title>GB/T 2900.57-2002 Electrical terminology - Generation, transmission and distribution operations - GB/T 2900.57-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 2900.57-2002 Electrical terminology - Generation, transmission and distribution operations

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 2900.57-2002

Standard Name: Electrical terminology - Generation, transmission and distribution operations

Chinese Name: 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 运行

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2002-08-05

Date of Implementation:2003-01-01

Date of Expiration:2009-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Vocabulary>>01.040.29 Electrical Engineering (Vocabulary)

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>General Electrical Engineering>>K04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 2900.57-2008

Procurement status:eqv IEC 60050(604):1987

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2003-01-01

other information

Release date:2002-08-05

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Wang Mi, Yang Fu

Drafting unit:China Electric Power Research Institute and Mechanical Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Terminology

Proposing unit:State Economic and Trade Commission

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the terms related to the operation of power generation, transmission and distribution. GB/T 2900.57-2002 Electrical terminology Power generation, transmission and distribution operation GB/T2900.57-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS C1. 340. 29
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 2900. 57--2002
Electrotechnical terminologyGencration, transmission and distribution of electricity--Opcrafier2002- 08-05 Issued by
People's Republic of China
2003-0101 implementation
2 Operation technical data
Power supply list
2.2 Fault
Over-indication and absolute failure
2.5 Communication system energy-saving interference new media Appendix 4 [Appendix to the present, appendix
Appendix (prompt thanks)
Chinese case quoted
English quoted
Two standards are equivalent to use: 50! : 17 In terms of technical content, this international standard is equivalent to the national standard: white electricity system screening technology standard, which specifically includes the following standards: power installation, transmission and distribution, communication and health technology 3
GB900503 power 1
G/T 230, 5-21 Electrician F languageWww.bzxZ.net
G/2.E?2302 Electrical technology license
Generation, replacement and distribution
Generation 3
Installation core, transmission core and distribution tank
Room 3
G/2990.5#—2832 Electrician telephone
Generation, transmission and power transformation power system planning and management 3GBTW.S—259 Chinese engineering language has not been issued. In the process of transmission and distribution, the main participants are in the approval of the new case and the old text is busy! Supplement or change: the black T is VChaptert's \lartlingaadprotectianagaiuselecrn:shnek "meaning, the security part is collected; absorb Ihate=iwork\user use is clear definition fork: dream number EvChipter2&\Puwursyarrprulcetion\ American terms: IFC. There are some differences between the terms of some smoke months in our country, and there are two kinds of situations: 1) for the non-shadowing of the active transmission system 1) The standard is issued by the National Technical Committee of the State Council. This standard is the responsibility of the National Technical Committee of the State Council, and the China Electric Power Research Institute and the China Electric Power Research Institute are responsible for the development of this standard. The standard should be signed by technical personnel, relevant departments, and the relevant departments should be responsible for the development of this standard. terminologyGeneratiaa transmission and distribution of elecirlcity1ScopeOperatlonThis standard specifies the relevant written requirements for operation in the fields of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.2Operational technology2.1.1 Power supply (of electr:city)GR/T 2900.57—2002The technical and commercial conditions for the distribution of electricity by the distribution enterprise are as follows:The public service provided by the distribution enterprise in accordance with the service coordination, such as frequency, voltage, continuity, maximum demand, supply point and demand rate, etc.2.1.2 Distribution enterprisedlatributlon Entity that supplies electricity to consumers through the distribution system. 2.1.3 Consumer coruter The user of the power supply system.
