title>Information and documentation-Bibliographic data element directory-Part 4:circulation applications - GB/T 19688.4-2005 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Information and documentation-Bibliographic data element directory-Part 4:circulation applications

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 19688.4-2005

Standard Name:Information and documentation-Bibliographic data element directory-Part 4:circulation applications

Chinese Name: 信息与文献-书目数据目录 第四部分:流通应用

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2005-03-23

Date of Implementation:2005-10-01

Date of Expiration:2023-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.30 Information technology in information, documentation and publication

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A14 Library, Archives, Documentation and Information Work

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 19688-2022

Procurement status:ISO 8459-4:1998, IDT

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Plan number:20020649-T-469

Publication date:2005-10-01

other information

Release date:2005-03-23

drafter:Hao Chunyun, Wang Li, Zhang Zhiping

Drafting unit:Chinese Institute of Scientific and Technological Information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Information and Documentation Standardization

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Information and Documentation Standardization

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 19688 This part specifies and describes the data required for data exchange between circulation systems (i.e., between terminals and computers or between computers), and also defines the messages and data used in the circulation system. This part supports both batch circulation transactions and interactive circulation transactions. GB/T 19688.4-2005 Information and Documentation - Bibliographic Data Catalog Part 4: Circulation Application GB/T19688.4-2005 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
GB/T 19688 This part specifies and describes the data required for data exchange between circulation systems (i.e., between terminals and computers or between computers), and also defines the messages and data used in the circulation system. This part supports both batch circulation transactions and interactive circulation transactions.

Some standard content:

