title>JB/T 5365.1-1991 Method for determination of cleanliness of casting machinery - Gravimetric method - JB/T 5365.1-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5365.1-1991 Method for determination of cleanliness of casting machinery - Gravimetric method

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5365.1-1991

Standard Name: Method for determination of cleanliness of casting machinery - Gravimetric method

Chinese Name: 铸造机械清洁度测定方法 重量法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-06-22

Date of Implementation:1992-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Processing Machinery and Equipment>>J61 Casting Equipment

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Jinan Foundry and Forging Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Jinan Foundry and Forging Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the method for determining the cleanliness of the whole machine and parts during the acceptance and assembly of finished casting machinery - gravimetric method. This standard is applicable to the determination of the cleanliness of the whole machine and parts of casting machinery. JB/T 5365.1-1991 Method for determining the cleanliness of casting machinery Gravimetric method JB/T5365.1-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Method for determination of cleanliness of foundry machinery
Weight method
Published on 1991-06-22
Published by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 1992-01-01
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Method for determination of cleanliness of foundry machinery
Weight method
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the method for determination of cleanliness of complete machines and components during the acceptance and assembly of foundry machinery products—weight method. This standard applies to the determination of cleanliness of complete machines and components of foundry machinery. 2 Terminology
2.1 Contaminants
Solid substances (such as metal chips, sand, dust, fibers and debris, etc.) contained in the measured object that have a harmful effect on the working performance, life and reliability of the casting machinery.
2.2 Cleanliness
The amount of solid contaminants contained in the measured object. 2.3 Gravimetric method
The method of determining cleanliness by measuring the weight value of contaminants (mg). 3 Working content and procedures of the measurement method
4 Sampling
Calculation and judgment.
4.1 Sampling requirements
4.1.1 Sampling instruments and devices should be clean.
4.1.2 Sampling work should be carried out in a clean environment and prevent environmental pollution. 4.1.3 Fire safety work should be done well during sampling work. 4.2 Sampling equipment and medium
4.2.1 Sampling equipment
Containers such as bottles and cans for storing sampling medium; syringes, oil guns, flushing devices, etc.;
Nylon brushes, brushes, silk cloths of various specifications; magnets and pointed and flat-headed stainless steel tweezers without teeth; porcelain or plastic plates, basins and buckets (with lids). Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on June 22, 1991 and implemented on January 1, 1992
4.2.2 Sampling medium
Petroleum ether (NY-120 solvent oil);
b. Trichlorotrifluoroethane,
c. Isopropyl alcohol.
4.3 Sampling steps
4.3.1 Determine the object to be measured (complete machine, component) in accordance with the relevant standards. 4.3.2 All sampling instruments shall be cleaned with warm water and detergent, and then rinsed with warm water. 4.3.3 Rinse the object to be measured with cleaning solution, and collect all the mixed solutions of cleaning solution and pollutants in containers such as trays and basins. 4.3.4 For pollutants that are difficult to clean, sampling media such as diluent and cleaning solution can be used for flushing, and syringes, oil guns, and brushes can be used for flushing.
4.3.5 The amount of sampling medium used shall be determined according to the shape, size and degree of pollution of the object to be measured, and the amount used shall be based on the ability to thoroughly clean the object to be measured. The amount of sampling medium used is generally not less than 500mL. 4.3.6 All the collected mixtures of sampling medium and pollutants (samples) shall be sealed and stored to prevent repeated pollution. 5 Filtration
5.1 Filtration requirements
5.1.1 Filtration devices and instruments shall be kept clean. 5.1.2 During filtration, non-solid pollutants shall be excluded from collection. 5.1.3 Filtration work should be carried out in a clean environment and prevent environmental pollution. 5.1.4 Fire safety measures should be taken during filtration work. 5.2 Filtering devices and apparatus
Several suction filtration bottles (reagent bottles) (capacity not less than 1000mL); Several filter membranes (aperture 5jm);
5 plain weave GB6004-85);
Filter screen (SF1W0.040/0.025
Pu Dou;
Rubber sealing pad;
Plastic tube:
Vacuum pump (volume flow rate is 5L/min, outlet pressure is 0.05MPa);Measuring cylinder (V=500mL);
Weighing bottle;
Metal clamp;
Industrial balance (hundredth of gram):
Analytical balance (ten thousandth of gram);
Several liquid storage bottles.
5.3 Filtration method and steps