2.1.4 Supply point (1) Point of supply A point in the power system that receives electricity in accordance with the specified technical indicators and industry rules. Note that the supply point may not be the point of separation between the supply system and the equipment, and the metering point. 2.1.5 Power supply quality of supply Most power supply systems rely on the assessment of specified indicators (implicit or explicit) of the quality of the supply. 2.1.6 Frequency deviation Frequency deviation The difference between the system frequency and the nominal frequency at a given moment. 2. 1.7
Frequency stability frequencystablty
The quality of power supply that can avoid the nominal deviation of the power system within a given time. 2.1.8Frequrneydrift
The frequency deviation of the system frequency is relatively long-lasting and small despite the correction of the frequency regulator. 2.1.9Frequency reduction
The reduction of the system frequency for a relatively long time. 2.1.10Harmonic voltage source A harmonic voltage source A device in a power supply system or a device connected to the system, the electromotive force generated by which contains one or more harmonic components. 2.1.71Harmonic current source A device in a power supply system or a device connected to the system, the nonlinear impedance and (or admittance) of which causes harmonic distortion of the current waveform. 2.1.12 Harmonieresoae
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China 2002-0%8-05 Batch 20030101 GT 2990.57—20C2
The phenomenon of neutral or mid-current wave caused by the continuous holding between the inductance and capacitance of each phase element 2.113 Subsymhrous resonance
Occurs in the system when the passband of the system is lower than the nominal frequency of the system, and the potential of the monthly rotation is more than 1n. 2.1.14 The voltage between the power supply point and the power supply voltage of the power supply equipment shall be kept as the vehicle voltage according to the observation and measurement of the system voltage. Note: The voltage difference between the actual power supply voltage and the power supply voltage of the power supply equipment is the difference between the actual power supply voltage and the power supply voltage of the power supply equipment. The difference between the actual power supply voltage and the power supply voltage of the power supply equipment shall be the difference between the actual power supply voltage and the power supply voltage of the power supply equipment. The difference between the actual power supply voltage and the power supply voltage of the power supply equipment shall be the difference between the actual power supply voltage and the power supply voltage of the power supply equipment. 2.1.1 The voltage drop between the two points along the line shall be the medium voltage drop between the two points along the line at the specified time. 2. 1. 15
Voltage fluctuations
Voltage fluctuations are voltage fluctuations that occur periodically. Periodic voltage fluctuations 2.1.20
A voltage fluctuation is a slow and quasi-periodic change in the voltage caused by a voltage drop or a voltage drop in the system. 2.1.22 Voltage fan collapse point, the voltage drop is small, the voltage of the power system is reduced, the voltage of the power station is close to zero, 2.1.23 voltage lossotvollg
voltage recovery point is close to zero, 2.1.24 voltage recovery volfagerecover voltage is close to the original value, 2.1.25 voltage drop vlagr dip
voltage suddenly drops at the supply point of the system, and the voltage can be restored within a few cycles to a few grid points. Flicker voltage range 2. 1.26 J
voltage is within a certain value range. It can be used for lighting. 2.1.27 Equivalent flicker voltage fluctuation cquivalcnflickrrvollageuelumliun with a specified frequency and waveform (such as positive TI) of the electric positive wave fluorescence, it causes the visible disturbance effect of the variable voltage fluctuation effect of the same agent,
2. 1.28 Internal real position irker meler
use, internal only
voltage unbalance vullnenbalnne
at the point of the system, the mountain phase current or the load circuit is asymmetric, causing the phenomenon of each state is not the same.
unbalance factor unbalnnceTactor
with the medium voltage or the medium voltage as the negative center point (the ratio of the zero point step) to the sequence point (percentage) meter shows the two-phase system unbalance 2
GBT 2500.572002
Balancing of distribution network2.1.31F
Balancing between phases of distribution network to make voltage equal to the minimum2.1.32t
Supply continuityThe quality of power supply is measured by the continuous time of system disconnection within a given time. 2.1.33
Supply continuityThe value derived from the continuous power supply status within a given time, such as the number of power outages, duration and energy loss!
