Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Aluminium and aluminium alloy rolled sheet
Aluminium and aluminium alloy rolled sheetGB/T3880—1997
Approved and issued by: State Bureau of Technical Supervision
Date of issuance: December 22, 1997
Date of implementation: August 1, 1998
This standard is formulated on the basis of GB3880-83 "Aluminium and aluminium alloy sheet", in combination with GB3193--82 "Aluminium and aluminium alloy hot-rolled sheet", GB10568--89 "High-quality aluminium and aluminium alloy hot-rolled sheet" and GB10569-89 "High-quality aluminium and aluminium alloy cold-rolled sheet", and with reference to ASTMB209 "Aluminium and aluminium alloy sheet" of the United States and JIS H4000 "Aluminium and aluminium alloy sheet and strip" of Japan. Compared with GB3880--83, this standard has major changes in the following contents:
This standard is written in accordance with GB/T 1.1-1993. Add "Foreword", "Scope", "Cited Standards" and "Contract Contents". Chapter 1-· "Varieties" of the original standard is cancelled according to the requirements of GB/T1.1, and the contents are merged into the various items of Chapter 4 "Requirements" of this standard.
—This standard adopts the grades in the new national standard GB/T3190-1996 "Chemical Composition of Deformed Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys" and the states in the new standard GB/T16475-1996 "State Codes of Deformed Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys", and provides a comparison table of new and old grades and states in the appendix. The thickness range is expanded from >0.3~10.0mm in the original standard to >0.2~150.0mm, thereby expanding the scope of application of the standard to include the content of aluminum and aluminum alloy hot-rolled plates.
- Brand, state, specification are divided according to alloy system. When the supply state and thickness are the same, they are included in the same file. Generally, they are divided into pure aluminum and soft alloy system, high magnesium system and hard alloy system. The length is unified as 1000 ~ 10000mm.
- The mechanical properties of aluminum and aluminum alloys with international four-digit brands adopt ASTMB209 or JISH4000 standard indicators, and the mechanical properties of aluminum and aluminum alloys with four-character brands basically adopt the original GB3880-83 and GB319382 standard indicators. In order to keep pace with international standards, this standard adopts 10-1--- 2
new tensile specimens, that is, the mechanical properties of aluminum and aluminum alloys that cannot be strengthened by heat treatment are changed to longitudinal sampling. For plates with a thickness of ≤12.5mm, the specimen gauge length is 50mm; for plates with a thickness of >12.5mm, the specimen gauge length is 5D. The tensile test results of the new specimens are similar to those of the original specimens, except that the elongation is slightly higher than that of the original specimens. Since there is currently a lack of statistical data on tensile tests of new specimens of aluminum and aluminum alloys with four-digit designations, this standard temporarily stipulates that the mechanical properties of the original standard are basically adopted. At the same time, some elongation values are adjusted according to actual production, and further revisions will be made in the future.
Surface quality is divided into two categories according to the thickness and state of the plate: ①Surface quality of non-H112 and non-F state plates with a thickness of ≤10.0mm; ②Surface quality of plates with a thickness of >10.0mm and all H112 and F state plates. If the user has special requirements for the surface quality of the plate, it can be indicated in the contract.
In addition to the text description of the first inspection item, the sampling location and sampling quantity are listed.
Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are prompt appendices. Appendix A is a comparison table of new and old brands, and Appendix B is a comparison table of new and old states, to prompt users to choose the corresponding brand and state. This standard is proposed by China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standard Metrology Institute of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation.
This standard was drafted by Southwest Aluminum Processing Plant. The main drafters of this standard are Mao Suhua, Zhou Fuwen, Chen Changyun, Lu Jinghua, Huang Yongqing
This standard replaces GB3880-93, GB10569-89, GB 3193-82, GB 10568-89 from the date of entry into force. Scope
This standard specifies the contract content, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, transportation and storage of deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy rolled plates.