ICS 35. 240. 30
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
CB/T19688.4—2005/ISO8459-4:1998 Information and documentation---Bibliographic data element directory-Part 4.Circulation applications(1SO 8459.4:1998, IDT)
2005-03-23 ​​Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2005-10-01 Implementation
GB/T 19688 Metadata Catalog of Bibliographic Information and Documentation" is divided into five parts: Part 1, Inter-loan application;
-Part 2: Acquisition application;
-Part 3: Information retrieval;
---Part 1 Circulation application:
Part 5: Catalog conversion and metadata.
This part is Part 4 of GB/T 19688. KNrKAca
GB/T 19688.4--2005/ISO 8459-4: 1998 This part is equivalent to ISO8459-4: 1998 "Information and documentation catalogue data element directory Part 4: Circulation application". Appendix A and Appendix B of this part are informative appendices. This part adds the Chinese and English indexes of the informative appendix NA for ease of use. This part is the fourth part of the data element directory series that constitutes all applications. It describes the data elements used to support circulation application processes or applications in the form of a directory. It summarizes them from four perspectives: data element directory, index, structured sequence of data elements, and data element matrix list, and provides explanations of the relationship between data elements and examples of their actual use. This part is mainly for document creation and circulation application systems. This part is proposed by the National Information and Document Standardization Technical Committee. This part is under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Information Classification and Compilation Research Institute. The main drafting unit of this part: Chinese Institute of Scientific and Technical Information. The main drafters of this part are Hao Chunyun, Sheng Li and Zhang Zhiping. GR/T19688.4-2005/ISO8459-4.1998 Introduction
Data is exchanged to initiate or support a process. In order to transmit the information required to support a process, the various data in the messages exchanged must be fully understood by the relevant processes. This standard describes the data used to support the flow process in the form of a log.
The data elements that may be generated during the sub-flow operation are expressed in the following four ways: a data log (see Chapter 4), which has an appendix containing the code value and description of the message, as well as the date/time qualifier (see A.1 and A.2)
Element reference (see Chapter 5), which includes the name, keywords and synonyms of the data element, and the data value including the name assigned to the message.
A structured sequence of data elements (see Chapter 6), which is related to similar data elements in a hierarchical system. Matrix (see Chapter 1) represents the correspondence between specific circulation messages and data elements. After the completion of this part, a comprehensive data element directory for book operation will be formed. This part mainly targets new circulation systems, and is used to exchange circulation messages between different systems, as well as data exchange between clients and servers in the client/server model. 1 Scope
GB/T 19688.4—2005/ISO 8459-4:1998 Information and bibliographic data element directory
Part 4: Circulation application
G13/T19688 This part specifies and describes the data elements required for exchanging data between circulation systems (i.e., between terminals and computers or between computers), and also determines the messages and data elements used in the circulation system. This part supports both batch flow transactions and interactive circulation services.
Appendix B gives examples of how to use this part. How to construct data into messages is not within the scope of this part. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents are referenced by this part of G13/T19688 and are the clauses of this part. For all referenced documents with dates, all subsequent amendments (excluding dated content) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties who reach an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all referenced documents without dates, the latest versions are applicable to this part. GB/T4880:1991 Language name code (eqvISO639:1998) GB/T5795-2002 China Standard Book Number (eqvJSO2108:1092) GR/T2659--2000 Code for the names of countries and regions in the world (eqvISO3165-l:1997) GR/9999-2001 China Standard Serial Publication Number (eq1SO3297:1998) GB/T7408:1991 Data element and exchange format Information exchange date and time representation (e9VIS08601:1988) Line 3/T12406-1996 Representation of currency and Fund code (ITllTS () 4217: 1990) GB/72261.12003 Personal basic information classification and code Part 1: Human gender code ISO3901: 1986 Information and contribution International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) IS07498-3: 1989 Information processing systems Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model Part 3: Naming and addressing ISO/IEC10027: 1990 Information technology Information Resource Directory System (IRL>S) Framework 1 ISO10957: 1993 Information and documentation International Standard Music Number (ISMN) 3 Definitions
This section uses the following definitions.
character string
A combination of letters, numbers, punctuation marks or other symbols. 3.2
Controls the borrowing and provision of a library's collection or its copies, as well as the confirmation, status, return, reminder, fees, registration and reservation.
Data element dataelemcnt
The basic unit of data that is identified and defined. It has a numeric name with a tag as an identifier and one or more data elements representing specific facts.
Data element directory data element directory, which stores detailed descriptions of the corresponding data element values. 3.5
Data element groupdata element group
A group of related data.
Data element group namedataelementgroupname identifies one or more elements of a data element group. 3.7
data element name data element name
one or more natural language words that identify a data element. 3.8
data element value
a fact expressed in code, number or natural language that corresponds to the description and specification of the data element. 3.9
