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HG 3291-2001 Butachlor TC

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 3291-2001

Standard Name: Butachlor TC

Chinese Name: 丁草胺原药

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-01-24

Date of Implementation:2002-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>65.100 Pesticides and other agricultural chemical products

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Fertilizers, Pesticides>>G25 Pesticides

associated standards

alternative situation:HG 3291-1989 (original standard number ZB G25003-89)

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Industrial Automation System Standardization Committee

Introduction to standards:

HG 3291-2001 Butachlor Technical HG3291-2001 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Published on January 24, 2002
Implemented on July 1, 2002
Published by the State Economic and Trade Commission
No.: 10078-2002
H 3291-200t
Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 of this standard are mandatory, and the rest are recommended. This standard is a mandatory chemical industry standard HG9. The original drug cost standard of the three grades is adjusted to one grade with the difference between the amine content and the standard, that is, the amine content of the grade 0 is increased. The control index and inspection flow of impurities are increased. This standard will be implemented from this month, and will replace HG3291158S. This standard is issued by the State Shishan Chemical Industry Government. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Agricultural Standardization Technical Committee, and the responsible units are: Shenyang Chemical Institute. The participating units of this standard are: Jiangsu Lianlilai Company. Nantong Qiankou Pharmaceutical Chemical Co., Ltd., and the main participants are: Shang Xiaoshun, Wu Dulao, Chu Yalao, Xiao Weizhang, and Zhu Benxian. The second standard is issued in 1999 as a professional standard, and was converted into a small standard for testing and manufacturing in 1999. It is not a new standard and is not a new one. It is also responsible for the secretariat of the Regional Pesticide Standardization Technical Committee. Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Butachlor technical
The product and efficacy certificate refer to the name of butachlor, structural formula: IS0, additional name: 3utacslo:
CPA code,
Chemical name: N-(2,6-triethyl)-NT-hydroxymethyl acetyl glycol formula:
Actual formula Ht
Relative molecular weight: 31.18 years of international relative activity: herbicide
evaporation (2s1.2. 4x10-m
beat (25): 1.
Flash point: 135
Group solution: water 2 can be mixed with ether, distilled water, alcohol, hexane, chlorine, absolute conditions: UV light stability; I center = it and start to separate; ten filling residual rate time return 42-~70d1 range
public standard non-current standard butyric acid collagen drug safety requirements, test methods with no, labeling, repackaging, busy transportation. Six standards apply to ten ten ten grass change its production of dust and other components 2. Reference standards
The following standards contain provisions that are quoted in this standard or are provisions of this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards are notarized. The following standards are used as the standard for the purpose of discussion. The latest version of the following standards may be used: GB/T11SEE 00/T1r00—19 79:989) Method for determination of moisture content in pesticides GE/T16041S95 Commercial pesticides GB/T1605-[575(.389) Commercial pesticides GB3761999 Pesticide packaging test
3 Requirements
3.1 Appearance: It should be a uniform phase with no visible floating matter or precipitation. 3.2 The moisture content of pesticides should meet the requirements of Table 1. Approved by the State Economic and Trade Commission on January 24, 2002 02-07-01 Implementation
Monthly index of grassland medicine control items
22:6 Maximum (weighing) quantity
4.1 Sampling
According to the "sampling method of milk reduction and body state" in GBT[635~-1E7(80>, the packaging of random number sampling is determined, and the minimum sampling volume should be not less than 20mL. 4.2 Specific test
4. 2.1 The relative colorimetric method can be used to determine the sugar content of the sample at the same time. In the relative colorimetric conditions, the sample is kept in the same color as the standard sample for a period of time. The relative value is within 1.2.2 Infrared spectroscopy: The infrared spectrum of the sample with a high concentration of 400-30Dcm·m has obvious differences with the standard sample. The infrared spectrum of the sample with a concentration of 1,4300
is due to the monoamine ion. 4.3. Determination of the content of butachlor in blood and pancreas Abstract The test sample was dissolved in trioxygen medium with trioxygen as internal standard. A 55E-/CrmOb material AwDMCS(1B0253> was used as the filler material in a stainless steel cell. The test sample and the components were separated and determined by gas phase micro-separation. 4.3.2 Reagents: Trichloromethane. Sample: The amount of butachlor was known in large quantities. The internal standard should be diphenyl ether with no salt interfering with the analysis. Take out the sample of SE30 and get DMc5 (15C-250μml internal standard concentrate; take 2.D g of phosphorus thiocyanate by pulse, put it into 1 mL of liquid, add appropriate amount of oxymethoxybenzene, and dilute to the concentration of 1% chlorinated protein, shake.
4.3.3 Assumptions %
Gas phase negative ionization detector chromatographic data processing
Exempt book: 3. r ×3. 2 rmi,l. > Or use steel or not to fill the city, SF-10_solid model: (fixed liquid + carrier) = 5:00] case effect in Chrnmo% orbWAMS (1su ~ 25C
4.3.4 Preparation of chromatographic material Preparation of fixed solution
Weigh 3.55V-30 fixed solution in 250mL of calcined water, add appropriate amount (slightly) of carrier wood > trioxygen to make it completely dissolved, pour into the carrier, stir gently, make it evenly mixed with the opening agent for nearly ten minutes, then put the starting cup in an oven for 1 hour, take it out and put it in a ten-well container to cool to room temperature. Filling of chromatographic material