5.3.1 Clean the filter with cleaning solution, and place the filter membrane and filter screen in weighing bottles with labels (or numbers). 5.3.2 Open the weighing bottle with the filter membrane and filter screen, place it in an oven for drying. Drying temperature: filter screen 105±5°C, filter membrane 90±5°C, drying time not less than 30 minutes. 5.3.3 After capping the weighing bottle, take it out of the oven and place it in a dryer to cool for 30 minutes. 5.3.4 Take out the filter screen and filter membrane from the dryer, weigh them with an analytical balance, and keep records. Place the filter screen and filter membrane in dry weighing bottles, code them, seal them, and keep them for later use. 2
JB/T 5365.1-91
5.3.5 Before coarse filtration, the sample should be fully stirred and coarse filtration should be carried out immediately. The coarse filtrate should be placed in a sealed liquid storage bottle for standby use. After the filter containing pollutants evaporates in the atmosphere, it should be placed in a weighing bottle and coded for storage. 5.3.6 According to the volume of the coarse filtrate, determine whether to use full fine filtration or sampling fine filtration: if the sample volume is ≤1000mL, perform full fine filtration; a.
If the sample volume is >1000mL, use sampling fine filtration: b.
The sampling volume should be no less than 500mL.
5.3.7 Before fine filtration, the coarse filtrate should be fully stirred to ensure that the filtrate does not precipitate and the sampling is uniform. 5.3.8 Fine filtration should be carried out under negative pressure suction. The suction filtration device is connected to the vacuum accumulator as shown in the figure||tt ||Schematic diagram of membrane filtration device
[Filter bottle; 2- rubber sealing pad; 3- plastic tube 4 funnel; 5- metal clip, 6- filter membrane (filter screen); 7- sleeve: 8- filter oil flotation 5.3.9 After fine filtration, the filter membrane with pollutants is volatilized by the atmosphere and placed in a sealed weighing bottle, coded and stored. 6 Drying
6.1 Place the filter screen and filter membrane with pollutants and the weighing bottle in the oven, and open the weighing bottle cap. 6.2 The drying temperature of the filter screen is 105±5℃, and the drying time is not less than 30min. 6.3 The drying temperature of the filter membrane is 90±5℃, and the drying time is not less than 30min. 6.4 After the filter screen and filter membrane are dried, cover the weighing bottle cap, take it out of the oven, place it in a desiccator to cool for 30min, and set it aside. 7 Weighing
Take out the weighing bottle with the filter screen and filter membrane from the desiccator. 7.1
7.2 Take out the filter screen and filter membrane from the weighing bottle, weigh them immediately, and make original records. 7.3 The weighing environment must be clean, dry and windless. 8 Calculation and determination
8.1 In the case of full fine filtration, the weight of the pollutant to be measured is calculated according to formula (1): W=(a-mz)+(ms-m)
8.2 In the case of sampling fine filtration, the weight of the pollutant to be measured is calculated according to formula (2): W=(mm2)
In formula (!) and (2):
JB/T5365.1--91|| tt||The weight of pollutants (i.e. cleanliness) of the object to be measured, mg;
m;—The weight of the filter membrane with pollutants after filtration, mg;m2--The weight of the clean filter membrane before filtration, mg:F3\—The weight of the filter screen with pollutants after filtration, mgt
—The weight of the clean filter screen before filtration, mg;4
VThe volume or weight of the total coarse filtrate, mL or mg;-The volume or weight of the coarse filtrate of the sample fine filtration, mL or mg. 8.3 In the calculation, the relevant original record data and the calculation results should be filled in the weight method cleanliness record calculation table, see Appendix A (reference). 8.4 According to the calculation results, determine the cleanliness of the object to be measured, see Appendix A. Model name of the product to be measured
Model name of the testing equipment
Industrial balance
Analytical balance
Vacuum pump
Operation items
Filter drying
Filter membrane drying
Filter drying with contamination
Filter membrane drying with contamination
Appendix A
Calculation table for cleanliness record by gravimetric method
Name of the measured part
Measurement conclusion (judgment)
Signature of the measuring person
In the case of complete fine filtration:
Measurement date
mg or mL
In the case of sampling fine filtration,
Record sheet number
mg or mL
In the formula, ; weight of the filter membrane with pollutants after filtration, mg:
m2 weight of the clean filter membrane before filtration, mg; m-weight of the filter screen with pollutants after filtration, mg:
m.-weight of the clean filter screen before filtration, mg;\-volume or weight of the total coarse filtrate, mL or mg;
F2-volume or weight of the coarse filtrate of the sample fine filtration
mL or mg.
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Foundry Machinery Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry: This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Jinan Foundry and Forging Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by Suzhou Foundry Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Zhao Juncheng and Cui Xingmin. People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Method for determination of cleanliness of casting machinery
Weight method
Published and distributed by the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry (PO Box 8144, Beijing
Postal Code 100081)
Copyright reserved
Reproduction prohibited
Printed by Printing Factory, Qinghe County, Hebei Province
Format 880×1230
Sheet 5/8
Words 12000
Edition September 1991
First printing September 1991
Print count 00.0011000
Price RMB 1.00
No. 0193
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