JB/T 5388-1999 JB/T 5388-1999 Technical conditions for linear motion ball bearings JB/T5388-1999 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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ICS21.100.20 J11 JB Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T5388-1999 Linear motion ball bearings Technical Conditions Specifications of linearmotion ballbearings1999-06-28 Released National Machinery Industry Bureau Released Implemented on 2000-01-01 JB/T5388 -Revision of 1999 Foreword Technical Conditions". This standard is a revision of JB/T5388-91 (linear motion ball bearings). Compared with JB/T5388-91, this standard mainly makes the following revisions: 1. Added bearing tolerance level: 1. Expansion This standard replaces JB/T5388-91 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Rolling Bearing Standardization Technical Committee. The drafter of this standard is: Harbin Bearing Group Company. : Jia Hongxia, Jing Xiyuan, Yang Xiaohui. 1Scope Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Technical Conditions Linear Motion Ball Bearings: Specifications of linear motion ballbearingsThis standard specifies Technical conditions for simple recirculating ball linear motion bearings with an inner diameter of 4 to 150 mm. This standard is applicable to the production inspection and user acceptance of linear motion ball bearings. 2 Reference standards JB/T 5388—1999|| tt||Replaces JB/T5388-91 The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by reference in this standard. When this standard is published, all versions of the standards will be valid. be revised, parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards GB/T 307.31996 GB/T4199—1984 GB/T 16940—1997 JB/T1255—1991 JB/T3034—1993 JB/T 3574—1997 JB/T 8921—1999 YB 9—1968||tt| |3Definitions, symbols General technical rules for rolling bearings Rolling bearing tolerance definitions Linear motion support linear motion ball bearing dimensions and tolerances High carbon chromium bearing steel rolling bearing parts heat treatment technical conditions rolling bearing oil seal Anti-rust packaging Rolling bearing product marks Rolling bearings and their commercial parts : Inspection rules Technical conditions for chromium bearing steel Symbols used in this standard Its definitions are specified in GB/T16940 and GB/T4199. 4 Technical requirements 4.1 Materials and heat treatment 4.1.1 Materials The bearing outer ring and steel ball are in compliance with YB9 regulations. Made of GCr15 steel. When the user has special requirements: other materials are allowed. The materials used for other parts of the bearing should comply with the requirements of the product drawings Use GCr15 steel. When manufacturing outer rings and steel balls, their hardness values ??and heat treatment quality should comply with the provisions of JB/T1255. When using other steel materials to manufacture outer rings and steel balls, their hardness values ??and heat treatment quality shall be specified by the competent department of the manufacturer. 4.2 The surface roughness of the outer ring The surface roughness of the outer ring shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1. Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on 1999-06-28 and implemented on 2000-01-01 Facing area Outer End Surface Remaining surface| |tt||80 1.25 1.25 2.5 Matching steel ball tolerance grade 4.3 L9 JB/T 53881999 Surface roughness R of each outer ring... Table Tolerance level L7; L7A Dmm||tt| |>80 2.5 1.25 2.5 The tolerance grade of supporting steel balls should not be lower than that specified in Table 2. ~80 0.63 1.25 2.5 Table 2 Tolerance grade of supporting steel balls Tolerance grade L9 L7; L7A L6;L6A;L6M 4.4 Bearing residual magnetism Bearing residual magnetism should not be greater than that specified in Table 3. Table 3 Bearing residual magnetism F mm ~25 >25~ 60 >60~ 150||tt ||Bearing flexibility 4.5 >80 1.25 1.25 2.5 16; L6A; L6M||tt ||~80 0.32 1.25 2.5 Steel ball tolerance grade 28 20 16| |tt||Residual magnetism (max) mT 0.3 0.4 0.5 The operation of the bearing should be smooth and flexible, without clogging. , the cage does not allow any contact with the inspection spindle. 