JB/T 9841-1999 Spring tube thermometer for tractors and internal combustion engines
Some standard content:
C:s 65.060.10
China Machinery Industry Standard
Bourdon tube temperature gauge for tractorsandinterual combustion engines1999-08-06 Issued
National Machinery Industry Bureau
2000-01-01 Implementation
This standard is a revision of ZBT68001-90 "Pressure temperature gauge for tractors and internal combustion engines". During the revision, the original standard was edited and the main technical content remained unchanged. This standard replaces ZBT6B001-90 from the date of implementation. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Tractor Standardization. The drafting unit of this standard: Yangzhou Tractor Research Institute. The drafter of this standard is Chen Jiahan.
China Machinery Industry Standard
Bourdon tube temperature gauge for tractors and internal combustion engines JB/E9841—1999
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, acid test, inspection plan, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of Bourdon tube temperature gauge for tractors and internal combustion engines:
This standard applies to the Bourdon tube temperature gauge (hereinafter referred to as the temperature gauge) composed of the indicating water temperature transmitter (i.e. temperature gauge), bourdon tube and Bourdon tube type temperature gauge installed on tractors and internal combustion engines. 2 Referenced Standards
The texts contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are all valid. All parts of this standard will be revised. The following standards should be used as the latest version. GB/T2423.4—1993 Basic environmental test procedures for electric products Test acid Db: Alternating damp heat test method GR/T2423.161990 Basic environmental test procedures for electric products Test J: Long zero test method GB/T2423.17.1993 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Kz: Salt test method GB2828.1997 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Kz: Salt test method GB/T2828.1997 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Kz: Salt test method GB/T2828.1997 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Kz: Salt test method GB/T2828.1997 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Kz: Alternating damp heat test method GB/T2423.161990 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test J: Long zero test method GB/T2423.17.1993 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Kz: Salt test method GB2828.1997 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Kz: Alternating damp heat test method GB/T2423.17.1993 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Kz: Alternating damp heat ...2828.1997 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Kz: Alternating damp heat test method 49422—1993
3 Product classification
Inspection plan and sampling procedures and sampling table (applicable to inspection of continuous batches) Low-voltage electrical materials external light protection level
3.1 The structure type is elastic pipe pressure small type, according to the use requirements, it is divided into ordinary type and wet type [the following purchases not specified are the first step] 3.2 The measuring disk range of the thermometer shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. 1
Range pressure
The structural dimensions of the temperature gauge shall comply with the requirements of Table 2 and Figure 1. 3.3
Gain diameter
53; 55
Approved by China Machinery Industry Bureau on August 6, 199999
40: 45: SU; 55
Implementation on January 1, 20004 Technical requirements
4. The temperature gauge shall also be manufactured in accordance with the product drawings and technical documents approved through the prescribed procedures. 4.2 Measuring units and scales
4.2.1 Measuring units of thermometer: %.
4.2.2 In the thermometer dial range, the dial shall not be less than three scales: lower limit, middle stop and upper limit. 4.3 Standard environmental conditions shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. Table 3
23 ± 5
The working environmental conditions shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. 2
Relative humidity
60 ± 15
96 ± 10
4.sr Working position
Working temperature
The angle between the mounting plane of the thermometer indicator and the horizontal plane is generally 3U°~4W\. 4.6 Appearance
