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Evaluation specifications of electricity regulatory

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/Z 36046-2018

Standard Name:Evaluation specifications of electricity regulatory

Chinese Name: 电力监管指标评价规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2018-03-15

Date of Implementation:2018-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, company (enterprise) organization and management, administration, transport>>Quality>>03.120.99 Other standards related to quality

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Regulations>>A00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2018-03-01

other information

drafter:Chen Jianchang, Gao Yuqiao, Zheng Yi, Wen Lijian, Liang Dingmin, Lu Yong, Yang Jianchang, Yang Lin, Chen Xingfan, Peng Xiyun, Huang Rixing, Shi Zhouying, Lin Chun, Cai Fei, Cao Zhou, Wang Zhijun, Xie Simin, Dai Guangfen, Feng Wei, Lu Xiaowei, Xu Yingcheng

Drafting unit:National Energy Administration Southern Regulatory Bureau, China National Institute of Standardization

Focal point unit:National Electricity Regulatory Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 296)

Proposing unit:National Energy Administration

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Electricity Regulatory Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 296)

Introduction to standards:

GB/Z 36046-2018 Electricity Regulatory Index Evaluation Specification GB/Z36046-2018 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This guiding technical document specifies the terms and principles of power regulatory evaluation, the evaluation index system, evaluation index description and evaluation method. This guiding technical document is applicable to the evaluation of different enterprises or institutions such as power generation, transmission, power supply enterprises, dispatching organizations and installation (repair, test) and so on.

Some standard content:

