This standard describes the method of defining and controlling the quality of alphanumeric COM microforms using "test slides and their test data". It also provides methods for controlling the intensity (exposure) of the image generator. This standard applies to COM recorders using format slides. GB/T 17294.2-1998 Microfilming technology Alphanumeric computer output microform quality control Part 2: Methods GB/T17294.2-1998 Standard download decompression password:
This standard describes the method of defining and controlling the quality of alphanumeric COM microforms using "test slides and their test data". It also provides methods for controlling the intensity (exposure) of the image generator. This standard applies to COM recorders using format slides.
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GB/T 17294.2—1998 This standard adopts ISO 5085142:1992αMicrofilm technology. Alphanumeric computer output microfilm products—Quality control —Part 1 Methods". The first part of this standard is specified in the "Characteristics of test slides and test data" of this standard. Appendix A of this standard is a reminder appendix. This standard is proposed by the National Microfilm Technology Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is developed by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding: This standard is developed by the Fourth Branch of the National Microfilm Technology Standardization Technical Committee. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Peiping, Zeng Jinxing, Ding Ling, Feng Wei, Liu Dingruo. GB/T 17294. 2—1998 ISO Foreword (International Organization for Standardization ISO) is a global federation of national standardization organizations (ISO member organizations): The drafting of international standards is usually completed by ISO technical committees. Any member organization that is interested in a research project of an established technical committee has the right to participate in the work of the committee. International organizations, governments and non-governmental organizations that have liaison with ISO can also participate in this work. ISO) has a close cooperative relationship with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in all aspects of standardization related to electrotechnical technology. The draft international standards formally adopted by the technical committee are circulated among the member organizations for voting: the publication of an international standard requires at least 75% of the member organizations to vote in favor. The international standard ISO8514.1 was drafted by the ISO/TC 171 Technical Committee, ISO/TC171 The ISO 514 is an international standard for microforms and optical storage for recording, preservation and use of documents and images. Under the general title of "Microforms - Photographic - Digital symbols - Computer output microforms - Quality control 3", it consists of the following parts: Part 1: Characteristics of test slides and test data Part 2: Methods of measurement and control of the quality of images. The continuous development and expansion of alphanumeric computer output microforms (alphanumeric microforms) for information storage has shown the need to establish some effective and reliable methods so that the quality of images can be controlled. If you want to obtain suitable output products with stable quality, the production It is necessary to define these methods. In the production of microforms containing alphanumeric information, it is of the utmost importance that the information presented to the user should be legible and this principle should be followed for the microforms used, whether they are cold negatives (first generation) or copies. GB/T 17294 specifies methods for establishing and controlling the quality of computer output microform (COM), as well as detailed specifications for the standard test slide format and test data required for the use of the method. It is applicable to microforms containing variable data generated by cathode ray tubes, light emitting diodes or lasers and fixed data contained on magnified format films, consistent with 1S09923-, with an effective reduction ratio of 1:24 to 1:48. This series of standards only applies to CUM recorders using magnified format films. Since it is impossible to provide a single standard for the various systems and equipment configurations in use, it is necessary to develop some test indicators by which users can establish and maintain a certain level of performance using a minimum of dedicated equipment. To carry out the tests described in this standard, the most important are densitometers and microscopes. If these equipment are not available, tests can be carried out using microform readers with established reference samples. The method requires test slides and test data generated from a COM image generator. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Micrographics Alphanumeric computer cutput microforms Quality control- Part 2: Method GB/T 17294- 2-- 1998 idt 1S0 8514-2: 1992 This standard describes the method of defining and controlling the quality of alphanumeric CM microforms using "test slides and their test data". It also provides a method for controlling the intensity (exposure) of the image generator. This standard only applies to CM recorders using format slides. