title>JB/T 8547-1997 Hydraulic transmission alloy cast iron sealing ring - JB/T 8547-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8547-1997 Hydraulic transmission alloy cast iron sealing ring

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8547-1997

Standard Name: Hydraulic transmission alloy cast iron sealing ring

Chinese Name: 液力传动合金铸铁密封环

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1997-04-15

Date of Implementation:1998-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J19 Couplings, Brakes and Transmissions

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Ministry of Construction Machinery Standardization Committee

Publishing department:Engineering Machinery Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8547-1997 This standard specifies the structural type and size series, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, product marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of hydraulic transmission alloy cast iron sealing rings (hereinafter referred to as sealing rings). This standard applies to rotary sealing rings with a diameter of 25~200mm and an oil pressure of 0.15~0.8MPa for hydraulic transmission. It is also applicable to sealing rings that seal liquids and gases under static and reciprocating conditions. JB/T 8547-1997 Hydraulic transmission alloy cast iron sealing rings JB/T8547-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Hydraulic Transmission Alloy Cast Iron Sealing Ring
1997-(4-15 Released by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on January 1, 1998 and implemented on January 1, 1998. JB/T85471997. The seal ring of the filter head is widely used in small hydraulic transmission equipment (micro-transmission and power shift transmission). Its main function is to reduce the pressure of the tank and reduce the leakage. In order to have a basis for production, regulate production and increase the air volume of the product, this standard is specially formulated. This standard is a direct response to the standard. This standard is proposed by the Technical Committee of Standardization of the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. The drafting unit of this standard is the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and the Jinjian Sealing Components Factory of Daji City. The main drafters of this standard are Sun Si and An Houyuan. Fan Min. Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China. Alloy cast iron sealing rings for hydraulic transmission
The standard specifies the structural type and size series, technical requirements, test methods, inspection of hydraulic transmission alloy cast iron sealing rings (hereinafter referred to as sealing rings), production and packaging, transportation, storage, etc. This standard is applicable to rotary sealing rings with a diameter of 25--200mm and an oil pressure of D.1-0.8MPa for hydraulic transmission. It is also applicable to the sealing of static and moving parts for gas sealing. 2 Reference standards
The provisions contained in the following standards are generally cited in this standard and are selected as the basis for this standard. When this standard is issued, the versions shown are in effect. All standards will be revised. The user of this standard should refer to the latest version of the following standards: GB114!,1-94
GR J149. f- 54
JB/T 6016-92
3 Joint type and size
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Machinery Industry Ministry 997-4-15 approved
1998-01-01 implementation
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JH/T 8547-1997
Table (end)
Note: The numbers in brackets are the average diameter of the seal ring produced by the manufacturer. 3.2 The seal ring diameter is marked with X
Seal ring
Marking indicator:
Main size!
The diameter is [00m and the alloy iron seal is marked as: Sealing Science YHX160
1 Technical requirements
4 The seal ring should be manufactured according to the approved product drawings and connection documents. 4.c
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4.2 The material of the sealing ring is made of chromium alloy casting. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of the material should be in accordance with the provisions of Table 2 and Table 3. The material
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JB/T 8547--199T
Table 2 Chemical composition of sealing ring materials
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Table 3 Mechanical properties of sealing ring materials
Toxic strength
Note, the value in brackets is the elastic modulus of the simplified steel
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Residual deformation C
6. 21: ~ 0. 3:
Sealing force disappearance system 4
4.3 The metallographic structure of alloy iron sealing rings shall comply with the provisions of the European Standard JB/T601, and the metallographic structure of cast iron sealing rings shall meet the requirements of users.
4.4 The metallographic structure of sealing rings is recommended to be treated with "oxygen-aluminum-atmosphere" co-chemical heat treatment. The surface chemical layer should not be less than 7μm, the surface should not be detached, and the thickness should be higher than or equal to 7μm. Chemical treatment can also be used. 4.5 The heat treatment of the sealing ring should comply with the heat treatment requirements of Table 1. 4.6 The working surface of the sealing ring should be smooth and flat, and the surface roughness value should not exceed 0.8μm. The surface roughness scale is listed in the table. The value of the surface roughness is less than 3.2μm. 4.7 The sealing ring is relatively rough. 4. Place the seal on the platform to check the parallelism tolerance. The connection between the seal line and the platform shall be within 25% of the total length. 4.9 The seal ring is not allowed to be deformed. 4.10 The seal ring is not allowed to have defects such as large, uneven, holes, and depressions. 4.11 The seal surface should be smooth and flat, without flash, scratches, inner and outer diameters. 2.4.1 All surfaces of the seal ring should be coated with a protective agent. 4.13 The shape, size and technical requirements of the shaft and shaft side of the seal ring assembly are shown in Figure A (standard specification) 5 Inspection method The sealing ring is inspected by ultrasonic testing, and other inspection methods are in accordance with the provisions of GB149, 6. (Inspection rules
6.1 The sealing ring shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturing factory according to this standard and relevant technical documents, except for "Qualified Products". 6.2 Each sealing ring shall undergo factory inspection and the inspection items are as follows: a) External measurement:
) Service part size
) Product safety documents:
and items required by the user.
6.3 Type inspection shall be carried out for the following conditions: b) When the product process or structure and material have been changed or not; b) When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the previous type inspection results; r) When the product has been continuously produced for 2 to 3 years; 1
8) When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension, IB/T8547-1997
e) When the national quality supervision agency proposes the requirement of plastic inspection. 6.4 Sampling inspection is carried out by machine sampling in the past production or production of incoming products. The inspection rules for the damage seal ring value compensation are as follows: 1282%. This standard selects the following schemes: 1) Batch: 500 people are one batch: Inspection level 1:
c>Quality level, AQL, = 4:
Strictness of the sampling scheme: positive belt inspection changes, and the transfer block can be used continuously; total) Push sample type: ice sampling method. 6.5 When there are special requirements for the acceptance plan, the user shall guide the factory to avoid the degree. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The external marking, packaging, transportation and storage shall comply with the provisions of (B/1149.1-4-13) A: The front shape is shown in Figure A3
The shape, size and technical requirements of the shaft sleeve and the sealing ring are as follows:
t- The inner diameter of the shaft sleeve is inspected by the outside, and the shape of the shaft is shown in Figure A1.
A2 The shape of the shaft is changed, and A2 is used.
A The size and specifications of the shaft disc and the table A1
Figure A2 Drawing
A4 Recommended materials for shaft sleeves and shaft drawing Materials: 45, 55 or 50Mn, 20rM: 3GCrMe, 35CrMu, 12t.rMo, etc. A5 Shaft side treatment
Shaft design requirements should be carried out on the surface of the clean flow and clean magnetic layer 0.%-~1.2mr, carbon content 56~62HRC. 6
Table A1 Precision ring assembly shaft size: and belt missing same zone
Shaft withdrawal light mountain:
Shaft condition text
Creation A
Table il complete】
Respectfully sell the inner shop
Supplementary specification
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