National standardization guidance technical documents of the People's Republic of China GB/Z36046—2018
Evaluation specifications of electricity regulatory
Evaluation specifications of electricity regulatory2018-03-15Release
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of China
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Evaluation indicator system structure
Indicator system
Classification of primary indicators
5.3 Coding rules
Evaluation of electricity regulation Indicator code table
Indicator description
Evaluation method
Determine the evaluation object
Select evaluation indicators
Determine the evaluation cycle
Collect evaluation information
Implement evaluation
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Description of power regulation evaluation indicators
Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Weights of evaluation indicators for various types of enterprises References
This guidance technical document is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This guidance technical document is proposed by the National Energy Administration. This guidance technical document is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Power Regulation (SAC/TC296). This Guidance Technical Document was drafted by: Southern Regulatory Bureau of the National Energy Administration, China National Institute of Standardization GB/Z36046—2018
The main drafters of this Guidance Technical Document: Chen Jianchang, Gao Yuqiao, Zheng Yi, Wen Lijian, Liang Dingmin, Lu Yong, Yang Jianchang, Yang Lin, Chen Xingfan, Peng Xiyun, Huang Rixing, Shi Zhouying, Lin Chun, Cai Fei, Cao Zhou, Wang Zhijun, Xie Simin, Dai Guangfen, Feng Wei, Lu Xiaowei, Xu Yingcheng, 1
The rapid development of the economy and society has put forward higher requirements on the quality, efficiency, safety risk prevention and control, and environmental impact of power supply. In order to improve the systematic, forward-looking, targeted and effective nature of power supervision, this Guidance Technical Document has formulated the evaluation specifications for power enterprise supervision based on the summary of power supervision practice experience and in accordance with power supervision laws and regulations. This guidance technical document evaluates different types of supervision from seven aspects, including safety, access and compliance, market and fairness, service and quality, environment and energy efficiency, risk prevention and development, cost and efficiency, and hopes to become a reference for comprehensive evaluation and supervision of power companies.
All evaluation indicators of this guidance technical document are formulated in accordance with national laws, administrative regulations, departmental regulations and normative documents issued by relevant national departments. The setting of the self-standard value of the indicator is guided by: it is conducive to the implementation of the principles and policies of the Party and the State, it is conducive to serving the development of the economy and society, it is conducive to the scientific development of the power industry, and it is conducive to safeguarding the fundamental interests of power users. This guidance technical document is a general specification. Relevant organizations can set more specific evaluation indicators or make necessary adjustments based on their own conditions and actual supervision needs.
1 Scope
Electricity Regulatory Index Evaluation Specification
This guiding technical document specifies the terms and principles of electricity regulatory evaluation, the evaluation index system, evaluation index description and evaluation method. This guiding technical document is applicable to the evaluation of different enterprises or institutions such as power generation, transmission, power supply enterprises, dispatching agencies and installation (repair, testing).
2 Normative Reference Documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T12325—2008 Power quality supply voltage deviation GB/T28583—2012 Power supply service specification
3 Terms and definitions
GB/T12325-2008 and GB/T28583-2012 define the following terms and definitions apply to this document 3.1
Target valuetargetvalue
The optimal value or ideal value of an indicator
Loss ratelost rate
The proportion of single indicator loss to total loss. 3.3
The lower limit or upper limit for initiating corresponding regulatory measures. 3.4
Reflects the degree of dispersion of a single (category) indicator score or the total score of an enterprise relative to the average score. Note: The greater the deviation, the greater the gap between enterprises in the corresponding field. 3.5
industryconcentrationofpowergeneration The concentration of the total installed capacity of power plants above the provincial level under the regional (or provincial) power generation group accounts for the total installed capacity of power plants above the provincial level in the region (or province).
Unit cost deviation from advanced level value costperunitdeviationfromvalueoftadvancedlevel The degree of dispersion of the enterprise's electricity supply cost per kilowatt-hour relative to the advanced level of the industry. 1
Construction market concentration
constructionmarketconcentration The concentration of the contract amount of a certain voltage level project undertaken by the power facilities enterprises in the region (province) for installation (repair and testing) in the previous year as a percentage of the total contract amount of the corresponding voltage level project in the region (province). 3.8
Observational index
Not included in the evaluation results, it is used as a guiding and reference indicator. 4 General provisions
4.1 The objects of power regulation evaluation are power generation enterprises, power grid enterprises, dispatching organizations and installation (repair and test) enterprises. In the evaluation, corresponding evaluation indicators should be selected according to different evaluation objects.
4.2 The evaluation organizer should determine the trigger value, target value and indicator weight according to different regions (such as the east and the west), different enterprises (such as state-owned and private) and the focus of the evaluation
