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Calibration method for ultraviolet radiometer

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 33868-2017

Standard Name:Calibration method for ultraviolet radiometer

Chinese Name: 紫外辐射表校准方法

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2017-07-12

Date of Implementation:2018-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A47 Meteorology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2017-07-21

other information

drafter:Ding Lei, Yang Yun, Quan Jimei, Chong Wei, Xu Yigang, Gu Pingyue

Drafting unit:National Meteorological Metrology Station, Jiangsu Radio Science Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Instruments and Observation Methods (SAC/TC 507)

Proposing unit:China Meteorological Administration

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 33868-2017 Calibration method for ultraviolet radiation meter GB/T33868-2017 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the calibration conditions, calibration methods and uncertainty assessment of calibration results of ultraviolet radiation meter. This standard is applicable to the calibration of the sensitivity of solar broadband ultraviolet radiation meter.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Calibration method for ultraviolet radiation meter
Radiometer2017-07-12 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2018-02-01 Implementation
Terms and definitions
Calibration conditions
Calibration method
Uncertainty evaluation of calibration results
Calibration results
Recalibration time interval
Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Technical indicators of spectroradiometer Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Spectroradiometer method Appendix C (Informative Appendix)
Uncertainty evaluation method for calibration results of ultraviolet radiation meter 10
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the China Meteorological Administration.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Instruments and Observation Methods (SAC/TC507). The drafting units of this standard are: National Meteorological Metrology Station, Jiangsu Radio Science Research Institute Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Ding Lei, Yang Yun, Quan Jimei, Chong Wei, Xu Yigang, Gu Pingyue. GB/T33868—2017
Hii KAoNhi KAca
1 Scope
Ultraviolet radiation meter calibration method
This standard specifies the calibration conditions, calibration methods, and uncertainty assessment of calibration results of ultraviolet radiation meters. This standard applies to the calibration of the sensitivity of solar broadband ultraviolet radiation meters. Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 2.1
Ultraviolet radiation meter broadband ultraviolet radiation meter broadband ultraviolet radiation meter bandwidth is greater than tens of nanometers, measuring the ground solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) instrument. GB/T33868—2017
Note: According to the different measurement spectrum ranges, it can be divided into three categories: broadband ultraviolet radiation meters measuring UV-A (315nm~400nm), UV-B (280nm~315nm) or UV-AB (280nm~400nm). Calibration conditions||t t||3.1 Environmental conditions
The surroundings are open and there are no obstacles above the instrument sensing surface. The sky is clear, the atmospheric transparency is good, and the solar altitude angle is not less than 30°. The air temperature is within the range of 10℃~30℃, the relative humidity is not more than 80%, and the wind speed is not more than 5m/s. Standard instrument and supporting equipment
Standard broadband ultraviolet radiation meter
Should meet the following requirements:
Uncertainty should not be greater than 7%;
b) Cosine response error (zenith angle 0~70°) should not be greater than 2.5%; Out-of-band response (greater than 400nm) should not be greater than 0.1%. c
Digital instrument
0.05 level, resolution 1μV.
3 Environmental measurement instruments
Technical indicators are shown in Table 1.
Meteorological elements
Measurement range
Maximum allowable error
Calibration method
4.1 General
Table 1 Technical indicators of environmental measurement instruments
Relative humidity
There are two calibration methods for UV radiation meters, namely the working-level standard UV radiation meter method and the spectroradiometer method, which are used to calibrate business UV radiation meters and working-level standard UV radiation meters respectively. The technical indicators of the working-level standard UV radiation meter are shown in 3.2.1, and the working-level standard UV radiation meter method is shown in 4.3; the technical indicators of the spectroradiometer are shown in Appendix A, and the spectroradiometer method is shown in Appendix B. 4.2 Pre-calibration inspection
The appearance of the instrument should be checked, and there should be no defects that affect the calibration operation of the instrument. Only UV radiation meters that have passed the appearance inspection can be calibrated for sensitivity.
4.3 Working-level standard UV radiation meter method
Calibration steps Under the environmental conditions that meet 3.1, place the standard instrument and the instrument to be calibrated on the outdoor platform at the same time, with the terminal facing north, and the instrument receiving surface placed on the same horizontal plane, and connected to the digital instrument. Check the positive and negative polarity, signal size and stability of the instrument output value, and preheat for half an hour.
