This standard specifies the special terms used in particle systems. This standard applies to any particle system of solid particles, liquid droplets or bubbles. GB/T 16418-1996 Particle System Terminology GB/T16418-1996 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the special terms used in particle systems. This standard applies to any particle system of solid particles, liquid droplets or bubbles.
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GB/T16418-1996 This standard refers to the terms related to particle systems in British Standard BS2955--1958 "Terms Related to Powders", French Standard NFX11-630-1981 "Terms for Particle Size Analysis" and German Standard DIN66141-1974 "Characterization Basis of Particle Size Distribution". It includes the types, properties, characterization and application of particle systems. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are both suggestive appendices. This standard was proposed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Sieve Screening Standardization. The drafting unit of this standard: Institute of Chemical Metallurgy, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafter of this standard: Shen Tianlin. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Terms for particle systems Particle system -Vocabulary This standard specifies the special terms used in particle systems. This standard applies to any particle system of solid particles, liquid droplets or bubbles. 2 Definitions 2.1 Types of particle system 2.1.1 Particle Discrete monomer of material. 2.1.2 Powder A collection of dry particles with a particle size less than 1 mm. 2.1.3 Broken solid Solid particles with a particle size greater than 3 mm. 2.1.4 Granular solid Solid particles with a particle size ranging from 0.1 to 3 mm. 2.1.5 Granular powder Granular powder Particles with a particle size ranging from 10 to 100 μm. 2.1.6 Super fine powder Particles with a particle size ranging from 1.0 to 10 μm. 2.1.7 Ultra fine powder Particles with a size of 0.1 to 1.0 μm. 2. 7.8Nanometer particleSolid particles with a size of less than 100 nm. 2.1.9Dust Floating particles in the air with a size of less than 76 μm. 2.1.10 Fume Tiny droplets suspended in the air. Smoke Solid particles with a size of less than 1 μm suspended in the air. Bubble Discrete gas dispersed in a solid or liquid. 2.1.13 Droplet GB/T 16418--1996 approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on June 14, 1996 Implementation on April 1, 1997 GB/T 16418- —1996 Discrete liquid dispersed in gas or other fluid. 2.1.14 Foam A system composed of gas bubbles dispersed in liquid. 2.1.15 Aerosol A stable system composed of solid and/or liquid particles suspended in a gas carrier, with a particle size range of 0.1 to 20 μm. Colloid A stable system composed of fine solid particles with a particle size of 1 to 100 nm uniformly dispersed in a liquid. 2.1.17 atomized powder atomized powder powder obtained by dispersing molten metal or other substances and then solidifying them under certain conditions. 2.1.18 calcined powder calcined powder powder generated or modified by calcination. carbony powder carbony powder metal powder obtained by thermal decomposition of metal carbonyl compounds of nickel and iron. 2.1.20 crystallized powder crystallized powder powder obtained by crystallization. 2.1.21 electrolytic powder electrolytic powder powder obtained by electrolytic deposition or crushing of sediment. 2. 1. 22 fumed powder powder obtained from fumes. hydrogen reduced powder hydrogen reduced powder 2. 1.23 powder obtained by hydrogen reduction of metal oxides or other compounds. 2.1.24 Precipitated powder Powder obtained by chemical precipitation. 2.1.25 Natural powder Natural powder Powder formed naturally. Milled powder Powder obtained by denaturation or mixing in a mill. Monosize powder Powder composed of particles of the same size. Polysize powder Powder composed of particles of different sizes. 2.2 Properties and representations of particle system Particle size The size of the particle material. Generally expressed in equivalent diameter. 2.2.2 Equivalent diameter The diameter of a sphere (mm) that has the same geometric or physical properties as the particle in some respects. Equivalent projected area diameterequivalent projected area diameter2.2.3 The diameter of a circle with the same projected area as the particle. Equivalent surface area diameterequivalent surface diameter2.2.4 The diameter of a sphere with the same surface area as the particle. 