The evaluation organizer should ensure the fairness and impartiality of the evaluation and establish a corresponding expert avoidance system and confidentiality system for participating in the evaluation 5 Evaluation indicator system structure
Indicator system
The indicator system includes primary indicators, secondary indicators and tertiary indicators. The schematic diagram of the evaluation indicator system structure is shown in Figure 1. 2 Classification of primary indicators
The primary indicators are divided into the following four types, and the specific indicators are shown in Table 1. Power generation supervision (i.e. type F) has 6 second-level indicators and 13 third-level indicators; power grid supervision (i.e. type W) has 7 second-level indicators and 16 third-level indicators; dispatching supervision (i.e. type D) has 3 second-level indicators and 5 third-level indicators; installation (repair and testing) supervision (i.e. type X) has 2 second-level indicators and 7 third-level indicators. 2
Electricity Regulatory Evaluation Index System
5.3 Coding Rules
5.3.1 Digital Code
First-level Index
Generation Supervision
Dispatching Supervision
Installation (Repair and Testing) Supervision
Second-level Index
Market and Fairness
Service and Quality
Environment and Energy Efficiency
Risk Prevention and Control and Development
Cost and Efficiency
Access and Compliance
Market and Fairness
Service and Quality
Environment and Energy Efficiency
Risk Prevention and Control and Development
Cost and Efficiency
Openness||t t||Fairness
License-holding and compliance
Market environment
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the evaluation index system structure
The digital code consists of three Arabic numerals, GB/Z36046—2018
Three-level indicators
100 million kWh of power generation Personal accident death
100 million kWh of power generation Equipment accident loss rate Special power generation
100 million yuan of assets Personal accident death rate
100 million yuan of assets Equipment accident loss rate
The three-level indicators are each represented by an Arabic numeral sequence code, as shown below: 3
5.3.2 Alphanumeric combination code
Digital code for third-level indicators
Digital code for second-level indicators
Digital code for first-level indicators
Alphanumeric combination code, first-level and second-level indicators are alphabetic codes, and third-level indicators are digital codes. The alphabetic code for the first-level indicator is the capital letter of the Chinese name of the indicator, namely: F (power generation supervision);
W (grid supervision);
D (dispatching supervision);
X (installation (repair, test) supervision).
The alphabetic code for the second-level indicator is composed of two letters of the English name of the second-level indicator. The name of the indicator composed of a group of nouns is composed of its first two letters in English, the first letter is capitalized, and the second letter is lowercase, such as the second-level indicator "safety" is coded as Sa; the name composed of two groups of nouns is composed of the capital letter of the English first letters of the two groups of nouns, the first letter is capitalized, and the second letter is lowercase, such as "market and fairness" is coded as Mf. Example: The code for "power generation industry concentration" is FMfI: Mf
Third-level indicator code
Level indicator code
-Level indicator code
5.4 Electricity regulation evaluation indicator code table
The indicator code table of the electricity regulation evaluation system is shown in Table 1. Table 1 Electricity regulation evaluation indicator code table
Digital code
First-level indicator
Power generation supervision
Second-level indicator
Market and fairness
Service and quality
Environment and energy efficiency
Indicator name
Third-level indicator
Billion kWh of power generation Personal accident mortality rate Billion kWh of power generation Equipment accident loss rate Billion kWh of power generation Power safety accident incidence rate Billion kWh of power generation Power safety incident incidence rate Power generation industry concentration (observation indicator) Contract power completion deviation rate|| tt||Amount of grid-connected operation assessment per unit of power generation
Number of hours of sulfur dioxide emissions exceeding the limit
Number of hours of nitrogen oxide emissions exceeding the limit
Number of hours of smoke emissions exceeding the limit
Scope of application
Power plant (enterprise)
Power plant (enterprise)
FMf2 coal-fired power plant (enterprise)
Power plant (enterprise)
FEe2 coal-fired power plant (enterprise)
Digital code
First-level indicator
Generation supervision
Grid supervision
Dispatching supervision
Secondary indicators
Risk prevention and control
and development
Cost and efficiency
Who and law-abiding
Market and fairness
Service and quality
Environment and energy efficiency
Risk prevention and control
and development
Cost and efficiency
Table 1 (continued)
Indicator name
Third-level indicators| |tt||Asset-liability ratio
Average power generation hours of coal-fired units
(Observational indicators)
Unit cost deviation from advanced level value
Billion yuan of assets Personal accident mortality rate
Billion yuan of assets Equipment accident loss rate
Billion yuan of assets Power safety accident incidence rate
Billion yuan of assets Power safety incident incidence rate
User complaint change rate
Information disclosure (release, public) timeliness and completeness rate Grid fair and open access
Annual power supply reliability rate in urban areas
City Qualified rate of receiving voltage for residential users
Annual power supply reliability rate in rural areas
Qualified rate of receiving voltage for rural residential users
Changes in comprehensive line loss rate of power grid
Power grid capacity ratio
Changes in transmission line utilization rate
Asset-liability ratio
Advanced level value of unit cost
Accuracy of information disclosure content
Renewable energy consumption (observation indicators) Execution rate of planned maintenance of power generation equipment
