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HG/T 2091-1991 Chlorinated paraffin-42

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2091-1991

Standard Name: Chlorinated paraffin-42

Chinese Name: 氯化石蜡-42

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-12-24

Date of Implementation:1993-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Petroleum and related technologies >> 75.140 Waxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum products:

Standard Classification Number:Petroleum>>Petroleum Products>>E42 Petroleum Wax

associated standards

alternative situation:HG 2-1381-80

Publication information

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HG/T 2091-1991 Chlorinated Paraffin-42 HG/T2091-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Chlorinated paraffin
Issued on December 24, 1991
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on January 1, 1993
HG 2091--91
HG 2092-91
Fluorinated paraffin-42
Chlorinated paraffin-52
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Chlorinated paraffin
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage requirements of industrial nitroparaffin-42.
This standard applies to industrial nitrided paraffin with a nitrogen content of 40% to 44% obtained by fluorination and refining of paraffin hydrocarbons. This product is mainly used as an auxiliary plasticizer for polyvinyl chloride
Reference standards
Determination of refractive index of plasticizer
Determination of kinematic viscosity of plasticizers Pinault method
Determination of appearance color of plasticizers Iodine colorimetry GB1673
3 Technical requirements
Determination of chlorine content of oxidized paraffin Mercury titration method
Determination of thermal stability index of chlorinated paraffin||tt| |General rules for sampling of liquid chemical products
Appearance: yellow or orange viscous liquid,
3.2 Paraffin-42 should meet the following index requirements: Item
Color (iodine), No.
Density (50℃), g/cm
Chlorine content, %
Viscosity (50℃), mPa·s
Refractive index, %
Heating loss (130℃, 2h), %
Thermal stability index\) (175℃, 4h, nitrogen 10L/h), HC1%, Note: 1) It should be inspected at least once every six months.
4 Test method
Superior product
First-class product
Qualified product
1.13 ~1. 18
The reagents and water used in this standard are of analytical grade unless otherwise specified. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People’s Republic of China on December 24, 1991, 650
Implementation on January 1, 1993
4.1 Determination of color
The determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB1673.
4.2 Determination of oxygen content
The determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB1679.
4.3 Determination of density
4.3.1 Pycnometer method (arbitration method) Principle
HG 2091-91
At the same temperature, the volume of the pycnometer is calibrated with water, and then the mass of the sample with the same volume is measured to determine its density. Instruments
Analytical balance: sensitivity is 0.0001g;
Thermometer: graduation value is 0.1c;
Constant temperature water bath: temperature is controlled at 50±0.1℃; pycnometer: volume is 25mL, Operating steps
Weigh the clean and dry stoppered Pour out the water in the pycnometer, fill it with the sample after drying, heat it in an oven to about 70°C, and after there are no bubbles in the sample, cool it to below 50°C, then stopper it and put it in a constant temperature water bath at 50±0.1°C for half an hour. Use filter paper to remove the water overflowing from the capillary, quickly take it out of the water bath, wipe off the water outside the pycnometer, cool it to room temperature and weigh it. Pour out the water in the pycnometer, fill it with the sample after drying, heat it in an oven to about 70°C, and after there are no bubbles in the sample, cool it to below 50°C, cover it with the pycnometer stopper, and operate according to the above method to obtain the mass of the sample. Calculation
The density of chlorinated paraffin-42 at 50℃, psg, is calculated according to formula (1): P.so
Wherein: m—mass of the pycnometer, g;
m2—mass of the pycnometer and the sample, g;
m—mass of the pycnometer and the water, g;
Po—density of water at 50℃, 0.98805g/cm24.3.1.5 Allowable difference||t t||Each sample is measured twice under the same conditions, and the difference between the results is no more than 0.001g/cm2. The arithmetic mean is taken as the density of the sample.
4.3.2 Densitometer method InstrumentbzxZ.net
Densitometer: the graduation value is 0.002g/cm2; a.
Constant temperature water bath: the temperature is controlled at 50±0.2℃; b.
Glass volume: 250 mL;
dThermometer: 50℃, graduation value is 0.2c. Operation steps
Put the sample into a clean and dry measuring cylinder, and then put the measuring cylinder into a constant temperature water bath at 50±0.2℃. After the temperature is constant, slowly put the clean and dry density meter into the tested sample. The distance between its lower end and the bottom of the measuring cylinder should not be less than 2cm, and it should not touch the measuring cylinder. The part exposed outside the liquid surface should not be exposed to liquid for more than After 3 graduations, when there are no bubbles on the bottom and wall of the densitometer and the temperature is constant, read the scale value of the lower edge of the meniscus of the densitometer (except for the densitometer marked with a scale for reading the upper edge of the meniscus). This scale value is the reading value of the densitometer at 50°C for the tested sample. Calculation
