title>HG/T 20701.14-2000 Equipment professional engineering design data management method - HG/T 20701.14-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20701.14-2000 Equipment professional engineering design data management method

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20701.14-2000

Standard Name: Equipment professional engineering design data management method

Chinese Name: 设备专业工程设计资料管理办法

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-11-22

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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HG/T 20701.14-2000 Equipment Professional Engineering Design Data Management Method HG/T20701.14-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Management Methods for Equipment Professional Engineering Design Data HG/T20701.14-2000
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the management methods for all the accepted and submitted data in the equipment professional engineering design, and is applicable to the data management of professional engineering design such as containers, heat exchangers, and special equipment. 2 Engineering Design Data Management
2.0.1 Engineering design documents and data should be classified into volumes according to the requirements of Chapter 3 below, and should be bound into volumes or bagged using the uniformly specified A4 specification folders. The different contents in each volume (bag) should be separated by colored paper or inserted into spacer pages with classification labels. When there are too many files, they can be divided into several volumes (bags) according to the situation, such as A1, A2, A3, etc. When there are too few files, they can also be combined into volumes.
2.0.2 Each volume (bag) of data should be labeled in an obvious place. The label type is shown in Appendix A, and the project number, user or project abbreviation, volume (bag) or category code, engineering design start date and main content index, etc. should be written. 2.0.3 The professional person in charge is responsible for the compilation and management of engineering design documents and materials, and another person can be designated to manage them. After receiving the engineering design documents and materials, they should be packed into the volume (bag) as soon as possible. When storing materials in the data volume (bag), the data filing directory (including serial number, data name, receipt date and filing person, etc.) should be filled in in time. 2.0.5 In each volume (bag) of data, generally only the latest version of the data is saved. If you want to save all versions of the data, the expired and invalid data should be marked. When storing, the same type of data should be arranged in the order of editions, such as in the order of edition 2, edition 1, and edition 0, that is, the latest version is in front.
2.0.6 Engineering design documents and materials should be placed on scattered bookshelves or desktops for the convenience of relevant personnel. After use, they should be restored in time and the folders (bags) should be returned to their original places. 140
Classification of engineering design materials
3.1 Category A Engineering Design Basic Materials
This type of materials is mainly prepared by engineering design managers and process professionals. It is generally used by professional leaders and serves as the basis and basis for preparing engineering design regulations and related documents. It can also be consulted by professionals participating in engineering design. The main documents and materials include:
Design contract and its annexes.
Design commencement report and its annexes, including: engineering design basic data;
Quality plan;
Equipment list;
Preliminary design, preliminary design review opinions (or review minutes) and superior approval documents; approved design regulations;
Drawing material distribution sheet.
Process flow chart and process description.
Material balance sheet.
Project progress information, including: project plan (including the progress plan provided in the commencement report); man-hour estimate;
Copy of user change order;
Design plan change or shutdown report;
Summary of pending matters and/or memorandum;
Completion report.
Instructions provided by basic design documents or technology owners (patent holders). Correspondence and faxes.
Minutes of meetings and memoranda.
3.2 Class B - Design conditions and information
This type of information includes design conditions and information from disciplines such as process, system, instrumentation, layout, piping design, piping materials, piping machinery and materials. The main information includes: 141
Process professional design conditions - process data table. System professional design conditions PID, equipment takeover summary table. Heat exchanger analysis professional design conditions - heat exchanger data table. Instrument professional design conditions - instrument equipment connection diagram. Material professional design conditions and information, including: engineering material selection regulations (construction material memorandum); pipeline material identification diagram;
engineering standards and/or procedure instructions.
device layout professional design conditions - equipment layout diagram. Pipeline professional design conditions - pipeline plane design diagram or pipe opening orientation diagram. Pipeline mechanical professional design conditions and information, including the location of fixed supports for horizontal containers and heat exchangers; support component summary table;
local load table acting on equipment.