Put a small The chromatogram that needs to be dried immediately should be filled with the prepared filling materials in batches, with short intervals between them, and the test should be carried out to the north of the mountain pass. Move the end 4 to the chromatogram outlet, and after a small amount of incineration treatment, connect it to the vacuum system through a rubber tube, open the vacuum system, and continue to fill the material properly, and do not fill it quickly and evenly. After filling, keep it in the inlet for a small amount of time, and keep it properly filled and moved to Aging of the chromatogram
The chromatogram outlet end is connected to the gasification market, and the outlet end is not connected to the detector for the time being. The flow rate is increased by 15mL/in (V) in stages to 4 degrees of aging. |4.3.5~Chromatographic working conditions
Temperature (): sample chamber 225, vaporization chamber 280, detection chamber 28G gas (/min), carrier gas (N/4U hydrogen, air 4H, injection volume.).06.
Holding time (min): 2.2, butachlor 7.0. Ingredients 15.3. The above operation is typical. According to the characteristics of different instruments, appropriate adjustments should be made to the given operating parameters in order to obtain the best effect. The typical gas chromatogram of butachlor is shown in Figure?.5
4.3.6 Determination plan
3.6.1 Preparation of standard sample
1 3 with press; 4 internal shock
figure? Grass Lin original drug gas color disappearance figure
take" special column 0.1 powder car. 2002% world one rate glass bottle Ning, with pipette accurate research people 5 internal standard rate wave. shake sentence ice single suspension liquid preparation
said to receive the formula of gluconamide about \: detailed (accurate to,) 2), need to only come to the effective end, with 4.3.1 in the same pipette scientific confirmation add people mT. internal standard travel wave: take determination bZxz.net
under the above operation conditions, wait only the base load to three, nearly continue to treat people scattered barrier standard sweep dissolution reduction, calculate the relative value of the teacher, etc. adjacent to the relative response of gluconamide change small Ding! 4.3.7 Sieve Calculation of the process The ratio of the peak area of ​​the two sample pools and the peak area of ​​the sample before and after the sample is measured to the peak area of ​​the internal standard is calculated by the reversed average and the thickness of the sample.Calculate according to the formula: n
The average area ratio of the internal standard substance absorbed by butachlor in the standard liquid: (.)
-The mass fraction of butachlor in the sample: HC3291—2001
The mass fraction of butachlor in the sample is %.
, 3.7.2 Calculation of butachlor content
Average the area ratio of butachlor to internal standard in the two test liquids. The amount of amide in the sample is X, %3, and is calculated according to formula (2): x,
Wherein: A
The peak area of ​​amide in sample solution;
: The peak surface area of ​​amide in sample solution, Aa
The total amount of butachlor in sample;
Relative correction factor of primary amide to butachlor 4.3.8 Allowable difference
The difference between the results of two parallel determinations shall not be greater than 1.0% for butachlor. The difference shall not be greater than 0.2% for primary amide. The arithmetic average is taken as the determination result.
4.4 Determination of moisture
1879 (1989) "Fer-Fischer\ reverse flow. It is allowed to use a trace moisture meter with equivalent viscosity to GB/T1600
4.5 Determination of acidity
4.5.1 Reagents and liquid
Ethanol is molten, 55%
sodium hydroxide standard titration solution: c(NaOH)-D.02mu:/L. Prepare the white acid blue indicator according to GH/T601-938 4.1: 18/T.20% alcohol solution, 4.5. 2. Step 2: Place 10g of the sample and 0.002g of the sample in a 25°C push bottle, add 59mL of ethanol solution to dissolve the sample, add 6 drops of indicator, and filter and sieve until the liquid shows a color. At the same time, make a blank determination. 4.5.3 Calculate the acidity X of the sample expressed as the appropriate fraction of sulfuric acid (measured), according to formula (3): V = V.2X0. 045
Where: - actual concentration of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution. mmal/T.; V
is the volume of the sodium hydroxide standard titration solution after the sample is filtered, EL! The volume of the sodium hydroxide standard test solution after the sample is filtered, mI. - test mass E
and 1.20 ml, sodium hydride standard solution range [r(NOH) = 1. (00 mnl/I] The mass of the acid expressed in grams
4.6 Inspection and acceptance of products
The inspection and acceptance of products shall comply with GB/T1. The static value comparison method shall be used for the numerical processing of the extreme value. 5 Marking, labeling, packaging, purchase and transportation
5.1 The marking, labeling and packaging of butachlor shall comply with the provisions of GB3796. 5.2 The technical application of butachlor shall be T-clean, and the steel position of the inner protective layer shall be 5.3 The net content of each barrel is 2010kgl or it can be packed in plastic barrel. The net content of each barrel is 7
5.4 The packaging should be stored in a ventilated and dry room. 5.5 During transportation, it is strictly prohibited to keep away from moisture and humidity. People should avoid contact with food and materials. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and mouth. 5.6
Gubutinamide is a low-toxic weed killer. Protective gloves should be worn when using this product. When spraying, it should be carried out in the direction of wind to prevent mouth and nose from entering; after the skin and body parts contact with this product, they should be washed with soap and water in time. In case of leakage, please consult a doctor in time.
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