2.2.5Equivalent volume diameterequivalent volumediameterThe diameter of a sphere with the same volume as the particle. GB/T 16418—1996 Equivalent Stokes' diameterequivalent Stockes' diameterThe diameter of a homogeneous sphere with the same free settling velocity as the particle in the same fluid in laminar flow. 2.2.7 Sieve diameterThe minimum size of the sieve through which the particle passes. Feret's diameter The distance between parallel lines tangent to the sides of the particle's projected contour. 2.2.9 Martin's diameterThe length of the chord that divides the particle's projected contour into two parts of equal area. 2.2.10 particle size distribution particle size distribution The percentage of particles of different particle sizes in the material. 2.2.11 The percentage of particles larger than a certain specified size in the material. 2.2.12 curnulative undersize distribution curnulative undersize distribution The percentage of particles smaller than a certain specified size in the material. 2.2.13 density distribution density distribution The ratio of the relative cumulative percentage of a fraction to the particle size range of the fraction. 2.2.14 number distribution number distribution Particle size distribution based on the number of particles. 2.2.15 length distribution length distribution Particle size distribution based on the length of the particle. 2.2.16 surface or projected area distribution Particle size distribution based on the surface area or projected area of the particle. 2.2.17 volume distribution volume distribution Particle size distribution based on the volume of the particle. 2.2.18 mass distribution mass distribution Particle size distribution based on particle mass. 2.2.19 particle shape particle shape. spherical particle particle with a spherical shape. 2.2.21 Non-spherical particle A particle with a non-spherical shape. 2.2.22 Acicular particle A particle with a needle-shaped shape. Angular particle A particle with clear edges or roughly a polyhedral shape. 2.2.24 Dendritic particle A particle with a branched crystalline shape. 2.2.25Fibrous particleFibrous particleA particle with a regular or irregular linear shape. 2.2.26Crystalline particleA particle with a certain geometric shape that grows freely in a fluid medium. Flaky Particle A particle with a plate-like shape. 2.2.28 Granular particleGB/T 16418—1996 A particle of similar size but irregular shape. 2.2.29 nodularparticle A particle with an irregular spherical shape. 2.2.30 shape factorThe degree to which a particle deviates from a sphere. shape index The shape of a particle expressed by various dimensionless combinations of its dimensions. 2.2.32proportion A simple method of expressing the shape of a particle by the ratio of two external dimension parameters of the particle. 2.2.33 aspect ratio The ratio of two representative diameters used to express the shape of the particle projection. 2.2.34 centroid aspect ratioThe ratio of the diameter of the maximum radius of the particle projection to the diameter perpendicular to it. 2.2.35 volume filling factorThe ratio of the volume of a particle to the volume of the rectangle circumscribing the particle. 2.2.36 Bulkiness factor The ratio of the projected area of a particle to the area of the smallest circumscribed rectangle. 2.2.37 Degree of sphericity The degree to which a particle is close to a sphere. Circularity The degree to which a particle's projection is close to a circle. Degree of roughness The degree of wear on the edges and corners of a particle. Surface index The degree of roughness on the surface of a particle. 2.2.41 True density The mass of a particle divided by the volume of the particle excluding internal and external pores. 2.2.42 Apparent particle densityThe mass of a particle divided by the volume of the particle excluding external pores. Bulk density After the particles are filled into a container of known volume in a certain way, the mass of the particles in the container divided by the volume of the container. 2.2.44 Tap density After filling particles into a container in a certain way and vibrating the container according to a certain pattern, the mass of particles in the container is divided by the apparent volume of the particles after vibration. 5 Effective particle density effectiveparticledensity2. 2. 45 The mass of particles divided by the volume of particles including internal and external pores. 2. 2.46 Specific surface The ratio of the surface area of a particle to its mass (or volume). Calculated surface area2.2.47 The surface area of a powder calculated by determining the size of the constituent powder particles using a certain method. 2.2.48 Permeability surface area350 GB/T 16418-1996 The surface area of a powder measured by the permeability of a powder bed under certain conditions. 