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is revised, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be linked, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: TEC and [S Department members hold the current valid international standards. Part 1: Test slides GB17294.11998 Microfilm technology Characteristic of digital computer input microform quality light slides and test data Photographic technology measurement of transmission density··Part 1: Geometric conditions of transmission density IS0 ISO 5-2:1991 ISO 5-3:1984 Photography — Density measurement — Part 3: Optical conditions ISO 116:1991 Microfilming — 1SC) characters and 1SO1 test chart — Characteristics and application ISO 3334:1989 Microfilming — 1SO2 resolution test chart characteristics and application ISO 6196-2 Microfilming — Vocabulary — Part 7: Computer microfilming ISO 9923:1994 Microfilming — Arrangement of images on A6 transparency microfilms 3 Definitions This standard adopts ISO 6196-7 The definitions in the text and the following definitions are used: 3.1 Test slide: A format film that conforms to the standard (13/T17294.1-1998 for testing the output quality of COM systems. 4 Overview of the method This method can be used to debug the COM system to produce a satisfactory image, and can later be used as a method to maintain the stability of the equipment performance. If several COM recorders are used at the same time, this method also has the effect of ensuring that each COM recorder obtains the same performance. The method first uses the test slides specified in the first part of this standard to determine whether the image of the test film meets the requirements of the State Administration of Technical Supervision 1998-03-27 Standard 1998-10-01 Implementation GB/T 17294.2:1998 Focus: This is completed using the IS1 and [SO2 test patterns, and the EH pattern and density area and halftone screen gradient are used to determine the appropriate amount of flash light. The data in the character generator is used to adjust and determine the accuracy of the matching of the data to the test slide. This step is accomplished using the registration area, and the characters E and H are used to adjust the exposure in the image generator. The exposure value can usually be set by the user according to his needs. A set of typical CM characters and characters with similar appearance in the area treatment can be used to verify the clarity of the data formed by the image generator. 5 Test Procedure The following procedure involves first obtaining the best image of the test slide and then generating the best image from the image generator. 5.1 Optimization of the Test Slide Image 5-1.1 Focusing the Test Slide Since the focus of the format slide imaging system is preset by the manufacturer in most cases, this test is used to verify whether the image reaches the minimum resolution value specified in 5.], 4. If it does not, some necessary adjustments should be made before starting other operations. For this purpose, the optical image of the test slide at the film position or the actual image on the film is used. In the latter case, the value obtained depends not only on the focusing state of the COM recorder lens, but also on the noise conditions, film type and processing process. From waist-light deficiency to correct exposure and then to overexposure, a series of different daylight levels are set for testing to determine the highest resolution. ISO 1 test chart or ISO 12 resolution test chart can be used to measure the resolution. Note 1: The highest resolution is rarely achieved during instantaneous exposure. 5. 1.2 Test Slide Exposure - Test A Take a series of test slide images on microfilm (or microfilm reel) in a manner that increases the amount of noise (row or column by row). Choose an exposure value that will underexpose the thinnest pair of EH (A1) in the image and overexpose the thickest pair of E-II (T). If more than one E-II character pair is underexposed or overexposed, choose the same number of underexposed and overexposed character pairs. Record the exposure setting that produces this effect. Once the correct noise light value is selected, if a densitometer is available, the visual diffuse transmission density can be measured according to the appropriate density zone gradient of TSO52 and ISO5-3. If the COM image is positive, measure the maximum density in density measurement area B. If the COM image is negative, measure the minimum density in density measurement area B. Record the density of density measurement area A and record the coordinate position of the best exposure frame on the test microfilm as the "identification position": this value is used for future testing of the system to ensure that proper exposure and processing are maintained. If there is no density balance area 4, it can be used as a visual comparison reference. In order to identify the gradient of density balance, only those areas with sufficient visual contrast can be used as "identification" areas: the areas that can be distinguished from the mathematical black and white areas are as 5. 1. 3 COM The reduction ratio should be based on ISO 9923. The actual reduction ratio of the microscope can be determined by comparing the initial size of any component on the original image (see GI/T [7294.1) with the actual size of the same component in the micrograph. In order to accurately determine the reduction ratio, a microscope with measurable lengths should be used. It is also important to use the correct reduction ratio when preparing the test slide. In most C(M systems, the reduction ratio is fixed using a specific lens. Therefore, this test is only valid when determining whether it meets the specifications of this standard. 5. T4 COM The test patterns in the resolution area are used to determine the resolution of microforms and to check the focus of the test slide image. When checking microforms in accordance with IS(446) or IS03334, the characters with identification code 125 in the IS01 test pattern or the test pattern with spatial frequency number 3.2 in the IS02 resolution test pattern should be readable at a reduction ratio of 1:48. 