4.6 Tolerance value 4.6.1 The tolerance of the outer ring is as specified in Table 4-Table 7. μm >80 0.63 1.25 2.5 4.6.2 Levels L6A and L7A are only suitable for 3 series adjustable and open outer rings. The L7A grade outer ring tolerance is the same as the 3 series outer ring tolerance in Table 5: The L6A grade outer ring tolerance is the same as the 3 series outer ring tolerance in Table 6. 4.6.3 The outer diameter deviation ADg of the outer ring, the width deviation △C. and the single-inner diameter deviation △Fws of the ball set are in accordance with the regulations in GB/T16940. 4.7 Other requirements Other technical requirements should comply with the provisions of GB/T307.3. 2 D mm 7 >7~ 10 >10~ 12 >12~ 20||tt| |>20-30 >3045 >45~ 60 >60~90 >90 D mm| |tt||>7~8 >8-10 >10-12 > 12~15 >15~19 > 19-28 >28-32 >32-40 >40-45 >45-60 > 60-80|| tt||>80~90 >90-120 >120-150 >150 JB/T 5388—1999 Table 4L9 Grade outer ring tolerances, suitable for closed and adjusted outer rings of series 1 and 2 Veoa a 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 Woe 20 20 25 25 30|| tt||30 35 35 40 Ker 6 6 7||tt| |7 8 8 9 9 10 (Da,-D., ). 20 30 40 40 40 40 45 45|| tt||50 2、3系列雅型 手机1、: 5L7级外圈公差, 表5 Wasp m Vo, 1:3t1 1;3* 2.5 2.5 2.5 3|| tt||3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6||tt| |7 7 8 9 2 3 3 3 4 .4 5 4 4 5 5 6 6| |tt||7 7 8 9 5 5 6 6||tt ||7 7 8 8 9 10 2 5 5 6 6 7 - (“>8~10” start。 1)for 3 series,公称外很D仉 k. 化学系统 1;31 12 12 12 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 30 30| |tt||30 30 35 35 2 20 20 25||tt ||25 30 (DmD.p) ms 1; 32 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5| |tt||6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10||tt ||2 - 5 5 6 6 7 - um Vea 6 6 7 7 8 8 9| |tt||9 10 μm Ve 1:3 12 12 12| |tt||15 15 20 20 20 30 30 30||tt ||30 30 40 40 - 50 2 20 20||hh||30||hh||30||hh||30||hh||M||hh||D||hh||mm||hh||-7||hh||> 78 > 8~10 >10-12 >12~15 >15~19 >19~28||tt| |>28~32 >32~40 Vppres 1: 315 2.5 2.5 2.5||tt| |3 3 3 4 4 JB/T5388-1999 表6L6级外圈公差,设计1、2、3系列雅型(Da,Dp) r Ve 1; 3 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 4| |tt||4 5 5 >40~45 >45~60 >60-80 > 80-90 >90~120 >120-150 6 6 7 7 8 5 6 6 7 7 8 4 4| |tt||5 5 2 6 6 7 7 8||tt ||9 尺 K,a 列 系 寸 1; 3 9 9 9 10 10 12 12 4| |tt||4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8||tt ||9 9 1)可以3系列,公称外很D从“>8-10\” start up。9 >150 12|| tt||2 15 15 18 18 18 18 25||tt| |1:31 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 12||tt| |12 15 15 18 - 25 4 4 5 2 一 μm Y'er 1;3+ 12 12||tt ||12 15 15 20 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 5 6 -| |tt||20 20 20 2 30 30 30 30||tt ||40 40 20 20 20 30 30 - 40. mm -60 >60-75 >8090 >90~110 >110-145 >145| |tt||Yep ro 6 6 7 7 8 9 Vo || tt||6 6 7 7 8 9 18 18||tt| |18 18 25 25 (DD. 6 6 7 7 9 Vern 30 30|| tt||30 40 40 40 5 inspection methods 5.1 Bearing flexibility JB/T5388-1999| |tt||5.1.1 Check the flexibility of the bearing with the spindle, and there is no blockage in the bearing. Adjustable and open type bearings should be inspected with a mandrel after inserting a special ring gauge into the middle of the bearing. 5.1.2 The effective length of the mandrel should not be less than 2 times the bearing length; the effective length of the special ring gauge should not be less than 1/3 of the bearing length. The tolerances of the mandrel and the inner diameter tolerance of the special ring gauge are as specified in Tables 8 to 11. Table 81, 2 series bearing spindle shaft diameter tolerance Fw mm Shaft diameter tolerance m F mm| |tt||Shaft diameter tolerance μm Fw mm Upper deviation Lower deviation 1 deviation||tt| |Lower deviation Dimension of the mandrel (max) radial circular runout of the mandrel (max) D mm ring gauge inner diameter Tolerance μm Upper deviation Lower deviation -18 4 8 >18-30| |tt||5 -9 > 30~55 -= Table 93 Series Bearing Spindle Shaft Diameter Tolerance ~15| |tt||+4 0 ~18 +2 3 >1520 +4||tt| |Table 10 ~30 10 0.8 Table 11 >20~35 +4 >55~80 -10 14 >35~70 +3 -2 mandrel taper, Radial circular runout >30~50 10 Special ring gauge inner diameter tolerance >18~30 +2 4 >30~50 +2 5 >50~80 15 1.5| |tt||>50-80 +2 -6 >80~120 +2 7 > 80~120 14 19 >70~100 +2 -4 > 80~120||tt ||20 2 >120-150 +2 -8 5.1.3 Mandrel effective T. Surface roughness of the surface Threshold R, the value is not greater than 0.2μm, and the hardness is not less than 60HRC. 5.2 Bearing Tolerance 5.2.1 The single inner diameter deviation of the ball group is 4Fw, which should be checked with a special measuring instrument. 