title>GB/T 15183-1994 Sectional specification for power transformers for electronic equipment with quality assessment by capability - GB/T 15183-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 15183-1994 Sectional specification for power transformers for electronic equipment with quality assessment by capability
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Standard ID:
GB/T 15183-1994
Standard Name: Sectional specification for power transformers for electronic equipment with quality assessment by capability
This specification specifies the method for compiling detailed specifications for power transformers released according to the capability approval procedure specified in GB/T14860. This specification includes blank detailed specifications (BDS). The items specified in this specification are related to the maximum transmission power of a single frequency and a basically symmetrical waveform. GB/T 15183-1994 Sectional specification for power transformers for electronic equipment with quality assessed according to capability approval GB/T15183-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Sectional specification for power transformers for use inelectronic equipment for capahility approval1 Subject content and scope of application GB/T 15183 -- 94 This standard specifies the method for compiling detailed specifications for power transformers released according to the capacity approval procedure specified in G/T11860. The specification includes a blank detailed specification (BDS). The blank detailed specification specifies the format and indicates the tests suitable for this type of component, and the final selection of the test included in the inspection list is determined by the compiler of this specification. The specification also specifies the corresponding rated values and durability. The components specified in this specification are related to the maximum transmission power of a single frequency and a basically symmetrical waveform. 2 Referenced documents The relevant contents of the following standards referenced in this specification constitute the provisions of this specification. At the time of publication of this specification, the specified version is effective. GB/T14860-93 General specification for transformers and inductors for communication and electronic equipment IEC 68 Basic environmental test procedures 1EC410:1973 Sampling plans and procedures for counting IEC:1007:1990 Test methods and test procedures for transformers and inductors for electronic and communication equipment QC001002:19861FQ procedure rules QC:001004 (latest version)ECQ specification journal ISO128:1982 Technical drawing ISO129:1985 Technical drawing ||tt| |- General rules for drawing Dimensions - General measurements, definitions, drawing and special markings Note: When preparing detailed specifications, IEC:410 and IEC:1007 may be referenced. 3 Preparation of detailed specifications Note: ℃ Detailed specifications shall adopt the format specified in Chapter 5 Blank Detailed Specifications, especially the format of the front page. The expression of relevant inspection requirements shall, in principle, adopt the provisions of Chapter 5. ② Unless otherwise specified, all tests listed in the blank detailed specification shall comply with the provisions of [EC 1007]. Those tests underlined below involve very important working characteristics. The editor of the specification shall pay special attention to the selection of those test items into the detailed specification. For the convenience of the writer of the specification, the following test items are listed in the form of a brief table, and the test items should be selected according to the specific application of the part. ③ Exceeding the requirements of the specification may incur economic costs, but the writer of the specification may specify test items and sampling levels that are less than or equal to the values in the blank detailed specification. General requirements 3.1.1 If additional type tests not specified or referenced in IEC 1007 are required, these tests shall be fully specified in the detail specification. 3.1.2 Any destructive test in the test schedule shall be indicated by the symbol \D\. Inverse: The destructive test in the blank detailed specification does not use the "D\" mark. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on August 2, 1994 and implemented on March 1, 1995 GB/T15183-94 3.1.3 The test should be carried out in groups according to the sampling level required in the table. And when specified (see 4.1b), the test sequence required should be followed. When it is not required to test 100%, the inspection level and the quality level can be selected from IEC410. 3.1.4 The completed detailed specification should determine the component identification number and version status. Method:) The identification number is determined by the formulating unit (manufacturer or user) ) is determined within its own system. Therefore, this identification number is not subject to any external law or regulation. 2 In the specific case where the manufacturer intends to list its detailed specification as an item in the standard catalogue QC001004, the national representative body will specify and apply the number in its registration. 3.1.5 In addition, the component manufacturer shall specify a number for the detailed specification, which number includes this specification number, the manufacturer's identification code letter and its specific number in the registration system, for example GB/T15183/PQR/1234. NOTE: After the detailed specification has been assigned a standard abbreviation in accordance with the requirements of 3.1.5, the detailed specification becomes part of the contract order. Copies of all these detailed specifications shall be retained by the manufacturer's general inspector. 3.2 Ratings and characteristics 3.2.1 Ratings In the case of detailed specifications drawn up by the user, the values of the ratings of the components included in the detailed specification shall be agreed upon in advance between the user and the manufacturer. These ratings shall not exceed the manufacturer's approved capability (see 1.9 of GB/T 14860). 3.2.2 Characteristics The user shall specify the spare characteristics required for the components in the detailed specification. 3.3 Outline drawings and winding diagrams 3.3.1 The detailed specification shall include an outline drawing of the transformer. Such drawings shall be able to show the important characteristics of the transformer, such as dimensions affecting interchangeability, restrictions on installation and marking requirements. 