2.2.49 Adsorption surface area The surface area of a powder calculated from the data obtained using the specified adsorption method. Particle porosity The ratio of the volume of open pores in a particle to the total volume of the particle. Powder porosity The ratio of the volume of voids in a powder plus the volume of open pores in a particle to the total volume of the powder, also known as void fraction or void fraction. 2 Fractional solid content 2.2.52wwW.bzxz.Net The ratio of the volume of a particle including internal pores to the total volume of the powder. 2.2.53 Voidage ratio The ratio of the powder void fraction to the particle fraction. Flowability The property of a powder to flow under certain conditions. Angle of repose The maximum angle formed by the free surface of a powder accumulation layer with the horizontal plane in a static equilibrium state. Also known as the angle of repose or the angle of repose. 2.2.56 angle of internal frictian is the parameter that indicates the friction characteristics between the internal particle layers of the powder. 2.2.57 angle of rupture is the angle between the surface formed by the sliding of the powder against the stationary particles under the action of gravity and the horizontal plane. 2.2.58 angle of wall friction is the parameter that indicates the friction characteristics between the powder and the container. angle of slide is the parameter that indicates the friction characteristics between the powder and the inclined solid surface. 2.2.60 permeability the ease with which the powder layer allows fluid to pass through. 2.2.61 compression ratio compression ratio the ratio of the volume occupied by the powder in the loose state to the volume occupied by the powder in the compressed state. 2.2.62 compressibility compressibility the ability of the powder to be compressed is expressed by the compression ratio obtained under certain test conditions. 2.2.63 Friability The degree to which the particles in a powder are broken and reduced in size under the influence of a small external force during storage and handling. 2.2.64Grindability The ease with which the particles in a powder can be crushed mechanically under certain conditions. 2.2.65 Void The gaps between particles in a powder. Carrflow index2. 2. 66 A parameter used to judge the flowability of a powder by comprehensively considering the factors that affect the flowability of the powder. Openpore A hole that reaches the surface of the particle. Closedpore A hole that is not connected to the surface of the particle. 2.2.69Flow factor An important parameter to characterize the flowability of a powder. GB/T 16418—1996 2.2.70 Apparent powder density The ratio of the mass of a powder to the volume it occupies under specified conditions. 2.2.71 Apparent specific volume The ratio of the volume occupied by a powder to its mass. 2.3 Application of particle systems Classification The process of separating particles into different particle size classes. Sieving The separation of particles of different sizes and shapes using a sieve or filter. 2.3.3 Elutriation The classification caused by the movement associated with an ascending fluid. Sedimentation The process of separating or classifying solid particles from a fluid under the action of an external force. Gravity setting The process of separating or classifying solid particles by sinking under the action of gravity. 2.3.6 Centrifugal setting The process of using a rotating fluid to centrifuge particles to achieve separation or classification. Filtration The process of passing aerosols or suspensions through filter materials with different pore sizes to achieve particle classification. 2.3.8 Static electricity classification The method of making particles charged and classifying them with the help of a flow field. 2.3.9 Hydrodynamic chromatography The suspension passes through a pile of spherical supports, i.e. a chromatographic column, and the particles of different sizes are separated along the chromatographic column by using the mobility related to their particle size. 2.3.10 Mixing The process of making a system of particles with different chemical compositions or different particle sizes become a more uniform system. Mixing index The ratio of the standard deviation to the mean value obtained during measurement. 2.3.12 Fluidization The operation in which solid particles are lifted by a fluid so that the entire system exhibits certain characteristics of the fluid. Particulate fluidization2.3.13 A relatively smooth fluidization. Generally, liquid-solid fluidization belongs to particulate fluidizationAggregative fluidization2.3.14 A relatively violent fluidization. Generally, gas-solid fluidization belongs to aggregative fluidization. 