toxicologically significant metabolites, transformation products, reactants and impurities that remain in organisms, food, agricultural and sideline products, feed and the environment due to the use of pesticides. 2.1.1
Bound residues
Pesticide residues that are difficult to be extracted with organic solvents by combining with lignin, fiber and humus in plants and animals and soil. 2.1.2
Conjugated residues
Residues of strong polar and low-toxic compounds formed by the degradation of pesticides, pesticides or their metabolites, and some endogenous substances in the body. Usually, the pesticide conjugates are dissociated by enzyme hydrolysis, acid hydrolysis or splashing, and then measured retrogradely. 2.2
Pesticide residual toxicityPesticide residual toxicityIntentional poisoning or chronic toxicity to humans, animals and beneficial organisms caused by pesticide residues. Synonym: residue.
Pesticide dissipation dynamicsThe process of pesticide residues decreasing over time under the influence of environmental factors such as wind, rain, light and heat! 2.4
Pesticide metabolismPesticide metabolismThe chemical reaction of pesticides in animals, plants, and microorganisms that is catalyzed by enzymes. Most of them are detoxification reactions, and some pesticides have oxidation products that are more thin.
Pesticide residue half-lifehalf-lifeofpesticideresidueThe time required for pesticide residues to be reduced to half of the initial amount. 2.6
Maximum residue limitmaximumresiduelimit,MRLThe legal maximum allowable concentration of pesticide residues in organisms, food, agricultural and sideline products, feed and the environment. Expressed in 1g/kg units. Synonyms: maximum residue limit, maximum allowable residue. 2.7
NY/T 1667.6---2008
Extraneous maximmn residue limit,EMRLThe residue established to control the re-contamination of persistent pesticide residues in the environment. 2.8
Minimum detection limit of quantification, LoxThe mass of the analyte required to make the detection system produce a 3-way noise signal. Expressed in units. 2.9
Minimum detection concentration limit of quantification, LoQThe lowest content of the analyte in the sample that can be detected by the addition method. Expressed in units of /kg or m/kg. 2. 10
Acute reference doseacute reference dose, aRtDThe dose of a certain pesticide in food or drinking water that will not cause any observable health damage after being ingested in a short period of time (generally refers to one meal or one day).
3Residue field test
Harvest intervalinlervaltoharvest
The number of days between harvest and the last application of the pesticide. 3.2
Preharvest intervalThe number of days allowed between the last application and harvest when the test pesticide confirmed by the residue test is actually used. 3.3
Field sampleeldsarmplc
Samples collected in the field according to the specified method. 3.4
Recommended dosage
recommended dosage
The dosage (or concentration) of pesticide products for controlling certain crop diseases, insects and weeds determined through field efficacy tests. 3.5
Supervised residue testsupervised residue lrialTests conducted under good agricultural production practices (GAP) and good laboratory practices (CLP) or similar conditions to obtain the possible maximum residues of recommended pesticides in edible (or feed) primary agricultural products and crops, as well as the degradation dynamics of these pesticides in agricultural products, soil (or water).
4Residue analysis
Pesticide residue analysisQualitative and quantitative analysis of trace pesticide residues in the sample to be tested. 4.2
Multi-residue analysis Qualitative and quantitative analysis of multiple pesticide residues in the sample. 4.3
Fortified recovery
After a certain concentration of pesticide is added to the blank sample, the measured value is compared with the marked value. NY/T1667.6—2008
Note: The average recovery and relative standard deviation (RSD) of the samples with different concentrations should be within the allowable range. Generally, the addition concentration is >0.01tng/kg, and the recovery rate is 70%~110%. The RST is: 0%~20%. The cut-off micro-degree is between 0.097mg/kg~-0.01mg/kg (including 0.0img/kg>, the recovery rate is 60%-120%, and the RSD is 305%. The addition concentration is 40(01mg/kg, and the recovery rate is 50%~:20%. The RSD is 35%. For the same concentration of addition rate test, at least 5 replicates are selected.
Laboratory samplelaboratoryalorysample
Sample material collected from the group and sent to the residue analysis laboratory.4.5
Analytical sampleanalytical sample
The sample to be analyzed directly according to the requirements of the residue analysis method: 4.6
Sample pretreatmentsamplepretreatment The process of preparing the sample after sampling and before residue analysis. Synonym: sample preparation.
The process of extracting pesticides from the sample with a solvent in residue analysis. 4. 6. 2
The process of separating the standard pesticide from impurities and removing impurities from the extract to be tested. 4.6.3
The process of increasing the concentration of pesticides by reducing the solvent in the extract in residue analysis. 4.7
Confirmation of pesticide detectionpesticide Cunfirmation: To further identify and confirm the components that have been detected in the sample by other methods (such as changing the chromatographic column, changing the detector, changing the detection method, gas-mass spectrometry or liquid-mass spectrometry, etc.).
Synonym: pesticide identification. 4.8
Non-detectable, ND
When the detection value is lower than the minimum detection concentration of the method, the concentration marked should be marked with "LOQ\ or "not detected", but not "0"3
NY/T 1667.6 2008
Safety meeting interval
Harvest interval·
Multi-residue analysis
Yoke residue
Analysis sample·
Specification line test
Reference agent for curative effect
Confirmation of detected pesticides
Combined residue
Pesticide residues
Pesticide residue half-life
Terms of pesticide registration and management
Pesticide residue Chinese name index
(Sort by Chinese pinyin)
Toxicity of pesticide residues·
Pesticide residue analysis
Pesticide metabolism
Experimental samples
Addition recovery rate
Field samples
Recommended dosage
Digestion dynamics
Sample pretreatment
Residue limit:
Maximum residue limit·
Minimum detection concentration·
Minimum detection amount
Terms of pesticide registration management
Index of English names of pesticide residues
(Sort by alphabetical order)
acute reference ciose,aRfDwww.bzxz.net
analytisal sample
bourf residue
conjugated residue
exiralicous maximun residue limit, EMRIF
field sanrple
fortified recovery
half life of pesticide residue1||t t | 1667.6—2008
NY/T 1667. 6.--2008
pesticide conlirnation
pestiride dissipation dynamicspesticide ictabolism
pesticide resicdual toxicilypcsticidc residue
Pesticide residue aralysis
preharvest irilerval||t t||recofnmended dosagc
sample pretreatncnt
supervised residue trial
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.