5.2.2 Single plane outer diameter deviation 4D. The detection method is shown in Figure 1. > 120~150 19 25 >100~150 0 -6 μm > 120 20 2 >150~200 +2 9 E JB/T5388— 1999 Figure 1 5.2.3 The difference between the average diameters of the two ends of the outer diameter (D..-D.) is measured with an instrument. The measuring instrument is the same as △D.mp. Measurement method: Measure the average outer diameter of a single plane at both ends, and the difference is DD, the measured value. 5.2.4 The detection method of bearing single width deviation 4C. and Vc is as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 5.2.5 The diameter variation (Vp, Vm.) of the outer diameter is checked with an instrument. The measuring instruments and measuring methods are the same as △Dm. Measuring instruments and measuring methods. 5.2.6 The diameter deviation of the stop groove is 4D, the width deviation between the outer end faces of the two stop grooves is 4C, and the width deviation of the stop groove is 4C, measured directly with a caliper with an accuracy of 0.02mm. 5.2.7 The detection method of radial runout K of complete sets of bearings is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 JB/T5388—1999 5.2.8 The detection method of the radial runout K of the outer ring raceway against the outer diameter is as shown in Figure 4. The shoe must rotate more than one circle and measure For each raceway, the measured maximum and minimum difference is the actual measured day. Figure 4 5.2.9 The tolerances of adjusted and open outer rings should be inspected before cutting. Inspection rules 6 6.1 Inspection rules for bearing tolerances shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T8921. 6.2 The sampling inspection items of bearings shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T8921. 6.3 The bearing inspection level uses the general inspection level II. The AQL value of Class A inspection items is 1.5; the AQL value of Class B inspection items is 4. 7 Marking, rust prevention and packaging 7.1 Bearing marks should comply with JB/T3574 Regulation 7.2 Bearings that have passed the inspection should be rust-proof and inner packaged in accordance with the provisions of JB/T3034, and the outer packaging should be in accordance with the requirements of GB/T307.3. The markings on the packaging should be complete and clear. 5 >50-80 +2 -6 >80~120 +2 7||tt| |>80~120 14 19 >70~100 +2bZxz.net -4 > 80~120| |tt||20 2 >120-150 +2 -8 5.1.3 Mandrel effective T. for surface The surface roughness R shall not be greater than 0.2 μm, and the hardness shall not be less than 60HRC. 5.2 Bearing Tolerance 5.2.1 The single inner diameter deviation of the ball group is 4Fw, which should be checked with a special measuring instrument. 5.2.2 Single plane outer diameter deviation 4D. The detection method is shown in Figure 1. > 120~150 19 25 >100~150 0 -6 μm > 120 20 2 >150~200 +2 9 E JB/T5388— 1999 Figure 1 5.2.3 The difference between the average diameters of the two ends of the outer diameter (D..-D.) is measured with an instrument. The measuring instrument is the same as △D.mp. Measurement method: Measure the average outer diameter of a single plane at both ends, and the difference is DD, the measured value. 5.2.4 The detection method of bearing single width deviation 4C. and Vc is as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 5.2.5 The diameter variation (Vp, Vm.) of the outer diameter is checked with an instrument. The measuring instruments and measuring methods are the same as △Dm. Measuring instruments and measuring methods. 