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JB/T 5164-1991 Electric fence pulser test method

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5164-1991

Standard Name: Electric fence pulser test method

Chinese Name: 电围栏脉冲器 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1991-05-18

Date of Implementation:1992-01-01

Date of Expiration:2008-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B95 Forestry Machinery and Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 5163-2007

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2004-04-23

other information

Focal point unit:Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the test conditions, test instruments, meters and accuracy range, test contents and test methods for electric fence pulsers. JB/T 5164-1991 Test methods for electric fence pulsers JB/T5164-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electric Fence Pulser
Published on 1991-05-18
Test Method
Implemented on 1992-01-01
Published by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electric Fence Pulser
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Test Method
This standard specifies the test conditions, test instruments, meters and accuracy range, test contents and test methods of electric fence pulsers. This standard applies to various types of electric fence pulsers used in animal husbandry production. 2 Reference standards
JB5163 Technical conditions for electric fence pulsers
3'Test conditions
3.1 Environmental conditions
Unless otherwise specified for test conditions, all tests should be conducted in a room with normal temperature and humidity, no conductive dust, no explosion hazard in the surrounding medium, and no corrosive gas that damages metal and insulation. 3.2 The test machine must be an unused prototype. 3.3 The installation position should comply with the provisions of the instruction manual. 3.4 The power supply voltage and frequency of the test machine should be consistent with the provisions of the instruction manual. If the test machine is designed for a certain voltage range, the most unfavorable voltage in the range should be used for power supply. Test instruments and meters
The instruments and meters used in the test should be qualified after verification, and their accuracy level should comply with the provisions of Appendix A (reference). 5 Test content and methods
5.1 Maximum transmission distance test
It should be carried out on the actual fence. The length of a single fence line (including the grounding line if there is one) is required to be no less than 95% of the nominal value of the maximum transmission distance of the electric fence pulser, and the power supply voltage is the rated value. The output voltage peak is measured at the beginning and end of the fence line. When the voltage Um at the beginning and end is no less than 2000V, it can be considered that the maximum output distance of the electric fence pulser is no less than the nominal value. The test circuit is shown in Figure 1. Use an electronic oscilloscope to record the voltage waveform on the voltage divider resistor B, measure its peak value U, and use formula (1) to calculate the voltage peak value Ui of the fence line.
Um - ×Un
Where U is the output voltage peak value, V,
Ri, R2--voltage divider resistor, a;
Um--voltage peak value on R, V.
The test should meet the following requirements: B:+R2≥10MQ;
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on May 18, 1991 (1)
Implemented on January 1, 1992
The power of R: and R2 should not be less than 1W, and the error is ±5%. Fill in the test results in Table 1.
Electronic pulse 28
5.2 Output characteristic test
5.2.1 Output voltage peak value test
Electronic pulse display
It is carried out without a pulse line, and the test circuit is shown in Figure 1. The test instruments, test methods and requirements are the same as those in Article 5.1. The no-load output voltage peak value Ut is calculated using formula (1).
Fill in the calculation result of U1m in Table 2.
5.2.2 Output current peak value test
The test circuit is shown in Figure 2. Use an electronic oscilloscope to record the voltage waveform on the resistor R, measure its voltage peak value Um, and use formula (2) to calculate the current peak value 1. .
In the formula; lg——output current value, A,
Um—voltage peak value on R, V,
Rr, R—load resistance, Q.
And it should satisfy R+R=5000
R, and the power of R is not less than 20W, with an error of ±2%. The calculation results of 1 are filled in Table 2.
Electricity break
5.2.3 Output pulse width test
While carrying out the test specified in Article 5.2.2, use the time-stamp signal of the electronic oscilloscope to measure the bottom width of the voltage waveform on Rz, which is the output pulse width. The unit is ms. Fill in the results in Table 2.
5.2.4 Charge per pulse
Use the two test results specified in Articles 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 to calculate the area of ​​the output pulse waveform, which is the charge per pulse, in mC.
Fill in the results in Table 2.
5.2.5 Pulse cycle test
Connect a 5009 simulated load to the output terminal of the tested sample. The sample with automatic control function should be placed in the non-automatic control position. Measure the time t for it to continuously output 10 pulses. Use formula (3) to calculate the pulse cycle: T=
Where, T—pulse cycle, s
t—time for continuously outputting 10 pulses, s. Fill in the calculation results in Table 2.
5.2.6 Each test of 5.2.1 to 5.2.2 is repeated three times, and the arithmetic mean is taken as the test result. 5.3 Withstand voltage test
Under room temperature conditions, perform the test according to the test position and voltage requirements specified in 5.5 of JB5163. The rated capacity of the test transformer used should be not less than 0.5kVA. The applied voltage should not be greater than half of the specified voltage value at the beginning, and then quickly increase to the full value for 1 minute. The test results are filled in Table 3.
5.4 Moisture-proof test