4.6.1 The front side should be tightly pressed evenly.
4.6.2 The protective layer should be uniform and free of obvious defects such as bubbles, spots, rust and falling off. 4.6.3 The glass or other reflective materials should not have defects that affect the reading. 4.6.4 The scale lines, symbols, numbers and other marks on the dial should be clear and accurate. 4.6.5 The display part of the indicator should not have a glaring luster. Relative humidity %
4.6.6 The pointer of the indicator should be straight, and the indicating end should extend into the scale line. The distance from the plane of the dial should be within the range of 1~3mm. When not in operation, the pointer of the indicator with a stop pin should stop the stop pin and press the low value scale line. 4.6.7 All parts should be firmly assembled and the fasteners should not be loose. The parts shall not have cracks or defects that affect the performance. 4.7 Paint layer
In addition to meeting the requirements of 4.6.2, the paint layer shall be dry and solid, and there shall be no shrinkage or peeling after the temperature test. After the humidity type hygrometer is subjected to the alternating humidity test, the primer shall not fall off, and the topcoat shall not fall off more than 3 squares. 4.8 Wind
In addition to meeting the requirements of 4.6.2, the color of the plated surface shall be bright and the joints shall be firm. After the alternating heat test of the virtual heat type hygrometer, the surface of the coating shall not be corroded. 4.9 Performance
4.9. Pointer deflection stability
When the medium temperature of the temperature gauge sensor changes steadily, the indicator pointer should move smoothly without vibration and banding. 4.9.2 Basic error
The basic error from the middle value to the upper limit value of the temperature gauge indicator dial is 6% of the difference between the upper limit value and the lower limit value within the indication range. The basic error of the part before the middle value of the dial is ±10% of the difference between the upper limit value and the lower limit value within the indication range. 4.9.3 Indication delay
When the length of the thermometer soft tail (referring to the capillary outer protective conduit) is not more than 3m, when the medium temperature of the sensor changes from 75°C to the indicator scale limit temperature, the pointer must indicate 90% of the limit value within 2m. For thermometers with a tail length greater than 3m, the time after installation shall be increased by 1m for every 3m increase in length. 4.9.4 Heating and cooling
The sensor of the thermometer shall be able to withstand a series of heating and cooling tests from 100°C to 23°C±5%. After the test, the thermometer shall comply with the provisions of 4.9.1 to 4.9.2.
4.9.5 Overheating
The sensor of the thermometer shall be able to withstand an overheating test of 103% of the upper limit of the dial. After the test, it shall comply with the provisions of 49.1 and 4.9.2. 4.9.6 When the temperature change meter is subjected to temperature influence or test in the intended working environment temperature range, the absolute value of the indication change caused by this shall not exceed 6% of the difference between the upper limit and the lower limit of the dial. After the test, it shall comply with the provisions of 4.7, 4.9.1 and 4.9.2. 4.9.7 Vibration resistance The thermometer shall be able to withstand the fixed frequency vibration test in accordance with Table 5 and the high frequency vibration test in Table 6. After the test, it shall comply with the provisions of 4.6.7 and 4.9.1, and the absolute value of the change in its indication shall not exceed 1% of the difference between the upper and lower limits of the dial relative to the test before the test. Table 5 Standard dynamic sensor Sensor 4.9. Dustproof Sweep frequency wheel 25-200 The thermometer can prevent air from entering the interior 4.9. 9 Waterproof
Additional quality
position value or acceleration
17-6(Hz, 0.35mm
60-200Hz, 43/g
2560Hz, 0.78mm
60-200Hz, 110mvgl
The meter should fully withstand splashing water from all surfaces, and no water should enter the interior. 4. 9. 10 Durability
Adjustment time
Number of changes
The salinity meter shall be able to withstand 30 cycles of temperature rise and fall. After the test, the absolute value of the change in its indication relative to that before the test shall not be greater than % of the difference between the upper and lower limits of the dial, and shall comply with the provisions of 4.6.7 and 4.9.1. 4.9.11 Alternating damp heat
The damp heat meter shall withstand an alternating damp heat test of 40% of the high temperature for 6 cycles. After the test, it shall comply with the provisions of 4.6.7, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9.1 and 4.9.2.
4.9.12 Moisture-resistant thermometers shall be able to withstand a 16-hour salt test. After the test, they shall comply with the requirements of 4.9.1 and 4.9.2. 4. 13 Mildew-proof thermometers: The anti-mildew ability of the thermometers shall be determined. After 28 hours of acid exposure, the surface area of the thermometers shall not exceed 50% of the surface area of the thermometers. 4.9.14 Warranty period: The thermometers shall be within one year from the date of sale to the user. If the thermometers are damaged or malfunction due to manufacturing defects, the manufacturer shall be responsible for free repair or replacement.