The standard instrument and the instrument to be calibrated collect data synchronously and continuously, with a data collection time interval of 1min and a measurement duration of 3h4h (preferably between 10:00 and 14:00 local time). At the same time, record the temperature, humidity and wind speed during the measurement. 4.3.2
Data processing Calculate the sensitivity of the instrument to be calibrated according to formula (1): VoWww.bzxZ.net
Sensitivity of the instrument to be calibrated, in microvolts per square meter per watt LμV/(W·m-\); The i-th output value of the i-th group of the calibrated instrument, in microvolts (μV); - The i-th irradiance value of the i-th group of the standard instrument, in watts per square meter (W/m). Take 20 measurement data as a group and calculate the average sensitivity of the group according to formula (2): Kin
Average sensitivity of the i-th group, in microvolts per square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-); 2
nNumber of measurements in each group.
GB/T33868—2017 Calculate the standard deviation of the individual sensitivity values ​​Kc.) in each group according to formula (3). When the absolute value of the difference between any individual sensitivity value K(ij) and the average sensitivity value K, of the group is greater than 3 times the standard deviation, the Kij> should be deleted and K, and s should be recalculated: Z(Ki)K,)\
s——the standard deviation of the individual sensitivity value K(j) in each group, in microvolt square meter per watt LμV/CW·m-2)] Calculate the average sensitivity value K of the m group measurement series according to formula (4) (retain to two decimal places): K=1Zk,
m—number of measurement groups.
Uncertainty assessment of calibration results
For the uncertainty assessment of the calibration results of the UV radiation meter, please refer to Appendix C. 6 Calibration results
After the UV radiation meter is calibrated, a calibration certificate is issued. The calibration certificate should at least include the following: a) Laboratory name and address:
Calibration location (if different from the address of the laboratory): c) Calibration date;
d) Identification of the technical specification on which the calibration is based, including name and code; e) Traceability and validity statement of the measurement standard used for this calibration; Calibration environment conditions;
Description of the calibration results and their measurement uncertainty; h)
Signature of the person issuing the calibration certificate.
7 Recalibration time interval
7.1 The recalibration time interval should be 1 year, and the maximum should not exceed 2 years. 7.2 When replacing important parts, repairing or doubting the performance of the instrument, calibration should be carried out in time. +·(3)
Hii KAoNi KAca
Should meet the following requirements:
The uncertainty should not be greater than 5%;
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Technical indicators of spectroradiometer
) The wavelength measurement range should cover 280nm~400nm; b)
The wavelength resolution should not be greater than o.3nm;
The cosine error of the optical sensor equipped with a cosine corrector (when the zenith angle is 0°~60°) should not be greater than 4%. HiiKAoNiKAca
B.1 Calibration steps
Appendix B
(Normative Appendix)
Spectroradiometer method
B.1.1 Under the environmental conditions that meet 3.1, place the optical sensor equipped with a cosine corrector and the calibrated working-level standard UV radiation meter on the outdoor platform at the same time, with the terminal facing north. The corrector and the receiving surface of the calibrated instrument are placed on the same horizontal plane. The optical sensor is connected to the spectroradiometer through an optical fiber, and the calibrated instrument is connected to the data meter. After power-on, check the positive and negative polarity of the instrument output value, the signal size and stability, and preheat for half an hour.
B.1.2 After the self-calibration (compared with the standard lamp) of the spectroradiometer, it shall continuously collect data synchronously with the instrument being calibrated. B.1.3 The measurement time interval is 6 minutes, and the measurement duration is 3 hours to 4 hours (should be carried out between 10:00 and 14:00 local time). At the same time, record the temperature, humidity and wind speed during the measurement.
Data processing
B.2.1 Calculate the standard irradiance integral value in the i-th measurement time period of the i-th group according to formula (B.1): Ej
In the i-th measurement time period of the i-th group, the standard irradiance integral value of the spectroradiometer within the corresponding wavelength scanning range, in watts per square meter (W/m):
- is the spectral irradiance measured by the spectroradiometer at wavelength in, in watts per square meter nanometer [W/(m2·nm): Ar
- is the starting wavelength of the measurement band of the spectroradiometer, in nanometers (nm); the cut-off wavelength of the measurement band of the spectroradiometer, in nanometers (nm). B.2.2 Calculate the sensitivity of the instrument to be calibrated according to formula (B.2): VGi)
Sensitivity of the instrument to be calibrated, unit is microvolt square meter per watt μV/(W·m-2)]: Vii