After being placed in a constant humidity and temperature chamber (room) at a temperature of 40±2°C and a relative humidity of 95%±3% for 48 hours, the insulation performance test is carried out in the chamber (room) in the following order according to the test parts and voltage requirements specified in Article 5.6 of JB5163: a. Use a DC 500V megohmmeter to measure the insulation resistance; b. Carry out a withstand voltage test according to the method specified in Article 5.3. The test results are filled in Table 3.
5.5 Overvoltage test
When the power supply voltage of the test machine is 120% (AC type) and 130% (DC type) of the rated value, run it without load for 5 minutes, and check whether it is damaged and the damage situation. For AC and DC dual-purpose types, only DC test is performed. The results are filled in Table 3.
5.6 Temperature test
5.6.1 High temperature test
Place the test machine in a constant temperature box, keep the temperature at 40±2℃, and work continuously without load for 48 hours without condensation. 5.6.2 Low temperature test
Place the test machine in a freezer, keep the temperature at -25±2℃, and work continuously without load for 48 hours. During this period, observe whether it works normally; if not, check the fault. Fill in the results in Table 3. 5.7 Power consumption performance test
5.7.1 For the test machine powered by AC power supply, the watt-hour meter method is used for testing. The test is carried out under no-load conditions. The test wiring is shown in Figure 3.
Record the number of revolutions of the watt-hour meter disk and the time t, find out the meter constant K of the watt-hour meter used, and calculate the power consumption using formula (4):
Where: P-pulser power consumption, W;
R——meter constant of the watt-hour meter, r/(kW·h);——number of revolutions of the watt-hour meter disk, ≥1, t——test time, s.
Fill in the calculation results in Table 3.
5.7.2 For the test machine powered by a DC power supply, an electronic oscilloscope is used for testing. The test is carried out under no-load conditions. The test wiring is shown in Figure 4.
Direct cable power supply
Electric fence
During the test, the power supply voltage is kept at the rated value. According to the machine under test, a suitable shunt is selected. The current waveform on the shunt is recorded with an electronic oscilloscope. The area of ​​this waveform is calculated to find the average current consumption of the machine under test. The results are filled in Table 3.
5.7.3 If the machine under test is an AC/DC dual-purpose type, it should be tested according to the provisions of 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 respectively. 5.8 Automatic control performance test
Automatic control effectiveness test
The output terminal of the test machine is connected to the fence line or no load, and the output mode is selected as automatic control. Use a 500kQ resistor to simulate the body resistance of livestock and connect it to the ground terminal of the test machine output. The other end touches the output of the test machine. The interval between each test is not less than 10s. This test is performed 100 times in total. The number of reliable triggers N is recorded, and then calculated according to formula (5): 4
Where: A--Automatic control effectiveness
N--Reliable triggering number.
The test results are filled in Table 4.
5.8.2 Automatic control delay test
The test conditions are the same as those in 5.8.1 is the same. Record the time from touching the fence to the output of the first high-voltage pulse, for a total of 10 times, with an interval of not less than 1 minute each time, and take the arithmetic mean as the delay time of the automatic control. Fill in the test results in Table 4.
Test report
After the test, the test results should be sorted and summarized, and a test report should be written as needed. The content of the test report should generally include:
Test purpose and location;
Introduction to the test machine and its main technical characteristics; Overview of the test situation;
Test results and analysis:
Existing problems and suggestions for improvement;
Table 1 Maximum transmission distance test table
Production unit:
Factory number:
Test items
Voltage peak value at the beginning of the fence
Voltage peak value at the end of the fence
Production unit:
Factory number:
Test items
Voltage peak value
Current peak value
Pulse width
Charge per pulse
Pulse period
Test strip
Time:|| tt||Record:
Table 2 Test table of output characteristics of electric barrier pulser Time:
Test conditions
Length of barrier line
Production unit:
Factory number:
Power consumption
Energy test
Production unit:
Factory number:
Test items
Automatic control effectiveness
Automatic control delay
JB/T5164-91||tt ||Table 3 Electric fence pulser quality performance test table Time:
Test items
Withstand voltage test
Overvoltage test
Insulation resistancebzxz.net
Withstand voltage test
High temperature test
Low temperature test
Average power consumption
Average current consumption
Table 4 Electric fence pulser automatic control performance test table Time:
AC voltmeter
DC voltmeter||tt ||Frequency meter
Ceramic watt-hour meter
Dry-bulb hygrometer
Electronic oscilloscope
Standard shunt
Additional instructions:
Appendix A
Main instruments and accuracy for test
Type inspection
Factory inspection
Deflection factor accuracy ±5%
This standard was proposed and managed by the Huhhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Huhhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Ying and Hada. Number
Pulse (synchronous) oscilloscope
People's Republic of China
Mechanical industry standard
Electric fence pulser test method
Published by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, first postal code 100081)
(P.O. Box 8144, Beijing
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Printed by Qinghe County Printing Factory, Hebei Province
Format 880×1230
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Word count 14000
First edition in September 1991
First printing in September 1991
No. 0078
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