message message
a structured group of sensitive data used in communication services. 3.10
record record
a group of data that is usually treated as a processing unit. 3.1
a method of representing a specific data element value by one or more numbers, letters or symbols. 3.12
an identifier used to replace a data element name or data element service (this standard uses a three-digit group of characters). 3.13
The construction or modification of a message required to support the circulation of a message or to provide information about the status of the circulation. 4 Contents
This directory names and defines the data elements and data tuples used to support the circulation of application transactions. The content of each data element or data tuple is indicated by the tags, names, descriptions, representations, and comments. The "tags" are used to identify a data element or a data tuple. The "name" is the name of the data element and the name of the data tuple. The data element name is printed in bold to distinguish it from the data element name. The "description" contains the definition of a data element or data element. If it is a data element, the definition also lists the tags of the various data elements contained in the data element. "Notation and Interpretation" shall consist of descriptive statements indicating general conventions and/or standards for accessing a data element or group of data, with detailed examples where possible, Message Identifier Message Name Message Date Time Stamp Transaction Number Session Details Transaction Participant Transaction Participant Role Participant's function)
Password version
Password type
(password type)
Data used to identify a specific message, which is the group identifier of data element 002-004.010
GB/T19688.4--2005/IS08459-4,1998 Notation and Notes
A phrase or see A.1, code that identifies the message function.
The year, month, and day when the transaction was executed, the message was sent, or the event
Issued a transaction. Sent or received
A message clipped to the
time when an event occurred.
Data assigned to exchanged materials or messages in a circulation-related transaction that identifies the various details of a particular session, which is the group
identifier of data elements 050-
231,724-725, 848-849.
Data identifying a participant in a circulation transaction, which is the group
identifier of data elements 060-
or code
speaking of the function or role performed by a participant in a circulation session.
A code used by the system to authenticate a person or automated process when using a system function or service.
A code or phrase used to identify current and previous passwords.
A code or phrase used to indicate the specific services that the password holder is authorized to use.
Can be used in conjunction with the date/time qualifier (905). The various qualifiers specified are shown in A. 2 and GB/T 74081994. The precise hour, minute, and second at which a transaction occurred is automatically indicated by the system, used in conjunction with the date/time qualifier (905), see A. 2. This number is stored by the organization responsible for generating the file or message type (such as a search, user identification, etc.). Possible values ​​include!
0-Circulation service provider
1-Database provider
2-Intermediary. Gateway server
3-Circulation service user
This code can be modified periodically to ensure its security. The password is usually provided by the user at the beginning of the session, but can also be required by the system at any time during the session.
This data element is used in conjunction with the user identification number (303), the organization identifier (115-116) and the network user identifier (165). This data element is used by the system to support multi-level authentication. The possible values ​​include:
0-System connection
1-Database connection
4-Delete authority
5-Extract command
The security level (849) is used to control access to classified information and is related to the access rights (724) that provide details related to the type of authority. 078 clarifies the type of permission.
GB/T 19688.4—2005/IS0 8459-4:1998 Flags
Session identifier
: (sessian identifier)
Subsession identifier
(subsessian idenifitr)
Reference identifier
(reference identifier)
Continue flag
(continue flag)
Suspend flag
(uspeid [lag)
Cost limit
(cast cansrreint)
Session length limit
(sessiun lenglh consl.raint) Resource usage type
(resource usage type)
System performance
A code or number that identifies a specific conversation between a user and an automated system.
A code or number that identifies a segment of interaction in a session where an automated system provides a specific service.
A code or number assigned for system communications.
Notation and Notes
A typical session includes all transactions between a user and the system from login to logout. Sessions can be interrupted by abnormal system or communication failures, resulting in a single logout point. Advanced systems allow sessions to be suspended and resumed later, or applications to be changed within a specific session.
This identifier is used to monitor and verify that all system interactions are processed in the proper order.
Indicates that a resource limit has been exceeded! Possible values ​​are: 0-Continue
(090 and 725), whether processing will continue.
Indicates whether the process has been suspended by C-Process Unsuspended when the resource limit (0%0, possible values ​​include: 292.725) is exceeded.
A pre-defined amount, when exceeded, will result in a specific system action,
, a pre-defined time limit, when exceeded, the prescribed system action will be issued.
Indicates that in a session or at a given time
1-Process Suspended
is often used to limit the system resources that a user can consume within a given session range.
After the system works or stops for a certain period of time, the session is usually terminated.
To coordinate, dispatch, and monitor these resources, the system gives the following information about the type of system resources used during the period: information code or phrase.
: Possible values ​​include,
(=CPC time
1 Connection type
: 4=Number of sessions
7=Transmission packet
9-Natural transaction
10=Number of microdisk accesses
11-Number of tapes