The average value of the output voltage of the instrument to be calibrated during each sampling integration time of the spectroradiometer, unit is microvolt (μV). B.2.3 Take 20 measurement data as a group, and calculate the average value of the sensitivity of the i-th group according to formula (B.3): 1Ka
K,——The average value of the sensitivity of the i-th group, unit is microvolt square meter per watt LμV/(W·m-\)]; n
Number of measurements per group.
B.2.4 Calculate the standard deviation of the individual sensitivity values ​​Kcj> in each group according to formula (B.4). When the absolute value of the difference between any individual sensitivity value Ki.j) and the average sensitivity value K, of the group is greater than 3 times the standard deviation, the Ki> should be deleted and K, and s should be recalculated: (K)-,)2
-the standard deviation of the individual sensitivity values ​​Ki.js in each group, in microvolts per square meter per watt LμV/(W·m-)]. B.2.5 Calculate the average sensitivity of m groups according to formula (B.5) (retain to two decimal places): R,
-the average sensitivity of m groups;
number of measurement groups.
C.1 Overview
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Method for evaluating the uncertainty of the calibration results of ultraviolet radiation meter The uncertainty evaluation of the calibration results of ultraviolet radiation meter shall be carried out in accordance with F1059.1-2012. C.2
2 Establish mathematical model
According to the calibration method, the mathematical model of the sensitivity of the calibrated instrument is calculated according to formula (C.1): K-
Sensitivity of the calibrated instrument, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [LμV/(W·m-2)]; voltage output value of the calibrated instrument, unit: microvolt (uV); standard ultraviolet irradiance value, unit: watt per square meter (W/m\): GB/T33868—2017
The error of instrument sensitivity caused by temperature characteristics, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-2)]; the error of instrument sensitivity caused by directional characteristics, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [LμV/(W·m-2)]; the error of instrument sensitivity caused by instrument installation, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-?). Evaluation of standard uncertainty
Evaluation of Type A standard uncertainty
Carry out independent repeated observations on the measured value, and use statistical analysis methods to obtain the experimental standard deviation through the series of measured values. When the arithmetic mean K is used as the estimated value of the measured value, the Type A standard uncertainty of the estimated value of the measured value is calculated according to formula (C.2): uA(R)=S(K)
Type A standard uncertainty of the estimated value of the measured value, in microvolts square meters per watt (LμV/(W·m-\)]: s(K)-the experimental standard deviation of each measurement series, in microvolts square meters per watt (LμV/(W·m-2)]; n
-the actual number of measurements.
C.3.2 Evaluation of Class B Standard Uncertainty
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by the digital instrument according to formula (C.3): av
The standard uncertainty component introduced by the digital instrument, the unit is microvolt (μV); the uncertainty of the digital instrument is given by the calibration certificate; the coverage factor is given by the calibration certificate.
. (C.3)
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by the standard instrument according to formula (C.4): ae
The standard uncertainty component introduced by the standard instrument, the unit is watt per square meter (W/m\); ae
The uncertainty of the standard instrument is given by the calibration certificate; the coverage factor is given by the calibration certificate.
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by temperature characteristics according to formula (C.5): us(AK)
The standard uncertainty component introduced by temperature characteristics is in microvolts per square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-2); The error of instrument sensitivity caused by temperature characteristics is given by the manual: Confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by directional characteristics according to formula (C.6): C.3.2.4
The standard uncertainty component introduced by directional characteristics is in microvolts per square meter per watt LμV/(W·m-2); The error of instrument sensitivity caused by directional characteristics is given by experimental data; Confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.3.2.5
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by instrument adjustment according to formula (C.7): us(AK)
-Standard uncertainty component introduced by instrument adjustment, unit is microvolt square meter per watt [uV/(W·m-2)]; The error of instrument sensitivity caused by instrument adjustment is given by experimental data; Confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.4 Calculate the combined standard uncertainty
The input quantities are independent of each other, calculate the combined standard uncertainty, see formula (C.8) to formula (C.13): u.=VACK)+ii(V)+cz(E)+ci.i(AK)+.(AK)+.(AK).(C.8)
(C.12)j) When the absolute value of the difference with the average sensitivity value K of the group is greater than 3 times the standard deviation, Ki> should be deleted and K and s should be recalculated: (K)-,)2
-the standard deviation of the individual sensitivity values ​​Ki.js in each group, in microvolts square meters per watt LμV/(W·m-)]. B.2.5 Calculate the average sensitivity of m groups according to formula (B.5) (retain to two decimal places): R,