5.2.6 The diameter deviation of the stop groove is 4D, the width deviation between the outer end faces of the two stop grooves is 4C, and the width deviation of the stop groove is 4C, measured directly with a caliper with an accuracy of 0.02mm. 5.2.7 The detection method of radial runout K of complete sets of bearings is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 JB/T5388—1999 5.2.8 The detection method of the radial runout K of the outer ring raceway against the outer diameter is as shown in Figure 4. The shoe must rotate more than one circle and measure For each raceway, the measured maximum and minimum difference is the actual measured day. Figure 4 5.2.9 The tolerances of adjusted and open outer rings should be inspected before cutting. Inspection rules 6 6.1 Inspection rules for bearing tolerances shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T8921. 6.2 The sampling inspection items of bearings shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T8921. 6.3 The bearing inspection level uses the general inspection level II. The AQL value of Class A inspection items is 1.5; the AQL value of Class B inspection items is 4. 7 Marking, rust prevention and packaging 7.1 Bearing marks should comply with JB/T3574 Regulation 7.2 Bearings that have passed the inspection should be rust-proof and inner packaged in accordance with the provisions of JB/T3034, and the outer packaging should be in accordance with the requirements of GB/T307.3. The markings on the packaging should be complete and clear. 5 >50-80 +2 -6 >80~120 +2 7||tt| |>80~120 14 19 >70~100 +2 -4 > 80~120| |tt||20 2 >120-150 +2 -8 5.1.3 Mandrel effective T. for surface The surface roughness R shall not be greater than 0.2 μm, and the hardness shall not be less than 60HRC. 5.2 Bearing Tolerance 5.2.1 The single inner diameter deviation of the ball group is 4Fw, which should be checked with a special measuring instrument. 5.2.2 Single plane outer diameter deviation 4D. The detection method is shown in Figure 1. > 120~150 19 25 >100~150 0 -6 μm > 120 20 2 >150~200 +2 9 E JB/T5388— 1999 Figure 1 5.2.3 The difference between the average diameters of the two ends of the outer diameter (D..-D.) is measured with an instrument. The measuring instrument is the same as △D.mp. Measurement method: Measure the average outer diameter of a single plane at both ends, and the difference is DD, the measured value. 5.2.4 The detection method of bearing single width deviation 4C. and Vc is as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 5.2.5 The diameter variation (Vp, Vm.) of the outer diameter is checked with an instrument. The measuring instruments and measuring methods are the same as △Dm. Measuring instruments and measuring methods. 5.2.6 The diameter deviation of the stop groove is 4D, the width deviation between the outer end faces of the two stop grooves is 4C, and the width deviation of the stop groove is 4C, measured directly with a caliper with an accuracy of 0.02mm. 5.2.7 The detection method of radial runout K of complete sets of bearings is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 JB/T5388—1999 5.2.8 The detection method of the radial runout K of the outer ring raceway against the outer diameter is as shown in Figure 4. The shoe must rotate more than one circle and measure For each raceway, the measured maximum and minimum difference is the actual measured day. Figure 4 5.2.9 The tolerances of adjusted and open outer rings should be inspected before cutting. Inspection rules 6 6.1 Inspection rules for bearing tolerances shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T8921. 6.2 The sampling inspection items of bearings shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T8921. 6.3 The bearing inspection level uses the general inspection level II. The AQL value of Class A inspection items is 1.5; the AQL value of Class B inspection items is 4. 7 Marking, rust prevention and packaging 7.1 Bearing marks should comply with JB/T3574 Regulation 7.2 Bearings that have passed the inspection should be rust-proof and inner packaged in accordance with the provisions of JB/T3034, and the outer packaging should be in accordance with the requirements of GB/T307.3. The markings on the packaging should be complete and clear. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.