5.1.5 Control of the clarity of the test slide image The quality of the information inspection area is subject to the control of the market demand GB/T 17294. 2—1998 A sample of standard characters recommended for use when making standard (or working) format slides. This test is used to check whether the quality of working format red light films is acceptable. 5.2 Image Optimization of Image Generator 5.2.1 Setting of Image Generator Illumination—Test B Set the image value of the test slide to the optimal value in Test A. Then use the image generator to generate data (see Figure 3 of GB/T 17294.1. Before recording on film.1., align the dynamic data with the grid in the test slide. Increase the exposure of the generator step by step and record the image on the test slide and generated by the image generator on microfilm (or a section of microfilm). 5.2.2 Determination of Clarity and Illumination Select the exposure value from the image generator that produces the best image and compare the upper-H character pair with the character pair with alternating height and line width on the test slide using a microscope or a microfilm reader that can restore to original size. Repeat the above operation for each of the five areas of the image on the test slide, noting the position of the digits and letters of each comparable EH character group. 5.2.3 Positioning Control The network in area (1) can be used to check the accuracy of the positioning of the image generator, the stability of the deflection, and any character distortion or aberration that may occur. 5.2. 4 COM Character Groups area lists typical COM character groups. Check each character for clarity, especially character sequences that are similar in appearance, such as: I, 1, 0, O, Q, B, 8, G, 6, 5, S, Z, 7, 2, etc. 6 Density of First Generation Microforms The images of the test slides are recorded on film and the density of these images is measured as follows. 6.7 Density Test Areas Two areas are used to measure density. The clear area of the test slide (Area 13) is used to measure maximum density when processing by the tape gauge method, or to measure minimum density when processing in reverse (direct positive). The halftone screen (Area A) is used primarily in reverse processing to monitor warm light and processing consistency. In addition, the back of the microform can be used to measure minimum density (base plus fog) on films processed by conventional methods and maximum density on films processed in reverse. 6.2 Density Values Table 1 gives recommended values for diffuse transmission visual masks based on ISO 5-2 and ISO 5-3 test discs. Table 1 List of allowable density limits Film type Silver bright plate Steel gelatin type Tape processing Full reversal or direct positive Heat treatment 1) Density of base is uncoated base Density measurement method Copy or visual slow Copy or visual diffuse Copy, ISO Minimum value of Dmar (best 1.80) The maximum value of Dmr 0.15 minus 0.10 plus base 11 Add base\ Add base" Minimum density difference (preferably 0.80) 7 Application The following tests should be completed: Installation and maintenance test; : Routine test. 7.1 Installation and maintenance test I! Test C GB/T 17294.2—1998 Using the newly prepared solution for processing, perform all the tests described in Chapter 5, especially Tests A and B. - Select the best sample and record it. - Check these conditions and produce a complete microfilm (or microfilm segment) under these conditions that records the composite image shown in Figure 1. - Record the density measured from the density test area, the coordinates of the E-II character group that produces the best composite data in the test slide and the COM in the area, the number of characters that can be identified in the ISO 1 test pattern or the ISO 2 test pattern in area ③, and the effective reduction ratio used. This microfilm should be used as a reference. After the COM recorder is installed, check the equipment as described above. Record the test conditions and test results. This result will provide a reference for future routine testing of the equipment. 7.2 Routine Testing Repeat Test B (see 5.2. 1) This test may be performed periodically or to check for originals whose output does not meet the requirements. Use the noise values and processing conditions recorded in the test to make a complete microfilm (or a wax microfilm), in which the composite image shown in Figure 1 is recorded: - Check whether the results obtained are consistent with the recorded results of the reference microfilm obtained in the test. - If not, make necessary adjustments. Zhuwangzu Zhuantongtang To Danshishi CB/T 17294.2 -- 1998 3333338Use Zhuanmeizhi Wangyuzhisu 25S5EE To Yaozhi HFH Asia 88 #8 8 169559369321 86035803 Composite image of the test slide and the generated test data Figure 1 King King King Both the people live Guarantee the world The difference between the difference and the difference Low out of Chengwang King King King to The energy The main main main main Send the health road My golf cart GB/T17294.2-—1998 (Informative Appendix) Copies for Distribution Calibration of COM recorders requires the use of first generation microfilm instant films. Since the user receives second generation microfilm, i.e. copies for distribution, a reference copy should be made using a duplicator and the film to be duplicated. To do this, gradually increase the instantaneous light value of the duplicator to produce a series of copies. Check the copies and select the exposure value that produces the best duplication effect. Record the exposure conditions and keep the sample as a reference. At a reduction ratio of 1:48, the minimum resolution of the second generation copy should be 140 (ISO No. 1 test chart) or 2.8 (ISO No. 2 resolution test chart). Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.