3.3.2 The detailed specification shall include a diagram showing all cable groups, screens, taps and phases, and providing terminal identification markings. 3.3.3 Where the transformer is required to be connected to a circuit supplying true current, full details of the circuit shall be given together with the load and component values. 4 Inspection requirements specified in the detailed specification Conformity inspection The detailed specification shall include the following instructions; Sampling inspection shall be carried out at the normal inspection level of 1EC410. Unless otherwise specified (see 3.1.3), the tests in the sheet may be carried out in any order. h Components which have been subjected to a destructive test (marked with D) shall not be released under the capability approval procedure specified in GB/T 14860. d. The values given for the test limits shall be absolute values: test errors shall be taken into account. 4.2 Design qualification The tests specified in the design qualification are those which the specification writer considers to be unsuitable for batch release, but are suitable for qualification tests for new and original designs. Therefore, these tests are only carried out when specifically specified in the order, and this meaning shall be explained in the detailed specification. If design qualification is required, the number of samples shall be specified in the detailed specification, and it shall be specified that no samples shall fail. Note: Unless otherwise specified, two samples shall be provided. 5 Detailed specification The following blanks shall be filled in according to the requirements of Chapter 3, and the detailed specification shall constitute the relevant detailed specification. Note: The first and second detailed specifications shall be written according to the requirements of the user detailed specification. When the manufacturer needs to make a detailed specification, some necessary changes are required, but the basic format should be retained. Blank detailed specification Component identification number of the preparing organization This specification can be obtained from Electronic components based on the assessment Conforms to GB/T15183 Detailed specification for power transformers Brief technical description Detailed dimensions and schematic diagrams are shown on page 7 GB/T15183-94 Version status Page 1 Manufacturer's specification number is shown in Note and Note ② Note: (1) This component can be purchased from any manufacturer that holds a capability approval certificate for this wirewound component (that is, this component is within the scope of the manufacturer's capability approval). The capability approval certificate is obtained after the capability is assessed in accordance with the provisions of GB/T14860. ②The currently approved manufacturers are: Manufacturer Capability approval number Manufacturer's specification number GB/T15183/PQR/1234 1) Potential users may select any of the manufacturers listed in the printed version of this document. Blank detail specification Component identification number of the preparing unit Power transformer in accordance with GB/T 15183 Rated values and characteristics (see 3.2 in GB/T 15183) Climatic category Maximum temperature range (storage/transport) Maximum temperature rise GB/T 15183--94 Vibration (sinusoidal) (see IEC 68-2-6: Test Fl: and guidance) Bump (see IEC68-2-29: Test Eb) Shock (see IEC68227: Test Ea) Solderability (see IEC68-2-20 Test T) Terminal strength (see Ua, Ub, Uc in IEC 68-2-21 or Ud, as applicable) rapid temperature change (see JFC68-2-14:Test Na of Test N Input voltage Input rating Any change in primary tap input voltage Output winding Peak operating voltage Version status Page 2 Blank detail specification Component identification number of the preparing organization Power transformer in accordance with GB/T15183 Inspection requirements (see note) GB/T15183—94 IEC 1007 Clauses of Design qualification uses only 2 samples, no failure samples. Design qualification inspection includes the tests listed below and those selected from the consistency inspection. Design qualification test is only carried out when there are special requirements in the relevant order. Insulation resistance www.bzxz.net (hot state) Maximum surface temperature Durability (short term) Voltage regulation (full load) As required As required As required As required As required As required GB/T 14860 2. 3. 1 Inspection during processing: If safety shielding is specified, it shall be inspected during the manufacturing process. Safety shield drum Position of safety shield Version status Page 3 Performance requirements and test conditions Insulation resistance shall be tested immediately after the conditional test, that is, after the winding has been kept at the highest temperature for 6 h or longer, or after the same result is obtained in two tests of the winding voltage at an interval of 30 min, whichever is shorter. Maximum regulation rate, % Full load voltage deviation, % Blank Detailed specification Component identification number of the issuing organization Power transformer in accordance with GB/T15183 Inspection requirements (see note) Tests on completed components Visual inspection Voltage transformer (no-load change) no-load current induction voltage winding DC resistance electric strength insulation resistance 2 (standard atmospheric conditions) safety shielding (if equipped) phase test audible noise GB/T15183-94 version status IEC1007 clauses 4. 4.7.1 Procedure1 1) This test should be carried out after the no-load current test. 2) This test should be carried out after the voltage drop test. Performance requirements and test conditions Voltage and frequency (including tolerance) shall be specified The existence of the safety screen shall be demonstrated by a capacitance test on the screen (see of IEC 1007) Page 4 Blank detail specification Component identification number of the measurement unit Power transformers conforming to GB/T 15183 Inspection requirements (see Note) Tests on completed components (continued) Magnetic radiation Voltage unbalance No-load losses Insulation resistance (hot) GB/T 15183: 94 Version status Clauses of IEC 1007 4.4. 5. 