-the average sensitivity of m groups;
number of measurement groups.
C.1 Overview
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Method for evaluating the uncertainty of the calibration results of ultraviolet radiation meter The uncertainty evaluation of the calibration results of ultraviolet radiation meter shall be carried out in accordance with F1059.1-2012. C.2
2 Establish mathematical model
According to the calibration method, the mathematical model of the sensitivity of the calibrated instrument is calculated according to formula (C.1): K-
Sensitivity of the calibrated instrument, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [LμV/(W·m-2)]; voltage output value of the calibrated instrument, unit: microvolt (uV); standard ultraviolet irradiance value, unit: watt per square meter (W/m\): GB/T33868—2017
The error of instrument sensitivity caused by temperature characteristics, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-2)]; the error of instrument sensitivity caused by directional characteristics, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [LμV/(W·m-2)]; the error of instrument sensitivity caused by instrument installation, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-?). Evaluation of standard uncertainty
Evaluation of Type A standard uncertainty
Carry out independent repeated observations on the measured value, and use statistical analysis methods to obtain the experimental standard deviation through the series of measured values. When the arithmetic mean K is used as the estimated value of the measured value, the Type A standard uncertainty of the estimated value of the measured value is calculated according to formula (C.2): uA(R)=S(K)
Type A standard uncertainty of the estimated value of the measured value, in microvolts square meters per watt (LμV/(W·m-\)]: s(K)-the experimental standard deviation of each measurement series, in microvolts square meters per watt (LμV/(W·m-2)]; n
-the actual number of measurements.
C.3.2 Evaluation of Class B Standard Uncertainty
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by the digital instrument according to formula (C.3): av
The standard uncertainty component introduced by the digital instrument, the unit is microvolt (μV); the uncertainty of the digital instrument is given by the calibration certificate; the coverage factor is given by the calibration certificate.
. (C.3)
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by the standard instrument according to formula (C.4): ae
The standard uncertainty component introduced by the standard instrument, the unit is watt per square meter (W/m\); ae
The uncertainty of the standard instrument is given by the calibration certificate; the coverage factor is given by the calibration certificate.
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by temperature characteristics according to formula (C.5): us(AK)
The standard uncertainty component introduced by temperature characteristics is in microvolts per square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-2); The error of instrument sensitivity caused by temperature characteristics is given by the manual: Confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by directional characteristics according to formula (C.6): C.3.2.4
The standard uncertainty component introduced by directional characteristics is in microvolts per square meter per watt LμV/(W·m-2); The error of instrument sensitivity caused by directional characteristics is given by experimental data; Confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.3.2.5
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by instrument adjustment according to formula (C.7): us(AK)
-Standard uncertainty component introduced by instrument adjustment, unit is microvolt square meter per watt [uV/(W·m-2)]; The error of instrument sensitivity caused by instrument adjustment is given by experimental data; Confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.4 Calculate the combined standard uncertainty
The input quantities are independent of each other, calculate the combined standard uncertainty, see formula (C.8) to formula (C.13): u.=VACK)+ii(V)+cz(E)+ci.i(AK)+.(AK)+.(AK).(C.8)
(C.12)j) When the absolute value of the difference with the average sensitivity value K of the group is greater than 3 times the standard deviation, Ki> should be deleted and K and s should be recalculated: (K)-,)2
-the standard deviation of the individual sensitivity values ​​Ki.js in each group, in microvolts square meters per watt LμV/(W·m-)]. B.2.5 Calculate the average sensitivity of m groups according to formula (B.5) (retain to two decimal places): R,
-the average sensitivity of m groups;
number of measurement groups.
C.1 Overview
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Method for evaluating the uncertainty of the calibration results of ultraviolet radiation meter The uncertainty evaluation of the calibration results of ultraviolet radiation meter shall be carried out in accordance with F1059.1-2012. C.2
2 Establish mathematical model
According to the calibration method, the mathematical model of the sensitivity of the calibrated instrument is calculated according to formula (C.1): K-
Sensitivity of the calibrated instrument, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [LμV/(W·m-2)]; voltage output value of the calibrated instrument, unit: microvolt (uV); standard ultraviolet irradiance value, unit: watt per square meter (W/m\): GB/T33868—2017