This standard applies to aluminum and aluminum alloy rolled plates for general purposes. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T228—87Methods for tensile testing of metals
(B/T3246--82Microstructure inspection method for processed aluminum and aluminum alloy products
GB/T 3247-—82
Inspection method
Macrostructure of processed aluminum and aluminum alloy products
Chemical analysis method for aluminum and aluminum alloys
GB/T 6987-87
B/T3194-1998Dimensions and allowable deviations of aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and strips
Chemical composition of deformed aluminum and aluminum alloys
GB/T 3199--1996
Marking, transportation and storage of processed aluminum and aluminum alloy products
GB/T 16865—1997
Specimens for tensile testing of wrought aluminium, magnesium and their alloys
Order form (or contract) contents
The order form (or contract) for materials listed in this standard shall include the following contents:
a) product name;
b) brand;
c) specification and state;
d) classification of clad aluminium;
e) accuracy grade of dimensional tolerance (if accuracy grade is not specified, it shall be supplied as ordinary grade);
f) weight or number of sheets:
g) whether plates supplied in "O\ state or "H112\ state require T42 or T62 specimen state performance: h) number of this standard;
i) special requirements.
4 Requirements
4.1 Product classification
4.1.1 Brand, state, specification
The brand, state and thickness range of the product shall comply with the provisions of Table 1, and the width and length corresponding to the gloss shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. When other brands, states and specifications outside Table 1 and Table 2 are required, the supply and demand parties shall negotiate separately and indicate them in the contract. Brand, state and thickness range
Supply state
1A97, 1A93, 1A90, 1A85
1070, 1070A, 1060, 1050
1145, 1200,
3003, 3004
3A21, 8A06
H12, H22, H14, H24, H16, H26, H18F, H112
H14, H24, H18
F, H112
H12, H 22. H32, H14, H24, H34, H16, H26, H36, H18, H38F, H112
H14, H24, H34, H18||tt| |F, H12
H12, H32, H14, H34, H16, H36, H18, H38F, H112
O, H14, H24, H34| |tt||F, H112
>0.2~1 0.0
>0.5~10.0||tt ||>4.5~150.0
10—1— 3
5083, 5A05, 5A06, 5086
6A02, 2A14, 2014
2A11,2A12, 2017, 2024
7A09, 7A04, 7075
F, H112
O, T4, T6
F, H112
O, T4, T3
F, H112
O, T6
F, H112
Note: For the comparison of the new I brand of the product, please see Appendix A; for the comparison of the new and old status, please see Appendix B. Table 2
Thickness corresponding to width and length specifications
1000 - 2400
>0.5-10.0| |tt||>4.5~150.0
1070, 1070A, 10 60, 1050, 1050A, 1100, 1145, 1200, 3003, 3004, 3A21, 8A06 can supply plates with a width less than 400mm: but the dimensional deviation is checked according to the 400mm width plate. When the supply width is greater than 400mm to 1000mm, its dimensional deviation is checked according to the 1000mm width plate; it can supply plates with a length less than 1000mm, and its dimensional deviation is checked according to the 1000mm length plate. 2 Annealed plates produced by salt bath furnace with a thickness of less than or equal to 0.7mm can only be supplied with a width of less than or equal to 1200mm and a length of less than or equal to 4000mm. Table 3
Aluminum cladding classification
Normal aluminum cladding
Technical aluminum cladding
Base alloy grade
2A11, 2017, 2A12, 2024
7A04, 7A09, 7075
2024, 2A14, 2017, 5A06
7A04, 7A09, 7075
Coating material grade and Thickness of coating layer after rolling Coating material
Material brand
Sheet state
O, T3,
O, T6
O, T3, T4,
F, H112
O, T6
F, H112
Sheet thickness, mm
>4.5 ~150.0
The percentage of each side coating thickness to the total thickness of the plate
, %, not less than
Note: 2A11, 2A12, 2017, 2024, 7A04, 7A09, 7075 alloys with a thickness of ≤10.0mm and non-H112 and non-F state plates generally use normal aluminum cladding. If process aluminum cladding is required, it must be indicated in the contract. 4.1.2 Coating
Plates that need to be aluminum clad should be double-sided coated, and the cladding material grade 10-1-4
and the thickness of the cladding layer after rolling should comply with the provisions of Table 3. 4.1.3 Marking examples
a) Cut-to-length plates
Steel plates made of 2A12 alloy, T4 state, 2.0 mm thick, 1200 mm wide and 4000 mm long are marked as: Plate 2A12-T4
b) Random-length plates
2.0 × 1200 × 4000
Random-length plates made of 3A21 alloy, H24 state, 1.5 mm thick are marked as:
Plate 3A21-H24
GB/T 3880—-1997
Note: When one or more indicators of dimensional deviation are required to be high-precision Table 4
Aluminum Classification Supply Status
Sample Status
, add the word "high-precision" after the word "plate" in the marking example, and indicate the specific items in the contract.