Pipeline material professional design conditions and information, including: pipeline material design regulations;
pipeline material classification table;
equipment/pipeline insulation (cold insulation) regulations;
equipment/pipeline painting regulations;
pipeline connection standard regulations and special connection structure standards or standard drawings. Civil engineering professional design conditions: the elevation, orientation and type of platform and ladder support components. 3.3
C-type Documents prepared by a major
All documents prepared by this major should be classified into this type of book or bag, and the main contents include: 3.3.1
Drawing and data sending list.
Engineering design regulations.
Equipment/material (inquiry, order) purchase order or technical specification. Equipment schematic and/or data sheet.
General technical regulations for various types of equipment.
Engineering standards and procedure instructions.
Technical evaluation table and evaluation opinions on manufacturers' quotations. Manufacturer coordination meeting topics and VCM meeting minutes. Engineering design technical summary.
3.4D-type Equipment files (drawings and calculations) Equipment files can be classified and filed for a single equipment (one position number), or several equipment included in the same procurement package (order contract). The content of the equipment file depends on the ownership of the equipment detailed design (construction design). 3.4.1 For equipment whose detailed design is undertaken by the manufacturer, the equipment archive shall at least include: 1
Contract technical attachments;
Business (technical) correspondence related to the contract equipment; Equipment manufacturing detailed drawings (ACF and CF) and review opinions; Equipment strength calculation sheet (ACF and CF) and review opinions; Equipment manufacturing version and construction version schematics;
Equipment manufacturing and inspection data report.
For equipment whose construction drawing design is undertaken by our company, the equipment archive shall at least include the equipment schematics confirmed by the relevant professionals or equipment construction drawings; Equipment construction drawings;
Strength calculation sheet;
Related correspondence related to this equipment.
Base drawing (original) processing
Data processing
After the completion of the engineering design, the originals of the base drawings of the design drawings, engineering design regulations, engineering standards, equipment technical regulations, calculation sheets and other documents kept by this profession shall be sent to the archives for filing. At least one set of the manufacturer's final (CF) drawings and materials should be sent to the archives for filing. 4.0.2
4.0.The 3D equipment files shall be temporarily stored in the professional group for future reference and shall be kept for at least one year after the completion and acceptance of the project, but the following materials may be removed:
ACF drawings and ACF strength calculations provided by the manufacturer for review. 5Appendix
Label format
Appendix A
Project number
User or project name
Book or category code
Start date
Main content index
○Design contract and attachments
ODesign commencement report
OProcess flow chart and description
OMaterial balance sheet
OProject progress information
OBasic design documents, etc.
OCorrespondence, fax
OMinutes of meeting, memorandum
Professional name
Appendix A
Project number
User or project name
Book or category code
Start date
Main content index
ODesign conditions and information
O System
O Heat exchanger analysis
O Instruments
O Materials
O Equipment layout
O Piping designwwW.bzxz.Net
O Piping machinery
O Civil engineering
Professional name
Label format
Project number
User or project name
Book or category code
Start date
Main content index
O Data sending form
O Engineering design regulations
O Procurement technical documents
O Drawings and/or data sheets
O Calculations
O Quotation technical evaluation
O Manufacturer coordination meeting
O Engineering design technical summary
Professional name
Note: If the information is in the book, please fill in the circle in front of the main content index. 144
Project No.
User or Project Name
Registration or Category Code
Start Date
Main Content Index
Professional Name
Regulations on the Management of Container and Heat Exchanger Engineering Design HG/T20701-2000
Preparation Instructions
According to the arrangement of the Construction Coordination Department of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry, the "Regulations on the Management of Chemical Equipment Engineering Design" organized and compiled by the National Chemical Equipment Design Technology Center Station is a guiding regulation for domestic chemical engineering companies and design institutes to carry out engineering design according to the international general design system and methods. "Regulations on the Management of Container and Heat Exchanger Engineering Design" (HG/T20701-2000) is one of the components of the regulations. This regulation is revised on the basis of the Chemical Engineering Design Manual (CSD) published by the China Chemical Engineering Exploration and Design Association. The following issues were mainly considered during the revision process: 1 Based on the similarity of design methods and work procedures and traditional habits, containers and heat exchangers are merged into the same profession;
2 In order to connect with the Practical Manual of Engineering Project Management, the engineering design stage specifies work tasks and compilation work procedures according to the division of basic engineering design and detailed engineering design; 3 Considering the objective situation that there are a large number of equipment construction drawings designed by engineering companies or design institutes themselves or entrusted by manufacturers to design units for design at present and in the future, when this regulation was compiled, it was stipulated how to connect with the general procedures when the design unit undertakes the equipment construction drawing design; 4 The preparation regulations of the main documents in the engineering design stage of containers and heat exchangers were added to make the management regulations more complete; 5 The content and compilation instructions of the main document preparation regulations were supplemented and modified, and engineering examples were added to make the regulations practical and operational.