5 Performance requirements and test conditions Page 5 The insulation resistance shall be tested immediately after the conditioning test, i.e. after the maximum temperature of the winding has been maintained for 36 °C or more, or after two measurements taken 30 min apart give the same result, whichever is the shorter. Blank detail specification Component identification number Power transformers conforming to GB/T 15183 Inspection requirements (see note) Tests on completed components (continued) Requirements for additional tests GB/T 15183-94 Edition status IEC 1007 clauses Note: (0D Sampling inspection complies with the normal inspection level of IEC 410. Performance requirements and test conditions (②Unless otherwise specified, the acid tests in the group can be carried out in any order (see 3.1.3 in GB/T 15183). Components that have undergone destructive testing (marked, D) cannot be released through the capability approval procedure specified in GB/T 148. () The values given for the test limits are total values; the error of virtual measurement should be considered. Page 6 Empty from detailed specifications Component identification number of the preparation unit Power transformers in accordance with GB/F15183 Appearance drawing and schematic diagram Draw according to the requirements of S() 128 and 129 Dimension unit (mm) Appearance drawing: (see 3.3.1 in GB/T15183) GB/ T15183---94 Version status Marking: Component identification number includes specification version status 7-On the designated position arm, the minimum marking content Factory identification code Schematic diagram: (See 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 in GB/T15183)) Page 7 Additional instructions, GE/T15183--94 This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Magnetic Components and Ferrite Materials. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Shi Guilan, Yin Zulun and Niu Chunsheng.1 1) This test should be carried out after the no-load current test. 2) This test should be carried out after the voltage drop test. Performance requirements and test conditions Voltage and frequency (including tolerance) shall be specified The existence of the safety screen shall be demonstrated by a capacitance test on the screen (see of IEC 1007) Page 4 Blank detail specification Component identification number of the measurement unit Power transformers conforming to GB/T 15183 Inspection requirements (see Note) Tests on completed components (continued) Magnetic radiation Voltage unbalance No-load losses Insulation resistance (hot) GB/T 15183: 94 Version status Clauses of IEC 1007 4.4. 5. 5 Performance requirements and test conditions Page 5 The insulation resistance shall be tested immediately after the conditioning test, i.e. after the maximum temperature of the winding has been maintained for 36 °C or more, or after two measurements taken 30 min apart give the same result, whichever is the shorter. Blank detail specification Component identification number Power transformers conforming to GB/T 15183 Inspection requirements (see note) Tests on completed components (continued) Requirements for additional tests GB/T 15183-94 Edition status IEC 1007 clauses Note: (0D Sampling inspection complies with the normal inspection level of IEC 410. Performance requirements and test conditions (②Unless otherwise specified, the acid tests in the group can be carried out in any order (see 3.1.3 in GB/T 15183). Components that have undergone destructive testing (marked, D) cannot be released through the capability approval procedure specified in GB/T 148. () The values given for the test limits are total values; the error of virtual measurement should be considered. Page 6 Empty from detailed specifications Component identification number of the preparation unit Power transformers in accordance with GB/F15183 Appearance drawing and schematic diagram Draw according to the requirements of S() 128 and 129 Dimension unit (mm) Appearance drawing: (see 3.3.1 in GB/T15183) GB/ T15183---94 Version status Marking: Component identification number includes specification version status 7-On the designated position arm, the minimum marking content Factory identification code Schematic diagram: (See 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 in GB/T15183)) Page 7 Additional instructions, GE/T15183--94 This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Magnetic Components and Ferrite Materials. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Shi Guilan, Yin Zulun and Niu Chunsheng.1 1) This test should be carried out after the no-load current test. 2) This test should be carried out after the voltage drop test. Performance requirements and test conditions Voltage and frequency (including tolerance) shall be specified The existence of the safety screen shall be demonstrated by a capacitance test on the screen (see of IEC 1007) Page 4 Blank detail specification Component identification number of the measurement unit Power transformers conforming to GB/T 15183 Inspection requirements (see Note) Tests on completed components (continued) Magnetic radiation Voltage unbalance No-load losses Insulation resistance (hot) GB/T 15183: 94 Version status Clauses of IEC 1007 4.4. 5. 5 Performance requirements and test conditions Page 5 The insulation resistance shall be tested immediately after the conditioning test, i.e. after the maximum temperature of the winding has been maintained for 36 °C or more, or after two measurements taken 30 min apart give the same result, whichever is the shorter. Blank detail specification Component identification number Power transformers conforming to GB/T 15183 Inspection requirements (see note) Tests on completed components (continued) Requirements for additional tests GB/T 15183-94 Edition status IEC 1007 clauses Note: (0D Sampling inspection complies with the normal inspection level of IEC 410. Performance requirements and test conditions (②Unless otherwise specified, the acid tests in the group can be carried out in any order (see 3.1.3 in GB/T 15183). Components that have undergone destructive testing (marked, D) cannot be released through the capability approval procedure specified in GB/T 148. () The values given for the test limits are total values; the error of virtual measurement should be considered. Page 6 Empty from detailed specifications Component identification number of the preparation unit Power transformers in accordance with GB/F15183 Appearance drawing and schematic diagram Draw according to the requirements of S() 128 and 129 Dimension unit (mm) Appearance drawing: (see 3.3.1 in GB/T15183) GB/ T15183---94 Version status Marking: Component identification number includes specification version status 7-On the designated position arm, the minimum marking content Factory identification code Schematic diagram: (See 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 in GB/T15183)) Page 7 Additional instructions, GE/T15183--94 This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Magnetic Components and Ferrite Materials. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Shi Guilan, Yin Zulun and Niu Chunsheng. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.