Used in conjunction with the usage total (097).
Collect system performance data to inform management personnel.
Typical system performance measurements include the following possible values:.-Startup delay
『-Downtime rate
12·Number of system failures
3-Number of communication interruptions
can be used together with the average customer service time
and the total usage (087).
Total amount of usage
Total amount of usage)
Institution identification
(institation identificntion)Institution name
(name of institution)
Main unit of institution name
(min lnit of institution Hrne)Subordinate unit of institution name
(abbreviated name)
Institution identifier code
(institution identifier)
Institution official seal
(ofFieial scal of tnstitution)Institution role
(institutiun rve )
Address instruction
(address instruction)
Address type
(udidress type)
Measures the base of values ​​established under resource usage type ((95)
and system performance (096).
Used to identify a parameter in a session, such as an organization's data element,
It is a group identifier of data elements 111118 and 130
Used to identify an organization or company's
word, phrase, embedded abbreviation, it
is data element: 12- 1:4 The group mark of an organization. The basic name of an organization. The part of an organization name that defines a division, department or unit of an organization. The short form of the organization name (111). The code used by the coding system that contains the organization identifier. The unique number or alias used to identify an organization. The pattern, letter or other design used to identify an organization in formal occasions. -irKoNrKAca GB/T19688.4—2005/1S0 8459-4:1998 Table of Contents and Notes
This data element repeatedly defines the subordinate organizations of a subordinate organization.
It is used to define the role of the organization in a particular flow.
Possible values:
0 Direct user
Transaction code or!
1 Another user root
Gives the location code associated with the organization or user. This data element can be used in conjunction with 11C or 300. The network address reference location or location code is a short
word, which is a group identifier for data elements 131-142.
Indicates that the message or document is sent to an organization with multiple addresses. This data element is used in conjunction with 130. Possible values ​​include: type of message or document for the organization or individual, 0 delivery 1 billing
type of word or mother.
Definition, a specific address can only have multiple possible values ​​including: Address of the institution or individual address 0 = code, word or phrase of temporary address.
1 = permanent address
2-parent address
3-office address
office address
GB/T 19688.4-2005/150 8459-4: 1998 Flag
Delivery service
Indicates that the mail will be delivered to an address
(delivery service)
Current address flag
(eurrentaddress flag)
Post office box
(post office box)
Building built-in
(lacation within building)
! street and number: (street and number)
postal code
(postal code)
telecommunications carrier
(tetenetwork address)
telephone number
(telephone number)
a code or occasionally a phrase for the type of service.
Indicates a machine with multiple addresses. Possible values ​​include:
Notation and annotation
0 - National Postal Service
1 - Campus Mail
2 - Internal Courier
3 - Other
When all types of mail or mail can only be sent to one address, one of which is not available!
, this data element is used to indicate the current address, when the network type of mail is not valid, the code, time or phrase,
the mailbox number assigned by the postal department.
A number and/or
phrase used to identify a specific location in a building or group of buildings.
An abbreviation and/or phrase that identifies the location of a building in an urban or rural area.
A word or phrase that identifies a city (including a suburb or
postal district).
Word or phrase that identifies a sub-entity within a country
Word or phrase that identifies a region within a country:
Word or phrase that identifies a country.
When messages and mail can be sent to different addresses, use data element 131 instead of this data element.
Possible values ​​include:
Current address
1Non-current address
Used when a second serial number is used in addition to the street number (data element 137). For example: Suite 42, fourth floor.
This data element can contain the name of the building, which is used in conjunction with 136, and the two data elements can be combined into an address. Includes counties, parishes, etc. www.bzxz.net
Includes states, provinces, departments, counties and cities.
Country codes are as follows: GB/T 2259.
A set of codes assigned by a country's postal service that uniquely identifies an address or a group of addresses.
A code, word, short phrase, or abbreviation used to identify the communication carrier used by a remote system.
A number or code used to uniquely identify a device in a communication network. It is the group identifier of data elements 161-156.
A unique number assigned to a telephone line.
It may be necessary to identify multiple carriers, and the carrier name may also imply the switching technology used (such as packet switching or cable switching).
Fax number:Telephone user identifier Network user identifier Host system network address A communication number used to send and receive faxes, a unique number assigned to an email address or service connection, a unique number assigned to a network user, used to identify a host within a communication network. Session transaction history User identification User identity User ID affilialion)
user' s internal identifica-tion
user idenzificatian numher)check digit algorithm
(check digit algorithmn)
farmer identification number
(farmer identification number
ber at this institution)
household password
(user nassword)
user role
(user's role?
A list of transactions executed in this session
A data element or code used to identify individuals or organizations involved in circulation transactions.
It is the group
identifier of data elements 301-305.
The name of the system that has registered a unique number or code for a user to identify the user:
The unique number or code used by the circulation system to identify individuals or organizations involved in circulation