4.2 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the plate shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3190. 4.3 Dimensions and allowable deviations
The allowable deviations of the plate's thickness, width, length, unevenness and other dimensions shall comply with the provisions of ordinary grade plates in GB/T3194. When one or more indicators of dimensional deviation are required to be high-precision, it shall be indicated in the contract.
4.4 Mechanical properties
4.4.1 The room temperature mechanical properties of the plate shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. Mechanical properties at room temperature of the plate
>0.8 ~1.3
100 ~135
Specified non-proportional elongation
Stress 0.2
Attached with measured value
Elongation, %
Attached with measured value
10—1-- 5
Aluminum clad classification supply status
101— 6
Sample status
Thickness, mm
>6.5 ~12.5
>12.5 ~25.0
>4.5 ~150.0
Tensile strength
Specified non-proportional elongation stress 0.2
Elongation, %
Aluminum clad classification!
Supply status
Sample status
Normal aluminum cladding
Process aluminum cladding
Thickness, mm
>6.5 ~10.0
>12.5 ~50.0
>50.0 ~80.0
Tensile strength
120 ~145
Specified non-proportional elongation
stress 0.2
elongation, %,
10--1 7
Classification of aluminum cladding
Supply status
Sample status
Normal aluminum cladding
Technical aluminum cladding
Normal aluminum cladding
Technical aluminum cladding
10—1— 8
Thickness, mm
>70.0 ~80.0
>2.9 ~10.0
>40.0~70.0||tt ||>70.0 ~80.0
Tensile strength
≥3 55
≥3 55
≥2 85
Specifies non-proportional elongation
long stress o.2
≥195||tt ||≥195
≥215||tt| |≥185
Elongation, %
Classification of aluminum cladding
Technology aluminum cladding
2A14|Technology aluminum cladding
Normal aluminum cladding
Technology aluminum cladding|| tt||Supply status Sample status
Thickness, mm
>1.0 ~10.0
>4.5 ~12.5
>12.5 -25.0
>4.5 ~150.0||tt ||>4.5~12.5
>12.5 ~40.0
>6.5~1 2.5
>4.5 ~150.0
Tensile strength
≥440| |tt||≥460
≥420|| tt||≥4 15
Specifies non-proportional elongation
long stress α0.2|| tt||≥370
≥405| |tt||≥ 340
≥245 ||tt ||≥260
Elongation, %| |tt||10—1- 9
Supply status" Sample status
Aluminum cladding classification
Normal cladding
Process cladding
Thickness, mm
>4.5~10.0||tt ||>10.0 12.5
>70.0 ~ 80.0
Tensile strength
≥425| |tt||≥425
95~130| |tt||120~160
165~-205||t t||Specified non-proportional elongation
stress am.2
≥ 145
Elongation, %
Aluminum clad classification Supply status
Sample status
Thickness, mm
>4.5~12.5||tt ||>12.5~50.0
>50.0 ~- 80.0
>4.5 --150.0
>0.2 -0.8
>0.8 -4.5
>10.0 ~12.5
>25.0 ~80.0
>6.5 ~10.0
Tensile strength||tt| |≥105
100 ~150
220 ~265
Specified non-proportional elongation stress.2
Elongation, %
10 -1--11
Brand「Aluminum clad classification
Supply status Sample status
Thickness, mm
>0.8 ~1.3
>12.5~40.0|| tt||>40.0~80.0
>12.5 ~25.0|| tt||>25.0~80.0
>25.0 ~50.0
Tensile strength
≥160|| tt||165- 225
≥175| |tt||≥175
Specifies non-proportional elongation
long stress a.2
≥215||tt| |≥195
Elongation, %
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