This section specifies the parameters of horizontal band sawing machines. This section applies to newly designed general-purpose horizontal band saws. JB/T 4318.2-2002 Horizontal band sawing machine Part 2: Parameters JB/T4318.2-2002 Standard download and decompression password:
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ICS25.080.60 J57 JB Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T4318.2-2002 replaces JB/T4318.2— 1996 Horizontal band sawing machine Part 2: Parameters Horizontal band sawing machinePart2:Parameters Released on 2002-07-16 2002-12 -01Implementation Foreword issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China 1 Scope Normative reference documents 2 3 Parameters +.++.... Horizontal band sawing machine Picture 1 .+. Picture 2 Table Column horizontal band sawing machine Horizontal band sawing machine parameters item times JB/T4318.2—2002 ++++++++. Previous JB/T4318 "Horizontal Band Sawing Machine" is divided into four parts: -Part 1: Series Type Spectrum: | |tt|| - Part 2: Parameters; - Part 3: Accuracy inspection: - Part 4: Technical conditions. This part is Part 2 of JB/T4318. Words This part replaces JB/T4318.2-1996 "Horizontal Band Saw Parameters". Compared with JB/T4318.2--1996, the main changes in this part are as follows JB/T4318.2 —2002 The maximum sawing diameter d cancels the 200mm specification and adds three specifications of 1300mm, 1600mm and 2000mm; -Adds the second main parameter of the maximum sawing width. This part is proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation. This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Technical Committee. The unit responsible for drafting this section: Changsha Sawing Machine Research Institute. The main drafters of this section: Chen Tiejian and Xu Sun. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this part are: -JB4318-1986, JB/T4318.2-1996. III | Horizontal band saw machine. 2 Normative reference documents JB/T4318.2-2002 The provisions in the following documents become the provisions of this part through the reference of this part of JB/T4318. For dated reference documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding corrigenda) or revisions do not apply to this section. However, parties to an agreement based on this section are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. . For undated referenced documents, the latest version applies to this section. JB/T7963.2 Metal Cutting Band Saw Blades Part 2: Basic Dimensions and Tolerances 3 Parameters The type of horizontal band saw machine is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The machine tool parameters should comply with the provisions of Table 1. Figure 1 Horizontal band sawing machine Maximum sawing diameter d Maximum sawing width Minimum band saw blade width b (in line with JB/ T7963.2) 250 >250 25.0 320 Table 1 Horizontal band sawing machine parameters|| tt||400 >320 31.5 >400 31.5 500 >500 37.5| |tt||630 >630 37.5 Picture 2 Column horizontal band sawing machine Unit: mm|| tt||800 >800 50.0 1000 >1000 50.0 1300 >1300| |tt||65.0 1600 >1600 80.0 2000 >2000 100.0 华人Republic 中 国 Mechanical Industry Standards Horizontal Band Sawing Machine: Part 2: Parameters JB/T4318.2—2002|| tt||* Published and distributed by Machinery Industry Press No. 22, Baifangzhuang Street, Beijing Postal code: 100037 * Format 890mm ×1240mm1/16?0.5 sheets·6,000 words, 1st edition, 1st printing, December 2002 Price: 12.00 yuan * ISBN: 15111·7049||tt ||Website: Editorial Department Telephone: (010) 88379779 Direct Sales Center Telephone: (010) 88379693 Covers without anti-counterfeiting labels are pirated Copyright exclusive Infringement is prohibited Study Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.