2.1.34The disconnection of power supply can cause the disconnection of power supply between states. 2.1.5 Load recovery recovery
After voltage is restored, the load of the system or user increases at a rate related to the load characteristics. 2.1.36 Load cut-mff IaadThe load that was supplying power before the power outage.
Undersupply energy not uppled
The amount of energy that is undersupply by the power system due to one or more non-positive conditions within a given time. Note that this concept is used to plan the actual load and the actual load is the positive or negative interruption or reduction 2. 1. 39
2 Negative weighted equivalent interruption duration lnadweighted equivalent interruption duration In 1 year or 1 hour, the total average of all power outages (kwh) caused by power outages in a specific part of the system divided by the annual (monthly) power demand (kW) to obtain the duration of the power outage loss casiorkwhrotsupplieu2. 1.39
In a given system, the total economic peak caused by the daily supply center divided by the system supply center (the above wh request comment station:
2.1.40 Centralized remote control ecntralixrdtelecintrol (of laads) is used to switch the extension level and reduce the interruption recommendation from the central point through the digging equipment. 2. 1. 4
refers to a non-load belt that does not need to be strictly powered according to the lock time, overheating and overload, 2.1.421
centralized control signal injection seriesyinjcelionotacvntealizedlcleeuntrolsiunul a series connection to an output fast line or a busbar power supply device to inject the signal into a separate power supply system. centalizedtelecantrosignal2.1.43
output and connect to the substation busbar and inject the signal into the power system 2.1.44 Low voltage veltagedeprcsston the entire or local post and telecommunications system, the voltage continues to accumulate, and the system load is obviously low. 2.45 Voltage uncertainty voltaeinstahiity_Aneadmcnt1:1sx-7] due to the uncertainty of the entire substation power system supply rather than the voltage drop energy process, the process is not stopped in time, which will lead to voltage collapse.
2.2 Fault
2. 2. 1 Three power system faults faull (in electric pnwer system) due to unplanned events or defects, which cause the system and itself or related equipment to fail inuatonFapll
may cause abnormal current flow or cause destructive discharge of confidential equipment and other source defects. Accident
An event caused by internal or external factors that changes the normal operation of equipment or system. B/T2900, 57-2002
2.2.4 System accidental event syktemincident A series of events that cause the overall system to change. 2.2.5 Mixed action maleperatian,nisuperatiun The action of the device is different from its specified action. 2.2.6 Abnormal operation Ewaatedperatinn A change that should not have occurred in the normal state within the considered time. 2.2.7
Unsuccessful action ilurlouprate
The device does not change its current operating state as required. 2.2.2. Damage fault A fault that requires inspection or replacement of parts. 2.2.9 Non-damage fault A fault that does not require inspection or replacement of parts. 2.2.10 Permanent fault A fault that affects the equipment and cannot be restored to operation before measures are taken to address the fault. 2.2.17 Transient fault A fault that affects the equipment dielectric in a short time and can be quickly relieved in a short time. 2.2.12 Self-extinguishing fault A fault that extinguishes the device without disconnecting the device from the system to restore the equipment dielectric. 2.2.13 extinguishing limit selr-extinguishlng current Ilmilt under certain system conditions, the maximum voltage that can be extinguished by itself 2.2.14 intermittent fault futerenitteui fault
at the same location, within the next source, the time to reappear 2.2.15 resistive fault resistancelveault fault due to thermal or conductive resistance of the conductor can sustain a high enough impulse voltage. 2.2.16 metallic short circuit deml shorl
fault point impedance can be a sufficient fault. Linefault
fault at any point on the power line
symptom: for protection, the line span is generally set at the current transformer. 2.2.B Busbar fault busbwrfuwr
Fault on the busbar of the substation,
, protection, the end point of the line is defined as the place where the transformer can be protected, 2.2.19 Single-phase to earth fault phase-to-earth fault;slngleline1nrnund fault(t:5.A) A continuous fault between only one phase conductor and the ground. 2.2.20 Phase-to-phase fault phase-lu.phasefuull;linelulinefuultUSA A continuous fault between only two phase conductors, with no insulation to the ground, 2.2-21 Two-phase to earth fault twn-phase-ta-curth Fault,donhle line to raund fanlt([JSA) A ground effect fault between two phase conductors and the ground at a point in the return line. 2.2.22 Double fault doubletault
