GB/T 15155-1994 General technical requirements for piezoelectric ceramic materials for filters
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Generic specification for
piezoelectric ceramic for use in filters1Subject content and scope of application
GB/T 15155—94
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, etc. of piezoelectric ceramic materials for use in filters (hereinafter referred to as materials).
This standard applies to powdered piezoelectric ceramic materials for filters. 2 Reference standards
GB 2413
GB 2414
Method for measuring bulk density of piezoelectric ceramic materials
Method for testing properties of piezoelectric ceramic materials
Radial expansion and contraction vibration of discs and transverse length of strips Piezoelectric ceramic material model name method
GB 3389. 1
GB 3389.3
GR 3389.5
GB 3389. 6
GB 6427
GB I1311
Test method for performance of piezoelectric ceramic materials
Test method for performance of piezoelectric ceramic materials
Test method for performance of piezoelectric ceramic materials
Common terms and definitions
Test of Curie temperature T,
Disc thickness stretching vibration mode
Test method for performance of piezoelectric ceramic materials
Rectangular thickness shear vibration mode
Test method for temperature stability of frequency of piezoelectric ceramic oscillator Test method for performance of piezoelectric ceramic materials Test of Poisson's ratio Trial standard for emission of "three wastes" from industry
TJ36 Hygiene standard for design of industrial enterprises
3 Terms, symbols and codes
The terms, symbols and codes adopted in this standard conform to the provisions of GB3389.1. 4 Product classification
Materials are classified according to their main components and performance characteristics. The model naming method is shown in GB3388. 5 Technical requirements
5.1 Material performance items should include the contents listed in Table 1. Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on July 26, 1994 and implemented on February 1, 1995
Performance items
Electromechanical coupling coefficient
Relative dielectric constant
Mechanical quality constant
Frequency constant
Volume density
Curie temperature
Dielectric loss tangent
Resonance frequency Temperature stability
Poisson's ratio
Decade aging
Note: 1) This item is not used as an assessment item.
5.2 The performance indicators of materials shall comply with the provisions of the corresponding technical conditions. 5.3 Safety requirements
k, ka kt krs
N, N, n,N's
(8f.)mu, (&fp)
5.3.1 The material powder containing lead oxide is toxic. The concentration of lead fume in the air of the workplace (including the storage room) should be reduced to below the national health standard of 0.01 mg/m2 to fundamentally control the occurrence of lead poisoning. 5.3.2 Effective ventilation measures should be taken in the workplace. In the workplace where samples are taken, repackaged and weighed for process tests, local exhaust ventilation should be carried out to ensure that dangerous and toxic substances are removed from the workplace and reach a concentration level not exceeding the limit allowed by TI35 + in compliance with emission standards.
5.3.3 In a work environment where lead powder is discharged, personal protective gloves must be used, and cotton work clothes, rubber gloves, dust masks, etc. must be worn.
5.3.4 In order to remove lead powder from hands and work places, acetic acid solution with a certain percentage concentration or other suitable detergents can be used.
5.3.5 Establish a regular physical examination system for lead operations, and conduct a physical examination at least once a year to promptly detect operators who absorb lead or are lead poisoned and provide timely treatment. Properly arrange for replacement work to ensure the health of operators and improve their understanding of lead operations. 5.3.6 Special containers for transporting lead powder should be tightly closed and have labels with the name of the load and safety signs. 5.3.7 The air environment, workplace, area, and room air composition must be constantly monitored within the period specified in the work plan of the industrial hygiene management department. The concentration of toxic substances must not exceed the provisions of the "three wastes\ emission standards" in GBJ4. 6 Test method wwW.bzxz.Net
6.1 Randomly select 200 to 1000g of powder from different directions of each batch of materials, mix them evenly, and divide them into two parts. One part is made into a standard sample according to the production process of ceramics, and the other part is kept for a certain period of time for inspection when there is a dispute in the inspection of product quality.
6.2 Planar electromechanical coupling coefficient, transverse electromechanical coupling coefficient, free relative dielectric constant, dielectric loss tangent value tg8. Transverse frequency constant N,, diameter problem rate band number N,, mechanical quality factor Qm connect GB 2414 6.3 The electromechanical coupling coefficient k of thickness stretching vibration and the frequency constant N of thickness stretching vibration shall be tested according to the method specified in GB3389.5. 6.4 The mechanical coupling coefficient ^15 of original shear vibration, the free relative dielectric constant e5 and the frequency constant N of thickness shear vibration shall be tested according to the method specified in GB3389.6.