5 Test method
5.1 Test case
5.1.1 The temperature indication test shall be carried out in the standard environmental conditions specified in 4.3. 5.1.2 The indicator shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of 4.5. The sensor shall be installed in the test area. The height difference between the indicator and the sensor shall not exceed 1m. 5.2 Test instruments and equipment
5.2.1 The standard instrument shall be a second-class mercury thermometer or a digital instrument of the same quality. 5.2.2 The test equipment shall be equipped with a constant temperature instrument. The constant temperature instrument used for the indication error verification shall comply with the provisions of the table. 5.4 Paint inspection 5.4.1 The appearance of the coating shall be inspected according to 5.3. 1. The level of the working area 5.4.2 The adhesion of the paint layer shall be inspected by the grid method. That is, in the standard environment, the surface of the fully dried temperature table paint room shall be cut 4 times vertically with a new 11 or 12 medical surgical blade, with a spacing of 1m between each cut, to form 9 small squares, and observe the paint layer in the grid. 5.4.3 The temperature effect performance of the missing layer shall be inspected after the temperature effect test. 5.4.4 The thermal performance of the filter layer shall be inspected after the alternating damp heat test. 5.5 Test of silver layer
5.5.1 Test of 5.3
5.5.2 The alternating damp-heat performance of silver layer shall be tested after the alternating damp-heat test. 5.6 Test of basic error
Test by comparing with the standard meter. The test point shall be selected at the dividing line marked with valid characters on the indicator dial. During the test, the medium temperature in the thermostat shall be changed steadily in the order of first rising and then falling, and the thermostat shall be controlled within ±.5 of the deviation from the test point and shall be based on the standard thermometer. Before reading the indication each time, the temperature value of the measured point shall be kept stable for at least 2 minutes, and the indicator housing shall be allowed to be gently tapped with fingers.
5. Test of the stability of pointer deflection
Observe in the test of 5.6.
5.8 Indicator full piece inspection
Put the thermometer sensor into the constant temperature block at 75°C for at least 10 minutes, then take it out and put it into the temperature block at the temperature of the indicator. Use a stopwatch (or use a timing device. When the indicated value rises to 90% of the limit value, stop the timing. 5.9 Heating and rapid cooling test
JB/T 9841—1999
Put the thermometer sensor in a 100°C environment for 5 minutes, then take it out and put it in 23±5°C water to cool for 5 minutes, repeat the operation for 3. Then test according to 5.6:5.7. 5.10 Overheat test
Put the thermometer sensor in a constant temperature mold with a limit value of 103% of the indicator scale [:], keep it for 3 minutes, take it out after the test, and cool it to the standard ambient temperature. Then test according to 5.6 and 5.7. 5.11 Temperature shadow test
First test the temperature indication value in the standard environment. Then turn the indicator Put it in a low temperature (and high temperature) box, keep it warm for 2 hours after the box cools down (and heats up) to -40%±3 (and 70℃±2), and then check its indication. The difference between the low temperature (and commercial temperature) and the indication at the standard ambient temperature is obtained. The test is only carried out at the middle value of the indicator dial when the temperature rises. After the test, the temperature gauge is placed in the standard environment for 4 hours, and then tested in 5.4, 5.6 and s.7: 5.12 Vibration test
Fix the temperature gauge indicator and sensor on the vibration test bench, make the medium temperature of the sensor the middle value of the indicator dial, and carry out the vibration test. Vibration The alarm of the station is in the form of positive dense wave, and the distortion of acceleration waveform should not exceed 25%; the frequency sweep is carried out in reverse, and the frequency changes exponentially with time. The frequency tolerance is: 5-50Hz, ±1Hz; greater than 50Hz, =2% of the frequency tolerance. During the test, the fixed frequency alarm is performed first, followed by the oscillation alarm. After the test, the thermometer should be placed in a standard environment for 4 hours, and then tested with 5.3, 5.6 and 5.7. 5.13 Dustproof test is performed according to the second type of test method of IPSX in GB/T4942.2. 5.14 Waterproof test is performed according to the second type of test method of IPSX in GB/T4942.2. The test method and conditions of IPX4 in B/T4942.2 are used to carry out the 5.15 durability test. On a special test bench, the temperature of the medium where the thermometer sensor is located rises from the lower limit value of the indicator dial to the upper limit value and then drops to the lower limit value. This is a cycle. The time for each cycle change is 6min±2min. After the test, it is tested according to 3.3, 5.6 and 5.7. The 5.16 alternating damp heat test is carried out according to the provisions of GB/T2423.4. After the test, the thermometer is placed in a standard environment for 2l, and then tested according to 5.3~5.7. 17 Salt test
Carry out according to GB2423.17. The test duration is 16h. After the test, place it in the standard environment for 2h, and then conduct the test in 5.6 and 5.7.