Insulation fault to the ground that occurs simultaneously on a single line or multiple lines from the same power source. 2.2.23
Multiple faults occur when there are multiple faults in one circuit or more than one circuit. When there are more than one fault in one circuit, the fault will be caused by the insulation of the three phases in the circuit. 2.2.24 Three-phase fault three-phases fault4
Three-phase fault occurs when the circuit is disconnected: usually due to insulation failure. 2.2.25
Developing fault developingfault
Starting from a single phase to ground fault point, developing into a two-phase fault or a three-phase fault. 2.2.26 Inter-voltage fault tura-o-uurn fault; inlerturn fault line diagram network group village neighbor product mountain decoration absolute fault 2.2.27
Inter-group fault iaterwladinuul
In equipment, the level fault between different groups of equipment, 2.2.28 Faullclearan
Manually cut off the defective facilities in the power system to restore the power supply, Faull clearancetimcrclearing Line2.2.29
The time between the occurrence of the fault and the high fault clearance method. 2.2.30 Coordination
The closing of the alarm due to the action or the control of the protection device. 2.2.31 The tripping of the equipment is controlled by the automatic control of the protection device or the circuit breaker. 2.2.32 The automatic reclosing of the circuit breaker is automatically closed before the relevant circuit breaker is opened and closed after the fault is removed. 2.2.33 The high-speed automatic reclosing of the circuit breaker is suitable for the high-speed automatic reclosing of the circuit breaker in the fault compartment, which can be closed within the time of about 9 seconds. 2.2.34
Automatic reclosing with delayed automatic reclosingAfter the fault is cleared, the automatic reclosing will start within a short time.2.2.35 Successful reclosing will be performed and the fault will not occur.
2.2.36 Failed reclosing will be performed after successful reclosing.
2.2.37 Failed reclosing will be performed after one reclosing. The automatic reclosing will not be performed.2.2.38 Automatic multiple reclosing will be performed after one reclosing fails. Change the induction day times (generally not with the times. 2. 2. 39
Final jump final Irlppin: luck-out automatic multiple overlaps to reach the setting times after the discharge rate equipment point government power grid disconnection. Load transfer lualLrsfer
In the power grid bureau to help the season discharge accident, the car power grid material to the component of the small distribution of the flow, 2.2.41 Fault location fanlllacalinn
A rotary fault location adjustment technology. 2.2.42 Fault locator faultlcator
Instruments required to determine the fault location:
2.2.43 Fault recorder
dislurhamcr rerorles
Fault recorder
GR/T 2900.572002
The test results of continuous working wells are recorded before and during the series connection and temporary change. 2.3 Overvoltage and shrinkage coordination
2.3.1 The maximum voltage of the equipment is the RMS value of the high voltage of the equipment, which is in the relevant equipment standards and in the design of the equipment and other conditions. It is also related to the following,
7.3.? External insulation esternal 2.3.3 Internal insulation: Solid, liquid or gas insulation is a type of insulation that is exposed to the atmosphere and is susceptible to changes in its properties. 7.3.4 Self-restoring insulation: An insulation that fully recovers after being damaged. 2.3.5 Non-self-restoring insulation: 2.3.6 Carthfaultfactor of ground fault factor in three-phase system: in the fixed position, and for the fixed system structure: the ratio of the square root of the power frequency voltage to the square root of the power frequency voltage when it is ineffective. 2.3.7 Equipment insulation performance of the whole equipment.
2.3.8 Insulation performance of the whole equipment should be considered in the system. The characteristics of the protection equipment should be selected reasonably in the environment.
2.3.9 Overvoltage system) nvervnltage (int6yslem) appears between the material and the ground or between the state wires. The peak value exceeds the peak value of the equipment. Relative earth overvoltage standard value phase-to-earthovervoitageperunit2.3.10
The ratio of the relative voltage peak value of the phase-to-earth overvoltage standard to the highest voltage peak value of the equipment is expressed in units of units. Phase overvoltage standard value plhaselopluse wvervullugpenmit2.3.1