The following main issues are explained: 1. Standard name, content and scope of application
This standard was named "Equipment Design Manual" when the task was issued. Considering that the content of the compilation (see the catalog for details) mainly involves the management regulations of the international general design system, design methods, work procedures and management models, and considering the coordination and unification of the names of the management regulations of pipelines, systems and other specialties, the "Equipment Design Manual" was renamed "Chemical Equipment Professional Engineering Design Management Regulations" when it was officially compiled, and the "Container and Heat Exchanger Professional Engineering Design Management Regulations" were included as a component of the standard. This regulation applies to domestic projects designed according to the international general design system (new system) and foreign-related engineering designs.
2. About the division of equipment specialties
According to the provisions of the "Practical Manual of Engineering Project Management" and the current actual situation, the equipment specialties are divided into: containers, heat exchangers, special equipment, pumps, industrial furnaces, and materials. Therefore, when compiling this standard, containers and heat exchangers are compiled as one specialty. With the improvement of design calculation regulations, the maturity of calculation software, and the popularization and application of computers, the container and heat exchanger mechanical (calculation) specialty set in the original "Chemical Engineering Design Manual" is no longer necessary to be set up separately, and the necessary work content involved in this standard has been compiled in the container and heat exchanger specialty. 3. About the working procedures in the engineering design stage The working procedures in the engineering design stage of the container and heat exchanger specialty specified in this standard are mainly formulated based on the "Practical Manual of Engineering Project Management" and the requirements of international engineering companies. For details of the working procedures, please refer to Appendix A of HG/T20701.3-2000. Considering the fact that domestic design units are still responsible for a large number of equipment construction drawing design tasks, this standard also stipulates the connection with the international general design procedures when the design unit undertakes the equipment construction drawing design. For details of its typical working procedures, please refer to Appendix B of HG/T20701.3-2000.
4. About the composition of equipment procurement technical documents Equipment procurement technical documents are an important work completed by the container, heat exchanger and other specialties in the engineering design stage when the company (institute) undertakes the general contracting project or the user entrusts the company (institute) to undertake equipment procurement services. This document is the technical quotation requirement of the bidder in the equipment inquiry stage and the technical attachment of the equipment ordering contract in the equipment ordering stage. Equipment procurement technical documents usually include:
一 Equipment purchase order or technical specification book:
一 Equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet; 一 General technical regulations of equipment:
一 Engineering standard (standard drawing)/procedure manual. (1) Equipment purchase order and/or technical specification book Equipment purchase order or technical specification book is an important technical document for equipment procurement (inquiry). This standard lists both equipment purchase order and technical specification book for selection in engineering design, and puts forward selection precautions and suggestions, in order to help designers to express the equipment ordering requirements more specifically and clearly. (2) Equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and data sheet Equipment schematic drawing, also known as equipment engineering drawing, is an important part of equipment procurement technical documents. Considering the continuity of the regulations and the customary names of some units, this standard presents equipment schematic drawing and equipment engineering drawing in parallel, in order to make it easier to connect with enterprise standards. This standard specifies the format and depth of equipment schematics (equipment engineering drawings). Equipment data sheets are also part of equipment procurement technical documents, especially when using data sheets for equipment inquiry and procurement. This standard specifies the format and depth of equipment data sheets and lists engineering examples for the preparation of equipment data sheets.
(3) General technical provisions for equipment
General technical provisions for equipment are also an important part of equipment procurement technical documents. Their content and function are equivalent to the technical part of the procurement instructions in the Chemical Engineering Design Manual. Considering that the technical content of various types of equipment is relatively large and the specific requirements are also different, this standard only specifies the composition and preparation instructions. General technical provisions for various types of equipment can be prepared according to the unit's own business scope.