GB/T 15155—94
6.5 The volume density shall be tested according to the method specified in GB2413. 6.6 Curie temperature T shall be tested according to the method specified in GB3389.3. 6.7 The resonant frequency source stability (8f.)max, (,)max, according to GB 6427 The test shall be carried out according to the specified method. 6.8 Poisson's ratio c shall be tested according to the method specified in GB11311. 6.9 The ten-fold time aging rate A shall be tested according to the method specified in GB2414. 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection classification
Material inspection is divided into finalization inspection, acceptance inspection and routine inspection. 7.2 Sampling and batching rules
Material composition acceptance batches, the same batch of piezoelectric ceramic materials shall be composed of powders of the same model and the same batch. The mass of each batch of materials shall not be less than 3kg, but also shall not be greater than 100kg. Finalization inspection, acceptance inspection and routine inspection are carried out on standard samples in accordance with the corresponding test standards. The powder for manufacturing standard samples shall be randomly selected from the same batch of powders used to produce piezoelectric ceramic components. 7.3 Type test
7.3.1 When a new product or old product is transferred to production for trial production, a type test shall be carried out. The samples for type test shall be randomly selected from the trial products, and the samples of each test item shall not be less than 30 pieces. One-third of the samples of each item are used for type test, and the remaining two-thirds of the samples are spare parts.
7.3.2 Type test shall generally include all material parameters listed in Table 1 of this standard, and each performance index shall comply with the provisions of each specific parameter of the type material.
7.3.3 If one parameter in the sample is unqualified, the sample is unqualified. After the test, if the number of unqualified products does not exceed 30%, the type test is passed.
7. 3.4 If the first type test is passed, double the samples are drawn from the backup samples, and the unqualified items are retested. If the retest meets the requirements of 7.3.3, the type test is passed. If the re-test still does not meet the requirements of Article 7.3.3, the final molding test will fail. At this time, the reason should be explained, the formula or process should be readjusted, and the final molding test should be carried out again until the final molding test is passed. 7.4 Acceptance inspection
7.4.1 Each batch of materials must be inspected upon delivery. The test samples shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards, and the samples for each performance test shall not be less than 10 pieces. Except for the resonant frequency temperature stability which should be measured at the end, other parameters are allowed to be tested on the same sample.
7.4.2 The items of acceptance inspection are: Poisson's ratio, electromechanical coupling coefficient, ks, 15, free relative dielectric constant, mechanical quality factor Q, frequency band number NNiN.N, resonant frequency temperature stability (3f.)max, (3f,)max. The above performance indicators must meet the requirements of the relevant material technical standards. 7.4.3 If one parameter of the sample is unqualified, the sample is unqualified. After the acceptance test, if the number of unqualified samples does not exceed 30%, the acceptance test is considered qualified. 7.4.4 If the first acceptance test fails, double the samples should be taken from the same batch of materials for re-testing. If the re-test still does not meet the requirements of Article 7.1.3, the batch of materials is unqualified. 7.5 Routine inspection
7.5.1 Routine inspection is carried out on qualified batches of delivery inspection, 11 at least once every six months. When raw materials and processes are significantly changed, routine inspection is also required. Samples for routine inspection are randomly selected from materials produced in six months, and the samples of each test item are not less than 30 pieces. One-third of the samples of each item are used for routine inspection, and the remaining two-thirds of the samples are spare parts. 7.5.2 Routine inspection should generally include all material parameters listed in Table 1 in Article 5.1, and various performance indicators should meet the requirements of the corresponding material standards.
7.5.3 If a parameter of a sample fails to meet the requirements, the sample is considered unqualified. After the test, if the number of unqualified products does not exceed 30%, the routine inspection is considered qualified.
7.5.4 If the first routine inspection fails, double the samples from the backup and re-inspect the unqualified items. If the re-test meets the requirements of Article 7.5.3, the routine test is qualified. If the re-test still does not meet the requirements of Article 7.5.3, the routine test is unqualified. 7.5.5 The re-test results of routine tests are the final basis. If the routine test fails, the production and delivery of materials shall be suspended until the source of the waste is found and eliminated.
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
8. 1 Marking
The container of the material should have a semi-solid mark. The content includes: manufacturer name, product name, product model, manufacturing date, and toxic substances should be marked with a toxic mark.
8.2 Packaging
8.2.1 The piezoelectric ceramic powder is packed in a plastic bag, sealed and placed in a barrel with a lid. The net weight of each barrel shall not exceed 50kg. 8.2.2 The inner packaging of the material shall be accompanied by a quality certificate, which includes: manufacturer name, product name, product model, manufacturing date, etc., and a performance report sheet that the product quality meets the requirements of the corresponding standards. 8.3 Transportation
The material can be transported by any means of transportation, and should be protected from the sun, rain and snow during transportation. 8.4 Storage
The material should be stored in a cool and dry warehouse to prevent heat and moisture. The warehouse temperature is -25~40℃, the relative humidity is not more than 85%, and there is no acid, alkaline and other harmful substances in the surrounding air. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Ferroelectric Voltage and Electric Ceramics Testing Professional Standardization Working Group. This standard is drafted by the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry and Jinghua Radio Equipment Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Yugong and Li Xuexian.
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