Annual government-regulated coal-fired power base electricity completion rate deviation in the same safety constraint area|| tt||Qualified rate of grid-connected service for new generating units
Scope of application
Independent power generation enterprises
Independent power generation enterprises
Used for increasing indicators
Grid enterprises
Power supply enterprises
Grid enterprises
Grid enterprises
Power supply enterprises
Grid enterprises
Grid enterprises
Transmission enterprises
Provincial grid enterprises
Provincial grid enterprises
Used for indicators Add
Provincial and above adjustment
For indicators to increase
Digital code
First-level indicator
Indicator description
Installation (repair,
Testing) supervision
Second-level indicator
License-holding operation
Market environment
Table 1 (continued)
Indicator name
Third-level indicator
License conditions compliance rate
Exceeding license conditions Violation rate of scope
Violation rate of national regulations and industry standards
Occurrence rate of accidents with output value of 10,000 yuan
Violation rate of use permit
Timely and complete rate of information reporting
Construction market concentration (observation indicator) Others
The description of power regulation evaluation indicators generally includes the following contents: indicator definition;
Scope of application;
Scoring model;
Joint value standard;
Data source;
Evaluation cycle;
Scoring notes (some indicators do not have this content). The specific description of each indicator is shown in Appendix A.
7 Evaluation method
Determine the evaluation object
The evaluation object is determined by the full sample or sampling method. 7.2
Select evaluation indicators
The evaluator selects the corresponding evaluation indicators according to the type of evaluation object and the evaluation content. 7.3 Determine the evaluation cycle
The evaluator shall determine the evaluation cycle according to the supervision needs. The evaluation cycle is generally annual. 7.4 Collect evaluation information
Scope of application
Contracting (repair,
testing) enterprises
Used for increasing indicators
The evaluator can collect information through the information system or by the supervision object reporting information. It can be evaluated directly or by the evaluation object itself, and then evaluate the self-evaluation results6
7.5 Implementation of evaluation
7.5.1 Indicator scoring
The indicator scoring adopts a percentage system, with a maximum value of 100 points (greater than 100 points counted as 100 points) and a minimum value of 0 points (less than 0 points counted as 0 points). The evaluator shall calculate the score according to the definition, mathematical model, trigger value, target value, scoring method and scoring model of the evaluation indicator in Appendix A.
Indicators coded 121, 152, 321 and 421 in Table 1 are used as observational indicators, and human scores are not counted. 7.5.2 Weight calculation
The expert scoring method is used to determine the indicator weights. The weights of indicators for each type of enterprise can be found in Appendix B. 7.5.3 Evaluation results According to the determined weights, the scores of each indicator are weighted averaged to obtain the final evaluation score. 2 The evaluator determines the key supervision areas based on the loss rate of the evaluation object, and determines the key supervision
objects based on the ranking and triggering conditions.
3Based on the proportion of each indicator loss of the enterprise, analyze the impact of the indicator loss on the total loss, so as to determine the weak links in the enterprise management.
: Refer to the deviation of the total score of the enterprise evaluation, analyze the gap between different types of evaluation objects in the same industry, on multiple evaluations, analyze the changes in key regulatory areas and key regulatory objects within a certain period of time, and predict the regulatory focus of the next cycle.
Description of power generation regulatory evaluation indicators
Safety Sa (safety)
A.1.1.1 OverviewbZxz.net
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Description of Power Regulation Evaluation Indicators
There are 4 safety indicators for power generation regulation, which are used to evaluate and supervise the power safety production situation, including the control capability of safety accidents and safety incidents, and the level of prevention work. These indicators are personal accident mortality rate per billion kWh of power generation, equipment accident loss rate per billion kWh of power generation, power safety accident incidence rate per billion kWh of power generation, and power safety incident incidence rate per billion kWh of power generation. For a detailed description of each indicator, please refer to Table A.1 to Table A.41.
A.1.1.2 Personal accident mortality rate per billion kWh of power generation (111/FSa1) This indicator is described in Table A,1.
Table A. Death rate due to personal accidents per 100 million kWh of electricity generation (111/FSa1)Indicator definition
Scope of application
Scoring model
Value standard
Data source
Evaluation period
Scoring notes
Number of deaths caused by accidents per 100 million kWh of electricity generationFSal=Number of deaths/Total electricity generation (100 million kWh)Power plant (enterprise)
Applicable to enterprises with general personal accidents
N: Total number of power enterprises
n: The ranking of the index value (FSaL) of this enterprise among the enterprises where accidents occur (the index values ​​are ranked from large to small, with the largest one being the first, i.e. n-1, followed by n-2, and so on) Major or above personal accidents occur
Target value: FSaL1=100; Trigger value: FSaL1<100 Electric power safety information reporting system
The score for no personal accidents is 100;
The score for major or above personal accidents is 0; The score for general personal accidents is based on the ranking of the enterprise among the enterprises where accidents occur (from high to low)A.1.130 million kWh of power generation equipment accident loss rate (112/FSa2)This indicator description is shown in Table A.2.
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