(4) Engineering standards (standard drawings)/procedure instructions Engineering standards are enterprise standards formulated by companies (institutes) to meet the special requirements of equipment design, manufacturing, inspection and testing of engineering projects. When preparing equipment procurement technical documents, decisions should be made based on the specific conditions of the purchased equipment. The procedure specification is a description of the inspection, test and installation procedures compiled by the company (institute) to meet the special requirements of the inspection, test and installation of engineering project equipment. When compiling the technical documents for equipment procurement, the selection should be made based on the specific situation of the purchased equipment.
Standard drawings are regulations made by the company (institute) in the form of standard drawings or standard table drawings for the common components or local structures that may be involved in equipment design in order to meet the needs of engineering project equipment design. For these common components or local structures, when national or industry standards have already stipulated them, for equipment that is only tendered domestically and will be designed and manufactured by domestic manufacturers, the national or industry standards can be directly quoted without attaching standard drawings; for equipment that is subject to international bidding, given that most national standards and industry standards in China currently do not have English versions, it is best to convert them into enterprise standards and attach them. 147About the composition of equipment procurement technical documents Equipment procurement technical documents are an important work completed by the container, heat exchanger and other professionals in the engineering design stage when the company (institute) undertakes the general contracting project or the user entrusts the company (institute) to undertake the equipment procurement service. This document is the technical quotation requirement of the bidder in the equipment inquiry stage and the technical attachment of the equipment ordering contract in the equipment ordering stage. Equipment procurement technical documents usually include:
一 Equipment purchase order or technical specification:
一 Equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet; 一 General technical regulations of equipment:
一 Engineering standard (standard drawing)/procedure manual. (1) Equipment purchase order and/or technical specification Equipment purchase order or technical specification is an important technical document for equipment procurement (inquiry). This standard lists both equipment purchase order and technical specification for selection in engineering design, and puts forward selection precautions and suggestions, with the aim of helping designers to express the equipment ordering requirements more specifically and clearly. (2) Equipment Schematic (Equipment Engineering Drawing) and Data Sheet Equipment schematic, also known as equipment engineering drawing, is an important part of equipment procurement technical documents. Considering the continuity of the regulations and the customary names of some units, this standard presents equipment schematic and equipment engineering drawing in parallel, with the aim of making it easier to connect with enterprise standards. This standard specifies the format and depth of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing). Equipment data sheet is also a component of equipment procurement technical documents, especially when using data sheet for equipment inquiry and procurement. This standard specifies the format and depth of equipment data sheet, and lists engineering examples for the preparation of equipment data sheet.
(3) General technical provisions for equipment
General technical provisions for equipment are also an important part of equipment procurement technical documents. Its content and function are equivalent to the technical part of the procurement instructions in the Chemical Engineering Design Manual. Considering that the technical content of various types of equipment is relatively large and the specific requirements are not exactly the same, this standard only specifies the composition and preparation instructions. General technical provisions for various types of equipment can be prepared according to the unit's own business scope.
(4) Engineering standards (standard drawings)/procedure instructions Engineering standards are enterprise standards formulated by companies (institutes) to meet the special requirements of equipment design, manufacturing, inspection and testing of engineering projects. When preparing technical documents for equipment procurement, the selection should be based on the specific conditions of the purchased equipment. Procedure instructions are procedures for inspection, testing and installation compiled by companies (institutes) to meet the special requirements of equipment inspection, testing and installation of engineering projects. When preparing technical documents for equipment procurement, the selection should be based on the specific conditions of the purchased equipment.
Standard drawings are regulations made by companies (institutes) in the form of standard drawings or standard table drawings for common components or local structures that may be involved in equipment design in order to meet the needs of equipment design for engineering projects. For these common components or local structures, when national or industry standards have already stipulated them, for equipment that is only tendered domestically and will be designed and manufactured by domestic manufacturers, the national or industry standards can be directly cited without attaching standard drawings; for equipment that is subject to international tendering, given that most national standards and industry standards in China currently do not have English versions, it is best to convert them into enterprise standards and attach them. 147
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