The number submitted to the circulation system to identify the user.
The algorithm for generating a check digit in the user's external identification number.
GB/T 19688.4-2005/IS0 8459-4:1998 Representation and Notes
This data element may or may not be the same as the institution identifier (116).
See ISO 7458 3,
Starting with 302|
Identifies a user in any circulation system.
It is the number used by the system to identify the user. It is different from the user identification number (303) that appears on the library card.
It consists of two parts: the book code and the reader number of the library. The library code is recommended to use the national document collection unit name code. ! The same format as the current user identification number (303). The user identification number previously submitted to the circulation system.
For users who perform restricted or confidential activities, the system may require a mountain password when the user personally requires to perform transactions (such as borrowing, renewing, and reserving.
The identity of the user in the circulation transaction.
, etc.). This command can be used. It is often the same as the password (076) required to start the first session.
The possible values ​​include:
1-using a physical object in a building
2-requesting a copy
8-delay or fine
:-the physical object has been borrowed before
GB/' 19688.4-2005/IS0 8459-4:1998
other user identification information
taltcd user identity
"record status"
(user's name)
personal name
(personal name)
(give me)
Numerical qualifier
(numerie ualifier)
! Gender
Representation and comments
When multiple identification numbers are distributed to the same user or the same organization, other identification information of the user delivered to the circulation system is used. It is the group identifier of data elements
A code indicating the request status is used for
document protection.
The name of the individual or organization
involved in circulation affairs. It is data element 312,
is used, for example, for a research assistant to borrow on behalf of another researcher or department, or for a family member who has different IDs but receives mail under the same user ID. Possible values ​​include:
= new record
1 - deleted
2 - modified record
If record status = 1. The record may only store 309,300 and the last update date/time
(A.2-code 15)
The name of the individual who participated in the transaction. If in Chinese, the name is not allowed between the Chinese characters: it is data element 314 319 Spaces and other punctuation marks.
A person's surname.
Surname is the part of the name that is created as a document and retrieved from the ordered list. If a person has only one single name, that name is used as the data element of the surname. This data element includes a full name (i.e. a name connected by a hyphen in the middle, such as Bridge: Wehh) and a surname that includes two or more single characters (such as Day Lewis, la Fonlaine Verwey). If it is a Chinese compound surname, spaces and other punctuation marks are not allowed between the Chinese characters.
A name that is distinguished from others in a family, used for secondary sorting. The given name and "first name (orne) single name, double name or full name.
are included in the first name". If it is a Chinese name, punctuation marks such as "+" and "-" are not allowed in the Chinese language. The name element at the end of a name is used together with the surname and given name to identify a person, but it does not constitute the entire part of the name.
Place before other names (such as surnames and given names)
This part is usually not sorted, including titles, numbers, and elements of names before them. It is used together with other elements to identify individuals, such as Mr., Hnn..l)r. But
does not constitute the body of a name.
Arabic numerals, Roman numerals or other
type of numbers. It forms the whole part of a name together with the surname and given name
A code for a person's gender.
This part is used for secondary sorting. Numeric data elements are often placed after other names, such as: IX
See GB/T 226]. 12003,
Group name
(carpnrate name)
User private information
(user private information) infurmation)
Permission to use this record
pntission 1o us:this
furthier priveey reslrietion
source of primary data source
identify the document
(identlly docnnent)
identify the document type
code used in the communication language.
! The name of the structure involved in the circulation transaction. It is the
interpretation of data elements 111-118.
The data of the machine output of user information
GB/T 19688.4—2005/ISO 8459-4:199B Methods and annotations
This code is available in GR/T4850) 1991. This is a group identifier for data elements 331-332.
indicates the range in which the user record may be used; preferably, the range includes:
0 - restricted to access within a single system and/or database 1 - the record may be read from another system and/or database 2 - the record may be copied to another system and/or database 3 - the information in this record may be used for non-traditional library activities such as sexual listings, etc.
The use of a user's information and free-form privacy information may be defined as necessary. Other restrictions on dissemination.
This record may also be obtained from other systems
from which the user's information is obtained
issued by a government or other administrative body
to identify a person's document, license or card
This is a group identifier for data elements 367-370.
A code or phrase used to identify an individual on documents, licenses, and cards.
(type of icerity documen)

Administrative authority issuing identification document:
(administrstive authority
issuing identity document number?
identification document number
(idern.ity dtac!meut n:thber)Possible values ​​include:
1-citizen identification card
3-resident identification card
4-military serial identification card
3-social security card
4-state identification card
5-local identification document
The government and other
administrative authorities that issue identification documents, including national, state, and municipal administrative departments.
A unique number or string of characters assigned to an individual to identify the individual.
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