The ratio of the relative voltage peak value of the phase overvoltage to the relative voltage peak value of the equipment is expressed in units of units. 2.3.*2 Temporary overvoltage temporaryvervaltage Overvoltage caused by a long duration of operation: under certain conditions, the frequency is higher than or lower than 1.1. 2.3.13 The instantaneous overvoltage is a short overvoltage with a duration of several seconds or a high damping device, and it must be avoided with a non-vibration overvoltage device. It is a state of electrical energy, that is, a overvoltage condition. It is considered as a component,
21:711. The text stipulates: both the overvoltage and the total overvoltage time are used to calculate the time of the wave barrier product or the total lack of wave quality. They are respectively used to slowly send out the power, and the fast overvoltage and the non-overvoltage are effectively prevented. 2.3.14 Impulse voltage waveImpulse is a screen-like voltage wave acting on the main line or equipment, whose point is enough to determine the voltage on the upper part of the factory, and then drops slowly. 2.3.16 Impulse voltage retreat is the part before the impulse voltage is reached and compensated. 2.3.17 Impulse pressure wave room tall oraoltagelmpulse6
The impulse voltage wave reaches the average value:
2.3.18 Lightning shock wave lightningnipuEse In the dielectric test, the impact center with the specified impact is about active when it is in front of the wave, and the half-peak time is 50 ps
, the time before each electric shock is released is in seconds: the standard electric shock current of the m ampere is: 1-9/0, 2.3.19 the apparent wavefront time of the lightning shock wave virlualrruntdunliunuflightaingiapuls the wavefront time determined by the two spots of the wavefront is the actual wavefront time, 2.3.20 the operating shock selection Rwitchinginpulse Dongjie although in the test, the given system of shock micro, the total wave time is 10, the peak time is several seconds
Note: the shock station uses the given time to determine the standard frequency of the shock release: 252. 3. 21
is selected as the full-wave time of the shock wave irt (i
the time between the actual origin of the operating shock and the time when the voltage arrives at the peak of the shock wave 2.3.22 the half-wave time of the shock wave time ln haif vale(nfan impulse) breaks out of the origin to the peak of the limbs. 2.3.73 Electric shock full wave tullllghtnlugimpulse is not cut off by destructive discharge: 2.3.24 Electric shock microwave c.2.3.25 Cut-off time timetocbipping the time between the start and end of the impulse wave. 2.3.26
the front of the impulse wave. Before the peak of the impulse wave is cut off,
2.3.27 a new impulse is injected into the center of the impulse wave:
2.3.28 impulse voltage generator impulsernemul the time to carry out the test according to the left voltage wave condition. 2.3.29 Internal overvoltage internalyervoltage In the power system, the voltage or overvoltage caused by the occurrence of a certain voltage change. 2.3.30 External overvoltage externalovervullay In the power system, the voltage caused by the occurrence of a certain voltage change or an inductive phenomenon. 2.3.31 Direct lightning strike A lightning strike that occurs in a basic component of the power grid, such as a conductor pole and a transformer substation. 2.3.32 Indircet Iightnin strikr does not enter any part of the power grid, but is an overvoltage in the power grid. 2.3.33 Overvoltage caused by external voltage transfer cidemlynltage1rmsfer in a system with no voltage, such as contact or flash. 2.3.34 Resonant overvoltage caused by the drop of the resonant overvoltage in the power system. 2.3.35 Dielectric breakdown breakduwn
In the absence of an elastic electric field, the physical and chemical properties of the material are changed or deteriorated, resulting in the failure of the insulating medium. Juice: In the current standards of my country, technical penetration, six or cross are also called \bwn", but their definitions are different from those of the standards. 2.3.36 Carbon damage discharge disruptlivelisrhargeflashhntergsparknren7
GB/T 2900.57
The effect of arc channel caused by dielectric destruction 2002
Society: Spark type electric spark: The effect of arc channel caused by dielectric destruction in gas or filter medium: Internal network lh:1T): The effect of destructive discharge in the solid dielectric of the gas component, the effect of breakdown of the solid dielectric 2.3.37 Backfire buek [Inshuver
The system passes through the ground-centered components and causes the main flashover to the ground. 2. 3. 38 Power frequency withstand voltage power frequency wlthatand woltaqeThe equipment should be able to withstand the root mean square value of the power frequency voltage when the test is carried out under the specified conditions and duration. 2.3.39 The test voltage wlthsiandvnllage is the test voltage value added in the small test under the specified conditions, during which the effective destructive discharge is allowed to occur. Note: The time of the main current is set as:
