This standard specifies the method for impact testing of sintered metal materials (excluding cemented carbide) at room temperature. This standard is applicable to the determination of the impact absorption energy of sintered metal specimens in a simply supported beam (Charpy) state when they are broken under a single impact load. GB/T 9096-2002 Sintered metal materials (excluding cemented carbide) impact test method GB/T9096-2002 standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
ICS.77.160 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 9096—2002 Sintered metal materials, exrluding hardmetalsImpact test method 2002-D4-09 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China 2002-10-01 Implementation GB/T9096——2002 This standard is a revision of G/T9396—1988 Sintered Metal Material (excluding Cemented Carbide) Impact Test Method>. During the revision, the following minor modifications were made to the standard: 1. During the revision, the term "impact period" in the original standard was changed to "impact pressure" according to GB/10623—1989* Mechanical Properties Test Terminology3. 2. The requirement in 6.1 of the original standard that "the return difference of the moving pointer when hitting with a hammer before testing should not exceed 0.5 of the maximum impact energy" was changed to "the return rate difference should not exceed one quarter of the minimum graduation value". This standard will replace B/T6—18 from the date of implementation. This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation: This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the Mechanical Industry Technical Committee for Standardization. The main drafting units of this standard are Beijing Metallurgical Research Institute and Iron and Steel Research Institute. The drafting teams of this standard are Zhuo Renxing, Nami, Chen Wei, Jiang Zhenchun and Zheng Quying. This standard was first issued in April 1988. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Impact test method for sintered metal materials (excluding hard alloys) Sintered metal materials (excluding hard alloys) impact test method GB/T9096702 Generation K719196—1983 This standard specifies the method for impact test of sintered metal materials (excluding hard alloys) at room temperature. This standard is applicable to the determination of the impact strength of sintered metal specimens in the Charpy state under the action of a -specific impulse load. 2 Referenced standards The texts contained in the following standards are used for the purpose of defining this standard by citing them in this standard and are valid for the versions shown when the standards are published. All standards may be revised, so the parties relying on the standards should consider the possibility of introducing new versions of the standards. B2975-19 Mechanical properties of products for production and marketing Sampling, inspection and test equipment (S03: 1997) CB/T 480x--199s Swing impact testing machine .GR/T 8170—1987 GB/T106231$6S Effective value of the current standard Metal mechanical properties test age standard JJ6:145—1982 Calibration procedures for mechanical impact test machines 3 Standards Standards and definitions. 3.1 Impact absorption energy impact abj arbing c nerg The dynamic absorption of a specimen of specified shape and size when it is folded under the impact test force ((6.2 in GB/T1UF23989). 3.2 Impact impact touglness Shenzhen impact test The impact absorption energy of the cross-sectional area of the fracture at the impact test ((6.2 in 15/110623—1934). 4 Specimen||tt| |4.1 The specimen can be made by pressing and sintering metal parts, or it can be made by sintering metal products. 4.2 The specimens are divided into two categories: notched and notched. Sintered metal products are usually notched specimens. Only for some special materials, such as low porosity or high ductility materials, notched specimens are used. 4.3 The shapes and dimensions of notched and notched specimens are shown in Figures 1 and 2. 4.4 The specimen should have a standard condition that can be recognized by pressing. If the test is made of wool, the direction of production should be remembered. 4.5 The specimen should not be filled with any notches. When preparing the specimen, the effects of heat and cold or work hardening on the test results should be minimized. 4.6 When cutting the specimen from the sintering area or parts, refer to G1.5 for the test. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China 200204 19 approved 2002-10-01 implementation 5 Test equipment 27.5±0.2 GI/T 9096-2002 No missing piece test Figure U-shaped notch type details 5. 1 The standard impact energy is 2C/FU I, and the instantaneous impact speed is 8. 0~:5. 0 m/s. For special materials, other energy impact test machines can be selected. 5.2 Other operating conditions of the punch-out test machine shall comply with the requirements of G/3308 and shall be determined according to JJ125. 5.3 The accuracy value of the minimum amount of the test sample shall not be greater than 0.02mm. 6 Test requirements 6.1 The test shall be carried out at 141.-55°C. If the test exceeds this limit, it shall be noted in the test report. 6.2 The correct range of the impact test is 10%-10% of the maximum impact energy of the chain. 6.3 Before the test, the zero error of the moving pointer during the lifting and emptying shall be checked, and the zero error shall not exceed 2% of the minimum value. CB/T 9096—2002 6. The point type test sample shall be placed perpendicular to the impact direction (except as specified). The notch type test sample shall be placed on the back of the notch to withstand the impact. 6.5 The specimen should be placed close to the support: the parallel surface of the specimen length should coincide with the standard surface, and the deviation should not be greater than 5.6.6 The test will be invalid if the following occurs: a) Various sintering defects or obvious zinc fire cracks are found at the fracture of the specimen; b) There is a phenomenon of jamming during the test. 7 Test results 7.1 The reading of the light absorption power A on the dial of the test machine should be accurate to the minimum division of the dial. 7.2 If the impact energy of the test machine is insufficient and the sample is not broken, the symbol “>\73” should be added before the value of A. When the belt can not be impacted, the formula (13 juice A where: ag type of impact/em\: 4k-second screen impact absorption energy-J! next\-cross-sectional area of the sample where it is broken, r note; F of the uncalibrated sample is the core area of the test belt; the ideal surface of the hot bottom of the belt or the sample is taken. 7 .4 The test report shall contain the following contents: a) This standard number: b) Details of the test specimen, whether it is standard size, etc.: e) Impact energy of the testing machine: the test results can be absorbed or not; e) The work specified in this standard; ii) Parts that may affect the test results: Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.