2.3.15 Pressing The process of compressing the powder in a mold. 2.3.16 Cold pressing The process of pressurizing at room temperature. Warm pressing The process of pressurizing at a temperature above room temperature and below the sintering temperature range. Hot pressing The process of pressing simultaneously with sintering. 2.3.19 Green density GB/T16418- —1996 Apparent density of a lump of raw material that has not been sintered or otherwise treated. 2.3.20 Pressed density Apparent density of a lump of pressed powder. 2.3.21 Green compact A lump prepared for sintering or other treatment. 2.3.22 Sintered compact A lump of raw material after sintering. Compact A compact mass formed by pressing powder in a mould. 2.3.24 Sintering The process of combining particles in a mass of powder or a lump by heating. Screening A device used for screening. Sifter A type of sieve that basically performs a translational circular motion on the plane of the sieve surface and is generally used to screen smaller particles less than 1 mm. Mesh count The number of mesh holes per unit length in the sieve. 2.3.28 Dry screening Screening without adding liquid. 2.3.29 Wet screening Screening usually performed by adding liquid in the form of spraying. Oversize The portion of a powder that is larger than a certain specified particle size. 2.3.31 Undersize The portion of a powder that is smaller than a certain specified particle size. 353 Apparent specific volume Apparent powder density Apparent particle density· Surface index Calcined powder· Specific surface area. Wall friction angle· Carr fluidity index Length distribution· Ultrafine powder Deposited powder Roughness Equivalent surface area diameter Equivalent Stokes diameter Equivalent volume diameter Equivalent projected area diameter Equivalent diameter Single particle size powder Electrolytic powder Polygonal particles Multi-particle size powder· Direction ratio· Non-spherical particles Ferritt diameter GB/T 16418--1996 Appendix A (Suggested Appendix) Chinese Index Powder Void Ratio, Dry Sieving Sliding Angle· Mixed Index Ultrafine Powder Calculated Surface Area- Pressure· Crystallized Powder Electrostatic Classification Porous Fluidization Homogeneity Cracking Angle· Particle Fraction· Particle Porosity· Particle Size Particle Shape· Grindability· Void· Void Ratio· |Cold pressing· Centrifugal sedimentation Particle size distribution- Granular solids Granular powders Granular particles· Flowability Flow factor· Fluidization Nodular particles· Martin diameter Density distribution Area distribution· Mill powder Nanoparticles Internal friction angle Bad blocks· Flake particles· Broken solids Bubbles· Aerosols· Hydrogen-reduced powders Sphericity· Spherical particles Heat Pressure· Volume coefficient Bulk fluidization Sieve, Sieve diameter Number of sieve holes Cumulative distribution on sieve GB/T16418--1996 2, .1.15 Oversize· Cumulative distribution under sieve· Undersize· Sintering· Sintering block, Permeable surface area· Permeability· Raw meal density Raw block· Wet sieving Number distribution Dendritic particles Loose density· Carbonyl powder Powder· Volume distribution· Volume filling degree· Natural powder· Atomized powder· Adsorption surface area Fibrous particles Shape index Shape coefficient Angle of repose· Pressed density Compression ratio· Compressibility· Smoke powder· Grinded powder· Droplets· Liquid flow chromatography Fragility· Effective particle density Circularity Needle-shaped particles True density· Tapped density· GB/T 16418--1996 Mass distribution Hot pressing at medium temperature Central direction ratio· Gravity sedimentation acicular particle adsorption surface area aerosol aggregative fluidization angle of internal friction angle of slide angle of repose angle of rupture angle of wall friction angular particale apparent particle density apparent powder density . apparent specific volume aspect ratio atomiged powder broken solid bubble bulk density bulkiness factor| |tt||calcined powder calculated surface area ....carbony powder Carr flow index centrifugal setting centroid centroid a'spect ratio circularity classfication closed pore cold pressing colloid compact compressibility|| tt||GB/T 16418--1996 Appendix B (Suggested Appendix) English Index ++++++++++o+o++++*+|| tt||specialized in electricity professional electricity heart center center heart China electric electricity heart electricity business free business free business quantity professional national business professional Foreign trade electricity service products quality products middle school center management fees Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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