The error of instrument sensitivity caused by temperature characteristics, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-2)]; the error of instrument sensitivity caused by directional characteristics, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [LμV/(W·m-2)]; the error of instrument sensitivity caused by instrument installation, unit: microvolt square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-?). Evaluation of standard uncertainty
Evaluation of Type A standard uncertainty
Carry out independent repeated observations on the measured value, and use statistical analysis methods to obtain the experimental standard deviation through the series of measured values. When the arithmetic mean K is used as the estimated value of the measured value, the Type A standard uncertainty of the estimated value of the measured value is calculated according to formula (C.2): uA(R)=S(K)
Type A standard uncertainty of the estimated value of the measured value, in microvolts square meters per watt (LμV/(W·m-\)]: s(K)-the experimental standard deviation of each measurement series, in microvolts square meters per watt (LμV/(W·m-2)]; n
-the actual number of measurements.
C.3.2 Evaluation of Class B Standard Uncertainty
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by the digital instrument according to formula (C.3): av
The standard uncertainty component introduced by the digital instrument, the unit is microvolt (μV); the uncertainty of the digital instrument is given by the calibration certificate; the coverage factor is given by the calibration certificate.
. (C.3)
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by the standard instrument according to formula (C.4): ae
The standard uncertainty component introduced by the standard instrument, the unit is watt per square meter (W/m\); ae
The uncertainty of the standard instrument is given by the calibration certificate; the coverage factor is given by the calibration certificate.
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by temperature characteristics according to formula (C.5): us(AK)
The standard uncertainty component introduced by temperature characteristics is in microvolts per square meter per watt [μV/(W·m-2); The error of instrument sensitivity caused by temperature characteristics is given by the manual: Confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by directional characteristics according to formula (C.6): C.3.2.4
The standard uncertainty component introduced by directional characteristics is in microvolts per square meter per watt LμV/(W·m-2); The error of instrument sensitivity caused by directional characteristics is given by experimental data; Confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.3.2.5
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by instrument adjustment according to formula (C.7): us(AK)
-Standard uncertainty component introduced by instrument adjustment, unit is microvolt square meter per watt [uV/(W·m-2)]; The error of instrument sensitivity caused by instrument adjustment is given by experimental data; Confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.4 Calculate the combined standard uncertainty
The input quantities are independent of each other, calculate the combined standard uncertainty, see formula (C.8) to formula (C.13): u.=VACK)+ii(V)+cz(E)+ci.i(AK)+.(AK)+.(AK).(C.8)
The standard uncertainty component introduced by the directional characteristics, the unit is microvolt square meter per watt LμV/(W·m-2); the error of the instrument sensitivity caused by the directional characteristics is given by the experimental data; the confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.3.2.5
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by the instrument adjustment according to formula (C.7): us(AK)
-The standard uncertainty component introduced by the instrument adjustment, the unit is microvolt square meter per watt [uV/(W·m-2)]; the error of the instrument sensitivity caused by the instrument adjustment is given by the experimental data; the confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.4 Calculation of combined standard uncertainty
The input quantities are independent of each other. The combined standard uncertainty is calculated as shown in equations (C.8) to (C.13): u.=VACK)+ii(V)+cz(E)+ci.i(AK)+.(AK)+.(AK).(C.8)
The standard uncertainty component introduced by the directional characteristics, the unit is microvolt square meter per watt LμV/(W·m-2); the error of the instrument sensitivity caused by the directional characteristics is given by the experimental data; the confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.3.2.5
Calculate the standard uncertainty component introduced by the instrument adjustment according to formula (C.7): us(AK)
-The standard uncertainty component introduced by the instrument adjustment, the unit is microvolt square meter per watt [uV/(W·m-2)]; the error of the instrument sensitivity caused by the instrument adjustment is given by the experimental data; the confidence factor, the probability distribution of the variable is uniform distribution, equal to /3. C.4 Calculation of combined standard uncertainty
The input quantities are independent of each other. The combined standard uncertainty is calculated as shown in equations (C.8) to (C.13): u.=VACK)+ii(V)+cz(E)+ci.i(AK)+.(AK)+.(AK).(C.8)
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