The set current is allowed to occur for a period of zero. The time of the phase is 1 (this is a special case of low-voltage nuclear power technology
) The system is safe, when the damage of the component is relatively effective, the general requirements are met, such as 2.3.40 50% destructive discharge voltage 50% diarptivedisrhargevtage In each dielectric test, the peak value of the impulse test voltage H with a probability of carbon damage is defined, and the dielectric test dielectriedrytesl
is a dielectric test in the air with the surface of the running edge being dry and clean. 2.3.42 Dielectric wet test Dielectric test of an insulating surface in air under conditions of specified characteristics under artificial conditions Artificial pollution displacement test 2.3.43 Dielectric test of a standard surface in air, where the surface is subjected to an artificial pollution layer of specified characteristics according to the procedure. 2.3.44 Insularity level Insularity level Characteristic of equipment characterized by one or two absolute strengths to withstand self-pressure. 2.3.25 Overhead earthwire, earthwire (t.SA) is a wire connected to the ground wire (or a wire with a trace, usually installed above the cable phase conductor or the station in the industry, used to prevent the expansion of the mu. 2.3.46 (Protective spark barrier (protective) smtkgap is a protective device composed of a single core pole or a single connection with a salient pole. Note: ulaga), between the two relative blood of the lower line, rnpark is composed of two sets of multi-top mail volume La-shaped spark sentence system this big flower to Xi & 2.3.47 Lightning conductor lightning conductor is installed on the metal wire or gold screen wire that will be released to the earth through the plate of the grounding device. 2.3. 48
surge arrester surgediperter gsurgearreater designed to protect against high transients and limit the duration and load of the follow current. 2.3, 49 [Lightning arrester] discharge rate, discharge currcnt (nf an arresier) washes through the device day
2.3.50 "arrester voltage\ekidualvnltage (nf an arrester) enterprise builds the center of the surge arrester and then dissipates the current in the surge arrester. 2.3.51 nonlinear resistor type surge arrester nn-linenrresisturlyprarrester nonlinear resistor element or surge arrester with semi-connected paper: 2.3. E2 exhaust type surge arrester expnlsion type arrester8
Tube arrester
A device that interrupts the flow of blood in the self-evident room2.3.53
High voltage impulse protection level (of protective device)1. The maximum allowable voltage at the terminals of the protective device under specified conditions2.3.54 Operation impulse protection level (of protective device) 2.3.55 Protection ratio against electrical impulse The ratio of the rated electrical impulse withstand voltage (when the device is protected) of the protective device under the specified conditions:
2.356 Protection ratio against electrical impulse The ratio of the protection level of the protective device under electrical impulse to the rated electrical impulse withstand voltage (when the device is protected) of the protective device:
2.3.57 Clearance The maximum distance between two conductors through air or through an insulating or semi-fluid path: This limit must be within the maximum distance between two conductors. 2.3.52 Creepage distance The shortest distance between two core parts, in front of the solid insulating material. 2.3.59 Insulating material The material used to prevent the conduction of electricity between the core components. 2.4 Safety
2.4.F Earthground (F.SA)
The point of connection between the equipment, facilities and system and the ground. Note: This connection is not accidental, unintentional or permanent. 2.4.2 Earthing system earthihiagarrangeentproundinxarraogcmrni (L'SA) All electrical connections and installations involved in the system, 2-4.3 Earthing electrode
The conductor (group) that is tightly connected to the earth and provides the necessary connection with it: 2.4.4
Independent earth electrodes are kept at a constant distance from the ground electrodes, and their potential is not affected by the current between the ground and the ground electrodes.
2.4.5 Earthing conductor earthing conductor is used for electrical connection between the given point of equipment or system and the grounding conductor, and has low positive resistance. 2.4.6 Earthing network earthing network
Part of the grounding system, including only the grounding plate and its cabinet connection. Earth terminal; gronding terminal
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