5.18 Long-term test
Carry out on representative parts according to GB/T2423.16. After the test, the thermometer is taken out of the test box and immediately tested.
For materials manufactured with a degree of long-term test not exceeding 50% of the surface area that have been tested according to GB2423.16, no long-term test is required.
Central inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
Thermometer inspection is divided into out! Inspection and Qualification, 6.2 Factory Inspection
Thermometers must be inspected according to 4.6, 4.9.1 and 4.9.2, and can only leave the factory after they are qualified. 6.3 Type Inspection
Type inspection should be carried out in any of the following situations: a) Trial type identification of new production stations or products transferred to factories for production; b) After formal production, if there are major changes in structure, materials, and technology, which may affect product performance; c) During normal production, regular or accumulated production, once a year for inspection; d) When the product is resumed after long-term suspension. 6.3.1 Sampling Method
6.3.1.! Acceptance shall be carried out according to the sampling plan specified in GB 22B, and the general inspection level II shall be used. Inspection batch N-26~50 sets.
3.1.3 Sample size 8 The classification of non-conformities is shown in Table 8.
The sampling plan is shown in Table 8. The number of non-conformities for the samples of the Ae and Re stations is counted. 6.3. 1.5
Not qualified
Class A qualified
Class B qualified
Class II qualified
Class II qualified
Class II qualified
Class II qualified
Pointer deflection stability not met
Basic error basic requirements
Overload requirements
Resistance to vibration not met
Roughness requirements
Withstand voltage requirements
Temperature influence not met
Dustproof not met
Waterproof not met
Sealing material requirements|| tt||Protective layer does not meet the requirements
Glass and other materials do not meet the requirements
Dial meets the requirements
Parts do not meet the requirements
Pointer does not meet the requirements
Mounted parts do not meet the requirements
Low layer does not meet the requirements
Layer does not meet the requirements
Structural size meets the requirements
Class A
6.3.2 Implementation of sampling inspection
After sampling, first check the following items according to the table: Class C, Class A items 1 and 2. Then divide into four groups and conduct daily inspections respectively.
Group 2 checks Class A item 1 and Class A items 1 to 5, Group 2 sets checks Class A item 4,
Group 3 sets checks durability test.
The fourth set of two must be subjected to humidity, heat and salt zero tests. 6.3.3 Evaluation of sample inspection If the inspection results of the first and second groups and 6.3.2 meet the requirements of Table 9, they are evaluated as qualified, otherwise they are evaluated as unqualified. If any one of the durability, alternating humidity and heat resistance and resistance to fire does not meet the requirements, it will be rated as unqualified. Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Marking
Thermometers should be marked with:
a) manufacturer, factory name or trademark and address; b) product model or name:
) inspection mark:
d) manufacturing date.
2.2 Packaging wwW.bzxz.Net
7.2.1 Each thermometer and accessories must be packed separately before packaging, and no movement is allowed in the packaging box. The total weight after packing shall not exceed 40k.
7.2.1 The outer wall of the packing box shall be marked with the following contents: a) Name and certificate of the consignee;
b) Name or model, specification and number of products:
d) Name and certificate of the consignor:
e) Words or signs such as "mildew", "anti-drowning", "handle with care", "do not pour" etc. 7.2.3 The documents of the products packed with the packing include:
) Production certificate:
Product manual:
c) Packing list,
7.3 Transportation
There should be a prompt notice during transportation,
7.4 Storage
7.4.1 Temperature storage should be carried out in a ventilated and dry room, and the indoor air should not have a corrosive effect on the temperature gauge. The storage period of the thermometer is 2 years (calculated from the manufacturer's warehouse opening). During the storage period, the thermometer should comply with the provisions of this standard. 7.4.2
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