The density Pso of paraffin-42 at 50°C is calculated according to formula (2): Pso\p'so +p'soα(20-t)
Wherein: p~so—densitometer reading when the sample is at 50℃, g/cm2; —glass expansion coefficient, 0.000025;
20——standard temperature, ℃;
—measurement temperature, C;
—corrected approximate value of the density meter reading at 50℃, g/cm24.3.2.4 Allowable difference
Each sample is measured twice continuously under the same conditions, and the difference in the results is not more than 0.002g/cm2. The arithmetic mean is taken as the density of the sample.
4.4 Determination of viscosity
The measurement shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB1660.
4.4.1 Calculation
The viscosity ns at 50㎡ is calculated according to formula (3):
Wherein: Vso——kinematic viscosity of the sample at 50℃, 10-°m2/s; Pso
——density of the sample at 50℃, 10°kg/m2.4.4.2 Allowable difference
The difference between the results of two measurements shall not exceed 1% of the arithmetic mean, and the arithmetic mean shall be taken as the viscosity of the sample. 4.5 Determination of refractive index
The determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB1657.
4.6 Determination of heating loss
4.6.1 Apparatus
a. Electric heating constant temperature box: inner dimensions: length, width and height are 400~500mm respectively; weighing bottle: diameter 40mm, height 25mm;
Dryer: filled with color-changing silica gel:
Circular asbestos plate: diameter 200mm, thickness 2~3mm. d
4.6.2 Operation steps
Use two weighing bottles with lids (b) that have been set to weigh 6.4~6.6g (accurate to 0.0002g) of sample respectively, and place them at appropriate positions on the asbestos board in the electric constant temperature drying oven (a) adjusted to 130±2℃. The distance between the asbestos board and the top of the inner layer of the constant temperature drying oven is 120~150mm, the distance between the sample liquid and the horizontal line of the bottom of the mercury ball of the thermometer in the constant temperature drying oven is 10~20mm, and the distance between the symmetry axis of the weighing bottle and the thermometer does not exceed 70mm. When the temperature of the constant temperature drying oven rises to the test temperature, keep it for 2h. Then, move the weighing bottle into the dryer (c), cool it to room temperature, and weigh it. 4.6.3 Calculate the heating loss X expressed as a mass percentage according to formula (4): X
Wherein: m is the mass of the weighing bottle and the sample before heating, g: ms—the mass of the weighing bottle and the sample after heating, g: m
the mass of the sample, g.
4.6.4 Allowable difference
The difference between the results of two parallel measurements shall not exceed 0.05%. Take the arithmetic mean as the heating loss of the sample. 4.7 Determination of thermal stability index
Determine according to GB1680,
5 Inspection rules
5.1 Chlorinated paraffin-42 is inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer guarantees that all products leaving the factory meet the requirements of this standard. (The thermal stability index shall be inspected at least once every six months, and other items shall be inspected at the factory). Each batch of products shall be accompanied by a quality certificate in a certain format when leaving the factory.
5.2 The products of each tank are regarded as a batch, and sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB6680. 5.3 The samples taken shall be mixed evenly, and equal amounts shall be packed into two clean, dry, ground-mouth brown glass bottles, and labeled. The following shall be indicated on the labels: manufacturer name, product name, batch number, sampler and sampling date. One bottle shall be sent to the inspection department for inspection, and the other bottle shall be sealed in a dark place for future reference.
5.4 If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, re-sample from twice the amount of packaging inserts for re-inspection. Even if one of the indicators in the re-inspection results does not meet the requirements, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.5 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the user shall raise the issue within two months after the product leaves the factory, and the two parties shall negotiate to resolve the issue. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Marking
The packaging container should be firmly marked, including the manufacturer's name, product name, batch number, production date, gross weight, this standard number and grade.
6.2 Packaging
This product is packaged in a dry, clean, rust-free 200L galvanized iron barrel or iron trough. The plug-in cover gasket is made of wear-resistant plastic. The net weight of each barrel is 200±0.5kg.
6.3 Transportation
During transportation, it should be loaded and unloaded gently, avoid collision, and prevent exposure to sunlight and rain. 6.4 Storage
Paraflin 42 should be stored in a well-ventilated, cool and dry warehouse or fence to prevent exposure to sunlight and rain. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Shanxi Chemical Industry Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Yongxin-Shenyang Chemical Plant. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Hengchun, Xia Chuntang, Tong Guanchi and Cong Qingwen. From the date of implementation of this standard, the former standard HG2-1381-80 "Chlorinated Paraffin-42" issued by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China will be invalid.
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